
Defines functions RDDPlot rocketPlot cometPlot

Documented in cometPlot rocketPlot

# Genotyping Uncertainty with Sequencing data - Base package (GUSbase)
# Copyright 2017-2020 Timothy P. Bilton
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#' Produce a comet plot, rocket plot or RDD plot
#' Diagnostic graphs for assessing the validity of the binomial model for read count data
#' generated using high-throughput sequencing technology
#' @usage
#' \preformatted{
#' ## Method for RA object
#' RAobj$cometPlot(ploid=2, filename=NULL, cex=1, maxdepth=500, maxSNPs=1e5, res=300, ind=FALSE, ncores=1, ...)
#' RAobj$rocketPlot(ploid=2, filename=NULL, cex=1, maxdepth=500, maxSNPs=1e5, res=300, scaled=TRUE, ...)
#' RAobj$RDDPlot(ploid=2, filename=NULL, maxdepth=500, maxSNPs=1e5, ...)
#' }
#' ## Stand-alone functions
#' cometPlot(ref, alt, ploid=2, gfreq=NULL, file=NULL, ind=FALSE, cex=1, maxdepth=500, maxSNPs=1e5, res=300,
#'           color=NULL, ncores=1, indID=NULL, ...)
#' rocketPlot(ref, alt, ploid=2, gfreq=NULL, file=NULL, cex=1, maxdepth=500, maxSNPs=1e5, res=300, scaled=TRUE, ...)
#' RDDPlot(ref, alt, ploid=2, gfreq=NULL, file=NULL, maxdepth=500, maxSNPs=1e5, ...)
#' @param ref Integer matrix: Read counts for the reference allele
#' @param alt Integer matrix: Read counts for the alternate allele
#' @param ploid Non-negative integer: The ploidy level of the individuals
#' @param gfreq Numeric matrix: Genotype probabilities for each SNP and individual
#' @param filename Character: The name of the file to save the plot to
#' @param cex Numeric value: A magnification value for the size of the text and labels on the axes
#' @param maxdepth Postive integer: The maximum depth for the x-axis and y-axis
#' @param maxSNPs Postive integer: The maximum number of SNPs to use in creating the graph
#' @param res Positive numeric value: The resolution of the graph when saving to a file
#' @param scaled Logical: If TRUE, the counts in the rocket plot are scaled
#' @param color Vector: Color palette used for the heatmap.
#' @param ind Logical: If TRUE, cometPlots are produced for each individual separately
#' @param indID Character vector: Sample IDs corresponding to the rows of the reference and alternative allele matrices
#' @param ncores Positive integer: Number of cores to use in the parallelization when
#' constructing comet plots for each individual.
#' @param xleg Positive value: Scaling factor for the horizontal width of the legend.
#' @param yleg Positive value: Scaling factor for the vertical height of the legend.
#' @aliases cometPlot rocketPlot $rocketPlot $cometPlot RDDplot $RDDplot
#' @author Timothy P. Bilton
#' @examples
#' ## Read in simulated data in GUSbase package
#' vcffile <- simDS()$vcf
#' rafile <- VCFtoRA(vcffile)
#' radata <- readRA(rafile)
#' ## Produce a comet plot
#' radata$cometPlot()
#' ## Produce a rocket plot
#' radata$rocketPlot()
#' ## RDD plot
#' radata$RDDPlot()
#' @name DiagPlots
#' @export cometPlot
cometPlot <- function(ref, alt, ploid=2, gfreq=NULL, file=NULL, ind=FALSE, cex=1, maxdepth=500, maxSNPs=1e5, res=300,
                      color=NULL, ncores=1, indID=NULL, yleg=5, xleg=2, ...){

  ## Do some checks
  if(!is.matrix(ref) || GUSbase::checkVector(as.vector(ref)))
    stop("Matrix of reference allele counts is invalid")
  if(!is.matrix(alt) || GUSbase::checkVector(as.vector(alt)))
    stop("Matrix of alternate allele counts is invalid")
  if(GUSbase::checkVector(ploid, minv=2))
    stop("Argument `ploid` is invalid")
  if (!is.null(gfreq)) {
    if (!is.matrix(gfreq) || !is.numeric(gfreq) || any(is.na(gfreq)) ||
        any(gfreq < 0) || any(gfreq > 1) || nrow(gfreq) !=
        (ploid + 1) || ncol(gfreq) != ncol(ref) ||
        any(sapply(colSums(gfreq), function(x) isTRUE(!all.equal(x, 1, tolerance = 1e-04)))))
      stop("Matrix of genotype frequencies is invalid")
  if(GUSbase::checkVector(maxdepth, minv = 2))
    stop("Argument `maxdepth` is invalid")
  if(GUSbase::checkVector(maxSNPs, minv = 2))
    stop("Argument `maxSNPs` is invalid")
  if(GUSbase::checkVector(res, type="pos_numeric", minv = 2))
    stop("Argument `res` is invalid")
  if(GUSbase::checkVector(cex, type="pos_numeric"))
    stop("Argument `cex` is invalid")
  if(!is.null(color) & (!is.vector(color) | !all(network::is.color(color))))
    stop("Argument `color` is invalid")
  if(!is.logical(ind) || length(ind) != 1 || is.na(ind))
    stop("Argument `ind` is invalid")
  if(GUSbase::checkVector(ncores, type="pos_integer",minv=1) || length(ncores) != 1)
    stop("Argument `ncores` is invalid")
  if(GUSbase::checkVector(yleg, type="pos_numeric",minv=0, equal=F) || length(yleg) != 1)
    stop("Argument `yleg` is invalid")
  if(GUSbase::checkVector(xleg, type="pos_numeric",minv=0, equal=F) || length(xleg) != 1)
    stop("Argument `xleg` is invalid")

    ### check for filename
      if(!is.vector(file) || !is.character(file) || length(file) != 1)
        stop("Filename input is invalid")
      filename <- paste0(file,"_comet.png")
      if(!file.create(filename,showWarnings = F))
        stop("Unable to create output file.")

    ### check if there are too many SNPs
    if(ncol(ref) > maxSNPs){
      SNPsam <- sample(1:ncol(ref), size=maxSNPs)
      ref <- ref[,SNPsam]
      alt <- alt[,SNPsam]

    ## Remove SNPs with really large read depths
    depth <- ref+alt
    toRemove = which(depth>2*maxdepth)
    ref[toRemove] <- 0
    alt[toRemove] <- 0
    depth[toRemove] <- 0

    ## compute the observed depths
    heteCall <- which(ref > 0 | alt > 0)
    maxCount <- 2*min(max(ref,alt,100),maxdepth)
    ref_sub <- factor(ref[heteCall],levels=0:maxCount,labels=0:maxCount)
    alt_sub <- factor(alt[heteCall],levels=0:maxCount,labels=0:maxCount)
    obsTab <- table(ref_sub,alt_sub)
    ## table for cometplot
    obsTab[upper.tri(obsTab)] <- obsTab[upper.tri(obsTab)] + t(obsTab)[upper.tri(t(obsTab))]

    ## set up the count matrix
    countMat <- matrix(nrow=maxCount+2,ncol=maxCount+2)
    countMat[upper.tri(countMat)] <- log(obsTab[-which(lower.tri(obsTab))]+1)


    ## Compute the expected counts
    if(is.null(gfreq)){ # if genotype frequencies are not specified
      p <- matrix(colMeans(ref/(ref+alt),na.rm=T), nrow=nrow(ref), ncol=ncol(ref), byrow=T)
      uni_depth <- 2:maxCount
      expCounts <- sapply(uni_depth, function(x){
        indx <- which(depth == x)
        if(length(indx) == 0) return(numeric(floor(x/2)+1))
          pvec <- sort(unique(round(p[indx],2)))
          countp <- tabulate(round(p[indx]*100))
          if(any(pvec == 0)) countp <- c(sum(round(p[indx]*100) == 0), countp)
          countp <- countp[which(countp > 0)]
          out <- as.matrix(sapply(1:length(pvec), function(z){
            temp <-  countp[z]*sapply(0:x, function(y) sum(dbinom(y, x, prob=0:ploid/ploid)*dbinom(0:ploid, size=ploid, prob=(1-pvec[z]))))
            if((x %% 2) == 0)
              return(temp[0:(x/2)+1] + c(temp[x:(x/2+1)+1],0))
              return(temp[0:floor(x/2)+1] + temp[x:ceiling(x/2)+1])
    } else{
      pdist <- unique(gfreq, MARGIN=2)
      indx_p <- sapply(1:ncol(pdist), function(x) which(apply(gfreq,2, function(y) identical(y,pdist[,x]))), simplify = F)
      pvec <- numeric(ncol(ref))
      for(i in 1:length(indx_p))
        pvec[indx_p[[i]]] <- i
      expCounts <- sapply(2:maxCount, function(x){
        indx <- which(depth == x, arr.ind = T)[,2]
        if(length(indx) == 0) return(numeric(x+1))
          countp <- tabulate(pvec[indx])
          nzp <- which(countp > 0)
          countp <- countp[nzp]
          out <- as.matrix(sapply(1:length(countp), function(z){
            temp <- countp[z]*sapply(0:x, function(y) sum(dbinom(y, x, prob=0:ploid/ploid)*pdist[,z]))
            if((x %% 2) == 0)
              return(temp[0:(x/2)+1] + c(temp[x:(x/2+1)+1],0))
              return(temp[0:floor(x/2)+1] + temp[x:ceiling(x/2)+1])
    expCounts <- c(0,obsTab[1,2],expCounts)
    maxCol = length(tail(expCounts,1)[[1]])
    expCounts_order <- c(list(cbind(unlist(lapply(expCounts, function(x) x[1])), 0:(maxCount)+1, 1)),
                         sapply(2:maxCol, function(x)
                           cbind(unlist(lapply(expCounts[(x*2-1):(maxCount+1)], function(y) y[x])), (x-1):(maxCount+1-x)+1,x)))

    temp <- do.call("rbind",expCounts_order)
    indx_entry <- temp[,c(2:3)]
    indx_entry[,1] <- indx_entry[,1]+1
    countMat[indx_entry] <- log(temp[,1]+1)
    countMat[which(countMat < 0)] <- 0
    countMat[1,2] <- countMat[2,1] <- NA

    ### Produce the plot
    maxplot <- min(max(ref,alt,100),maxdepth)
      png(filename, width=max(maxplot*3,640)*4+sqrt(cex)*maxplot,height=max(maxplot*3,640)*4+sqrt(cex)*maxplot, res=res)
    par(mar = c(5.1,5.1,5.1,5.1)*sqrt(cex), ...)
    #newCol <- colorRampPalette(c("white","red","orange","yellow","green","cyan","blue"))(200)
    if(is.null(color)) newCol <- viridis::viridis(200, direction = -1, option = "A")
    else newCol <- color
    grid_add <- function(){
      xaxp <- par("xaxp")
      ticks <- seq(par()$xaxp[1],par()$xaxp[2],par()$xaxp[2]/par()$xaxp[3])
      for(i in ticks){
        lines(x=rep(i-0.5,2),y=c(-2,i-0.5), lty=3, col="grey", cex=cex)
        lines(x=c(i-1.5,maxplot),y=rep(i,2)-1.5, lty=3, col="grey", cex=cex)
        lines(y=rep(i-0.5,2),x=c(-2,i-0.5), lty=3, col="grey", cex=cex)
        lines(y=c(i-1.5,maxplot),x=rep(i,2)-1.5, lty=3, col="grey", cex=cex)
    image(0:nrow(countMat)-2,0:ncol(countMat)-2,countMat, xlab="Major Read Depth (Expected)",ylab="Major Read Depth (Observed)",col=newCol,zlim=c(0,max(countMat,na.rm=T)),
          cex.lab=cex,cex.axis=cex, xlim=c(-2,maxplot), ylim=c(-2,maxplot), mgp=c(3*sqrt(cex),sqrt(cex),0),
          xaxt = "n", yaxt="n")
    ticks <- seq(par()$xaxp[1],par()$xaxp[2],par()$xaxp[2]/par()$xaxp[3])
    axis(side = 1, at = ticks-0.5,labels = ticks, cex.axis=cex)
    axis(side = 2, at = ticks-0.5,labels = ticks, cex.axis=cex)
    axis(side = 3, at = ticks-1.5,labels = ticks, cex.axis=cex)
    axis(side = 4, at = ticks-1.5,labels = ticks, cex.axis=cex)
    abline(0,1, cex=cex)
    if(ploid > 2){
      rat1 = 1:(ceiling(ploid/2)-1)
      rat2 = (ploid-1):(floor(ploid/2)+1)
      junk <- sapply(1:length(rat1), function(x) abline(-1.5,rat1[x]/rat2[x], lty=3, cex=cex))
      junk <- sapply(1:length(rat1), function(x) abline(rat2[x]/rat1[x]*1.5,rat2[x]/rat1[x], lty=3, cex=cex))
    mtext("Minor Read Depth (Observed)",side=3,cex=cex, font=1, line=2.5*sqrt(cex))
    mtext("Minor Read Depth (Expected)", side=4,cex=cex, font=1,line=3.5*sqrt(cex))
    legend_image <- as.raster(matrix(rev(newCol), ncol = 1))
    adj = min(max(ref,alt),maxplot)*0.05
    rasterImage(legend_image,xleft = min(max(ref,alt),maxplot)-adj*xleg, ybottom = adj, ytop = yleg*adj, xright = min(max(ref,alt),maxplot)-adj)
    lines(x = c(rep(min(max(ref,alt),maxplot)-adj*xleg,2),rep(min(max(ref,alt),maxplot)-adj,2),min(max(ref,alt),maxplot)-adj*xleg), y=c(adj,rep(yleg*adj,2),adj,adj),cex=cex)
    text(x = min(max(ref,alt),maxplot)-adj*xleg-1, y = adj + seq(0,(yleg-1)*adj,length.out=6), labels = format(exp(seq(0,max(countMat,na.rm=T),length.out=6))-1,digits=1, scientific=F),cex=cex, pos=2)
    junk <- sapply(adj + seq(0,(yleg-1)*adj,length.out=6), function(y) lines(min(max(ref,alt),maxplot) - adj*xleg + c(0,-1), y=rep(y,2), cex=cex))
  } else{ ## plots for each individual

    ## check the sample ID vector
      indID = 1:nrow(ref)
    else if(!is.vector(indID) || !is.character(indID) || length(indID) != nrow(ref) || any(is.na(indID)))
      stop("Argument `indID` is invalid")

    ## Check the filename
      stop("A filename must be specified to produce plots for each individual")
    else {
      if(!is.vector(file) || !is.character(file) || length(file) != 1)
        stop("Filename is invalid")
      filename <- paste0(file,"_test.png")
      if(!file.create(filename,showWarnings = F))
        stop("Unable to create output file.")
      else {
        filename <- paste0(file,"_comet")
    ## If genotype frequencies not given, estimate allele frequecies
      p <- colMeans(ref/(ref+alt),na.rm=T)

    junk = foreach::foreach(ind = 1:nrow(ref)) %dopar% {
      ref_ind = ref[ind,]
      alt_ind = alt[ind,]

      ### check if there are too many SNPs
      #if(length(ref_ind) > maxSNPs){
      #  SNPsam <- sample(1:length(ref), size=maxSNPs)
      #  ref_ind <- ref_ind[,SNPsam]
      #  alt_ind <- alt_ind[,SNPsam]

      ## Remove entries with really large read depths and missing values
      depth <- ref_ind+alt_ind
      tokeep = which(!(depth>2*maxdepth | depth == 0))
      # Check to see if there are any reads left
      if(length(tokeep) == 0){
        warnings(paste0("Individual ",ind,": No non-missing enteries with read depths below ",maxdepth))
      ref_ind = ref_ind[tokeep]
      alt_ind = alt_ind[tokeep]
      depth = depth[tokeep]
        p_ind = p[tokeep]
        gfreq_ind = gfreq[,tokeep]

      ## compute the observed depths
      heteCall <- which(ref_ind > 0 | alt_ind > 0)
      maxCount <- 2*min(max(ref,alt,100),maxdepth)
      ref_sub <- factor(ref_ind[heteCall],levels=0:maxCount,labels=0:maxCount)
      alt_sub <- factor(alt_ind[heteCall],levels=0:maxCount,labels=0:maxCount)
      obsTab <- table(ref_sub,alt_sub)
      ## table for cometplot
      obsTab[upper.tri(obsTab)] <- obsTab[upper.tri(obsTab)] + t(obsTab)[upper.tri(t(obsTab))]

      ## set up the count matrix
      countMat <- matrix(nrow=maxCount+2,ncol=maxCount+2)
      countMat[upper.tri(countMat)] <- log(obsTab[-which(lower.tri(obsTab))]+1)


      ## Compute the expected counts
      if(is.null(gfreq)){ # if genotype frequencies are not specified
        expCounts <- sapply(2:maxCount, function(x){
          indx <- which(depth == x)
          if(length(indx) == 0) return(numeric(floor(x/2)+1))
            pvec <- sort(unique(round(p_ind[indx],2)))
            countp <- tabulate(round(p_ind[indx]*100))
            if(any(pvec == 0)) countp <- c(sum(round(p_ind[indx]*100) == 0), countp)
            countp <- countp[which(countp > 0)]
            out <- as.matrix(sapply(1:length(pvec), function(z){
              temp <-  countp[z]*sapply(0:x, function(y) sum(dbinom(y, x, prob=0:ploid/ploid)*dbinom(0:ploid, size=ploid, prob=(1-pvec[z]))))
              if((x %% 2) == 0)
                return(temp[0:(x/2)+1] + c(temp[x:(x/2+1)+1],0))
                return(temp[0:floor(x/2)+1] + temp[x:ceiling(x/2)+1])
      } else{
        pdist <- unique(gfreq_ind, MARGIN=2)
        indx_p <- sapply(1:ncol(pdist), function(x) which(apply(gfreq_ind,2, function(y) identical(y,pdist[,x]))), simplify = F)
        pvec <- numeric(length(ref_ind))
        for(i in 1:length(indx_p))
          pvec[indx_p[[i]]] <- i
        expCounts <- sapply(2:maxCount, function(x){
          indx <- which(depth == x)
          if(length(indx) == 0) return(numeric(x+1))
            countp <- tabulate(pvec[indx])
            nzp <- which(countp > 0)
            countp <- countp[nzp]
            out <- as.matrix(sapply(1:length(countp), function(z){
              temp <- countp[z]*sapply(0:x, function(y) sum(dbinom(y, x, prob=0:ploid/ploid)*pdist[,z]))
              if((x %% 2) == 0)
                return(temp[0:(x/2)+1] + c(temp[x:(x/2+1)+1],0))
                return(temp[0:floor(x/2)+1] + temp[x:ceiling(x/2)+1])
      expCounts <- c(0,obsTab[1,2],expCounts)
      maxCol = length(tail(expCounts,1)[[1]])
      expCounts_order <- c(list(cbind(unlist(lapply(expCounts, function(x) x[1])), 0:maxCount+1, 1)),
                           sapply(2:maxCol, function(x)
                             cbind(unlist(lapply(expCounts[(x*2-1):(maxCount+1)], function(y) y[x])), (x-1):(maxCount+1-x)+1,x)))

      temp <- do.call("rbind",expCounts_order)
      indx_entry <- temp[,c(2:3)]
      indx_entry[,1] <- indx_entry[,1]+1
      countMat[indx_entry] <- log(temp[,1]+1)
      countMat[which(countMat < 0)] <- 0
      countMat[1,2] <- countMat[2,1] <- NA

      ### Produce the plot
      maxplot <- min(max(ref,alt,100),maxdepth)
      tempfilename = paste0(filename,"_ind-",indID[ind],".png")
      png(tempfilename, width=max(maxplot*3,640)*4+sqrt(cex)*maxplot,height=max(maxplot*3,640)*4+sqrt(cex)*maxplot, res=res)
      par(mar = c(5.1,5.1,5.1,5.1)*sqrt(cex), ...)
      #newCol <- colorRampPalette(c("white","red","orange","yellow","green","cyan","blue"))(200)
      if(is.null(color)) newCol <- viridis::viridis(200, direction = -1, option = "A")
      else newCol <- color
      grid_add <- function(){
        xaxp <- par("xaxp")
        ticks <- seq(par()$xaxp[1],par()$xaxp[2],par()$xaxp[2]/par()$xaxp[3])
        for(i in ticks){
          lines(x=rep(i-0.5,2),y=c(-2,i-0.5), lty=3, col="grey", cex=cex)
          lines(x=c(i-1.5,maxplot),y=rep(i,2)-1.5, lty=3, col="grey", cex=cex)
          lines(y=rep(i-0.5,2),x=c(-2,i-0.5), lty=3, col="grey", cex=cex)
          lines(y=c(i-1.5,maxplot),x=rep(i,2)-1.5, lty=3, col="grey", cex=cex)
      image(0:nrow(countMat)-2,0:ncol(countMat)-2,countMat, xlab="Major Read Depth",ylab="Major Read Depth",col=newCol,zlim=c(0,max(countMat,na.rm=T)),
            cex.lab=cex,cex.axis=cex, xlim=c(-2,maxplot), ylim=c(-2,maxplot), mgp=c(3*sqrt(cex),sqrt(cex),0),
            xaxt = "n", yaxt="n")
      ticks <- seq(par()$xaxp[1],par()$xaxp[2],par()$xaxp[2]/par()$xaxp[3])
      axis(side = 1, at = ticks-0.5,labels = ticks, cex.axis=cex)
      axis(side = 2, at = ticks-0.5,labels = ticks, cex.axis=cex)
      axis(side = 3, at = ticks-1.5,labels = ticks, cex.axis=cex)
      axis(side = 4, at = ticks-1.5,labels = ticks, cex.axis=cex)
      abline(0,1, cex=cex)
      if(ploid > 2){
        rat1 = 1:(ceiling(ploid/2)-1)
        rat2 = (ploid-1):(floor(ploid/2)+1)
        junk <- sapply(1:length(rat1), function(x) abline(-1.5,rat1[x]/rat2[x], lty=3, cex=cex))
        junk <- sapply(1:length(rat1), function(x) abline(rat2[x]/rat1[x]*1.5,rat2[x]/rat1[x], lty=3, cex=cex))
      mtext("(Observed)\nMinor Read Depth",side=3,cex=cex, font=1, line=2.5*sqrt(cex))
      mtext("Minor Read Depth\n(Expected)", side=4,cex=cex, font=1,line=3.5*sqrt(cex))
      legend_image <- as.raster(matrix(rev(newCol), ncol = 1))
      adj = min(max(ref,alt),maxplot)*0.05
      rasterImage(legend_image,xleft = min(max(ref,alt),maxplot)-adj*2, ybottom = adj, ytop = 5*adj, xright = min(max(ref,alt),maxplot)-adj)
      lines(x = c(rep(min(max(ref,alt),maxplot)-adj*2,2),rep(min(max(ref,alt),maxplot)-adj,2),min(max(ref,alt),maxplot)-adj*2), y=c(adj,rep(5*adj,2),adj,adj),cex=cex)
      text(x = min(max(ref,alt),maxplot)-adj*2-1, y = adj + seq(0,4*adj,length.out=6), labels = format(exp(seq(0,max(countMat,na.rm=T),length.out=6))-1,digits=1, scientific=F),cex=cex, pos=2)
      junk <- sapply(adj + seq(0,4*adj,length.out=6), function(y) lines(min(max(ref,alt),maxplot) - adj*2 + c(0,-1), y=rep(y,2), cex=cex))

#' @export rocketPlot
rocketPlot <- function(ref, alt, ploid=2, gfreq=NULL, file=NULL, cex=1, maxdepth=500, maxSNPs=1e5, res=300,
                       scaled=TRUE, ...){

  ## Do some checks
  if(!is.matrix(ref) || GUSbase::checkVector(as.vector(ref)))
    stop("Matrix of reference allele counts is invalid")
  if(!is.matrix(alt) || GUSbase::checkVector(as.vector(alt)))
    stop("Matrix of alternate allele counts is invalid")
  if(GUSbase::checkVector(ploid, minv=2))
    stop("Matrix of alternate allele counts is invalid")
  if (!is.null(gfreq)) {
    if (!is.matrix(gfreq) || !is.numeric(gfreq) || any(is.na(gfreq)) ||
        any(gfreq < 0) || any(gfreq > 1) || nrow(gfreq) !=
        (ploid + 1) || ncol(gfreq) != ncol(gfreq) ||
        any(sapply(colSums(gfreq), function(x) isTRUE(!all.equal(x, 1, tolerance = 1e-04)))))
      stop("Matrix of genotype frequencies is invalid")
    if(!is.vector(file) || !is.character(file) || length(file) != 1)
      stop("Filename input is invalid")
    filename <- paste0(file,"_rocket.png")
    if(!file.create(filename,showWarnings = F))
      stop("Unable to create output file.")
  if(GUSbase::checkVector(maxdepth, minv = 2))
    stop("Argument `maxdepth` is invalid")
  if(GUSbase::checkVector(maxSNPs, minv = 2))
    stop("Argument `maxSNPs` is invalid")
  if(GUSbase::checkVector(res, type="pos_numeric", minv = 2))
    stop("Argument `res` is invalid")
  if(GUSbase::checkVector(cex, type="pos_numeric"))
    stop("Argument `cex` is invalid")
  if(!is.vector(scaled) || !is.logical(scaled) || length(scaled) != 1)
    stop("Argument `scaled` is invalid")

  depth <- ref+alt
  toRemove = which(depth>2*maxdepth)
  ref[toRemove] <- 0
  alt[toRemove] <- 0
  depth[toRemove] <- 0

  ## compute the observed depths
  heteCall <- which(ref > 0 | alt > 0)
  maxCount <- max(100,2*maxdepth)
  ref_sub <- factor(ref[heteCall],levels=0:maxCount,labels=0:maxCount)
  alt_sub <- factor(alt[heteCall],levels=0:maxCount,labels=0:maxCount)
  obsTab <- table(ref_sub,alt_sub)


  ## Compute the expected counts
  if(is.null(gfreq)){ # if genotype frequencies are not specified
    p <- matrix(colMeans(ref/(ref+alt),na.rm=T), nrow=nrow(ref), ncol=ncol(ref), byrow=T)
    ## data for producing density plots
    expCounts <- sapply(1:maxCount, function(x){
      indx <- which(depth == x)
      if(length(indx) == 0) return(numeric(x+1))
        pvec <- sort(unique(round(p[indx],2)))
        countp <- tabulate(round(p[indx]*100))
        if(any(pvec == 0)) countp <- c(sum(round(p[indx]*100) == 0), countp)
        countp <- countp[which(countp > 0)]
        out <- sapply(1:length(pvec), function(z){
          return(countp[z]*sapply(0:x, function(y) sum(dbinom(y, x, prob=0:ploid/ploid)*dbinom(0:ploid, size=ploid, prob=pvec[z]))))
  } else{
    pdist <- unique(gfreq, MARGIN=2)
    indx_p <- sapply(1:ncol(pdist), function(x) which(apply(gfreq,2, function(y) identical(y,pdist[,x]))), simplify = F)
    pvec <- numeric(ncol(ref))
    for(i in 1:length(indx_p))
      pvec[indx_p[[i]]] <- i
    expCounts <- sapply(1:maxCount, function(x){
      indx <- which(depth == x, arr.ind = T)[,2]
      if(length(indx) == 0) return(numeric(x+1))
        countp <- tabulate(pvec[indx])
        nzp <- which(countp > 0)
        countp <- countp[nzp]
        out <- sapply(nzp, function(z){
          return(countp[z]*sapply(0:x, function(y) sum(dbinom(y, x, prob=0:ploid/ploid)*pdist[,z])))

  expCounts <- c(0,expCounts)
  expMat <- matrix(nrow=maxCount+1, ncol=maxCount+1)
  expCounts_order <-  sapply(1:(maxCount+1), function(x)
    cbind(unlist(lapply(expCounts[x:(maxCount+1)], function(y) y[x])), 0:(maxCount+1-x)+1,x))
  temp <- do.call("rbind",expCounts_order)
  indx_entry <- temp[,c(2:3)]
  expMat[indx_entry] <- temp[,1]

  ## Produce the plot
  if(scaled == TRUE){
    newCol <- colorRampPalette(c("red","orange","yellow","white","cyan","#0080FF","blue"))(500)
    maxdepth <- min(max(ref,alt),maxdepth)
    newMat <- (obsTab-expMat)
    newMat2 <- newMat[0:maxdepth+1,0:maxdepth+1]
    newMat2 <- newMat2/sqrt(expMat[0:maxdepth+1,0:maxdepth+1])
    newMat2[which(newMat2< -20)] <- -20
    newMat2[which(newMat2> 20)] <- 20
    ran <- max(abs(newMat2),na.rm=T)

      png(filename, width=max(maxdepth*3,640)*4+sqrt(cex)*maxdepth,height=max(maxdepth*3,640)*4+sqrt(cex)*maxdepth, res=res)
    par(mar = c(5.1,5.1,1.1,1.1)*sqrt(cex), ...)
    image(0:maxdepth,0:maxdepth,t(newMat2),  zlim=c(-ran,ran), col=newCol, cex.lab=cex,cex.axis=cex,
          xaxt = "n", yaxt="n", ylab="Reference Allele Count", xlab="Alternate Allele Count",mgp=c(3*sqrt(cex),sqrt(cex),0))
    ticks <- seq(par()$xaxp[1],par()$xaxp[2],par()$xaxp[2]/par()$xaxp[3])
    graphics::axis(side = 1, at = ticks+0,labels = ticks, cex.axis=cex)
    graphics::axis(side = 2, at = ticks+0,labels = ticks, cex.axis=cex)

    if(ploid > 2){
      rat1 = 1:(ploid-1)
      rat2 = rev(rat1)
      junk <- base::sapply(1:length(rat1), function(x) graphics::abline(0,rat1[x]/rat2[x], lty=3, cex=cex))
    } else if(ploid == 2) graphics::abline(0,1, lty=3, cex=cex)

    legend_image <- as.raster(matrix(rev(newCol), ncol = 1))
    adj = min(max(ref,alt),maxdepth)*0.05
    rasterImage(legend_image,xleft = min(max(ref,alt),maxdepth)-adj*2, ybottom = adj, ytop = 6*adj, xright = min(max(ref,alt),maxdepth)-adj )
    lines(x = c(rep(min(max(ref,alt),maxdepth)-adj*2,2),rep(min(max(ref,alt),maxdepth)-adj,2),min(max(ref,alt),maxdepth)-adj*2), y=c(adj,rep(6*adj,2),adj,adj),cex=cex)
    num <- unique(c(-seq(20,0, length.out=4),seq(0,20,length.out=4)))
    text(x = min(max(ref,alt),maxdepth)-adj*2-1, y = adj + seq(0,5*adj,length.out=7), labels = format(num,digits=2, scientific=F),cex=cex, pos=2)
    junk <- sapply(adj + seq(0,5*adj,length.out=7), function(y) lines(min(max(ref,alt),maxdepth) - adj*2 + c(0,-1), y=rep(y,2), cex=cex))
  } else{
    newMat <- (obsTab-expMat)
    maxDiff <- max(abs(newMat), na.rm=T)
    indx <- which(newMat > 0)
    newMat[indx] <- log(newMat[indx]+1)
    indx <- which(newMat < 0)
    newMat[indx] <- -log(abs(newMat[indx])+1)

    newCol <- colorRampPalette(c("red","orange","yellow","white","cyan","#0080FF","blue"))(200)
    maxdepth <- min(max(ref,alt),maxdepth)
    ran <- max(abs(newMat),na.rm=T)

      png(filename, width=max(maxdepth*3,640)*4+sqrt(cex)*maxdepth,height=max(maxdepth*3,640)*4+sqrt(cex)*maxdepth, res=res)
    graphics::par(mar = c(5.1,5.1,1.1,1.1)*sqrt(cex), ...)
    image(0:maxdepth,0:maxdepth,t(newMat[0:maxdepth+1,0:maxdepth+1]),  zlim=c(-ran,ran), col=newCol, cex.lab=cex,cex.axis=cex,
          xaxt = "n", yaxt="n", ylab="Reference Allele Count", xlab="Alternate Allele Count",mgp=c(3*sqrt(cex),sqrt(cex),0))
    ticks <- base::seq(par()$xaxp[1],graphics::par()$xaxp[2],graphics::par()$xaxp[2]/graphics::par()$xaxp[3])
    graphics::axis(side = 1, at = ticks+0,labels = ticks, cex.axis=cex)
    graphics::axis(side = 2, at = ticks+0,labels = ticks, cex.axis=cex)

    if(ploid > 2){
      rat1 = 1:(ploid-1)
      rat2 = rev(rat1)
      junk <- base::sapply(1:length(rat1), function(x) graphics::abline(0,rat1[x]/rat2[x], lty=3, cex=cex))
    } else if(ploid == 2) graphics::abline(0,1, lty=3, cex=cex)

    legend_image <- as.raster(matrix(rev(newCol), ncol = 1))
    adj = min(max(ref,alt),maxdepth)*0.05
    rasterImage(legend_image,xleft = min(max(ref,alt),maxdepth)-adj*2, ybottom = adj, ytop = 6*adj, xright = min(max(ref,alt),maxdepth)-adj )
    lines(x = c(rep(min(max(ref,alt),maxdepth)-adj*2,2),rep(min(max(ref,alt),maxdepth)-adj,2),min(max(ref,alt),maxdepth)-adj*2), y=c(adj,rep(6*adj,2),adj,adj),cex=cex)
    num <- unique(c(-(exp(seq(max(abs(newMat),na.rm=T),0, length.out=4))-1),exp(seq(0,max(abs(newMat), na.rm=T),length.out=4))-1))
    text(x = min(max(ref,alt),maxdepth)-adj*2-1, y = adj + seq(0,5*adj,length.out=7), labels = format(num,digits=1, scientific=F),cex=cex, pos=2)
    junk <- sapply(adj + seq(0,5*adj,length.out=7), function(y) lines(min(max(ref,alt),maxdepth) - adj*2 + c(0,-1), y=rep(y,2), cex=cex))

#' @export RDDPlot
RDDPlot <- function(ref, alt, ploid=2, gfreq=NULL, file=NULL, maxdepth=500, maxSNPs=1e5, ...){

  ## Do some checks
  if(!is.matrix(ref) || GUSbase::checkVector(as.vector(ref)))
    stop("Matrix of reference allele counts is invalid")
  if(!is.matrix(alt) || GUSbase::checkVector(as.vector(alt)))
    stop("Matrix of alternate allele counts is invalid")
  if(GUSbase::checkVector(ploid, minv=2))
    stop("Matrix of alternate allele counts is invalid")
  if (!is.null(gfreq)) {
    if (!is.matrix(gfreq) || !is.numeric(gfreq) || any(is.na(gfreq)) ||
        any(gfreq < 0) || any(gfreq > 1) || nrow(gfreq) !=
        (ploid + 1) || ncol(gfreq) != ncol(gfreq) ||
        any(sapply(colSums(gfreq), function(x) isTRUE(!all.equal(x, 1, tolerance = 1e-04)))))
      stop("Matrix of genotype frequencies is invalid")
    if(!is.vector(file) || !is.character(file) || length(file) != 1)
      stop("Filename input is invalid")
    filename <- paste0(file,"_RDD.png")
    if(!file.create(filename,showWarnings = F))
      stop("Unable to create output file.")
  if(GUSbase::checkVector(maxdepth, minv = 2))
    stop("Argument `maxdepth` is invalid")
  if(GUSbase::checkVector(maxSNPs, minv = 2))
    stop("Argument `maxSNPs` is invalid")

  ### check if there are too many SNPs
  if(ncol(ref) > maxSNPs){
    SNPsam <- sample(1:ncol(ref), size=maxSNPs)
    ref <- ref[,SNPsam]
    alt <- alt[,SNPsam]

  ## Remove SNPs with really large read depths
  depth <- ref+alt
  toRemove = which(depth>maxdepth)
  ref[toRemove] <- 0
  alt[toRemove] <- 0
  depth[toRemove] <- 0

  ## compute the observed depths
  heteCall <- which(ref > 0 | alt > 0)
  maxCount <- max(50,max(depth))
  ref_sub <- factor(ref[heteCall],levels=0:maxCount,labels=0:maxCount)
  alt_sub <- factor(alt[heteCall],levels=0:maxCount,labels=0:maxCount)
  obsTab <- table(ref_sub,alt_sub)
  ## varibles for histrogram
  counts_obs <- as.vector(obsTab)[-1]
  counts_obs <- counts_obs/sum(counts_obs)
  temp <- seq(maxCount+1)-1
  tempref <- matrix(temp, nrow=maxCount+1,ncol=maxCount+1, byrow=F)
  tempd <- matrix(temp, nrow=maxCount+1,ncol=maxCount+1, byrow=T) + tempref
  ratio_obs <- tempref/tempd
  ratio_obs <- as.vector(ratio_obs)[-1]


  ## Compute the expected counts
  if(is.null(gfreq)){ # if genotype frequencies are not specified
    p <- matrix(colMeans(ref/(ref+alt),na.rm=T), nrow=nrow(ref), ncol=ncol(ref), byrow=T)
    ## data for producing density plots
    expCounts <- sapply(1:maxCount, function(x){
      indx <- which(depth == x)
      if(length(indx) == 0) return(numeric(x+1))
        pvec <- sort(unique(round(p[indx],2)))
        countp <- tabulate(round(p[indx]*100))
        countp <- countp[which(countp > 0)]
        out <- sapply(1:length(pvec), function(z){
          return(countp[z]*sapply(0:x, function(y) sum(dbinom(y, x, prob=0:ploid/ploid)*dbinom(0:ploid, size=ploid, prob=pvec[z]))))
  } else{
    pdist <- unique(gfreq, MARGIN=2)
    indx_p <- sapply(1:ncol(pdist), function(x) which(apply(gfreq,2, function(y) identical(y,pdist[,x]))), simplify = F)
    pvec <- numeric(ncol(ref))
    for(i in 1:length(indx_p))
      pvec[indx_p[[i]]] <- i
    expCounts <- sapply(1:maxCount, function(x){
      indx <- which(depth == x, arr.ind = T)[,2]
      if(length(indx) == 0) return(numeric(x+1))
        countp <- tabulate(pvec[indx])
        nzp <- which(countp > 0)
        countp <- countp[nzp]
        out <- sapply(nzp, function(z){
          return(countp[z]*sapply(0:x, function(y) sum(dbinom(y, x, prob=0:ploid/ploid)*pdist[,z])))

  expCounts <- c(0,expCounts)
  tempMat <- matrix(nrow=maxCount+1, ncol=maxCount+1)
  expCounts_order <-  sapply(1:(maxCount+1), function(x)
    cbind(unlist(lapply(expCounts[x:(maxCount+1)], function(y) y[x])), 0:(maxCount+1-x)+1,x))
  temp <- do.call("rbind",expCounts_order)
  indx_entry <- temp[,c(2:3)]
  tempMat[indx_entry] <- temp[,1]
  counts_exp <- as.vector(tempMat)[-1]
  counts_exp[which(is.na(counts_exp))] <- 0
  counts_exp <- counts_exp/sum(counts_exp)
  temp_df <- data.frame(counts=c(counts_exp,counts_obs),ratio=rep(ratio_obs,2)*ploid,

  ## Produce RRD plot
  pp <- ggplot2::ggplot(temp_df, ggplot2::aes(x=ratio, fill=method)) +
    ggplot2::geom_density(ggplot2::aes(weight=counts), alpha=0.2) + ggplot2::theme_bw() +
    ggplot2::xlab("Dosage of reference allele") + ggplot2::theme(legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank(), legend.position="top")
  if(is.null(file)) print(pp)
  else  ggplot2::ggsave(filename=filename, plot=pp,...)
tpbilton/GUSbase documentation built on March 8, 2024, 1:35 p.m.