
Defines functions dream_old

Documented in dream_old

#' Differential Evolution Adaptive Metropolis (DREAM) algorithm
#' @param fun \code{character}. Name of a function(x, ...) which is evaluated at x being a
#' d-dimensional parameter vector.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for \code{fun}.
#' @param par.info A \code{list} characterising the prior sampling.
#' @param initial \code{character}. Method for prior sampling. One of: uniform - sampling from a uniform distribution;
#' normal - a (multivariate) normal distribution; latin - latin hypercube sampling; user - value(s) given by the user.
#' @param min \code{numeric}. A d-dimensional vector of minimum values for each parameter to sample from if
#' \code{initial} is 'uniform' or 'latin'. Also defines bounding region for the proposal, see \code{bound}.
#' @param max \code{numeric}. A d-dimensional vector of maximum values for each parameter to sample from if
#' \code{initial} is 'uniform' or 'latin'. Also defines bounding region for the proposal, see \code{bound}.
#' @param mu \code{numeric}. d-dimensional vector of parameter means if \code{initial} is 'normal'.
#' @param cov \code{numeric}. d-by-d positive-definite symmetric matrix of parameter covariances if
#' \code{initial} is 'normal'.
#' @param val_ini \code{numeric} nc-by-d-dimensional matrix of prior values if \code{initial} is 'user'.
#' @param bound \code{character}. What to do if the proposal parameter is outside the defined min-max limits.
#' One of: bound - proposal is set to min/max value if it is smaller/larger than the defined limit.
#' @param names \code{character} vector of length d with names for the parameters. These can be used within \code{fun}
#' (in this case, parameter input x of \code{fun} is a named vector) and will appear in the output list element 'chain'.
#' @param nc \code{numeric}. Number of chains evolved in parallel.
#' @param t \code{numeric}. Number of samples from the Markov chain.
#' @param d \code{numeric}. Number of parameters.
#' @param burnin \code{numeric}. Length of the burn-in period as portion of t (\code{burnin period = burnin * t}).
#' These samples from the Markov chain will not be included in the output. Default: 0.
#' @param adapt \code{numeric}. Length of the adaptation period as portion of t
#' (\code{adaptation period = adapt * t}). Will be used for the update of crossover probabilities and
#' the replacement of outlier chains. Default: 0.1.
#' @param updateInterval \code{integer}. Interval for crossover probability updates during the adaptation period.
#' @param delta \code{integer}. Maximum number of chain pairs used to generate the jump (default: 3).
#' @param c_val \code{numeric}. Lambda value is sampled from U[-c_val,c_val] (default: 0.1).
#' @param c_star \code{numeric}. Zeta value sampled from N[0,c_star]. Should be small compared to target
#' (i.e. in this case the normal) distribution. Default: 1e-12.
#' @param nCR \code{integer}. Length of vector with crossover probabilities for parameter subspace sampling (default: 3).
#' @param p_g \code{numeric}. Probability for gamma, the jump rate, being equal to 1. Default: 0.2.
#' @param beta0 \code{numeric}. Reduce jump distance, e.g. if the average acceptance rate is low (less than 15 \%).
#' \code{0 < beta0 <= 1}. Default: 1 (i.e. jump distance is not adjusted).
#' @param thin \code{integer}. Thinning to be applied to output in case of large \code{t}. See below.
#' @param keep_sim \code{logical}. Shall simulations generated with \code{fun} be returned in the output list?
#' If \code{TRUE}, \code{fun} needs to return a list with elements 'lp' (the log posterior density) and 'sim'
#' (the simulation time series). Default: FALSE.
#' @param checkConvergence \code{logical}. Shall convergence of the MCMC chain be checked? Currently implemented:
#' Calculating the Gelman-Rubin diagnostic. Takes a lot of time! Default: FALSE.
#' @param verbose \code{logical}. Print progress bar to console? Default: TRUE.
#' @param DEBUG \code{logical}. Option enables further output for error and/or more in-depth analysis.
#' See below. Default: FALSE.
#' @return \code{list} with named elements:
#' \emph{chain}: a (1-burnin)*t/thin-by-d-by-nc array of parameter realisations for each iteration and Markov chain;
#' \emph{density}: a (1-burnin)*t/thin-by-nc matrix of log-densities computed by \code{pdf} at each iteration for each Markov chain;
#' \emph{runtime}: time of function execution in seconds;
#' \emph{outlier}: a list with adapt*t vectors of outlier indices in nc (value of 0 means no outliers);
#' \emph{AR}: a (1-burnin)*t/thin-by-nCR matrix giving the acceptance rate for each sample number and crossover value
#' (first element is NA due to computational reasons);
#' \emph{CR}: a (1-burnin)*t/thin-by-nCR matrix giving the selection probability for each sample number and crossover value
#' (first element is NA due to computational reasons).
#' IF keep_sim == TRUE:
#' \emph{fun_sim}: a (1-burnin)*t/thin-by-k-by-nc array of simulation time series (length k) generated with
#' \code{fun} coresponding to the parameter realisations of output element \emph{chain}.
#' IF checkConvergence == TRUE:
#' \emph{R_stat}: a (1-burnin)*t/thin-50+1-by-d matrix giving the Gelman-Rubin convergence diagnostic
#' (note that at least 50 observations are used to compute R_stat).
#' \emph{DEBUG}: a list with the elements:
#' \emph{J}: a t-by-nCR matrix of cumulated Euclidean jump distances during the Markov chain progressing;
#' \emph{dx}: a t-by-nc-by-d array of jump proposals;
#' \emph{dx_eff}: a t-by-nc-by-d array of accepted jumps;
#' \emph{std}: a t-by-d matrix of standard deviations of the chain for each parameter.
#' Note: J_i = J_i-1 + sum( (dx_eff_i/std_i)^2 );
#' \emph{gamma}: a t-by-nc matrix of jump rate values;
#' \emph{lambda}: a t-by-nc-by-d array of lambda values;
#' \emph{zeta}: a t-by-nc-by-d array of zeta values;
#' \emph{jump_diff}: a t-by-nc-by-d array of jump differentials ( sum(X_a - X_b) ).
#' @details To understand the notation (e.g. what is lambda, nCR etc.), have a look at Sect. 3.3
#' of the reference paper (see below).
#' @references Code based on 'Algorithm 5' and 'Algorithm 6' of:
#' Vrugt, J. A.: "Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation using the DREAM software package:
#' Theory, concepts, and MATLAB implementation." Environmental Modelling & Software, 2016, 75, 273 -- 316,
#' \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2015.08.013}.
#' @author Tobias Pilz \email{tpilz@@uni-potsdam.de}
#' @export
dream_old <- function(fun, ...,
                  par.info = list(initial = NULL, min = NULL, max = NULL, mu = NULL, cov = NULL, val_ini = NULL,
                                  bound = NULL, names = NULL),
                  nc, t, d,
                  burnin = 0, adapt = 0.1, updateInterval = 10, delta = 3, c_val = 0.1, c_star = 1e-12, nCR = 3,
                  p_g = 0.2, beta0 = 1, thin = 1, keep_sim = FALSE, checkConvergence = FALSE, verbose = TRUE,
                  DEBUG = FALSE) {

  ### Argument checks ###
  if(nc <= delta*2)
    stop("Argument 'nc' must be > 'delta' * 2!")

  ### Initialisations ###

  # track processing time
  timea <- Sys.time()

  # number of lines for the output: depends on burnin and thin whereas the prior will always occur
  if(burnin > 0 || thin > 1)
    out_t <- (1-burnin)*t/thin + 1
    out_t <- (1-burnin)*t/thin

  # allocate chains (respecting thin) and density (all samples for outlier calculation) for output
  out_x <- array(NaN, dim=c(out_t,d,nc))
    dimnames(out_x) <- list(NULL, par.info$names, NULL)
  p_x <- array(NaN, dim=c(t,nc))

  # Variables for crossover probability selection and acceptance monitoring
  J <- n_id <- n_acc <- rep(0, nCR)

  # vector of sampled crossover indices
  id <- rep(NA, nc)

  # crossover values and selection probabilities
  CR <- c(1:nCR)/nCR
  pCR <- rep(1, nCR)/nCR

  # initialize chains by sampling from prior
  if(par.info$initial == "uniform") {
    xt <- sapply(1:d, function(i) runif(nc, min = par.info$min[i], max = par.info$max[i]))
  } else if(par.info$initial == "normal") {
    xt <- mvrnorm(nc, mu = par.info$mu, Sigma = par.info$cov)
  } else if(par.info$initial == "latin") {
    lhs_sample <- randomLHS(nc, d)
    xt <- sapply(1:d, function(i) qunif(lhs_sample[,i], min = par.info$min[i], max = par.info$max[i]))
  } else if(par.info$initial == "user") {
    xt <- par.info$val_ini
  } else {
    stop("Value 'initial' of argument list 'par.info' must be one of {'uniform', 'normal', 'latin', 'user'}!")
    xt <- matrix(xt, ncol=d)
    colnames(xt) <- par.info$names

  # evaluate fun for prior value
  res_t <- apply(xt, 1, function(i) get(fun)(i, ...))

  if(keep_sim) {
    res_t <- apply(xt, 1, function(i) get(fun)(i, ...))
    p_x[1,] <- sapply(res_t, function(z) z$lp)
    out_sim_t <- sapply(res_t, function(z) z$sim)
    # allocate array to store simulation results of fun
    out_sim <- array(NA, dim=c(out_t, nrow(out_sim_t), nc))
    # allocate matrix to store last accepted simulations (for case of proposal rejection and thinning is applied)
    last_acc_sim <- array(NA, dim=c(nrow(out_sim_t), nc))
    # store simulation results
    out_sim[1,,] <- out_sim_t
    last_acc_sim <- out_sim_t
  } else {
    p_x[1,] <- apply(xt, 1, function(i) get(fun)(i, ...))

  # auxiliary variables
  out_AR <- out_CR <- array(NA, dim = c(out_t, nCR))
    out_rstat <- array(NA, dim = c(out_t-50, d))
  outl <- list(NULL)
  ind_out <- 1

  out_x[1,,] <- t(xt)
  out_AR[1,] <- rep(0,3)
  out_CR[1,] <- pCR

  if(DEBUG) {
    out_J <- array(NA, dim=c(t, nCR))
    out_J[1,] <- J
    out_dx <- array(NA, dim=c(t, nc, d))
    out_dx[1,,] <- 0
    out_dx_eff <- array(NA, dim=c(t, nc, d))
    out_dx_eff[1,,] <- 0
    out_std <- array(NA, dim=c(t, d))
    out_std[1,] <- 0
    out_gamma <- array(NA, dim=c(t,nc))
    out_gamma[1,] <- 0
    out_lambda <- array(NA, dim=c(t, nc, d))
    out_lambda[1,,] <- 0
    out_zeta <- array(NA, dim=c(t, nc, d))
    out_zeta[1,,] <- 0
    out_jumpdiff <- array(NA, dim=c(t, nc, d))
    out_jumpdiff[1,,] <- 0

  ### helper functions for vectorisation ###

  ## outlier detection and correction (DREAM-specific)
  check_outlier <- function(dens, x, N) {
    # mean log density of second half of chain samples as proxy for fitness of each chain
    proxy <- colMeans( dens )
    # calculate the Inter Quartile Range statistic (IQR method) of the chains
    quartiles <- quantile(proxy, probs = c(0.25,0.75))
    iqr <- abs(diff(quartiles))
    # identify outlier chains
    outliers <- which(proxy < quartiles[1] - 2*iqr)
    # outlier chains take state of one of the other chains (randomly sampled as in Vrugt, 2016 instead of best chain as in Vrugt et al., 2009)
    if(length(outliers) > 0) {
      new_states <- sample((1:N)[-outliers], length(outliers), replace = FALSE)
      x[outliers,] <- x[new_states,]
      dens[nrow(dens),outliers] <- dens[nrow(dens),new_states]
    # output
    return(list(xt = x, p_x = dens[nrow(dens),], outliers = outliers))
  } # EOF check_outlier

  ## check parameter boundary and adjust parameter if necessary
  bound_par <- function(par, min, max, handle) {
    par_out <- par
    if(!is.null(min) && !is.null(max) && !is.null(handle)) {
      if(par < min || par > max) {
        if(handle == "bound") {
          par_out <- max(min(par, par.info$max), par.info$min)
        } else {
          stop("Value 'bound' of argument list 'par.info' must be one of {'bound'}!")

  ### Algorithm ###

  # progress indicator
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 2, max = t, style = 3)

  # xp <- array(NA, dim = c(nc, d))

  # evolution of nc chains
  for(i in 2:t) {
    # next progress message
    if (verbose)
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    # index to store output
    if( (i > (burnin*t)) && (i %% thin == 0) )
      ind_out <- ind_out + 1

    # loop over chains
    for (j in 1:nc) {
      # initialise jump vector
      dx <- rep(0, d)

      ## sub-space of chain pairs
      # number of chain pairs to be used to calculate jump (equal selection probabilities)
      D <- sample(1:delta, 1, replace = TRUE)
      # sample chains for jump calculation: a != b != j
      samp <- sample((1:nc)[-j], D*2, replace = FALSE)
      a <- samp[1:D]
      b <- samp[(D+1):(2*D)]

      ## parameter sub-space
      # index of crossover value
      id <- sample(1:nCR, 1, replace = TRUE, prob = pCR)
      # d values from U[0,1]
      z <- runif(d)
      # derive subset A of selected dimensions (parameters)
      A <- which(z < CR[id])
      # how many dimensions/parameters sampled?
      d_star <- length(A)
      # A needs one value at least
      if(d_star == 0) {
        A <- which.min(z)
        d_star <- 1

      ## calculate proposal by differential evolution
      # draw lambda values (as stated in text instead of Algorithm 5/6)
      lambda <- runif(d_star, min = -c_val, max = c_val)
      # jump rate
      gamma_d <- 2.38/sqrt(2*D*d_star)
      # select jump rate gamma: weighted random sample of gamma_d or 1 with probabilities 1-p_g and p_g, respectively
      g <- sample(x = c(gamma_d, 1), size = 1, replace = TRUE, prob = c(1-p_g, p_g))
      # small random disturbance
      zeta <- rnorm(d_star, sd=c_star)
      # jump differential
      jump_diff <- colSums(xt[a,A, drop=F] - xt[b,A, drop=F])
      # compute jump (differential evolution) for parameter subset
      dx[A] <- zeta + (1+lambda) * g * jump_diff
      # adjust jumping distance if desired
      dx[A] <- dx[A] * beta0
      if(DEBUG) dx_prop <- dx # for monitoring
      # proposal
      xp <- xt[j,] + dx

      ## check and adjust parameters
      xp <- sapply(1:d, function(k) bound_par(xp[k], min = par.info$min[k], max = par.info$max[k], handle = par.info$bound))

    # }
    # for (j in 1:nc) {
      ## accept or reject proposal
      # calculate log-density at proposal
      if(keep_sim) {
        # store log-pdf and simulation results
        res_t <- get(fun)(xp, ...)
        p_xp <- res_t$lp
        out_sim_t <- res_t$sim
      } else {
        p_xp <- get(fun)(xp, ...)
      # probability of acceptance (Metropolis acceptance ratio)
      p_acc <- min(max(-100, p_xp - p_x[i-1,j]), 0)
      if(p_acc > log(runif(1))) { # larger than sample point from U[0,1]?

        dx <- xp - xt[j,] # if parameter was adjusted during boundary handling
        xt[j,] <- xp # accept candidate parameters
        p_x[i,j] <- p_xp # accept density accordingly
        n_acc[id] <- n_acc[id] + 1 # accpected
        if(keep_sim) {
          last_acc_sim[,j] <- out_sim_t # always store last accepted simulation
          if( (i > (burnin*t)) && (i %% thin == 0) )
            out_sim[ind_out,,j] <- out_sim_t

      } else { # proposal rejected

        p_x[i,j] <-  p_x[i-1,j] # retain previous value
        if(keep_sim && (i > (burnin*t)) && (i %% thin == 0))
          out_sim[ind_out,,j] <- last_acc_sim[,j] # get last accepted simulation
        dx <- 0


      ## auxiliary variables
      n_id[id] <- n_id[id] + 1 # no. of times id was used
      std_x <- apply(xt, 2, sd) # sd among chains
      J[id] <- J[id] + sum((dx/std_x)^2)  # monitoring of Euclidean jump distances

      ## DEBUG
      if(DEBUG) {
        out_dx[i,j,] <- dx_prop
        out_dx_eff[i,j,] <- dx
        out_lambda[i,j,] <- rep(0, d)
        out_lambda[i,j,A] <- lambda
        out_zeta[i,j,] <- rep(0, d)
        out_zeta[i,j,A] <- zeta
        out_jumpdiff[i,j,] <- rep(0, d)
        out_jumpdiff[i,j,A] <- jump_diff
        out_gamma[i,j] <- g

    } # loop over nc

    ## DEBUG
    if(DEBUG) {
      out_J[i,] <- J
      out_std[i,] <- std_x

    ## store for output (respect burn-in period and possible output thinning)
    if( (i > (burnin*t)) && (i %% thin == 0) ) {
      # chain states
      out_x[ind_out,,] <- t(xt)

      # AR and CR
      out_AR[ind_out,] <- n_acc/n_id
      out_CR[ind_out,] <- pCR

      # convergence diagnostic (needs as least 50 observations)
      if(checkConvergence == T && ind_out > 50)
        out_rstat[ind_out-50,] <- R_stat(out_x[1:ind_out,,, drop = F])

    ## during adaptation period
    if (i <= (adapt*t)) {
      if (i%%updateInterval == 0) {
        # update selection probability of crossover by jump distance following Vrugt, 2016 instead of Vrugt et al., 2009 (different results?!)
        # favours larger jumps over smaller ones to speed up convergence
        if(any(J > 0)) {
          pCR <- J/n_id
          pCR[which(is.nan(pCR))] <- 1/nCR # if a specific n_id is zero, i.e. was not yet used
          pCR <- pCR/sum(pCR)

        # check for outliers and correct them
        check_out <- check_outlier(p_x[ceiling(i/2):i, ], xt, nc)
        xt <- check_out$xt
        p_x[i,] <- check_out$p_x
        outl[[i]] <- check_out$outliers
      } # update interval
    } # adaptation period

  } #  end chain processing

  # close progress bar

  # track processing time
  timeb <- Sys.time()

  # prepare output
  output <- list(chain = out_x,
                 density = p_x[c(1, seq(burnin*t+thin, t, by=thin)),],
                 runtime = timeb - timea,
                 outlier = outl,
                 AR = out_AR,
                 CR = out_CR)

    output[["fun_sim"]] <- out_sim

    output[["R_stat"]] <- out_rstat

    output[["DEBUG"]] <- list(J = out_J,
                              dx = out_dx,
                              dx_eff = out_dx_eff,
                              std = out_std,
                              gamma = out_gamma,
                              lambda = out_lambda,
                              zeta = out_zeta,
                              jump_diff = out_jumpdiff)

} # EOF
tpilz/HydroBayes documentation built on May 6, 2019, 3:44 p.m.