#' Preparation of input for the WASA engine of the ECHSE simulation environment
#' Makes use of spatial model input prepared with the \code{\link[lumpR]{lumpR}} package,
#' pre-processed meteorological data, and further input to this function to generate a
#' directory for the model ready to run simulations.
#' @param sp_input_dir Character string of the directory containing the spatial input.
#' E.g. the output of \code{\link[lumpR]{db_echse_input}}.
#' @param wgt_file Character string specifying the name of the file containing the
#' weighting of input locations of meteorological data. Should be the output of function
#' \code{\link[geostat]{externalInputLocationsTable}} (argument 'file_result').
#' @param meteo_ext_datafiles Data.frame containing information of ECHSE's external
#' datafile input. Requires the variables 'variable', 'sums', 'past', and 'file'
#' (see the ECHSE manual for more information).
#' @param prep_tpl Logical. Shall template parameter files be created? If \code{TRUE},
#' files sharedParamNum_WASA_svc_tpl.dat, sharedParamNum_WASA_lu_tpl.dat, and
#' sharedParamNum_WASA_rch_tpl.dat will be created (and the old files be deleted
#' accordingly) where all choice_* parameter values will be replaced by placeholders
#' to be adjusted, for instance, within a multi-hypothesis study employing different
#' model structures (i.e. using different choice_* parameter realisations). Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @param echse_sim_dir Character string of the location the output shall be written
#' to (directory will be created if it does not exist).
#' @return Function returns nothing.
#' @author Tobias Pilz \email{tpilz@@uni-potsdam.de}
#' @export
echse_prep_runs <- function(
sp_input_dir = NULL,
wgt_file = NULL,
meteo_ext_datafiles = NULL,
prep_tpl = FALSE,
echse_sim_dir = getwd()) {
# create echse simulation directory for current project
dir.create(echse_sim_dir, recursive = T, showWarnings = F)
# copy created echse input data
file.copy(paste0(sp_input_dir, "/."), echse_sim_dir, recursive = T, overwrite=T)
# dynamic variables #
# get objDecl (created by lumpR::db_echse_input)
objDecl_file <- paste(echse_sim_dir, "data/catchment/objDecl.dat", sep="/")
# external location table from vegetation parameter time series (created by lumpR::db_echse_input)
file_wgt_veg <- paste(echse_sim_dir, "data/vegPar_time_series/input_ext_locs.dat", sep="/")
# Output file from interolation: external locations and weights table for meteo input
file_ext_wgt <- paste(echse_sim_dir, "data/forcing/inputs_ext_locations.dat", sep="/")
# external data locations file compiled from information given to meteo_ts_echse
file_ext_datafiles <- paste(echse_sim_dir, "data/forcing/inputs_ext_datafiles.dat", sep="/")
# prepare forcing sub-directory in echse dir
dir.create(paste(echse_sim_dir, "data/forcing/", sep="/"))
# Read obj declaration
objDecl_dat <- read.table(objDecl_file, header=T)
# read weights data
dat_wgt <- read.table(wgt_file, header = T, sep = "\t")
# get SVCs for each subbasin (name scheme: svc_{id_subbasin}_{id_lu}_{id_tc}_{id_svc})
svc <- objDecl_dat$object[grep("WASA_svc", objDecl_dat$objectGroup)]
# put SVCs into weights table replacing corresponding subbasin
sub <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(svc), "_"))
sub <- sub[seq(2, length(sub), 5)]
wgt_out <- NULL
for(s in unique(sub)) {
r_decl <- which(sub == s)
r_wgt <- which(dat_wgt$object == s)
wgt_out <- rbind(wgt_out, merge(dat_wgt[r_wgt,], svc[r_decl]))
wgt_out <- wgt_out[,c("y", "variable", "location", "weight")]
names(wgt_out)[1] <- "object"
# read weights file of vegetation parameter time series
wgt_veg <- read.table(file_wgt_veg, header=T)
# combine wgt data
wgt_out <- rbind(wgt_out, wgt_veg)
# Create result
write.table(x=wgt_out, file=file_ext_wgt, sep="\t", col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
write.table(meteo_ext_datafiles, file_ext_datafiles, col.names = T, row.names = F, sep="\t", quote=F)
# replace old path in paramFun_WASA_*.dat by new one
par_files <- dir(paste(echse_sim_dir, "data/parameter/", sep="/"), pattern = "paramFun_", full.names = T)
for(f in par_files) {
# in some cases the file can be empty (e.g. no rch classes if the set-up consists of only one subbasin): go to next iteration
dat <- try(read.table(f, header = T, check.names = F), silent = T)
if(inherits(dat, "try-error")) next
# replace file path to paramFun files
path_parfun <- gsub(normalizePath(sp_input_dir), "", normalizePath(as.character(dat$file)))
dat$file <- paste(echse_sim_dir, path_parfun, sep="/")
write.table(dat, f, row.names = F, sep="\t", quote=F)
# adjust parameter functions; if there is only one line in a look-up table ECHSE will complain
horpar_files <- list.files(paste(echse_sim_dir, "data/parameter/parFun_horpars", sep="/"))
pos2area_files <- list.files(paste(echse_sim_dir, "data/parameter/parFun_pos2area", sep="/"))
uh_files <- list.files(paste(echse_sim_dir, "data/parameter/parFun_uh", sep="/"))
for (j in horpar_files) {
dat <- read.table(paste(echse_sim_dir, "data/parameter/parFun_horpars", j, sep="/"), header=T, sep="\t")
if(nrow(dat) > 1) {
} else {
dat <- rbind(dat, rep(9999, ncol(dat)))
write.table(dat, paste(echse_sim_dir, "data/parameter/parFun_horpars", j, sep="/"),
col.names = T, row.names = F, quote = F, sep="\t")
for (j in pos2area_files) {
dat <- read.table(paste(echse_sim_dir, "data/parameter/parFun_pos2area", j, sep="/"), header=T, sep="\t")
if(nrow(dat) > 1) {
} else {
dat <- rbind(dat, rep(9999, ncol(dat)))
write.table(dat, paste(echse_sim_dir, "data/parameter/parFun_pos2area", j, sep="/"),
col.names = T, row.names = F, quote = F, sep="\t")
for (j in uh_files) {
dat <- read.table(paste(echse_sim_dir, "data/parameter/parFun_uh", j, sep="/"), header=T, sep="\t")
if(nrow(dat) > 1) {
} else {
dat <- rbind(dat, rep(9999, ncol(dat)))
write.table(dat, paste(echse_sim_dir, "data/parameter/parFun_uh", j, sep="/"),
col.names = T, row.names = F, quote = F, sep="\t")
if(prep_tpl) {
# prepare multi runs by introducing falgs into shared parameter file
sharedpar_dat <- read.table(paste(echse_sim_dir, "data/parameter/sharedParamNum_WASA_svc.dat", sep="/"),
header=T, sep="\t")
# flags into data
sharedpar_dat$value[grep("choice_odesolve", sharedpar_dat$parameter)] <- "ODESOLVE"
sharedpar_dat$value[grep("choice_inf", sharedpar_dat$parameter)] <- "INFIL"
sharedpar_dat$value[grep("choice_et", sharedpar_dat$parameter)] <- "EVAP"
sharedpar_dat$value[grep("choice_rcs", sharedpar_dat$parameter)] <- "RCS"
sharedpar_dat$value[grep("choice_roughLen", sharedpar_dat$parameter)] <- "ROUGHL"
sharedpar_dat$value[grep("choice_plantDispl", sharedpar_dat$parameter)] <- "DISPL"
sharedpar_dat$value[grep("choice_gloradmax", sharedpar_dat$parameter)] <- "GLOMAX"
sharedpar_dat$value[grep("choice_perc", sharedpar_dat$parameter)] <- "PERC"
sharedpar_dat$value[grep("choice_soilmod", sharedpar_dat$parameter)] <- "SOILMOD"
# write table
write.table(sharedpar_dat, paste(echse_sim_dir, "data/parameter/sharedParamNum_WASA_svc_tpl.dat", sep="/"),
col.names = T, row.names = F, sep="\t", quote=F)
# remove old file
invisible(file.remove(paste(echse_sim_dir, "data/parameter/sharedParamNum_WASA_svc.dat", sep="/")))
# LU
# prepare multi runs by introducing falgs into shared parameter file
sharedparlu_dat <- read.table(paste(echse_sim_dir, "data/parameter/sharedParamNum_WASA_lu.dat", sep="/"),
header=T, sep="\t")
# flags into data
sharedparlu_dat$value[grep("choice_runconc", sharedparlu_dat$parameter)] <- "RUNCONC"
sharedparlu_dat$value[grep("choice_gw", sharedparlu_dat$parameter)] <- "GROUNDWATER"
# write table
write.table(sharedparlu_dat, paste(echse_sim_dir, "data/parameter/sharedParamNum_WASA_lu_tpl.dat", sep="/"),
col.names = T, row.names = F, sep="\t", quote=F)
# remove old file
invisible(file.remove(paste(echse_sim_dir, "data/parameter/sharedParamNum_WASA_lu.dat", sep="/")))
# prepare multi runs by introducing falgs into shared parameter file
sharedparrch_dat <- read.table(paste(echse_sim_dir, "data/parameter/sharedParamNum_WASA_rch.dat", sep="/"),
header=T, sep="\t")
# flags into data
sharedparrch_dat$value[grep("choice_route", sharedparrch_dat$parameter)] <- "ROUTING"
sharedparrch_dat$value[grep("choice_transloss", sharedparrch_dat$parameter)] <- "TRANSLOSS"
# write table
write.table(sharedparrch_dat, paste(echse_sim_dir, "data/parameter/sharedParamNum_WASA_rch_tpl.dat", sep="/"),
col.names = T, row.names = F, sep="\t", quote=F)
# remove old file
invisible(file.remove(paste(echse_sim_dir, "data/parameter/sharedParamNum_WASA_rch.dat", sep="/")))
} # EOF
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