# Package Name: Gimpute
# Description:
# Gimpute -- An efficient genetic data imputation pipeline
# Gimpute R package, An efficient genetic data imputation pipeline
# Copyright (C) 2018 Junfang Chen (junfang.chen@zi-mannheim.de)
# All rights reserved.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#' Remove samples in PLINK files
#' @description
#' Remove sample IDs that are useless such as duplicated or related IDs from
#' PLINK binary files. These IDs are defined in a plain text file.
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param removedSampIDFile a pure text file that stores the useless
#' sample IDs, each ID per line. If it is null, then duplicate the input
#' PLINK files as the output files.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param outputPrefix the prefix of the output PLINK binary files.
#' @return The output PLINK binary files after removing certain sample IDs.
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' inputPrefix <- "controlData" ## Specify the input PLINK file prefix
#' removedSampIDFile <- system.file("extdata", "excludedSampIDsV1.txt",
#' package="Gimpute")
#' outputPrefix <- "1_02_removedExclInst"
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program PLINK, e.g.
#' ## plink <- "/home/tools/plink"
#' ## removeSampID(plink, removedSampIDFile, inputPrefix, outputPrefix)
removeSampID <- function(plink, removedSampIDFile, inputPrefix, outputPrefix){
if (!is.null(removedSampIDFile)){
famv0 <- read.table(file=paste0(inputPrefix, ".fam"),
rmvIDs <- read.table(file=removedSampIDFile, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
## write into plink format .txt for removal
rmvIDmat <- famv0[is.element(famv0[,2], rmvIDs[,1]), c("V1", "V2")]
rmvIDfn <- paste0(outputPrefix, ".txt")
write.table(rmvIDmat, file=rmvIDfn, quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE,
col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix,
" --remove ", rmvIDfn, " --make-bed --out ", outputPrefix))
} else {
## copy/rename all snp info updated plink files
renamePlinkBFile(inputPrefix, outputPrefix, action="copy")
#' Update group and geneder information
#' @description
#' Replace group and gender information in the PLINK binary files by using
#' the information from the metadata file.
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param metaDataFile a pure text file that stores the meta information of
#' the samples. This file must contain at least the following content
#' (column names are in parentheses):
#' family ID in the PLINK files (FID), individual ID in the PLINK files (IID),
#' ID in the description files (descID), self identified ancestry
#' (ance; e.g. AFR: African, AMR: Ad Mixed American, EAS: East Asian,
#' EUR: European, SAS: South Asian), sex (sex; 1 = male, 2 = female),
#' age (age), group (group; 0 = control/unaffected, 1 = case/affected).
#' All unknown and missing values are represented by the value NA.
#' Lines with a missing value for FID or IID are not contained.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param outputPrefix the prefix of the output PLINK binary files.
#' @return The output PLINK binary files after updating the gender and grouping
#' information.
#' @details Find the shared sample IDs between PLINK input files and
#' metadata file. Use the information from the metadata file as the reference
#' and update the group information/the outcome in the PLINK file.
#' Group label should be 1 and 2. (1=unaff, 2=aff, 0=miss);
#' missing phenotype will be indicated as -9.
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' metaDataFile <- system.file("extdata", "1_01_metaData.txt",
#' package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' inputPrefix <- "controlData" ## Specify the input PLINK file prefix
#' outputPrefix <- "1_03_replacedGroupAndSex"
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program PLINK, e.g.
#' ## plink <- "/home/tools/plink"
#' ## updateGroupIdAndSex(plink, inputPrefix, metaDataFile, outputPrefix)
updateGroupIdAndSex <- function(plink, inputPrefix, metaDataFile, outputPrefix){
fam <- read.table(file=paste0(inputPrefix, ".fam"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
metaData <- read.table(metaDataFile, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=TRUE)
## to make sure only compare with the same set of plIndID --> IID
interIDs <- intersect(fam[,2], metaData[,"IID"]) # the shared IDs
metadataSub <- metaData[is.element(metaData[,"IID"], interIDs),]
## one must keep the order of .fam unchanged!
metadataSubsort <- metadataSub[match(fam[,2], metadataSub[,"IID"]),]
## IID is in the 1st col;
missIDsIndex <- which(is.na(metadataSubsort[,1]) == TRUE)
fam[,6] <- metadataSubsort[,"group"] + 1 # update to the correct format.
## keep the IDs of no missing group info as -9
fam[missIDsIndex, 6] <- -9
## a pheno file that contains 3 columns (one row per individual)
newPheno <- fam[,c(1,2,6)]
write.table(newPheno, file="pheno.txt", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE,
col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
## Alternate phenotype files
outputPrefixVgroup <- paste0(outputPrefix, "_chGroup")
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix,
" --pheno pheno.txt --make-bed --out ", outputPrefixVgroup) )
system("rm pheno.txt" )
## update the sex information according to the metaData file
## keep the IDs of no missing sex info as 0
fam[,5] <- metadataSubsort[,"sex"]
fam[missIDsIndex, 5] <- 0
## a pheno file that contains 3 columns (one row per individual)
updateSex <- fam[,c(1,2,5)]
write.table(updateSex, file="updateSex.txt", quote=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
## --update-sex expects a file with FIDs and IIDs in the first two columns,
## the 3rd column is the sex information.
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", outputPrefixVgroup,
" --update-sex updateSex.txt --make-bed --out ", outputPrefix) )
system("rm updateSex.txt" )
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefixVgroup, "*"))
#' Remove samples without group information
#' @description
#' Remove samples without group/outcome/phenotype information, which is coded
#' as -9 in the PLINK .FAM file.
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param outputPrefix the prefix of the output PLINK binary files.
#' @return The output PLINK binary files after removing samples without group
#' information.
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' inputPrefix <- "controlData" ## Specify the input PLINK file prefix
#' outputPrefix <- "1_04_removedNoGroupId"
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program PLINK, e.g.
#' ## plink <- "/home/tools/plink"
#' ## removeNoGroupId(plink, inputPrefix, outputPrefix)
removeNoGroupId <- function(plink, inputPrefix, outputPrefix){
fam <- read.table(file=paste0(inputPrefix, ".fam"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
## 1. check if any sample without phenotypes
noGroupIds <- fam[which(fam[,6] == -9), c("V1", "V2")]
## if any then remove and afterwards add phenotypes
noGroupIdsfn <- paste0(outputPrefix, ".txt")
write.table(noGroupIds, file=noGroupIdsfn, quote=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix, " --remove ",
noGroupIdsfn, " --make-bed --out ", outputPrefix) )
system(paste0("rm ", noGroupIdsfn) )
#' Remove samples with incorrect ancestry
#' @description
#' Remove samples with the incorrect ancestry or keep samples
#' at your own chioce.
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param metaDataFile a pure text file that stores the meta information of
#' the samples. This file must contain at least the following content
#' (column names are in parentheses):
#' family ID in the PLINK files (FID), individual ID in the PLINK files (IID),
#' ID in the description files (descID), self identified ancestry
#' (ance; e.g. AFR: African, AMR: Ad Mixed American, EAS: East Asian,
#' EUR: European, SAS: South Asian), sex (sex; 1 = male, 2 = female, 0 = missing),
#' age (age), group (group; 0 = control/unaffected, 1 = case/affected).
#' All unknown and missing values are represented by the value NA.
#' Lines with a missing value for FID or IID are not contained.
#' @param ancestrySymbol an indicator that shows the symbol of genetic ancestry.
#' If it is null, then all samples are selected.
#' @param outputPrefix the prefix of the output PLINK binary files.
#' @return The output PLINK binary files after checking
#' the ancestry information.
#' @details ancestrySymbol, such as 'EUR' stands for the European,
#' 'EAS' for East Asian. See the metaDataFile for more details.
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' metaDataFile <- system.file("extdata", "1_01_metaData.txt",
#' package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' inputPrefix <- "controlData" ## Specify the input PLINK file prefix
#' ancestrySymbol <- "EAS"
#' outputPrefix <- "1_05_removedWrongAnceInst"
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program PLINK, e.g.
#' ## plink <- "/home/tools/plink"
#' ## removedWrongAnceInst(plink, inputPrefix, metaDataFile,
#' ## ancestrySymbol, outputPrefix)
removedWrongAnceInst <- function(plink, inputPrefix, metaDataFile,
ancestrySymbol, outputPrefix){
if (is.null(ancestrySymbol)) {
## copy/rename all snp info updated plink files
renamePlinkBFile(inputPrefix, outputPrefix, action="copy")
} else {
metaData <- read.table(metaDataFile,
stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=TRUE)
ids <- metaData[which(metaData[,"ance"] == ancestrySymbol),"IID"]
fam <- read.table(file=paste0(inputPrefix, ".fam"),
famEA <- fam[is.element(fam[,2], ids), c("V1", "V2")]
plinkFormatDat <- famEA
write.table(plinkFormatDat, file=paste0(outputPrefix,".txt"),
quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE,
col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix, " --keep ",
outputPrefix, ".txt --make-bed --out ", outputPrefix))
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix, ".txt") )
#' Remove improper SNPs
#' @description
#' Remove SNPs that may be duplicated, or with unexpected SNP names.
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param excludedProbeIdsFile a pure text file that stores the SNP IDs,
#' one per line, which need to be removed. If it is null,
#' then no SNPs are removed.
#' @param outputPrefix the prefix of the output PLINK binary files.
#' @return The output PLINK binary files after removing unwanted SNP IDs.
#' @details excludedProbeIdsFile should be defined in a plain text file
#' in advance. Improper SNPs such as AFFX, cnvi etc.. with unexpect format
#' must be excluded.
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' excludedProbeIdsFile <- system.file("extdata", "excludedProbeIDs.txt",
#' package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' inputPrefix <- "controlData" ## Specify the input PLINK file prefix
#' outputPrefix <- "1_06_removedExclProbe"
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program PLINK, e.g.
#' ## plink <- "/home/tools/plink"
#' ## removedExclProbe(plink, inputPrefix, excludedProbeIdsFile, outputPrefix)
removedExclProbe <- function(plink, inputPrefix,
excludedProbeIdsFile, outputPrefix){
if (!is.null(excludedProbeIdsFile)) {
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix, " --exclude ",
excludedProbeIdsFile, " --make-bed --out ", outputPrefix) )
} else {
## copy/rename all snp info updated plink files
renamePlinkBFile(inputPrefix, outputPrefix, action="copy")
#' Remove SNPs not in the chip annotation file
#' @description
#' Check if all SNPs are included in the chip annotation file.
#' If some of the input SNPs are not included, then remove them.
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param chipAnnoFile a pure text file that stores the chip annotation
#' information.
#' @param chipType a string name defines the type of the chip annotation file:
#' 'SNPIDstudy', and 'rsIDstudy'. The detail is described in
#' \code{\link{prepareAnnoFile4affy}}.
#' @param outputSNPfile a pure text file that stores the SNP IDs,
#' one per line, which are not mapped to the chip annotation file.
#' @param outputPrefix the prefix of the output PLINK binary files.
#' @return The output text file contains the removed SNP IDs, one per line.
#' The PLINK binary files after removing unmapped SNP IDs.
#' @details If the chip annotation file is not available for your study,
#' you can download it from http://www.well.ox.ac.uk/~wrayner/strand/.
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @seealso \code{\link{prepareAnnoFile4affy}}
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' chipAnnoFile <- system.file("extdata", "chipAnno.txt", package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' inputPrefix <- "controlData" ## Specify the input PLINK file prefix
#' outputSNPfile <- "1_07_removedUnmapProbes"
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program PLINK, e.g.
#' ## plink <- "/home/tools/plink"
#' ## removedUnmapProbes(plink, inputPrefix, chipAnnoFile, chipType,
#' ## outputPrefix, outputSNPfile)
removedUnmapProbes <- function(plink, inputPrefix, chipAnnoFile, chipType,
outputPrefix, outputSNPfile){
if (!is.null(chipAnnoFile)){
chipAnno <- read.table(file=chipAnnoFile, header=TRUE,
## check the overlapping SNPs
bim <- read.table(paste0(inputPrefix, ".bim"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
if (chipType == "SNPIDstudy"){
interSNPs <- intersect(bim[,2], chipAnno[,"SNPIDstudy"])
} else if (chipType == "rsIDstudy"){
interSNPs <- intersect(bim[,2], chipAnno[,"rsIDstudy"])
} else {
print("Wrong chipType or column names in the annotation file!")
unmapped <- setdiff(bim[,2], interSNPs)
write.table(unmapped, file=outputSNPfile, quote=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix, " --exclude ",
outputSNPfile, " --make-bed --out ", outputPrefix))
} else {
renamePlinkBFile(inputPrefix, outputPrefix, action="copy")
#' Remove duplicated SNPs
#' @description
#' Remove duplicated SNPs that have same rs-names or duplicated genomic
#' position.
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param chipAnnoFile an input chip annotation file.
#' If the chip annotation file is not available for your study, it can be
#' downloaded from http://www.well.ox.ac.uk/~wrayner/strand/.
#' @param chipType a string name defines the type of the chip annotation file:
#' 'SNPIDstudy', and 'rsIDstudy'. The detail is described in
#' \code{\link{prepareAnnoFile4affy}}.
#' @param outputSNPdupFile a pure text file that stores the duplicated SNP IDs,
#' which are detected by the use of the chip annotation file.
#' @param outputPrefix the prefix of the output PLINK binary files.
#' @return The output PLINK binary files after removing duplicated SNP IDs.
#' @details Duplicated SNPs have two levels of meaning: 1.) SNPs have same
#' rs-names but different versions of SNP ID in chip annotation file.
#' e.g. SNP-A IDs for Affymetrix chip. 2.) SNPs with duplicated genomic
#' position: the combination of base pair position and chromosomal location.
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @seealso \code{\link{prepareAnnoFile4affy}}
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' chipAnnoFile <- system.file("extdata", "chipAnno.txt", package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' inputPrefix <- "controlData"
#' chipType <- "rsIDstudy"
#' outputSNPdupFile <- "snpDup.txt"
#' outputPrefix <- "removedDoubleProbes"
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program PLINK, e.g.
#' ## plink <- "/home/tools/plink"
#' ## removedDoubleProbes(plink, inputPrefix, chipAnnoFile,
#' ## chipType, outputSNPdupFile, outputPrefix)
removedDoubleProbes <- function(plink, inputPrefix, chipAnnoFile,
chipType, outputSNPdupFile, outputPrefix){
if (!is.null(chipAnnoFile)){
chipAnno <- read.table(file=chipAnnoFile, header=TRUE,
bim <- read.table(paste0(inputPrefix, ".bim"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
if (chipType == "SNPIDstudy"){
interSNPs <- intersect(bim[,2], chipAnno[,"SNPIDstudy"])
chipAnnoV1 <- chipAnno[match(interSNPs, chipAnno[,"SNPIDstudy"]),]
} else if (chipType == "rsIDstudy"){
interSNPs <- intersect(bim[,2], chipAnno[,"rsIDstudy"])
chipAnnoV1 <- chipAnno[match(interSNPs, chipAnno[,"rsIDstudy"]),]
} else {
print("Wrong chipType or column names in the annotation file!")
bimV1 <- bim[match(interSNPs, bim[,2]), ]
comb <- cbind(bimV1[,seq_len(4)], chipAnnoV1)
## remove SNPs with duplicated pos
chrNames <- names(table(comb[,"chr"]))
dupPos <- c()
for (i in chrNames) {
chrData <- comb[which(comb[,"chr"] == i), ]
## Remove 1st duplicated ID (or 2nd if 3 replicates)
subDup <- chrData[duplicated(chrData[,"pos"], fromLast=TRUE), ]
dupPos <- rbind(dupPos, subDup)
## return all the duplicated rs-names (not only either one)
if (chipType == "SNPIDstudy") {
snpWithdupPos <- dupPos[,"SNPIDstudy"]
whDup <- duplicated(comb[,"rs"]) |
duplicated(comb[,"rs"], fromLast=TRUE)
snpdup <- comb[whDup, "SNPIDstudy"]
} else if (chipType == "rsIDstudy"){
snpWithdupPos <- dupPos[,"rsIDstudy"]
whDup <- duplicated(comb[,"V2"]) |
duplicated(comb[,"V2"], fromLast=TRUE)
snpdup <- comb[whDup, "rsIDstudy"]
allDupSNPs <- c(snpWithdupPos, snpdup)
allDupSNPs <- unique(allDupSNPs)
write.table(allDupSNPs, file=outputSNPdupFile, quote=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix, " --exclude ",
outputSNPdupFile, " --make-bed --out ", outputPrefix))
} else {
## copy/rename plink files
renamePlinkBFile(inputPrefix, outputPrefix, action="copy")
########################################## updateSNPinfo
#' Update the SNP information
#' @description
#' Update SNP information including SNP name, base-pair position,
#' chromosomal location and the strand information.
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param chipAnnoFile a pure text file that stores the chip annotation
#' information.
#' If the chip annotation file is not available for your study, it can be
#' downloaded from http://www.well.ox.ac.uk/~wrayner/strand/.
#' @param chipType a string name defines the type of the chip annotation file:
#' 'SNPIDstudy', and 'rsIDstudy'. The detail is described in
#' \code{\link{prepareAnnoFile4affy}}.
#' @param outputPrefix the prefix of the output PLINK binary files.
#' @return The output PLINK binary files after updating SNP information.
#' @details The SNP information in the chip annotation file is used as
#' the reference.
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @seealso \code{\link{prepareAnnoFile4affy}}
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' chipAnnoFile <- system.file("extdata", "chipAnno.txt", package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' inputPrefix <- "controlData"
#' chipType <- "rsIDstudy"
#' outputPrefix <- "updatedSnpInfo"
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program PLINK, e.g.
#' ## plink <- "/home/tools/plink"
#' ## updatedSnpInfo(plink, inputPrefix, chipAnnoFile,
#' ## chipType, outputPrefix, outputSNPfile)
updatedSnpInfo <- function(plink, inputPrefix,
chipAnnoFile, chipType, outputPrefix){
if (!is.null(chipAnnoFile)){
chipAnno <- read.table(file=chipAnnoFile,
header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
bim <- read.table(paste0(inputPrefix, ".bim"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
if (chipType == "SNPIDstudy"){
interSNPs <- intersect(bim[,2], chipAnno[,"SNPIDstudy"])
chipAnnoV1 <- chipAnno[match(interSNPs, chipAnno[,"SNPIDstudy"]),]
} else if (chipType == "rsIDstudy"){
interSNPs <- intersect(bim[,2], chipAnno[,"rsIDstudy"])
chipAnnoV1 <- chipAnno[match(interSNPs, chipAnno[,"rsIDstudy"]),]
} else {
print("Wrong chipType or column names in the annotation file!")
bimV1 <- bim[match(interSNPs, bim[,2]), ]
comV2 <- cbind(bimV1, chipAnnoV1)
## Update geno info
if (chipType == "SNPIDstudy") {
updateSNP2rs <- subset(comV2, select=c(V2, rs))
updateSNPchr <- subset(comV2, select=c(rs, chr))
updateSNPpos <- subset(comV2, select=c(rs, pos))
## strand
updateSNPbackward <- comV2[which(comV2[,"strand"] == "-"), "rs"]
} else if (chipType == "rsIDstudy"){
updateSNP2rs <- subset(comV2, select=c(V2, V2))
updateSNPchr <- subset(comV2, select=c(V2, chr))
updateSNPpos <- subset(comV2, select=c(V2, pos))
## strand
updateSNPbackward <- comV2[which(comV2[,"strand"] == "-"), "V2"]
inputPrefix.rs <- "1_09.updatedSnp2rs" ## tobeRemoved
inputPrefix.chr <- "1_09.updatedSnpchr" ## tobeRemoved
inputPrefix.pos <- "1_09.updatedSnppos" ## tobeRemoved
inputPrefix.strand <- "1_09.updatedSnpstrand" ## tobeRemoved
write.table(updateSNP2rs, file=paste0(inputPrefix.rs, ".txt"),
quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE,
eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
write.table(updateSNPchr, file=paste0(inputPrefix.chr, ".txt"),
quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE,
eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
write.table(updateSNPpos, file=paste0(inputPrefix.pos, ".txt"),
quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE,
eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
write.table(updateSNPbackward, file=paste0(inputPrefix.strand, ".txt"),
quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE,
eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
## update rs, chr, and pos one by one ## flip to the forward strand
## --update-name [filename] {new ID col. number} {old ID col.} {skip}
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix, " --update-name ",
inputPrefix.rs, ".txt 2 1 --make-bed --out ", inputPrefix.rs))
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix.rs, " --update-chr ",
inputPrefix.chr, ".txt 2 1 --make-bed --out ", inputPrefix.chr))
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix.chr, " --update-map ",
inputPrefix.pos, ".txt 2 1 --make-bed --out ", inputPrefix.pos))
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix.pos, " --flip ",
inputPrefix.strand, ".txt --make-bed --out ",
## copy/rename all snp info updated plink files
renamePlinkBFile(inputPrefix.strand, outputPrefix, action="copy")
## remove all tmp files (rs, chr, pos)
system(paste0("rm ", inputPrefix.rs, ".* ", inputPrefix.chr, ".*"))
system(paste0("rm ", inputPrefix.pos, ".* ", inputPrefix.strand, ".*"))
} else {
## copy/rename plink files
renamePlinkBFile(inputPrefix, outputPrefix, action="copy")
#' Split chromosome X into pseudoautosomal region and
#' non-pseudoautosomal region.
#' @description
#' Split chromosome X into pseudoautosomal region and
#' non-pseudoautosomal region, if chromosome X data is available.
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param outputPrefix the prefix of the output PLINK binary files.
#' @return The output PLINK binary files after splitting chromosome X into
#' pseudoautosomal region and non-pseudoautosomal region.
#' @details Genomic coordinate system is on genome build hg19.
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' inputPrefix <- "controlData" ## Specify the input PLINK file prefix
#' outputPrefix <- "1_10_splitXchr"
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program PLINK, e.g.
#' ## plink <- "/home/tools/plink"
#' ## removeSampID(plink, inputPrefix, outputPrefix)
splitXchr <- function(plink, inputPrefix, outputPrefix){
bim <- read.table(paste0(inputPrefix, ".bim"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
chrCodes <- names(table(bim[,1]))
chr23check <- length(grep(23, chrCodes))
if (chr23check == 1) {
## split X chr into PAR(chr25) and non-PAR (chr23)
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix,
" --split-x hg19 --make-bed --out ", outputPrefix))
} else {
## copy/rename plink files
renamePlinkBFile(inputPrefix, outputPrefix, action="copy")
#' Remove SNPs on the chromosome Y and mitochondrial DNA
#' @description
#' Remove SNPs on the chromosome Y and mitochondrial DNA.
# If no such SNPs, the output files remain the same as the input.
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param outputPrefix the prefix of the output PLINK binary files.
#' @return The output PLINK binary files after removing SNPs
#' on the chromosome Y and mitochondrial DNA.
#' @details Note that if chromosome Y and mitochondrial DNA are available,
#' they must be coded as 24 and 26, respectively.
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' inputPrefix <- "controlData" ## Specify the input PLINK file prefix
#' outputPrefix <- "1_11_removedYMtSnp"
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program PLINK, e.g.
#' ## plink <- "/home/tools/plink"
#' ## removedYMtSnp(plink, inputPrefix, outputPrefix)
removedYMtSnp <- function(plink, inputPrefix, outputPrefix){
bim <- read.table(paste0(inputPrefix, ".bim"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
snpChrY <- bim[which(bim[,1]== 24), 2]
snpChrMt <- bim[which(bim[,1] == 26), 2]
snpChrYMt <- c(snpChrY, snpChrMt)
write.table(snpChrYMt, file=paste0(outputPrefix, ".txt"), quote=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix, " --exclude ",
paste0(outputPrefix, ".txt"), " --make-bed --out ", outputPrefix))
system(paste0("rm ", paste0(outputPrefix, ".txt")))
#' prepare Affymetrix chip annotation file
#' @description
#' Prepare Affymetrix chip annotation file into the format of interest.
#' @param inputFile an input pure text file that contains the chip annotation
#' information.
#' @param outputFile an output pure text file that stores the chip annotation
#' information in a user-defined format.
#' @param chipType a string name defines the type of the chip annotation file:
#' 'SNPIDstudy', and 'rsIDstudy'.
#' @return a pure text file that stores the prepared chip annotation
#' information in a user-defined format.
#' @details If the chip annotation file is not available for your study,
#' it can be downloaded from http://www.well.ox.ac.uk/~wrayner/strand/.
#' The chip annotation file is organized into two different types:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item If the snp name of your study genotype data starts with "SNP_",
#' then the chip type "SNPIDstudy" is used; Usually, Affymetrix chip
#' data belongs to this category. The prepared output annotation file
#' must at least consist of the following column names:
#' SNPIDstudy, rs, chr, pos, strand.
#' \item If the snp name of your study genotype data starts with "rs", then
#' the chip type "rsIDstudy" is used; The prepared output annotation
#' file must at least consist of the following column names:
#' SNPIDstudy, rs, chr, pos, strand. Illumina chip is often specified
#' in this format.
#' }
#' The column "strand" must only have two kinds of values "-" and "+".
#' Variants with all other values should be excluded.
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
##' @examples
prepareAnnoFile4affy <- function(inputFile, outputFile, chipType){
inputNew <- paste0(inputFile, "NewFile")
system(paste0("sed 1d ", inputFile, " > ", inputNew)) ## remove 1st line
chipAnnoRaw <- read.table(file=inputNew, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
if (chipType == "SNPIDstudy"){
colnames(chipAnnoRaw) <- c("SNPIDstudy", "rs", "chr", "pos", "strand")
} else if (chipType == "rsIDstudy"){
chipAnnoRaw <- chipAnnoRaw[,-1] ## remove SNP_A ID
colnames(chipAnnoRaw) <- c("rsIDstudy", "chr", "pos", "strand")
} else {
print("Wrong chipType or column names in the annotation file!")
## remove SNPs with strange strand
whUnknown <- which(chipAnnoRaw[,"strand"] == "---")
chipAnnoRawV2 <- chipAnnoRaw[-whUnknown,]
## only see 3 different cases (if 25--> XY)
whX <- which(chipAnnoRawV2[,"chr"] == "X")
whY <- which(chipAnnoRawV2[,"chr"] == "Y")
whMT <- which(chipAnnoRawV2[,"chr"] == "MT")
chipAnnoRawV2[whX,"chr"] <- 23
chipAnnoRawV2[whY,"chr"] <- 24
chipAnnoRawV2[whMT,"chr"] <- 26
write.table(chipAnnoRawV2, file=outputFile, quote=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE, eol="\r\n", sep="\t")
#' Update genotype information
#' @description
#' Update genotype information of the original PLINK binary files involving
#' subject metadata information remapping and SNP information rearrangement and
#' conversion according to the annotation file.
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param metaDataFile a pure text file that stores the meta information of
#' the samples. This file must contain at least the following content
#' (column names are in parentheses):
#' family ID in the PLINK files (FID), individual ID in the PLINK files (IID),
#' ID in the description files (descID), self identified ancestry
#' (ance; e.g. AFR: African, AMR: Ad Mixed American, EAS: East Asian,
#' EUR: European, SAS: South Asian), sex (sex; 1 = male, 2 = female),
#' age (age), group (group; 0 = control/unaffected, 1 = case/affected).
#' All unknown and missing values are represented by the value NA.
#' Lines with a missing value for FID or IID are not contained.
#' @param removedSampIDFile a pure text file that stores the useless sample IDs,
#' each ID per line. If it is null, then duplicate the input PLINK files from
#' the last step as the output files.
#' @param ancestrySymbol an indicator that shows the symbol of genetic ancestry.
#' If it is null, then all samples are selected.
#' @param excludedProbeIdsFile a pure text file that stores the SNP IDs,
#' one per line, which need to be removed. If it is null, no SNPs are removed.
#' @param chipAnnoFile a pure text file that stores the chip annotation
#' information.
#' @param chipType a string name defines the type of the chip annotation file:
#' 'SNPIDstudy', and 'rsIDstudy'. The detail is described in
#' \code{\link{prepareAnnoFile4affy}}.
#' @param keepInterFile a logical value indicating if the intermediate
#' processed files should be kept or not. The default is TRUE.
#' @param outputPrefix the prefix of the output PLINK binary files.
#' @return The output PLINK binary files after genotype information remapping.
#' @details The original PLINK files are implicitly processed by the
#' following steps:
#' 1.) remove duplicated subjects;
#' 2.) update group ID and sex information;
#' 3.) remove not labelled subjects;
#' 4.) remove subjects with wrong ancestry;
#' 5.) remove incorrectly annotated SNPs;
#' 6.) remove SNPs that are not in the annotation file;
#' 7.) remove duplicated SNPs;
#' 8.) update SNP genomic position and strand information;
#' 9.) split chromosome X into pseudoautosomal region (PAR) and non-PAR;
#' 10.) remove SNPs on the chromosome Y and mitochondrial DNA.
#' The metadata information file and the chip annotation file are used as the
#' reference for the update.
#' If the chip annotation file is not available for your study, it can be
#' downloaded from http://www.well.ox.ac.uk/~wrayner/strand/.
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @references Purcell, Shaun, et al. PLINK: a tool set for whole-genome
#' association and population-based linkage analyses. The American Journal of
#' Human Genetics 81.3 (2007): 559-575.
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "controlData.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' inputPrefix <- "controlData"
#' metaDataFile <- system.file("extdata", "1_01_metaData.txt",
#' package="Gimpute")
#' excludedProbeIdsFile <- system.file("extdata", "excludedProbeIDs.txt",
#' package="Gimpute")
#' removedSampIDFile <- system.file("extdata", "excludedSampIDsV1.txt",
#' package="Gimpute")
#' chipAnnoFile <- system.file("extdata", "chipAnno.txt", package="Gimpute")
#' ancestrySymbol <- "EUR"
#' outputPrefix <- "1_11_removedYMtSnp"
#' metaDataFile <- "1_01_metaData.txt"
#' chipType <- "rsIDstudy"
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program PLINK, e.g.
#' ## plink <- "/home/tools/plink"
#' ## updateGenoInfo(plink, inputPrefix, metaDataFile, removedSampIDFile,
#' ## ancestrySymbol, excludedProbeIdsFile, chipAnnoFile,
#' ## chipType, outputPrefix, keepInterFile=TRUE)
updateGenoInfo <- function(plink, inputPrefix, metaDataFile, removedSampIDFile,
ancestrySymbol, excludedProbeIdsFile, chipAnnoFile,
chipType, outputPrefix, keepInterFile=TRUE){
## step 2
outputPrefix2 <- "1_02_removedExclInst"
removeSampID(plink, removedSampIDFile, inputPrefix,
# step 3 replace group IDs
outputPrefix3 <- "1_03_replacedGroupAndSex"
updateGroupIdAndSex(plink, inputPrefix=outputPrefix2,
metaDataFile, outputPrefix=outputPrefix3)
# step 4 remove instances without group IDs
outputPrefix4 <- "1_04_removedNoGroupId"
removeNoGroupId(plink, inputPrefix=outputPrefix3,
## step5 remove instances with improper ancestry
outputPrefix5 <- "1_05_removedWrongAnceInst"
removedWrongAnceInst(plink, inputPrefix=outputPrefix4, metaDataFile,
ancestrySymbol, outputPrefix=outputPrefix5)
## step 6
outputPrefix6 <- "1_06_removedExclProbe"
removedExclProbe(plink, inputPrefix=outputPrefix5,
excludedProbeIdsFile, outputPrefix=outputPrefix6)
## step 7 (Optional, if chip annotation file is not given)
outputPrefix7 <- "1_07_removedUnmapProbes"
outputSNPfile7 <- "1_07_probesUnmapped2ChipRef.txt"
removedUnmapProbes(plink, inputPrefix=outputPrefix6, chipAnnoFile, chipType,
outputPrefix=outputPrefix7, outputSNPfile=outputSNPfile7)
## step 8 (Optional, if chip annotation file is not given)
outputSNPdupFile8 <- "1_08_probesDouble.txt"
outputPrefix8 <- "1_08_removedDoubleProbes"
removedDoubleProbes(plink, inputPrefix=outputPrefix7, chipAnnoFile,
chipType, outputSNPdupFile=outputSNPdupFile8,
## step 9 (Optional, if chip annotation file is not given)
outputPrefix9 <- "1_09_updatedSnpInfo"
updatedSnpInfo(plink, inputPrefix=outputPrefix8,
chipAnnoFile, chipType, outputPrefix=outputPrefix9)
## step 10
outputPrefix10 <- "1_10_splitXchr"
splitXchr(plink, inputPrefix=outputPrefix9, outputPrefix=outputPrefix10)
## step 11
outputPrefix11 <- "1_11_removedYMtSnp"
removedYMtSnp(plink, inputPrefix=outputPrefix10,
if (keepInterFile==FALSE){
# remove intermediate files
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix2, ".*"))
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix3, ".*"))
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix4, ".*"))
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix5, ".*"))
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix6, ".*"))
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix7, ".*"))
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix8, ".*"))
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix9, ".*"))
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix10, ".*"))
if (file.exists(outputSNPfile7)) {
system(paste0("rm ", outputSNPfile7))
if (file.exists(outputSNPdupFile8)) {
system(paste0("rm ", outputSNPdupFile8))
## remove unwanted files
system(paste0("rm *.log "))
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.