
Defines functions nm_list_render nm_render.nm_generic nm_render

Documented in nm_list_render nm_render

#' @name nm_render
#' @rdname nm_render
#' @title Create run reports
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' A wrapper around `rmarkdown::render` for nm objects.  Use markdown templates
#' to create a customised set of diagnostics to reuse on multiple models. In the
#' demo an example is shown in `Scripts/basic_gof.Rmd`, but ideally you'll
#' create your own customised version with everything you need to evaluate your
#' model. To create an R markdown diagnostic template go to `FILE` -> `New File`
#' -> `R markdown` -> `From Template` the select from one of the following:
#' \itemize{ \item model diagnostic \item VPC diagnostic
#'   \item PPC diagnostic
#'   \item bootstrap results (`nm_list_render`)
#' }
#' These are intentionally minimal templates that can be run as notebooks or as
#' automated diagnostics run with `nm_render`.  Follow the instructions at the
#' top of the template for more details.
#' @param m An nm object.
#' @param input Character. Same as `rmarkdown::render()` arg.
#' @param output_file Character. Same as `rmarkdown::render()` arg.
#' @param args List. Same as "params" arg in `rmarkdown::render()`.
#' @param force Logical (default = `getOption("nm.force_render")`). Will force
#'   execution.
#' @param ... Additional argument passed to `rmarkdown::render()`.
#' @details `input` must refer to a properly specified Rmd document. The R
#' markdown template "model diagnostic" in RStudio sets this up for you.
#' These R markdown templates are usable as R Notebooks (e.g. for code
#' development and debugging) if the object `.m` is defined in the global work
#' space first.
#' `nm_list_render()` is mostly used for bootstraps, and other routines where a
#' parent run spawns multiple children in the form of an nm_list
#' @return The same nm object, `m`, with modified `results_files` field.
#' @examples
#' ## requires NONMEM to be installed
#' \dontrun{
#' m1 %>% nm_render("Scripts/basic_gof.Rmd")
#' ## to run "Scripts/basic_gof.Rmd" as an R Notebook
#' ## first define .m
#' .m <- m1 ## Now you can run "Scripts/basic_gof.Rmd" as a Notebook
#' }
#' @export
nm_render <- function(m,
                      output_file = NA,
                      args = list(),
                      force = getOption("nm.force_render"),
                      ...) {

#' @export
nm_render.nm_generic <- function(m,
                                 output_file = NA,
                                 args = list(),
                                 force = getOption("nm.force_render"),
                                 ...) {
  if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
    if (!"cairo" %in% getOption("bitmapType")) {
      warning("if this step fails try setting options(bitmapType=\"cairo\")")

  if (is.na(output_file)) {
    output_file <- paste0(
      ".", run_dir(m), ".nb.html"

  if ("m" %in% names(args)) {
    stop("can't have m in arg.  m is reserved for model object")

  args <- c(args, list(m = as_nm_list(m)))

  output_dir <- results_dir(m)
  output_path <- file.path(output_dir, output_file)
  if (!file.exists(output_path)) force <- TRUE
  ## replace setup chunks with setup2 to prevent clash
  input_contents0 <- readLines(input)
  input_contents <- gsub("^(```\\{r setup)([, \\}])", "\\12\\2", input_contents0)
  write(input_contents, input)
  on.exit(write(input_contents0, input))
  if (!requireNamespace("xfun")) usethis::ui_info("install xfun to enable nm_render() caching")
  if (requireNamespace("xfun") & !force) {
        input = input,
        output_file = output_file,
        output_dir = output_dir,
        params = args,
        envir = new.env(),
        quiet = TRUE,
    }, hash = list(tools::md5sum(input), output_file, output_dir, args),
    dir = file.path(".cache", "rmarkdown", ""), 
    file = paste0(basename(input), ".", file_friendly_unique_id(m)))    
  } else {
      input = input,
      output_file = output_file,
      output_dir = output_dir,
      params = args,
      envir = new.env(),
      quiet = TRUE,
  m <- m %>% result_files(output_file)
  m <- m %>% save_render_cache(input)
  usethis::ui_info("run report saved in: {usethis::ui_path(output_path)}")

#' @export
nm_render.nm_list <- Vectorize_nm_list(nm_render.nm_generic, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, invisible = TRUE, 
                                       vectorize.args = c("m", "input", "output_file"))

#' @rdname nm_render
#' @export
nm_list_render <- function(m,
                           output_file = NA,
                           args = list(),
                           force = getOption("nm.force_render"),
                           ...) {

  # m <- m$m

  if (is.na(output_file)) {
    output_file <- paste0(
      ".", parent_run_id(m[1]), ".nb.html"

  if ("m" %in% names(args)) {
    stop("can't have m in \"args\", m is reserved for model object")

  args <- c(args, list(m = as_nm_list(m)))

  output_dir <- parent_results_dir(m[1])
  output_path <- file.path(output_dir, output_file)
  if (!file.exists(output_path)) force <- TRUE

  m_parent <- as_nm_generic(parent_run(m[1]))
  ## replace setup chunks with setup2 to prevent clash
  input_contents0 <- readLines(input)
  input_contents <- gsub("^(```\\{r setup)([, \\}])", "\\12\\2", input_contents0)
  write(input_contents, input)
  on.exit(write(input_contents0, input))
  if (!requireNamespace("xfun")) usethis::ui_info("install xfun to enable nm_render() caching")
  if (requireNamespace("xfun") & !force) {
        input = input,
        output_file = output_file,
        output_dir = output_dir,
        params = args,
        envir = new.env(),
        quiet = TRUE,
    }, hash = list(tools::md5sum(input), output_file, output_dir, args),
    dir = file.path(".cache", "rmarkdown", ""))
  } else {
      input = input,
      output_file = output_file,
      output_dir = output_dir,
      params = args,
      envir = new.env(),
      quiet = TRUE,
  ## use as_nm_generic incase m is redefined in rmd
  # m <- m %>% result_files(output_file)

  m_parent %>% save_render_cache(input)

tsahota/NMproject documentation built on Oct. 1, 2022, 11:51 a.m.