
Defines functions pull_repo get_github_code_library short_path import_project replace_code_library attach_code_library code_library_path preview code_library ls_code_library search_keyword search_field search_raw info_scripts ls_scripts

Documented in attach_code_library code_library code_library_path get_github_code_library import_project info_scripts ls_code_library ls_scripts preview pull_repo replace_code_library search_field search_keyword search_raw short_path

#' List scripts
#' @param folder string describing folder to search recursively in
#' @param extn character (can be regex) giving extension to limit search to
#' @param recursive by default TRUE
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ls_scripts('~/AZD6094/PK_liver4/') %>%
#'   info_scripts('Description') %>%
#'   filter(grepl('mod',DESCRIPTION))
#' }
#' @export

ls_scripts <- function(folder = ".", extn = "r|R|Rmd|rmd", recursive = TRUE) {
    if (is.null(extn)) {
        output <- dir(folder, recursive = recursive, full.names = TRUE)
    } else {
        file_match <- paste0("\\.(", extn, ")$")
        output <- dir(folder, recursive = recursive, full.names = TRUE, pattern = file_match)
    return(normalizePath(output, winslash = "/"))

#' List information about scripts
#' @param files vector string of file names/paths
#' @param fields vector string of field tags to display
#' @param viewer logical indicating if Rstudio viewer should be used (default = TRUE)
#' @param silent run in quiet mode (default=FALSE)
#' @param base_dirs character vector. group files together that belong to these directory paths
#' @param shorten_paths logical. Default = TRUE. Long paths will be shortened if true in displayed output (not returned object)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ls_scripts('~/AZD6094/PK_liver4/') %>%
#'   info_scripts('Description') %>%
#'   filter(grepl('mod',DESCRIPTION))
#' }
#' @export
info_scripts <- function(files, fields = c("Description"), viewer = TRUE, silent = FALSE, 
    base_dirs = NULL, shorten_paths = TRUE) {
    if (length(fields) > 0) {
        res <- lapply(files, function(file.name) {
            ## per file
                s <- readLines(file.name, n = 30)
                field.vals <- as.data.frame(lapply(fields, function(field) {
                  field <- gsub(paste0("^.*",field,"s*:\\s*(.*)$"), "\\1",
                                s[grepl(paste0("^.*", field, "s*:\\s*"), s,ignore.case = TRUE)],
                                ignore.case = TRUE)
                  field <- field[!field %in% ""]
                  if (length(field) == 0) 
                  field[1]  ## in case multiple, take only first
                names(field.vals) <- fields
        res <- do.call(rbind, res)
    } else res <- data.frame(row.names = seq_along(files))
    d <- cbind(data.frame(FULL = normalizePath(files, winslash = "/"),
                          FOLDER = normalizePath(dirname(files), winslash = "/"),
                          NAME = basename(files), stringsAsFactors = FALSE), res)
    if (!is.null(base_dirs)) {
        base_dirs <- normalizePath(base_dirs, winslash = "/")
        all_matches <- unlist(lapply(base_dirs, function(base_dir) {
            grep(paste0("^", base_dir), d$FULL)
        if (length(unique(all_matches)) != length(all_matches)) 
            stop("duplicate file matches found. Check base directories are not subsets of one another")
        for (base_dir in base_dirs) {
            match_base <- grepl(paste0("^", base_dir), d$FULL)
            d$FOLDER[match_base] <- gsub(paste0("^(", base_dir, ").*$"), "\\1", d$FULL[match_base])
            d$NAME[match_base] <- gsub(paste0("^", base_dir, .Platform$file.sep, "*(.*)$"), 
                "\\1", d$FULL[match_base])
    d <- cbind(data.frame(NAME = d$NAME, stringsAsFactors = FALSE), 
               data.frame(FOLDER = d$FOLDER, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
    if (shorten_paths) {
      dshort <- d
      dshort$FOLDER <- short_path(dshort$FOLDER)
    } else {
      dshort <- d

    if (!silent) {
        if (viewer) 
            get("View")(dshort, "available files")

#' Search for files matching raw text search
#' @param files vector string of file names/paths
#' @param text string (can be regex) to search for
#' @param search_title logical (default=TRUE). should matching occur in title
#' @param search_contents logical (default=TRUE). should matching occur in file contents
#' @seealso \code{\link{ls_scripts}}, \code{\link{ls_code_library}}, \code{\link{stage}}
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' ls_scripts("Scripts") %>% search_raw("AUC")  ## finds all scripts containing string "AUC"
#' ## regex match find instances of AUC() function being used
#' ls_scripts("Scripts") %>% search_raw("AUC\\(")
#' ## bring file(s) into staging area of project
#' ls_scripts("Scripts") %>% search_raw("AUC\\(") %>% stage()
#' }
#' @export

search_raw <- function(files, text, search_title=TRUE, search_contents=TRUE) {
  res <- unlist(sapply(files, function(file.name) {
      suppressWarnings(s <- readLines(file.name))
      s <- grep(text, s)
    } else s <- c()
    if(search_title) s <- c(s,grep(text, file.name))
    if (suppressWarnings(length(s) == 0)) 
      return(NULL) else return(file.name)
  names(res) <- NULL

#' Search for files matching field values
#' @param files vector string of file names/paths
#' @param field character. field name (can be regex) to search for
#' @param text string (can be regex) to search for
#' @export

search_field <- function(files, field, text) {
  res <- unlist(sapply(files, function(file.name) {
    suppressWarnings(s <- readLines(file.name,n = 10))
    s <- s[grep(paste0("^.*",field,"s*:\\s*.*(",text,").*$"), s, ignore.case = TRUE)]
    if(length(s)==0) return(NULL)
    if(length(s)>1) stop("multiple fields detected")
  names(res) <- NULL

#' Search for files matching key words
#' @param files vector string of file names/paths
#' @param text string (can be regex) to search for
#' @export

search_keyword <- function(files, text) {
  search_field(files, "key\\s*word", text)

#' List files in code library
#' @param pattern optional character. filter the code library use regex
#' @seealso \code{\link{code_library}}, \code{\link{preview}}, \code{\link{stage}}, \code{\link{import}}
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' ls_code_library("Models/ADVAN2.mod") %>%
#'   stage()
#' }
#' @export

ls_code_library <- function(pattern = ".") {
  paths <- ls_scripts(extn = ".*", folder = getOption("code_library_path"), recursive = TRUE)
  paths[grepl(pattern, paths)]

#' Show Code Library
#' @param extn vector string of extensions to include
#' @param fields character vector of fields to extract
#' @param viewer logical indicating if viewer should be used to display results
#'   (default=FALSE)
#' @param silent logical indicating if messages should be silenced
#'   (default=FALSE)
#' @param return_info logical (default = FALSE). Return data.frame of results
#'   (FALSE= returns file paths)
#' @details requires \code{getOption("code_library_path")} to be set
#' @seealso \code{\link{ls_code_library}}, \code{\link{preview}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' code_library()
#' }
#' @export
code_library <- function(extn = NULL, fields = "Description", viewer = TRUE, silent = FALSE, 
    return_info = FALSE) {
    if (is.null(getOption("code_library_path"))) {
        if (!silent) {
            message("No directories attached. To attach add the following command:")
            message("  options(code_library_path=c(\"dir/of/scripts1\",\"dir/of/scripts2\",...))")
            message("     1. (for this session only) in the console")
            message("     2. (for this user) to ~/.Rprofile")
            message(paste0("     3. (for all users) to ", file.path(R.home(component = "home"), 
                "etc", "Rprofile.site")))
            message(" 2. Attach for this user by putting command in ~/.Rprofile:")
    files <- ls_code_library()
    if (!is.null(extn)) {
        file_match <- paste0("\\.(", extn, ")$")
        files <- files[grepl(file_match, files)]
    if (viewer == FALSE & !return_info) {
        info <- info_scripts(files, fields = fields, viewer = viewer, silent = silent, 
            base_dirs = getOption("code_library_path"))
    }, error = function(e) {
        if (grepl("duplicate file", e$message)) 
            e$message <- paste0(e$message, ".\n  Check getOption(\"code_library_path\") points to non-overlapping folders")
    if (return_info) {
        if (silent) 
            return_ob <- invisible(info) else return_ob <- info
    } else {
        return_ob <- normalizePath(files, winslash = "/")
    if (viewer == FALSE) 
    if (viewer == TRUE) 

#' Preview code_library file
#' @param name character indicating script in code_library to preview
#' @export
preview <- function(name) {
  ## preview files in code_library
  if(length(name)>1) stop("can only preview one file at a time")
  if (is_full_path(name)) {
    if (!file.exists(name)) 
      stop("file not found")
  d <- code_library(extn = ".*", viewer = FALSE, silent = TRUE, return_info = TRUE, 
                    fields = c())
  if (!name %in% d$NAME) 
    stop("file not found in code_library")
  if (length(which(d$NAME %in% name)) > 1) 
    stop("Matched more than one file with that name.\n Try preview() again with full path")
  pos <- match(name, d$NAME)
  path <- file.path(d$FOLDER[pos], d$NAME[pos])

#' Display code library search path
#' @export

code_library_path <- function() getOption("code_library_path")

#' Attach code library
#' Attaches a path(s) to to the code library search path
#' @param path character vector with paths to attach to

attach_code_library <- function(path) {
    options(code_library_path = unique(c(path, getOption("code_library_path"))))

#' Replaces code library
#' Replace code library search path with path(s)
#' @param path character vector with paths to attach to

replace_code_library <- function(path) {
    options(code_library_path = unique(path))

#' Import a project into current project
#' If file isn't found will look in code_library
#' @param proj_name character vector with paths to attach to
#' @export

import_project <- function(proj_name){
  message("under construction")

#' shorten path name
#' @param x character vector. Path to shorten.
short_path <- function(x) {
    split_paths <- strsplit(x, .Platform$file.sep)  #[[1]]
    short_paths <- lapply(split_paths, function(split_path) {
        if (length(split_path) > 5) 
            split_path.short <- c(split_path[1:3], "..", split_path[(length(split_path) - 
                1):length(split_path)]) else split_path.short <- split_path
        do.call(file.path, as.list(split_path.short))

#' Download code repositor from github
#' @param local_path character. Path to install repository
#' @param giturl character. URL to github repository
#' @param config_file character. Name of config file (e.g. "~/.Rprofile")
#' @export
get_github_code_library <- function(local_path,giturl,
  if(!requireNamespace("git2r", quietly = TRUE))
    stop("git2r needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)
  if(missing(config_file)) stop("config_file required. Use either::\n",
                                " ~/.Rprofile (for user installation)\n ",R.home(),"/etc/Rprofile.site (for all users - administrator access required)")
  local_path <- normalizePath(local_path, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
  local_path_exists <- file.exists(local_path)
    git2r::clone(url = giturl,local_path = local_path)
      config_contents <- readLines(config_file) else {
        config_contents <- ""}

      warning("local_path detected in config file.\n",
              "Ensure the following in your config_file:\n",
              " options(code_library_path=unique(c(getOption(\"code_library_path\"),\"",local_path,"\")))\n")
    } else
          file = config_file, append = TRUE , sep = "")
  }, error = function(e){
      message("removing ",local_path)
      unlink(local_path, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)

#' pull repository
#' @param local_path character. Path to repository
#' @export
pull_repo <- function(local_path){
  repo <- git2r::init(local_path)
    stop("No remotes for git repository found. Something wrong. Set up manually")
  git2r::config(repo,user.name = Sys.info()["user"],user.email = getOption("user.email"))
tsahota/tidyproject documentation built on April 19, 2021, 9:15 p.m.