<- function(obj, ...)
UseMethod("") <- function(obj, data = TRUE, ...) {
ff <- obj$frame
n <- nrow(ff)
### it is no longer allowed to overwrite rpart::model.frame.rpart
### make sure to use our own implementation
### which works without `model = TRUE' in the rpart call
mf <- model_frame_rpart(obj)
## check if any of the variables in the model frame is a "character"
## and convert to "factor" if necessary
for(i in which(sapply(mf, function(x) class(x)[1L]) == "character")) mf[[i]] <- factor(mf[[i]])
rpart_fitted <- function() {
ret <- = NROW(mf), ncol = 0))
ret[["(fitted)"]] <- obj$where
ret[["(response)"]] <- model.response(mf)
ret[["(weights)"]] <- model.weights(mf)
fitted <- rpart_fitted()
# special case of no splits
if (n == 1) {
node <- partynode(1L)
} else {
is.leaf <- (ff$var == "<leaf>")
vnames <- ff$var[!is.leaf] #the variable names for the primary splits
index <- cumsum(c(1, ff$ncompete + ff$nsurrogate + 1*(!is.leaf)))
splitindex <- list()
splitindex$primary <- numeric(n)
splitindex$primary[!is.leaf] <- index[c(!is.leaf, FALSE)]
splitindex$surrogate <- lapply(1L:n, function(i) {
prim <- splitindex$primary[i]
if (prim < 1 || ff[i, "nsurrogate"] == 0) return(NULL)
else return(prim + ff[i, "ncompete"] + 1L:ff[i, "nsurrogate"])
rpart_kids <- function(i) {
if (is.leaf[i]) return(NULL)
else return(c(i + 1L,
which((cumsum(!is.leaf[-(1L:i)]) + 1L) == cumsum(is.leaf[-(1L:i)]))[1L] + 1L + i))
rpart_onesplit <- function(j) {
if (j < 1) return(NULL)
idj <- which(rownames(obj$split)[j] == names(mf))
### numeric
if (abs(obj$split[j, "ncat"]) == 1) {
ret <- partysplit(varid = idj,
breaks = as.double(obj$split[j, "index"]),
right = FALSE,
index = if(obj$split[j, "ncat"] > 0) 2L:1L)
} else {
index <- obj$csplit[obj$split[j, "index"],]
mfj <- mf[, rownames(obj$split)[j]]
### csplit has columns 1L:max(nlevels) for all factors
### index <- index[1L:obj$split[j, "ncat"]] ??? safer ???
index <- index[1L:nlevels(mfj)]
index[index == 2L] <- NA ### level not present in split
index[index == 3L] <- 2L ### 1..left, 3..right
if(inherits(mfj, "ordered")) {
ret <- partysplit(varid = idj, breaks = which(diff(index) != 0L) + 1L,
right = FALSE, index = unique(index))
} else {
ret <- partysplit(varid = idj, index = as.integer(index))
rpart_split <- function(i)
rpart_surrogates <- function(i)
lapply(splitindex$surrogate[[i]], rpart_onesplit)
rpart_node <- function(i) {
if (is.null(rpart_kids(i))) return(partynode(as.integer(i)))
nd <- partynode(as.integer(i), split = rpart_split(i),
kids = lapply(rpart_kids(i), rpart_node),
surrogates = rpart_surrogates(i))
### determine majority for (non-random) splitting
left <- nodeids(kids_node(nd)[[1L]], terminal = TRUE)
right <- nodeids(kids_node(nd)[[2L]], terminal = TRUE)
nd$split$prob <- c(0, 0)
nl <- sum(fitted[["(fitted)"]] %in% left)
nr <- sum(fitted[["(fitted)"]] %in% right)
nd$split$prob <- if (nl > nr) c(1, 0) else c(0, 1)
nd$split$prob <- as.double(nd$split$prob)
node <- rpart_node(1)
rval <- party(node = node, data = if(data) mf else mf[0L,],
fitted = fitted, terms = obj$terms, info = list(method = "rpart"))
class(rval) <- c("constparty", class(rval))
model_frame_rpart <- function(formula, ...) {
## if model.frame is stored, simply extract
if(!is.null(formula$model)) return(formula$model)
## otherwise reevaluate model.frame using original call
mf <- formula$call
mf <- mf[c(1L, match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action", "weights"), names(mf), 0L))]
if (is.null(mf$na.action)) mf$na.action <- rpart::na.rpart
# mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
## use terms instead of formula in call
mf$formula <- formula$terms
## evaluate in the right environment and return
env <- if(!is.null(environment(formula$terms))) environment(formula$terms) else parent.frame()
mf <- eval(mf, env)
} <- function(obj, data = TRUE, ...) {
## needs RWeka and rJava
## J48 tree? (can be transformed to "constparty")
j48 <- inherits(obj, "J48")
## construct metadata
mf <- model.frame(obj)
mf_class <- sapply(mf, function(x) class(x)[1L])
mf_levels <- lapply(mf, levels)
x <- rJava::.jcall(obj$classifier, "S", "graph")
if(j48) {
info <- NULL
} else {
info <- RWeka::parse_Weka_digraph(x, plainleaf = FALSE)$nodes[, 2L]
info <- strsplit(info, " (", fixed = TRUE)
info <- lapply(info, function(x) if(length(x) == 1L) x else c(x[1L], paste("(", x[-1L], sep = "")))
x <- RWeka::parse_Weka_digraph(x, plainleaf = TRUE)
nodes <- x$nodes
edges <- x$edges
is.leaf <- x$nodes[, "splitvar"] == ""
weka_tree_kids <- function(i) {
if (is.leaf[i]) return(NULL)
else return(which(nodes[,"name"] %in% edges[nodes[i,"name"] == edges[,"from"], "to"]))
weka_tree_split <- function(i) {
if(is.leaf[i]) return(NULL)
var_id <- which(nodes[i, "splitvar"] == names(mf))
edges <- edges[nodes[i,"name"] == edges[,"from"], "label"]
split <- Map(c, sub("^([[:punct:]]+).*$", "\\1", edges), sub("^([[:punct:]]+) *", "", edges))
## ## for J48 the following suffices
## split <- strsplit(edges[nodes[i,"name"] == edges[,"from"], "label"], " ")
if(mf_class[var_id] %in% c("ordered", "factor")) {
stopifnot(all(sapply(split, head, 1) == "="))
stopifnot(all(sapply(split, tail, 1) %in% mf_levels[[var_id]]))
split <- partysplit(varid = as.integer(var_id),
index = match(mf_levels[[var_id]], sapply(split, tail, 1)))
} else {
breaks <- unique(as.numeric(sapply(split, tail, 1)))
breaks <- if(mf_class[var_id] == "integer") as.integer(breaks) else as.double(breaks) ## FIXME: check
stopifnot(length(breaks) == 1 && !
stopifnot(all(sapply(split, head, 1) %in% c("<=", ">")))
split <- partysplit(varid = as.integer(var_id),
breaks = breaks, right = TRUE,
index = if(split[[1L]][1L] == ">") 2L:1L)
weka_tree_node <- function(i) {
if(is.null(weka_tree_kids(i))) return(partynode(as.integer(i), info = info[[i]]))
split = weka_tree_split(i),
kids = lapply(weka_tree_kids(i), weka_tree_node))
node <- weka_tree_node(1)
if(j48) {
pty <- party(
node = node,
data = if(data) mf else mf[0L,],
fitted = data.frame("(fitted)" = fitted_node(node, mf),
"(response)" = model.response(mf),
check.names = FALSE),
terms = obj$terms,
info = list(method = "J4.8"))
class(pty) <- c("constparty", class(pty))
} else {
pty <- party(
node = node,
data = mf[0L,],
fitted = data.frame("(fitted)" = fitted_node(node, mf), check.names = FALSE),
terms = obj$terms,
info = list(method = class(obj)[1L]))
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.