mob <- function(formula, data, subset, na.action, weights, offset, cluster,
fit, control = mob_control(), ...)
## check fitting function
fitargs <- names(formals(fit))
if(!all(c("y", "x", "start", "weights", "offset") %in% fitargs)) {
stop("no suitable fitting function specified")
## augment fitting function (if necessary)
if(!all(c("estfun", "object") %in% fitargs)) {
afit <- function(y,
x = NULL, start = NULL, weights = NULL, offset = NULL, cluster = NULL, ...,
estfun = FALSE, object = FALSE)
obj <- if("cluster" %in% fitargs) {
fit(y = y, x = x, start = start, weights = weights, offset = offset, cluster = cluster, ...)
} else {
fit(y = y, x = x, start = start, weights = weights, offset = offset, ...)
coefficients = coef(obj),
objfun = -as.numeric(logLik(obj)),
estfun = if(estfun) sandwich::estfun(obj) else NULL,
object = if(object) obj else NULL
} else {
if("cluster" %in% fitargs) {
afit <- fit
} else {
afit <- function(y, x = NULL, start = NULL, weights = NULL, offset = NULL, cluster = NULL, ..., estfun = FALSE, object = FALSE) {
fit(y = y, x = x, start = start, weights = weights, offset = offset, ..., estfun = estfun, object = object)
## call
cl <-
if(missing(data)) data <- environment(formula)
mf <- = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action", "weights", "offset", "cluster"), names(mf), 0L)
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
## formula FIXME: y ~ . or y ~ x | .
oformula <- as.formula(formula)
formula <- Formula::as.Formula(formula)
if(length(formula)[2L] < 2L) {
formula <- Formula::Formula(formula(Formula::as.Formula(formula(formula), ~ 0), rhs = 2L:1L))
xreg <- FALSE
} else {
if(length(formula)[2L] > 2L) {
formula <- Formula::Formula(formula(formula, rhs = 1L:2L))
warning("Formula must not have more than two RHS parts")
xreg <- TRUE
mf$formula <- formula
## evaluate model.frame
mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
## extract terms, response, regressor matrix (if any), partitioning variables
mt <- terms(formula, data = data)
mtY <- terms(formula, data = data, rhs = if(xreg) 1L else 0L)
mtZ <- delete.response(terms(formula, data = data, rhs = 2L))
Y <- switch(control$ytype,
"vector" = Formula::model.part(formula, mf, lhs = 1L)[[1L]],
"matrix" = model.matrix(~ 0 + ., Formula::model.part(formula, mf, lhs = 1L)),
"data.frame" = Formula::model.part(formula, mf, lhs = 1L)
X <- if(!xreg) NULL else switch(control$xtype,
"matrix" = model.matrix(mtY, mf),
"data.frame" = Formula::model.part(formula, mf, rhs = 1L)
if(!is.null(X) && ncol(X) < 1L) {
xreg <- FALSE
if(xreg) {
attr(X, "formula") <- formula(formula, rhs = 1L)
attr(X, "terms") <- mtY
attr(X, "offset") <- cl$offset
Z <- Formula::model.part(formula, mf, rhs = 2L)
n <- nrow(Z)
nyx <- length(mf) - length(Z) - as.numeric("(weights)" %in% names(mf)) - as.numeric("(offset)" %in% names(mf)) - as.numeric("(cluster)" %in% names(mf))
varindex <- match(names(Z), names(mf))
## weights and offset
weights <- model.weights(mf)
if(is.null(weights)) weights <- 1L
if(length(weights) == 1L) weights <-, n)
weights <- as.vector(weights)
offset <- if(xreg) model.offset(mf) else NULL
cluster <- mf[["(cluster)"]]
## process pruning options (done here because of "n")
if(!is.null(control$prune)) {
if(is.character(control$prune)) {
control$prune <- tolower(control$prune)
control$prune <- match.arg(control$prune, c("aic", "bic", "none"))
control$prune <- switch(control$prune,
"aic" = {
function(objfun, df, nobs) (2 * objfun[1L] + 2 * df[1L]) < (2 * objfun[2L] + 2 * df[2L])
}, "bic" = {
function(objfun, df, nobs) (2 * objfun[1L] + log(n) * df[1L]) < (2 * objfun[2L] + log(n) * df[2L])
}, "none" = {
if(!is.function(control$prune)) {
warning("Unknown specification of 'prune'")
control$prune <- NULL
## grow the actual tree
nodes <- mob_partynode(Y = Y, X = X, Z = Z, weights = weights, offset = offset, cluster = cluster,
fit = afit, control = control, varindex = varindex, ...)
## compute terminal node number for each observation
fitted <- fitted_node(nodes, data = mf)
fitted <- data.frame(
"(fitted)" = fitted,
## "(response)" = Y, ## probably not really needed
check.names = FALSE,
row.names = rownames(mf))
if(!identical(weights,, n))) fitted[["(weights)"]] <- weights
if(!is.null(offset)) fitted[["(offset)"]] <- offset
if(!is.null(cluster)) fitted[["(cluster)"]] <- cluster
## return party object
rval <- party(nodes,
data = if(control$model) mf else mf[0,],
fitted = fitted,
terms = mt,
info = list(
call = cl,
formula = oformula,
Formula = formula,
terms = list(response = mtY, partitioning = mtZ),
fit = afit,
control = control,
dots = list(...),
nreg = max(0L, as.integer(xreg) * (nyx - NCOL(Y))))
class(rval) <- c("modelparty", class(rval))
## set up partynode object
mob_partynode <- function(Y, X, Z, weights = NULL, offset = NULL, cluster = NULL,
fit, control = mob_control(), varindex = 1L:NCOL(Z), ...)
## are there regressors?
if(missing(X)) X <- NULL
xreg <- !is.null(X)
n <- nrow(Z)
if(is.null(weights)) weights <- 1L
if(length(weights) < n) weights <- rep(weights, length.out = n)
## control parameters (used repeatedly)
minsize <- control$minsize
if(!is.null(minsize) && !is.integer(minsize)) minsize <- as.integer(minsize)
verbose <- control$verbose
rnam <- c("estfun", "object")
terminal <- lapply(rnam, function(x) x %in% control$terminal)
inner <- lapply(rnam, function(x) x %in% control$inner)
names(terminal) <- names(inner) <- rnam
## convenience functions
w2n <- function(w) if(control$caseweights) sum(w) else sum(w > 0)
suby <- function(y, index) {
if(control$ytype == "vector") y[index] else y[index, , drop = FALSE]
subx <- if(xreg) {
function(x, index) {
sx <- x[index, , drop = FALSE]
attr(sx, "contrasts") <- attr(x, "contrasts")
attr(sx, "xlevels") <- attr(x, "xlevels")
attr(sx, "formula") <- attr(x, "formula")
attr(sx, "terms") <- attr(x, "terms")
attr(sx, "offset") <- attr(x, "offset")
} else {
function(x, index) NULL
subz <- function(z, index) z[index, , drop = FALSE]
## from strucchange
root.matrix <- function(X) {
if((ncol(X) == 1L)&&(nrow(X) == 1L)) return(sqrt(X)) else {
X.eigen <- eigen(X, symmetric = TRUE)
if(any(X.eigen$values < 0)) stop("Matrix is not positive semidefinite")
sqomega <- sqrt(diag(X.eigen$values))
V <- X.eigen$vectors
return(V %*% sqomega %*% t(V))
## core mob_grow_* functions
## variable selection: given model scores, conduct
## all M-fluctuation tests for orderins in z
mob_grow_fluctests <- function(estfun, z, weights, obj = NULL, cluster = NULL)
## set up return values
m <- NCOL(z)
pval <-, m)
stat <-, m)
ifac <-, m)
## variables to test
mtest <- if(m <= control$mtry) 1L:m else sort(sample(1L:m, control$mtry))
## estimating functions (dropping zero weight observations)
process <- as.matrix(estfun)
ww0 <- (weights > 0)
process <- process[ww0, , drop = FALSE]
z <- z[ww0, , drop = FALSE]
k <- NCOL(process)
n <- NROW(process)
nobs <- if(control$caseweights && any(weights != 1L)) sum(weights) else n
## scale process
process <- process/sqrt(nobs)
vcov <- control$vcov
if(is.null(obj)) vcov <- "opg"
if(vcov != "opg") {
bread <- vcov(obj) * nobs
if(vcov != "info") {
## correct scaling of estfun for variance estimate:
## - caseweights=FALSE: weights are integral part of the estfun -> squared in estimate
## - caseweights=TRUE: weights are just a factor in variance estimate -> require division by sqrt(weights)
meat <- if(is.null(cluster)) {
crossprod(if(control$caseweights) process/sqrt(weights) else process)
} else {
## nclus <- length(unique(cluster)) ## nclus / (nclus - 1L) *
crossprod(as.matrix(apply(if(control$caseweights) process/sqrt(weights) else process, 2L, tapply, as.numeric(cluster), sum)))
J12 <- root.matrix(switch(vcov,
"opg" = chol2inv(chol(meat)),
"info" = bread,
"sandwich" = bread %*% meat %*% bread
process <- t(J12 %*% t(process))
## select parameters to test
if(!is.null(control$parm)) process <- process[, control$parm, drop = FALSE]
k <- NCOL(process)
## get critical values for supLM statistic
from <- if(control$trim > 1) control$trim else ceiling(nobs * control$trim)
from <- max(from, minsize)
to <- nobs - from
lambda <- ((nobs - from) * to)/(from * (nobs - to))
beta <- mob_beta_suplm
logp.supLM <- function(x, k, lambda)
if(k > 40L) {
## use Estrella (2003) asymptotic approximation
logp_estrella2003 <- function(x, k, lambda)
-lgamma(k/2) + k/2 * log(x/2) - x/2 + log(abs(log(lambda) * (1 - k/x) + 2/x))
## FIXME: Estrella only works well for large enough x
## hence require x > 1.5 * k for Estrella approximation and
## use an ad hoc interpolation for larger p-values
p <- ifelse(x <= 1.5 * k, (x/(1.5 * k))^sqrt(k) * logp_estrella2003(1.5 * k, k, lambda), logp_estrella2003(x, k, lambda))
} else {
## use Hansen (1997) approximation
nb <- ncol(beta) - 1L
tau <- if(lambda < 1) lambda else 1/(1 + sqrt(lambda))
beta <- beta[(((k - 1) * 25 + 1):(k * 25)),]
dummy <- beta[,(1L:nb)] %*% x^(0:(nb-1))
dummy <- dummy * (dummy > 0)
pp <- pchisq(dummy, beta[,(nb+1)], lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)
if(tau == 0.5) {
p <- pchisq(x, k, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)
} else if(tau <= 0.01) {
p <- pp[25L]
} else if(tau >= 0.49) {
p <- log((exp(log(0.5 - tau) + pp[1L]) + exp(log(tau - 0.49) + pchisq(x, k, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE))) * 100)
## if p becomes so small that 'correct' weighted averaging does not work, resort to 'naive' averaging
if(!is.finite(p)) p <- mean(c(pp[1L], pchisq(x, k, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)))
} else {
taua <- (0.51 - tau) * 50
tau1 <- floor(taua)
p <- log(exp(log(tau1 + 1 - taua) + pp[tau1]) + exp(log(taua-tau1) + pp[tau1 + 1L]))
## if p becomes so small that 'correct' weighted averaging does not work, resort to 'naive' averaging
if(!is.finite(p)) p <- mean(pp[tau1 + 0L:1L])
## compute statistic and p-value for each ordering
for(i in mtest) {
zi <- z[,i]
if(length(unique(zi)) < 2L) next
if(is.factor(zi)) {
oi <- order(zi)
proci <- process[oi, , drop = FALSE]
ifac[i] <- TRUE
iord <- is.ordered(zi) & (control$ordinal != "chisq")
## order partitioning variable
zi <- zi[oi]
# re-apply factor() added to drop unused levels
zi <- factor(zi, levels = unique(zi))
# compute segment weights
segweights <- if(control$caseweights) tapply(weights[oi], zi, sum) else table(zi)
segweights <- as.vector(segweights)/nobs
# compute statistic only if at least two levels are left
if(length(segweights) < 2L) {
stat[i] <- 0
pval[i] <- NA_real_
} else if(iord) {
proci <- apply(proci, 2L, cumsum)
tt0 <- head(cumsum(table(zi)), -1L)
tt <- head(cumsum(segweights), -1L)
if(control$ordinal == "max") {
stat[i] <- max(abs(proci[tt0, ] / sqrt(tt * (1-tt))))
pval[i] <- log(as.numeric(1 - mvtnorm::pmvnorm(
lower = -stat[i], upper = stat[i],
mean = rep(0, length(tt)),
sigma = outer(tt, tt, function(x, y)
sqrt(pmin(x, y) * (1 - pmax(x, y)) / ((pmax(x, y) * (1 - pmin(x, y))))))
} else {
proci <- rowSums(proci^2)
stat[i] <- max(proci[tt0] / (tt * (1-tt)))
pval[i] <- log(strucchange::ordL2BB(segweights, nproc = k, nrep = control$nrep)$computePval(stat[i], nproc = k))
} else {
stat[i] <- sum(sapply(1L:k, function(j) (tapply(proci[,j], zi, sum)^2)/segweights))
pval[i] <- pchisq(stat[i], k*(length(levels(zi))-1), log.p = TRUE, lower.tail = FALSE)
} else {
oi <- if(control$breakties) {
mm <- sort(unique(zi))
mm <- ifelse(length(mm) > 1L, min(diff(mm))/10, 1)
order(zi + runif(length(zi), min = -mm, max = +mm))
} else {
proci <- process[oi, , drop = FALSE]
proci <- apply(proci, 2L, cumsum)
tt0 <- if(control$caseweights && any(weights != 1L)) cumsum(weights[oi]) else 1:n
stat[i] <- if(from < to) {
xx <- rowSums(proci^2)
xx <- xx[tt0 >= from & tt0 <= to]
tt <- tt0[tt0 >= from & tt0 <= to]/nobs
max(xx/(tt * (1 - tt)))
} else {
pval[i] <- if(from < to) logp.supLM(stat[i], k, lambda) else NA
## select variable with minimal p-value
best <- which.min(pval)
if(length(best) < 1L) best <- NA
rval <- list(pval = exp(pval), stat = stat, best = best)
names(rval$pval) <- names(z)
names(rval$stat) <- names(z)
names(rval$best) <- names(z)[rval$best]
### split in variable zselect, either ordered (numeric or ordinal) or nominal
mob_grow_findsplit <- function(y, x, zselect, weights, offset, cluster, ...)
## process minsize (to minimal number of observations)
if(minsize > 0.5 & minsize < 1) minsize <- 1 - minsize
if(minsize < 0.5) minsize <- ceiling(w2n(weights) * minsize)
if(is.numeric(zselect)) {
## for numerical variables
uz <- sort(unique(zselect))
if (length(uz) == 0L) stop("Cannot find admissible split point in partitioning variable")
## if starting values are not reused then the applyfun() is used for determining the split
if(control$restart) {
get_dev <- function(i) {
zs <- zselect <= uz[i]
if(w2n(weights[zs]) < minsize || w2n(weights[!zs]) < minsize) {
} else {
fit_left <- fit(y = suby(y, zs), x = subx(x, zs), start = NULL,
weights = weights[zs], offset = offset[zs], cluster = cluster[zs], ...)
fit_right <- fit(y = suby(y, !zs), x = subx(x, !zs), start = NULL,
weights = weights[!zs], offset = offset[!zs], cluster = cluster[!zs], ...)
return(fit_left$objfun + fit_right$objfun)
dev <- unlist(control$applyfun(1L:length(uz), get_dev))
} else {
## alternatively use for() loop to go through all splits sequentially
## and reuse previous parameters as starting values
dev <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(uz))
start_left <- NULL
start_right <- NULL
for(i in 1L:length(uz)) {
zs <- zselect <= uz[i]
if(control$restart ||
!identical(names(start_left), names(start_right)) ||
!identical(length(start_left), length(start_right)))
start_left <- NULL
start_right <- NULL
if(w2n(weights[zs]) < minsize || w2n(weights[!zs]) < minsize) {
dev[i] <- Inf
} else {
fit_left <- fit(y = suby(y, zs), x = subx(x, zs), start = start_left,
weights = weights[zs], offset = offset[zs], cluster = cluster[zs], ...)
fit_right <- fit(y = suby(y, !zs), x = subx(x, !zs), start = start_right,
weights = weights[!zs], offset = offset[!zs], cluster = cluster[!zs], ...)
start_left <- fit_left$coefficients
start_right <- fit_right$coefficients
dev[i] <- fit_left$objfun + fit_right$objfun
## maybe none of the possible splits is admissible
if(all(!is.finite(dev))) {
split <- list(
breaks = NULL,
index = NULL
} else {
split <- list(
breaks = if(control$numsplit == "center") {
as.double(mean(uz[which.min(dev) + 0L:1L]))
} else {
index = NULL
} else {
if(!is.ordered(zselect) & control$catsplit == "multiway") {
return(list(breaks = NULL, index = seq_along(levels(zselect))))
## for categorical variables
olevels <- levels(zselect) ## full set of original levels
zselect <- factor(zselect) ## omit levels that do not occur in the data
al <- mob_grow_getlevels(zselect)
get_dev <- function(i) {
w <- al[i,]
zs <- zselect %in% levels(zselect)[w]
if(w2n(weights[zs]) < minsize || w2n(weights[!zs]) < minsize) {
} else {
if(nrow(al) == 1L) 1 else {
fit_left <- fit(y = suby(y, zs), x = subx(x, zs), start = NULL,
weights = weights[zs], offset = offset[zs], cluster = cluster[zs], ...)
fit_right <- fit(y = suby(y, !zs), x = subx(x, !zs), start = NULL,
weights = weights[!zs], offset = offset[!zs], cluster = cluster[zs], ...)
fit_left$objfun + fit_right$objfun
dev <- unlist(control$applyfun(1L:nrow(al), get_dev))
if(all(!is.finite(dev))) {
split <- list(
breaks = NULL,
index = NULL
} else {
if(is.ordered(zselect)) {
## map back to set of full original levels
split <- list(
breaks = match(levels(zselect)[which.min(dev)], olevels),
index = NULL
} else {
## map back to set of full original levels
ix <- structure(, length(olevels)), .Names = olevels)
ix[colnames(al)] <- !al[which.min(dev),]
ix <- as.integer(ix) + 1L
split <- list(
breaks = NULL,
index = ix
## grow tree by combining fluctuation tests for variable selection
## and split selection recursively
mob_grow <- function(id = 1L, y, x, z, weights, offset, cluster, ...)
if(verbose) {
if(id == 1L) cat("\n")
cat(sprintf("-- Node %i %s\n", id, paste(rep("-", 32 - floor(log10(id)) + 1L), collapse = "")))
cat(sprintf("Number of observations: %s\n", w2n(weights)))
## cat(sprintf("Depth: %i\n", depth))
## fit model
mod <- fit(y, x, weights = weights, offset = offset, cluster = cluster, ...,
estfun = TRUE, object = terminal$object | control$vcov == "info")
mod$test <- NULL
mod$nobs <- w2n(weights)
mod$p.value <- NULL
## set default for minsize if not specified
if(is.null(minsize)) minsize <<- as.integer(ceiling(10L * length(mod$coefficients)/NCOL(y)))
## if too few observations or maximum depth: no split = return terminal node
if(w2n(weights) < 2 * minsize) {
if(verbose) cat(sprintf("Too few observations, stop splitting (minsize = %s)\n\n", minsize))
if(depth >= control$maxdepth) {
if(verbose) cat(sprintf("Maximum depth reached, stop splitting (maxdepth = %s)\n\n", control$maxdepth))
return(partynode(id = id, info = mod))
## conduct all parameter instability tests
test <- if(is.null(mod$estfun)) NULL else try(mob_grow_fluctests(mod$estfun, z, weights, mod$object, cluster))
if(!is.null(test) && !inherits(test, "try-error")) {
if(control$bonferroni) {
pval1 <- pmin(1, sum(!$pval)) * test$pval)
pval2 <- 1 - (1 - test$pval)^sum(!$pval))
test$pval <- ifelse(!$pval) & (test$pval > 0.001), pval2, pval1)
best <- test$best
TERMINAL <- || test$pval[best] > control$alpha
mod$p.value <- as.numeric(test$pval[best])
if (verbose) {
cat("\nParameter instability tests:\n")
print(rbind(statistic = test$stat, p.value = test$pval))
cat(sprintf("\nBest splitting variable: %s", names(test$stat)[best]))
cat(sprintf("\nPerform split? %s", ifelse(TERMINAL, "no\n\n", "yes\n")))
} else {
if(verbose && inherits(test, "try-error")) cat("Parameter instability tests failed\n\n")
test <- list(stat = NA, pval = NA)
## update model information
mod$test <- rbind("statistic" = test$stat, "p.value" = test$pval)
return(partynode(id = id, info = mod))
} else {
zselect <- z[[best]]
sp <- mob_grow_findsplit(y, x, zselect, weights, offset, cluster, ...)
## split successful?
if(is.null(sp$breaks) & is.null(sp$index)) {
if(verbose) cat(sprintf("No admissable split found in %s\n\n", sQuote(names(test$stat)[best])))
return(partynode(id = id, info = mod))
} else {
sp <- partysplit(as.integer(best), breaks = sp$breaks, index = sp$index)
if(verbose) cat(sprintf("Selected split: %s\n\n",
paste(character_split(sp, data = z)$levels, collapse = " | ")))
## actually split the data
kidids <- kidids_split(sp, data = z)
## set-up all daugther nodes
depth <<- depth + 1L
kids <- vector(mode = "list", length = max(kidids))
for(kidid in 1L:max(kidids)) {
## select obs for current next node
nxt <- kidids == kidid
## get next node id
if(kidid > 1L) {
myid <- max(nodeids(kids[[kidid - 1L]]))
} else {
myid <- id
## start recursion on this daugther node
kids[[kidid]] <- mob_grow(id = myid + 1L,
suby(y, nxt), subx(x, nxt), subz(z, nxt), weights[nxt], offset[nxt], cluster[nxt], ...)
depth <<- depth - 1L
## shift split varid from z to mf
sp$varid <- as.integer(varindex[sp$varid])
## return nodes
return(partynode(id = id, split = sp, kids = kids, info = mod))
mob_prune <- function(node)
## turn node to list
nd <- as.list(node)
## if no pruning selected
if(is.null(control$prune)) return(nd)
## node information (IDs, kids, ...)
id <- seq_along(nd)
kids <- lapply(nd, "[[", "kids")
tmnl <- sapply(kids, is.null)
## check nodes that only have terminal kids
check <- sapply(id, function(i) !tmnl[i] && all(tmnl[kids[[i]]]))
while(any(check)) {
## pruning node information
pnode <- which(check)
objfun <- sapply(nd, function(x) x$info$objfun)
pok <- sapply(pnode, function(i) control$prune(
objfun = c(objfun[i], sum(objfun[kids[[i]]])),
df = c(length(nd[[1]]$info$coefficients), length(kids[[i]]) * length(nd[[1]]$info$coefficients) + as.integer(control$dfsplit)),
nobs = c(nd[[i]]$info$nobs, n)
## do any nodes need pruning?
pnode <- pnode[pok]
if(length(pnode) < 1L) break
## prune nodes and relabel IDs
pkids <- sort(unlist(sapply(pnode, function(i) nd[[i]]$kids)))
for(i in id) {
nd[[i]]$kids <- if(nd[[i]]$id %in% pnode || is.null(kids[[i]])) {
} else {
nd[[i]]$kids - sapply(kids[[i]], function(x) sum(pkids < x))
nd[pkids] <- NULL
id <- seq_along(nd)
for(i in id) nd[[i]]$id <- i
## node information
kids <- lapply(nd, "[[", "kids")
tmnl <- sapply(kids, is.null)
check <- sapply(id, function(i) !tmnl[i] && all(tmnl[kids[[i]]]))
## return pruned list
## grow tree
depth <- 1L
nodes <- mob_grow(id = 1L, Y, X, Z, weights, offset, cluster, ...)
## prune tree
if(verbose && !is.null(control$prune)) cat("-- Post-pruning ---------------------------\n")
nodes <- mob_prune(nodes)
for(i in seq_along(nodes)) {
if(is.null(nodes[[i]]$kids)) {
nodes[[i]]$split <- NULL
if(!terminal$estfun) nodes[[i]]$info$estfun <- NULL
if(!terminal$object) nodes[[i]]$info$object <- NULL
} else {
if(!inner$estfun) nodes[[i]]$info$estfun <- NULL
if(!inner$object) nodes[[i]]$info$object <- NULL
## return as partynode
## determine all possible splits for a factor, both nominal and ordinal
mob_grow_getlevels <- function(z) {
nl <- nlevels(z)
if(inherits(z, "ordered")) {
indx <- diag(nl)
indx[lower.tri(indx)] <- 1
indx <- indx[-nl, , drop = FALSE]
rownames(indx) <- levels(z)[-nl]
} else {
mi <- 2^(nl - 1L) - 1L
indx <- matrix(0, nrow = mi, ncol = nl)
for (i in 1L:mi) {
ii <- i
for (l in 1L:nl) {
indx[i, l] <- ii %% 2L
ii <- ii %/% 2L
rownames(indx) <- apply(indx, 1L, function(x) paste(levels(z)[x > 0], collapse = "+"))
colnames(indx) <- as.character(levels(z))
storage.mode(indx) <- "logical"
## control splitting parameters
mob_control <- function(alpha = 0.05, bonferroni = TRUE, minsize = NULL, maxdepth = Inf,
mtry = Inf, trim = 0.1, breakties = FALSE, parm = NULL, dfsplit = TRUE, prune = NULL, restart = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE, caseweights = TRUE, ytype = "vector", xtype = "matrix",
terminal = "object", inner = terminal, model = TRUE,
numsplit = "left", catsplit = "binary", vcov = "opg", ordinal = "chisq", nrep = 10000,
minsplit = minsize, minbucket = minsize,
applyfun = NULL, cores = NULL)
## transform defaults
if(missing(minsize) & !missing(minsplit)) minsize <- minsplit
if(missing(minsize) & !missing(minbucket)) minsize <- minbucket
## no mtry if infinite or non-positive
if(is.finite(mtry)) {
mtry <- if(mtry < 1L) Inf else as.integer(mtry)
## data types for formula processing
ytype <- match.arg(ytype, c("vector", "data.frame", "matrix"))
xtype <- match.arg(xtype, c("data.frame", "matrix"))
## what to store in inner/terminal nodes
if(!is.null(terminal)) terminal <- as.vector(sapply(terminal, match.arg, c("estfun", "object")))
if(!is.null(inner)) inner <- as.vector(sapply(inner, match.arg, c("estfun", "object")))
## how to split and how to select splitting variables
numsplit <- match.arg(tolower(numsplit), c("left", "center", "centre"))
if(numsplit == "centre") numsplit <- "center"
catsplit <- match.arg(tolower(catsplit), c("binary", "multiway"))
vcov <- match.arg(tolower(vcov), c("opg", "info", "sandwich"))
ordinal <- match.arg(tolower(ordinal), c("l2", "max", "chisq"))
## apply infrastructure for determining split points
if(is.null(applyfun)) {
applyfun <- if(is.null(cores)) {
} else {
function(X, FUN, ...) parallel::mclapply(X, FUN, ..., mc.cores = cores)
## return list with all options
rval <- list(alpha = alpha, bonferroni = bonferroni, minsize = minsize, maxdepth = maxdepth,
mtry = mtry, trim = ifelse(is.null(trim), minsize, trim),
breakties = breakties, parm = parm, dfsplit = dfsplit, prune = prune, restart = restart,
verbose = verbose, caseweights = caseweights, ytype = ytype, xtype = xtype,
terminal = terminal, inner = inner, model = model,
numsplit = numsplit, catsplit = catsplit, vcov = vcov,
ordinal = ordinal, nrep = nrep, applyfun = applyfun)
## methods concerning call/formula/terms/etc.
## (default methods work for terms and update)
formula.modelparty <- function(x, extended = FALSE, ...)
if(extended) x$info$Formula else x$info$formula
getCall.modelparty <- function(x, ...) x$info$call
model.frame.modelparty <- function(formula, ...)
mf <- formula$data
if(nrow(mf) > 0L) return(mf)
dots <- list(...)
nargs <- dots[match(c("data", "na.action", "subset"), names(dots), 0L)]
mf <- formula$info$call
mf <- mf[c(1L, match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"), names(mf), 0L))]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
mf[names(nargs)] <- nargs
if(is.null(env <- environment(formula$info$terms))) env <- parent.frame()
mf$formula <- Formula::Formula(as.formula(mf$formula))
eval(mf, env)
weights.modelparty <- function(object, ...) {
fit <- object$fitted
ww <- if(!is.null(w <- fit[["(weights)"]])) w else, NROW(fit))
structure(ww, .Names = rownames(fit))
## methods concerning model/parameters/loglik/etc.
coef.modelparty <- function(object, node = NULL, drop = TRUE, ...) {
if(is.null(node)) node <- nodeids(object, terminal = TRUE)
cf <-"rbind", nodeapply(object, ids = node, FUN = function(n) info_node(n)$coefficients))
if(drop) drop(cf) else cf
refit.modelparty <- function(object, node = NULL, drop = TRUE, ...)
## by default use all ids
if(is.null(node)) node <- nodeids(object)
## estimated coefficients
cf <- nodeapply(object, ids = node, FUN = function(n) info_node(n)$coefficients)
## model.frame
mf <- model.frame(object)
weights <- weights(object)
offset <- model.offset(mf)
cluster <- mf[["(cluster)"]]
## fitted ids
fitted <- object$fitted[["(fitted)"]]
## response variables
Y <- switch(object$info$control$ytype,
"vector" = Formula::model.part(object$info$Formula, mf, lhs = 1L)[[1L]],
"matrix" = model.matrix(~ 0 + ., Formula::model.part(object$info$Formula, mf, lhs = 1L)),
"data.frame" = Formula::model.part(object$info$Formula, mf, lhs = 1L)
hasx <- object$info$nreg >= 1L | attr(object$info$terms$response, "intercept") > 0L
X <- if(!hasx) NULL else switch(object$info$control$xtype,
"matrix" = model.matrix(object$info$terms$response, mf),
"data.frame" = Formula::model.part(object$info$Formula, mf, rhs = 1L)
if(!is.null(X)) {
attr(X, "formula") <- formula(object$info$Formula, rhs = 1L)
attr(X, "terms") <- object$info$terms$response
attr(X, "offset") <- object$info$call$offset
suby <- function(y, index) {
if(object$info$control$ytype == "vector") y[index] else y[index, , drop = FALSE]
subx <- if(hasx) {
function(x, index) {
sx <- x[index, , drop = FALSE]
attr(sx, "contrasts") <- attr(x, "contrasts")
attr(sx, "xlevels") <- attr(x, "xlevels")
attr(sx, "formula") <- attr(x, "formula")
attr(sx, "terms") <- attr(x, "terms")
attr(sx, "offset") <- attr(x, "offset")
} else {
function(x, index) NULL
## fitting function
afit <- object$info$fit
## refit
rval <- lapply(seq_along(node), function(i) {
ix <- fitted %in% nodeids(object, from = node[i], terminal = TRUE)
args <- list(y = suby(Y, ix), x = subx(X, ix), start = cf[[i]],
weights = weights[ix], offset = offset[ix], cluster = cluster[ix], object = TRUE)
args <- c(args, object$info$dots)"afit", args)$object
names(rval) <- node
## drop?
if(drop & length(rval) == 1L) rval <- rval[[1L]]
## return
apply_to_models <- function(object, node = NULL, FUN = NULL, drop = FALSE, ...) {
if(is.null(node)) node <- nodeids(object, terminal = FALSE)
if(is.null(FUN)) FUN <- function(object, ...) object
rval <- if("object" %in% object$info$control$terminal) {
nodeapply(object, node, function(n) FUN(info_node(n)$object))
} else {
lapply(refit.modelparty(object, node, drop = FALSE), FUN)
names(rval) <- node
if(drop & length(node) == 1L) rval <- rval[[1L]]
logLik.modelparty <- function(object, dfsplit = NULL, ...)
if(is.null(dfsplit)) dfsplit <- object$info$control$dfsplit
dfsplit <- as.integer(dfsplit)
ids <- nodeids(object, terminal = TRUE)
ll <- apply_to_models(object, node = ids, FUN = logLik)
dfsplit <- dfsplit * (length(object) - length(ll))
df = sum(sapply(ll, function(x) attr(x, "df"))) + dfsplit,
nobs = nobs(object),
class = "logLik"
nobs.modelparty <- function(object, ...) {
nodeids(object, terminal = TRUE),
function(n) info_node(n)$nobs
deviance.modelparty <- function(object, ...)
ids <- nodeids(object, terminal = TRUE)
dev <- apply_to_models(object, node = ids, FUN = deviance)
summary.modelparty <- function(object, node = NULL, ...)
ids <- if(is.null(node)) nodeids(object, terminal = TRUE) else node
rval <- apply_to_models(object, node = ids, FUN = summary)
if(length(ids) == 1L) rval[[1L]] else rval
sctest.modelparty <- function(object, node = NULL, ...)
ids <- if(is.null(node)) nodeids(object, terminal = FALSE) else node
rval <- nodeapply(object, ids, function(n) info_node(n)$test)
names(rval) <- ids
if(length(ids) == 1L) rval[[1L]] else rval
print.modelparty <- function(x, node = NULL,
FUN = NULL, digits = getOption("digits") - 4L,
header = TRUE, footer = TRUE, title = NULL, objfun = "", ...)
digits <- max(c(0, digits))
if(objfun != "") objfun <- paste(" (", objfun, ")", sep = "")
if(is.null(title)) title <- sprintf("Model-based recursive partitioning (%s)",
if(is.null(node)) {
header_panel <- if(header) function(party) {
c(title, "", "Model formula:", deparse(party$info$formula), "", "Fitted party:", "")
} else function(party) ""
footer_panel <- if(footer) function(party) {
n <- width(party)
n <- format(c(length(party) - n, n))
info <- nodeapply(x, ids = nodeids(x, terminal = TRUE),
FUN = function(n) c(length(info_node(n)$coefficients), info_node(n)$objfun))
k <- mean(sapply(info, "[", 1L))
of <- format(sum(sapply(info, "[", 2L)), digits = getOption("digits"))
c("", paste("Number of inner nodes: ", n[1L]),
paste("Number of terminal nodes:", n[2L]),
paste("Number of parameters per node:", format(k, digits = getOption("digits"))),
paste("Objective function", objfun, ": ", of, sep = ""), "")
} else function (party) ""
if(is.null(FUN)) {
FUN <- function(x) c(sprintf(": n = %s", x$nobs), capture.output(print(x$coefficients)))
terminal_panel <- function(node) formatinfo_node(node,
default = "*", prefix = NULL, FUN = FUN), terminal_panel = terminal_panel,
header_panel = header_panel, footer_panel = footer_panel, ...)
} else {
node <- as.integer(node)
info <- nodeapply(x, ids = node,
FUN = function(n) info_node(n)[c("coefficients", "objfun", "test")])
for(i in seq_along(node)) {
if(i == 1L) {
cat(paste(title, "\n", collapse = ""))
} else {
cat(sprintf("-- Node %i --\n", node[i]))
cat("\nEstimated parameters:\n")
cat(sprintf("\nObjective function:\n%s\n", format(info[[i]]$objfun)))
cat("\nParameter instability tests:\n")
predict.modelparty <- function(object, newdata = NULL, type = "node", ...)
## predicted node ids
node <-, newdata = newdata)
if(identical(type, "node")) return(node)
## obtain fitted model objects
ids <- sort(unique(as.integer(node)))
mod <- apply_to_models(object, node = ids)
## obtain predictions
pred <- if(is.character(type)) {
function(object, newdata = NULL, ...) predict(object, newdata = newdata, type = type, ...)
} else {
if("newdata" %in% names(formals(pred))) {
ix <- lapply(seq_along(ids), function(i) which(node == ids[i]))
preds <- lapply(seq_along(ids), function(i)
pred(mod[[i]], newdata = newdata[ix[[i]], , drop = FALSE], ...))
nc <- NCOL(preds[[1L]])
rval <- if(nc > 1L) {
matrix(0, nrow = length(node), ncol = nc, dimnames = list(names(node), colnames(preds[[1L]])))
} else {
rep(preds[[1L]], length.out = length(node))
for(i in seq_along(ids)) {
if(nc > 1L) {
rval[ix[[i]], ] <- preds[[i]]
rownames(rval) <- names(node)
} else {
rval[ix[[i]]] <- preds[[i]]
names(rval) <- names(node)
} else {
rval <- lapply(mod, pred, ...)
if(NCOL(rval[[1L]]) > 1L) {
rval <-"rbind", rval)
rownames(rval) <- ids
rval <- rval[as.character(node), , drop = FALSE]
rownames(rval) <- names(node)
rval <- drop(rval)
} else {
## provide a c() method for factors locally
c.factor <- function(...) {
args <- list(...)
lev <- levels(args[[1L]])
args[[1L]] <- unclass(args[[1L]])
rval <-"c", args)
factor(rval, levels = 1L:length(lev), labels = lev)
rval <-"c", rval)
names(rval) <- ids
rval <- rval[as.character(node)]
names(rval) <- names(node)
fitted.modelparty <- function(object, ...)
## fitted nodes
node <-, type = "node")
## obtain fitted model objects
ids <- nodeids(object, terminal = TRUE)
fit <- apply_to_models(object, node = ids, FUN = fitted)
nc <- NCOL(fit[[1L]])
rval <- if(nc > 1L) {
matrix(0, nrow = length(ids), ncol = nc, dimnames = list(names(node), colnames(fit[[1L]])))
} else {
rep(fit[[1L]], length.out = length(node))
for(i in seq_along(ids)) {
if(nc > 1L) {
rval[node == ids[i], ] <- fit[[i]]
rownames(rval) <- names(node)
} else {
rval[node == ids[i]] <- fit[[i]]
names(rval) <- names(node)
residuals.modelparty <- function(object, ...)
## fitted nodes
node <-, type = "node")
## obtain fitted model objects
ids <- nodeids(object, terminal = TRUE)
res <- apply_to_models(object, node = ids, FUN = residuals)
nc <- NCOL(res[[1L]])
rval <- if(nc > 1L) {
matrix(0, nrow = length(ids), ncol = nc, dimnames = list(names(node), colnames(res[[1L]])))
} else {
rep(res[[1L]], length.out = length(node))
for(i in seq_along(ids)) {
if(nc > 1L) {
rval[node == ids[i], ] <- res[[i]]
rownames(rval) <- names(node)
} else {
rval[node == ids[i]] <- res[[i]]
names(rval) <- names(node)
plot.modelparty <- function(x, terminal_panel = NULL, FUN = NULL, tp_args = NULL, ...) {
if(is.null(terminal_panel)) {
if(is.null(FUN)) {
FUN <- function(x) {
cf <- x$coefficients
cf <- matrix(cf, ncol = 1, dimnames = list(names(cf), ""))
c(sprintf("n = %s", x$nobs), "Estimated parameters:",
strwrap(capture.output(print(cf, digits = 4L))[-1L]))
terminal_panel <-"node_terminal", c(list(obj = x, FUN = FUN), tp_args))
tp_args <- NULL
}, terminal_panel = terminal_panel, tp_args = tp_args, ...)
### AIC-based pruning
prune.lmtree <- function(tree, type = "AIC", ...)
## special handling for AIC and BIC
ptype <- pmatch(tolower(type), c("aic", "bic"), nomatch = 0L)
if(ptype == 1L) {
type <- function(objfun, df, nobs) (nobs[1L] * log(objfun[1L]) + 2 * df[1L]) < (nobs[1L] * log(objfun[2L]) + 2 * df[2L])
} else if(ptype == 2L) {
type <- function(objfun, df, nobs) (nobs[1L] * log(objfun[1L]) + log(nobs[2L]) * df[1L]) < (nobs[1L] * log(objfun[2L]) + log(nobs[2L]) * df[2L])
prune.modelparty <- function(tree, type = "AIC", ...)
## prepare pruning function
if(is.character(type)) {
type <- tolower(type)
type <- match.arg(type, c("aic", "bic", "none"))
type <- switch(type,
"aic" = {
function(objfun, df, nobs) (2 * objfun[1L] + 2 * df[1L]) < (2 * objfun[2L] + 2 * df[2L])
}, "bic" = {
function(objfun, df, nobs) (2 * objfun[1L] + log(n) * df[1L]) < (2 * objfun[2L] + log(n) * df[2L])
}, "none" = {
if(!is.function(type)) {
warning("Unknown specification of 'type'")
## degrees of freedom
dfsplit <- tree$info$control$dfsplit
## turn node to list
node <- tree$node
nd <- as.list(node)
## node information (IDs, kids, ...)
id <- seq_along(nd)
kids <- lapply(nd, "[[", "kids")
tmnl <- sapply(kids, is.null)
## check nodes that only have terminal kids
check <- sapply(id, function(i) !tmnl[i] && all(tmnl[kids[[i]]]))
while(any(check)) {
## pruning node information
pnode <- which(check)
objfun <- sapply(nd, function(x) x$info$objfun)
n <- nrow(tree$fitted)
pok <- sapply(pnode, function(i) type(
objfun = c(objfun[i], sum(objfun[kids[[i]]])),
df = c(length(nd[[1]]$info$coefficients), length(kids[[i]]) * length(nd[[1]]$info$coefficients) + as.integer(dfsplit)),
nobs = c(nd[[i]]$info$nobs, n)
## do any nodes need pruning?
pnode <- pnode[pok]
if(length(pnode) < 1L) break
## prune
tree <-, ids = pnode)
node <- tree$node
nd <- as.list(node)
## node information
kids <- lapply(nd, "[[", "kids")
tmnl <- sapply(kids, is.null)
id <- seq_along(nd)
check <- sapply(id, function(i) !tmnl[i] && all(tmnl[kids[[i]]]))
## return pruned tree
.mfluc_test <- function(...)
stop("not yet implemented")
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