
#' Determination of Motor Unit Synchronization by Various Methods of Cross
#' Correlation Histogram Examination
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods "show"
#' @keywords recurrence, motor unit, synchronization, visual, Zscore, sigmax,
#'   cumulative sum
#' @description Calculates the time-domain synchronization indices CIS, k',
#'   k'-1, S, E, SI (detailed below) between the two input motor unit discharge
#'   trains. One or more methods of peak determination can be chosen ("Visual",
#'   "Zscore", or "Cumsum"). Chosen method functions are called individually and
#'   detailed descriptions are documented in their respective help files. Motor
#'   unit characteristic data and interspike intervals are automatically output
#'   with mu_synch.
#' @usage mu_synch(motor_unit_1, motor_unit_2, method = "Visual", order = 1,
#'   binwidth = 0.001, plot = F)
#' @param motor_unit_1 Numeric vectors of strictly increasing numbers denoting
#'   sequential discharge times of a motor unit or neuron or any strictly
#'   increasing point process.
#' @param motor_unit_2 Numeric vectors of strictly increasing numbers denoting
#'   sequential discharge times of a motor unit or neuron or any strictly
#'   increasing point process.
#' @param method Character vector indicating which methods of peak detection to
#'   use when quantifying synchronization. "Visual", "Zscore", and "Cumsum" are
#'   the options. Default is Visual.
#' @param order Numeric as a positive integer for the number of forward and
#'   backward orders for calculating recurrence times. Default = 1.
#' @param binwidth Numeric as a positive for the bin allocation size for
#'   histogram computation. Default = 0.001 or 1 ms.
#' @param plot T/F logical for outputting the cross correlation histogram.
#'   Default is FALSE.
#' @return A list of lists containing motor unit data (the names of each
#'   discharge train used, number of discharges, the interspike intervals (ISI),
#'   mean ISI, and the recurrence times associated with each order) and
#'   synchronization indices associated with chosen methods. CIS = frequency of
#'   synchronized discharges. k' = ratio of total discharges in peak to expected
#'   discharges in peak. k'-1 = ratio of synchronized discharges to expected
#'   discharges in peak. S = ratio of synchronized discharges to total number of
#'   discharges of both motor units. E = ratio of synchronized discharges to
#'   non-synchronized discharges. SI = ratio of synchronized discharges to
#'   reference motor unit discharges.
#' @examples
#'   \donttest{
#'   x <- c(0.035, 0.115, 0.183, 0.250, 0.306, 0.377, 0.455, 0.512, 0.577,
#'   0.656, 0.739, 0.821, 0.866, 0.950, 1.014, 1.085, 1.153, 1.213, 1.279,
#'   1.355, 1.431, 1.482, 1.551, 1.631, 1.692, 1.749, 1.832, 1.897, 1.964,
#'   2.106, 2.149, 2.229, 2.302, 2.384, 2.420, 2.505, 2.592, 2.644, 2.722,
#'   2.801, 2.870, 2.926, 3.011, 3.098, 2.030, 3.183, 3.252, 3.319, 3.395,
#'   3.469, 3.560, 3.589, 3.666, 3.744, 3.828, 3.876, 3.943, 4.020, 4.104)
#'   x <- sort(x)
#'   y <- sort(jitter(x))
#'   y <- round(y, digits = 3)
#'   mu_synch(x, y, method = c("visual", "Zscore", "Cumsum"), order = 1,
#'   binwidth = 0.001, plot = FALSE)}
#' @seealso visual_mu_synch, zscore_mu_synch, cumsum_mu_synch
#' @references Keen, D.A., Chou, L., Nordstrom, M.A., Fuglevand, A.J. (2012)
#'   Short-term Synchrony in Diverse Motor Nuclei Presumed to Receive Different
#'   Extents of Direct Cortical Input. Journal of Neurophysiology 108: 3264-3275
#'   Nordstrom, M.A., Fuglevand, A.J., Enoka, R.M. (1992) Estimating the
#'   Strength of Common Input to Human Motoneurons from the Cross-Correlogram.
#'   Journal of Physiology 453, pp. 547-574
#'   DeFreitas, J.M., Beck, T.W., Xin, Y., Stock, M.S. (2013) Synchronization of
#'   Low- and High-Threshold Motor Units. Muscle & Nerve DOI 10.1002/mus.23978

mu_synch <- function(motor_unit_1, motor_unit_2, method = "Visual", order = 1,
                     binwidth = 0.001, plot = F){

  recurrence_intervals2 <- function(motor_unit_1, motor_unit_2, order) {

    if (!is.vector(motor_unit_1) || !is.vector(motor_unit_2)) {
      stop("'motor_unit_1' and 'motor_unit_2' must be vectors.")

    if (length(motor_unit_1) <= 1 || length(motor_unit_2) <= 1) {
      stop ("'motor_unit_1' and 'motor_unit_2' must be vectors of length > 1.")

    if (is.unsorted(motor_unit_1, strictly = T)
        || is.unsorted(motor_unit_2, strictly = T)) {
      stop ("'motor_unit_1' and 'motor_unit_2' must be strictly increasing.")

    if (!is.numeric(order) || order%%1 != 0) {
      stop("Order must be whole number.")

    # reference (ref) and event motor units (MU) assigned according to which MU
    # has more firings (length()). ISI = InterSpike Intervals
    if (length(motor_unit_1) < length(motor_unit_2)) {
      ref.name <- deparse(substitute(motor_unit_1, env = parent.frame()))
      event.name <- deparse(substitute(motor_unit_2, env = parent.frame()))
      ref.MU <- motor_unit_1
      event.MU <- motor_unit_2
      ref.MU.ISI <- diff(motor_unit_1)
      event.MU.ISI <- diff(motor_unit_2)
      mean.ref.ISI <- round(mean(ref.MU.ISI), digits = 3)
      mean.event.ISI <- round(mean(event.MU.ISI), digits = 3)
    } else {
      ref.name <- deparse(substitute(motor_unit_2, env = parent.frame()))
      event.name <- deparse(substitute(motor_unit_1, env = parent.frame()))
      ref.MU <- motor_unit_2
      event.MU <- motor_unit_1
      ref.MU.ISI <- diff(motor_unit_2)
      event.MU.ISI <- diff(motor_unit_1)
      mean.ref.ISI <- round(mean(ref.MU.ISI), digits = 3)
      mean.event.ISI <- round(mean(event.MU.ISI), digits = 3)

    MU.names <- list(Reference_Unit = ref.name,
                     Number_of_Reference_Discharges = length(ref.MU),
                     Reference_ISI = ref.MU.ISI,
                     Mean_Reference_ISI = mean.ref.ISI,
                     Event_Unit = event.name,
                     Number_of_Event_Discharges = length(event.MU),
                     Event_ISI = event.MU.ISI,
                     Mean_Event_ISI = mean.event.ISI,
                     Duration = max(ref.MU, event.MU) - min(ref.MU, event.MU))

    lags <- vector('list', order)

    for (i in 1:length(ref.MU)) {

      pre_diff <- rev(event.MU[event.MU < ref.MU[i]])
      pre_diff <- pre_diff[1:order]
      pre_diff <- pre_diff - (ref.MU[i])

      post_diff <- event.MU[event.MU >= ref.MU[i]]
      post_diff <- post_diff[1:order]
      post_diff <- post_diff - (ref.MU[i])

      for (j in 1:order) {
        y <- c(pre_diff[j], post_diff[j])
        lags[[j]] <- append(lags[[j]], y)


    # remove NA's
    lags <- lapply(lags, Filter, f = Negate(is.na))

    names(lags) <- paste(1:order)
    lags <- append(MU.names, lags)



  recurrence.data <- recurrence_intervals2(motor_unit_1, motor_unit_2, order)

  mean.reference.ISI <- recurrence.data$Mean_Reference_ISI

  # Create frequency table by binning recurrence times according to specfied bin
  # width using the mean reference ISI as the positive and negative boundaries.
  frequency.data <- unlist(recurrence.data[paste(1:order)])
  frequency.data <- frequency.data[frequency.data >= -mean.reference.ISI &
                                     frequency.data <= mean.reference.ISI]
  frequency.data <- as.vector(frequency.data)
  frequency.data <- motoRneuron::bin(frequency.data, binwidth = binwidth)

  synch.data <- list(Data = recurrence.data)

  if (plot) {



  if ("Visual" %in% method) {

    synch.data[["Visual Indices"]] <- visual_mu_synch(motor_unit_1,
                                              order = order,
                                              binwidth = binwidth,
                                              get_data = F,
                                              plot = F)[["Indices"]]


  if ("Zscore" %in% method) {

    synch.data[["Zscore Indices"]] <- zscore_mu_synch(motor_unit_1,
                                              order = order,
                                              binwidth = binwidth,
                                              get_data = F,
                                              plot = F)[["Indices"]]


  if ("Cumsum" %in% method) {

    synch.data[["Cumsum Indices"]] <- cumsum_mu_synch(motor_unit_1,
                                              order = order,
                                              binwidth = binwidth,
                                              get_data = F,
                                              plot = F)[["Indices"]]



tweedell/motoRneuron documentation built on June 21, 2019, 10:43 p.m.