
Defines functions get_diff get_integral get_spline get_gvalues get_peaks align_spectrum

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
##                          R6 CLASS METHODS                                 ##
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##

## Methods for objects of class ESR.Spectrum
## -----------------------------------------

get_diff <- function(x, order, ...) {
  d <- x$y
  for (i in seq_len(order)) {
    d <- diff(d, ...)
  until <- nrow(x) - order
  c <- attributes(x)$spectrum
  x <- x[1:until, ] # TODO: This causes x to loose its attributes
  if (!is.null(c)) attr(x, "spectrum") <- c
  x$y <- d
  class(x) <- c("ESR.Spectrum", class(x))
  attr(x, "spectrum") <- c(attr(x, "spectrum"), rep("diff", order))

get_integral <- function(x) {
  t <- x$y
  for (i in seq_along(t)) 
    t[i] <- sum(x$y[1:i])
  x$y <- t
  class(x) <- c("ESR.Spectrum", class(x))
  attr(x, "spectrum") <- c(attr(x, "spectrum"), "integral")

get_spline <- function(x, ...) {
  s <- smooth.spline(x, ...)
  x$x <- s$x
  x$y <- s$y
  class(x) <- c("ESR.Spectrum", class(x))
  attr(x, "spectrum") <- c(attr(x, "spectrum"), "spline")

get_gvalues <- function(v, H, x) {

  if (grepl("e+", v)) {
    v <- format(v, scientific = FALSE)
  if (v >= 10) 
    v <- as.numeric(paste0(strtrim(v, 1), ".", substr(v, 2, nchar(v))))
  planck_const <- 6.62606957e-34 # SI: J/s 
  bohr_magneton <- 9.27400968e-24 # SI: J/T
  g <- (planck_const * v * 10^9) / (bohr_magneton * 10^-4 * H)
  if (length(x$x) != length(g)) {
    t <- abs(length(x$x) - length(g))
    ifelse(length(x$x) > length(g), x <- x[1:c(nrow(x)-t)], g <- g[1:c(length(g)-1)]) # TODO: this causes x to loose its attributes
  x$x <- g
  # class(x) <- c("ESR.Spectrum", class(x))

get_peaks <- function(x, interval, th = 10) {
  p <- find_Peaks(x, interval, th)

align_spectrum <- function(x, reference, ...) {
  if (inherits(reference, "list")) {
    if (all(sapply(reference, function(x) inherits(x, "ESR.Spectrum"))))
      reference <- lapply(reference, as.data.frame)

    reference <- data.frame(x = reference[[1]][,1],
                            y = colMeans(do.call(rbind, lapply(reference, function(x) x[,2]))))
  if (inherits(reference, "ESR.Spectrum"))
    reference <- as.data.frame(reference)
  if (inherits(x, "ESR.Spectrum"))
      x <- as.data.frame(x)
  lag <- abs_max_ccf(unlist(reference[ ,2]), unlist(x[ ,2]), ...)
  x[ ,1] <- x[ ,1] + diff(range(x[,1])) / nrow(x) * lag
tzerk/ESR documentation built on May 20, 2019, 1:12 p.m.