GRS: Function to calculate the Generalized Random Set statistic to...

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GRSR Documentation

Function to calculate the Generalized Random Set statistic to perform Functional Annotation by Primary Genomics Data


This function is intended to compare a new genomics dataset to existing primary genomics data by using the Generalized Random Set approach to compute the concordance of gene lists based on corresponding p-values


GRS(query.p, reference.p, query.gL = NULL, reference.gL = NULL, na.rm = TRUE, estimateNullDistr = TRUE, nullDistrQuantiles = c(0.9, 0.95, 0.99), nullDistrN = 100, tolerateWarnings=TRUE, pAdjust.method.query=NULL, pAdjust.method.reference=NULL, lambda=0.005)



Query p-values. A vector, a matrix with two columns where the first column contains the geneIDs and the second column contains the p-values, or a matrix with three columns where the first column contains the geneIDs, the second contains the scores and the third contains probability. If the query.p is a vector and query.gL is NULL, query.p and reference.p are assumed to have the same number of genes and genes are in the same order.


Reference p-values. A vector, a matrix with two columns where the first column contains the geneIDs and the second column contains the p-values, or a matrix with three columns where the first column contains the geneIDs, the second contains the scores and the third contains probability. If the reference.p is a vector and reference.gL is NULL, query.p and reference.p are assumed to have the same number of genes and genes are in the same order.


If query.p is a vector of p-values, this parameters is expected to contain a vector of corresponding gene IDs of same length. Otherwise it is ignored.


If reference.p is a vector of p-values, this parameters is expected to contain a vector of corresponding gene IDs of same length. Otherwise it is ignored.


If TRUE, any NA's in query.p and/or reference.p are removed before computing the GRS score.


If TRUE, an empirical distribution of the gene-specific GRS score is estimated.


If 'estimateNullDistr' is TRUE, specifies the desired quantiles of the null-distribution.


If 'estimateNullDistr' is TRUE, specifies the number of iterations for the estimation function.


If FALSE, function returns (with the warning message as character string). This parameter is intended when using GRS() by the Genomics Portals.


If NULL, the probability of differential expression is set to posterior probability of diff expression based on query.p, else 1-adjusted pvalue is used from the p.adjust function.


If NULL, the probability of differential expression is set to posterior probability of diff expression based on reference.p, else 1-adjusted pvalue is used from the p.adjust function.


To be passed to qvalue() function which estimates the proportion of non-differentially expressed genes.


This function is intended to compare a new genomics dataset to existing primary genomics data by using the Generalized Random Set approach to compute the concordance of gene lists based on corresponding p-values.


This function returns a list:


GRS p-value. Under the null-hypothesis, the two gene lists are not concordant.


GRS z-score


Table where the first column contains the common gene IDs and the second column contains the geney-specific GRS score.


If 'estimateNullDistr' is TRUE, this list item gives the quantiles of the null-distribution specified by 'nullDistrQuantiles' parameter.


Johannes Freudenberg


Publication forthcoming.

See Also

convertGeneTable, runCLEAN, LRpath


 res <- GRS(bCa$Schmidt.pValues, bCa$Miller.pValues)

 p <- apply(gimmOut$clustData[,-(1:2)], 1, function(x) t.test(x[1:4], x[5:8])$p.val)
 p <- cbind(geneIDs=gimmOut$clustData[,1], p=p)
 p2 <- convertGeneTable(p, from="r", to="h")
 GRS(bCa$Schmidt.pValues, p2)

uc-bd2k/CLEAN documentation built on Sept. 22, 2022, 4:12 a.m.