
g.plot5 = function(metadatadir=c(),dofirstpage=FALSE, viewingwindow = 1,f0=c(),f1=c(),overwrite=FALSE) {
  if (file.exists(paste(metadatadir,"/results/file summary reports",sep=""))) {
    fnames.fsr = sort(dir(paste(metadatadir,"/results/file summary reports",sep="")))
    ffdone = fnames.fsr #ffdone is now a list of files that have already been processed by g.part5
  } else {
    dir.create(file.path(paste(metadatadir,"/results",sep=""),"file summary reports"))
    ffdone = c()
  # directories
  meta = paste(metadatadir,"/meta/basic",sep="")
  metasleep = paste(metadatadir,"/meta/ms3.out",sep="")
  ms4 = paste(metadatadir,"/meta/ms4.out",sep="")
  results = paste(metadatadir,"/results",sep="")
  # get list of filenames
  fname_m = dir(meta)
  fname_ms = dir(metasleep)
  cave = function(x) as.character(unlist(strsplit(x,".RDa")))[1]
  x = as.matrix(as.character(fname_m))
  temp1 = apply(x,MARGIN=c(1),FUN=cave)
  cave2 = function(x) as.character(unlist(strsplit(x,"eta_")))[2]
  x = as.matrix(as.character(temp1))
  fnamesmeta = apply(x,MARGIN=c(1),FUN=cave2)
  x = as.matrix(as.character(fname_ms))
  fnamesmetasleep = apply(x,MARGIN=c(1),FUN=cave)
  # create list of day names
  wdaynames = c("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday")
  # load summary spreadsheets for this study
  if (file.exists(paste(results,"/part2_daysummary.csv",sep=""))) {
  } else {
    print("ERROR: File daysummary.csv not generated yet")
  daysummary = read.csv(paste(results,"/part2_daysummary.csv",sep=""))
  summary = read.csv(paste(results,"/part2_summary.csv",sep=""))
  checkfiles = dir(results)
  M = c()
  # loop through files
  for (i in f0:f1) {  #1:length(fnamesmeta)
    if (length(ffdone) > 0) {
      if (length(which(ffdone == paste("Report_",fnamesmeta[i],".pdf",sep=""))) > 0) { 
        skip = 1 #skip this file because it was analysed before")
      } else {
        skip = 0 #do not skip this file
    } else {
      skip = 0
    if (overwrite == TRUE) skip = 0
    if (skip ==0) {
      sel = which(fnamesmetasleep == fnamesmeta[i])
      if (length(sel) > 0) {
        pdf(paste(metadatadir,"/results/file summary reports/Report_",fnamesmeta[i],".pdf",sep=""),
            paper="a4",width = 0, height = 0) #width=8.27,height=11.69
        print(paste("File ",fnamesmeta[i],sep=""))
        sib.cla.sum = c()
        ws3 = M$windowsizes[1]
        ws2 = M$windowsizes[2]
        daysummary_tmp = daysummary[which(daysummary$filename == fnamesmeta[i]),]
        nightsummary = c()
        load(paste(ms4,"/",dir(ms4)[which(dir(ms4) == dir(metasleep)[i])],sep="")) #to load summary sleep
        summarysleep_tmp = nightsummary
        # note that the reports are generated from the raw sleep classification (part4) and no attempt is made to clean it up,
        # by deleting nights for which no diary was available or not enough accelerometer data was available
        if (length(unique(summarysleep_tmp$acc_def)) > 1) {
          if (length(which(unique(summarysleep_tmp$acc_def) == "T5A5")) == 1) {
            della = which(summarysleep_tmp$acc_def == "T5A5")
          } else {
            della = which(summarysleep_tmp$acc_def == unique(summarysleep_tmp$acc_def)[1])
          if (length(della) > 0) summarysleep_tmp = summarysleep_tmp[-della,]
        # do not include days with no meaningful data
        d2excludeb = d2exclude = which(daysummary_tmp$N.valid.hours < 10)
        n2excludeb = n2exclude = which(summarysleep_tmp$fraction_night_invalid > 0.66
                                       | summarysleep_tmp$acc_timeinbed == 0)
        if (length(d2exclude) > 0) {
          d2excludeb = daysummary_tmp$measurmentday[d2exclude]
          daysummary_tmp = daysummary_tmp[-d2exclude,] #ignore days with non-wear
          d2exclude = d2excludeb
        if (length(n2exclude) > 0) {
          n2excludeb = summarysleep_tmp$night[n2exclude]
          summarysleep_tmp = summarysleep_tmp[-n2exclude,]
          n2exclude = n2excludeb
        # detect which column is mvpa
        n45 = names(daysummary_tmp)
        c45 = c()
        for (i45 in 1:length(n45)) {
          s45 = unlist(strsplit(n45[i45],"VPA_"))
          if (length(s45) > 1) {
            c45 = c(c45,i45)
        c45 = c45[length(c45)]
        # First page of the report
        if (dofirstpage == TRUE & length(which(is.na(daysummary_tmp$mean_ENMO_mg_24hr) == FALSE)) > 1
            & length(which(is.na(daysummary_tmp[,c45]) == FALSE)) > 1
            & nrow(summarysleep_tmp) > 0) {
          # abbreviate names of days
          days1 = daysummary_tmp$weekday
          daynames = as.character(days1)
          days_PA = g.abr.day.names(daynames)
          days2 = summarysleep_tmp$weekday
          daynames = as.character(days2)
          days_SLEEP = g.abr.day.names(daynames)
          # extract variables
          lengthnight = summarysleep_tmp$acc_timeinbed #including wake periods
          nocsleepdur = summarysleep_tmp$acc_dur_noc
          sleepefficiency = (nocsleepdur /lengthnight) * 100
          f01 = daysummary_tmp[,c45]
          f02 = daysummary_tmp$mean_ENMO_mg_24hr
          f05 = nocsleepdur #runif(length(days), 4, 10)
          f06 = sleepefficiency #runif(length(days), 30, 100)
          #           if (length(which(f06 > 100)) > 0) f06[which(f06 > 100)] =0
          f07 = daysummary_tmp$N.valid.hours #runif(7, 20, 24)
          # allocate colours
          CLS = c("white","black")
          CLS_A = rep(CLS[1],length(days_PA))
          CLS_B = rep(CLS[1],length(days_SLEEP))
          CLS_A[which(days_PA == "SUN" | days_PA == "SAT")] = CLS[2]
          CLS_B[which(days_SLEEP == "SUN" | days_SLEEP == "SAT")] = CLS[2]
          # headers
          vars = c(paste("Time spent in moderate or vigorous activity (average is ",round(mean(f01,na.rm=TRUE))," minutes per day)",sep=""),
                   paste("Total physical activity (average per day is ",round(mean(f02,na.rm=TRUE))," mg)",sep=""),
                   paste("Sleep duration (average is ",round(mean(f05,na.rm=TRUE),digits=1)," hours per night)",sep=""),
                   paste("Sleep efficiency (average is ",round(mean(f06,na.rm=TRUE)),"% per night)",sep=""),
                   paste("Duration monitor worn (hours per day)",sep="")) #(mean = ",round(mean(f07))," hours)
          # plot data
          CEXN = 0.9
          YXLIM = c(0,(max(f01,na.rm=TRUE)*1.3))
          if (YXLIM[2] == 0) YXLIM[2] = 60
          B3 = barplot(as.matrix(f01),names.arg=days_PA,beside=TRUE,#axes=FALSE,
                       ylim=YXLIM,cex.names=CEXN,las=0,col=CLS_A,density = 20) #
          topp = mean(as.matrix(round(f01)))*0.1
          text(y= as.matrix(round(f01))+topp+5, x= B3, labels=as.character(as.matrix(round(f01))), xpd=TRUE,cex=1)
          YXLIM = c(0,(max(f02,na.rm=TRUE)*1.3))
          B6 = barplot(as.matrix(f02),names.arg=days_PA,beside=TRUE,#axes=FALSE,
                       ylim=YXLIM,cex.names=CEXN,las=0,col=CLS_A,density = 20) #
          topp = mean(as.matrix(round(f02)))*0.1
          text(y= as.matrix(round(f02))+topp, x= B6, labels=as.character(as.matrix(round(f02))), xpd=TRUE,cex=1)
          #Monitor wear duration
          YXLIM = c(0,(max(f07,na.rm=TRUE)*1.3))
          B8 =  barplot(as.matrix(f07),names.arg=days_PA,beside=TRUE, #axes=FALSE,
                        ylim=YXLIM,cex.names=CEXN,las=0,col=CLS_A,density = 20) #,density = 20
          topp = mean(as.matrix(round(f07)))*0.1
          text(y= as.matrix(round(f07))+topp, x= B8, labels=as.character(as.matrix(round(f07))), xpd=TRUE,cex=1.1)
          #Sleep duration
          YXLIM =c(0,(max(f05,na.rm=TRUE)*1.3))
          B4 = barplot(as.matrix(f05),names.arg=days_SLEEP,beside=TRUE,#axes=FALSE,
                       ylim=YXLIM,cex.names=CEXN,las=0,col=CLS_B,density = 20) #
          topp = mean(as.matrix(round(f05,digits=1)))*0.1
          text(y= as.matrix(round(f05,digits=1))+topp, x= B4, labels=as.character(as.matrix(round(f05,digits=1))), xpd=TRUE,cex=1)
          #Sleep efficiency
          YXLIM = c(0,120)
          B5 = barplot(as.matrix(f06),names.arg=days_SLEEP,beside=TRUE,#axes=FALSE,
                       ylim=YXLIM,cex.names=CEXN,las=0,col=CLS_B,density = 20) #,density = 20
          topp = mean(as.matrix(round(f06)))*0.1
          text(y= as.matrix(round(f06))+topp, x= B5, labels=as.character(as.matrix(round(f06))), xpd=TRUE,cex=1)
          mtext(paste("Activity and sleep report: ",fnamesmeta[i],sep=""), side = 3, line = 0, outer = TRUE,font=2,cex=0.7)
        LWDX = 2.5 #linewidth for coloured lines
        LWDA = 0.2 
        BLX = 0.6
        # Next pages with day specific graphs
        #get variables - activity:
        ENMO = as.numeric(as.matrix(M$metashort[,2])) * 1000
        time =  as.character(M$metashort[,1])
        MODPA = rep(NA,length(ENMO))
        VIGPA = rep(NA,length(ENMO))
        boutdur2 = 10 * (60/ws3) 
        boutcriter = 0.8
        #moderate and vigorous activity
        rr1 = matrix(0,length(ENMO),1)
        p = which(ENMO >= 100)
        rr1[p] = 1
        rr1t = rr1
        jmvpa = 1
        while(jmvpa <= length(p)) {
          endi = p[jmvpa]+boutdur2
          if (endi <= length(rr1)) { #does bout fall without measurement?
            lengthbout = sum(rr1[p[jmvpa]:endi])
            if (lengthbout > (boutdur2*boutcriter)) { #0.9 => 90% of the bout needs to meet the criteria
              rr1t[p[jmvpa]:endi] = 2 #remember that this was a bout in r1t
            } else {
              rr1[p[jmvpa]] = 0
          } else { #bout does not fall within measurement
            if (length(p) > 1 & jmvpa > 2) {
              rr1[p[jmvpa]] = rr1[p[jmvpa-1]]
          jmvpa = jmvpa + 1
        rr1[which(rr1t == 2)] = 1
        MODPA[which(rr1 == 1 & ENMO < 400)] = 1 #moderate as part of 10 minute bouts of mvpa
        VIGPA[which(ENMO >= 400 & rr1 == 1)] = 1 #vigorous as part of 10 minute bouts of mvpa
        #get variables - sleep:
        angle = as.matrix(M$metashort[,which(colnames(M$metashort) == "anglez")])
        if (I$monc == 2) {
          LP = as.character(M$metalong[,which(names(M$metalong)=="lightpeak")])
          LP = rep(LP,each=c(ws2/ws3))
        detection = rep(NA,length(time))
        S = sib.cla.sum #SLES$output
        def = unique(S$definition)[1]
        S = S[which(S$definition==def),] # simplify to one definition
        for (j in 1:length(unique(S$night))) { #nights
          tmp = S[which(S$night==j),]
          for (h in 1:nrow(tmp)) { # sleep periods
            s0 = which(time == as.character(tmp$sib.onset.time[h]))[1]
            s1 = which(time == as.character(tmp$sib.end.time[h]))[1]
            if (length(s0) == 0 | is.na(s0) == TRUE) {
              s0 = which(time == paste(as.character(tmp$sib.onset.time[h])," 00:00:00",sep=""))[1]
            if (length(s1) == 0 | is.na(s1) == TRUE) {
              s1 = which(time == paste(as.character(tmp$sib.end.time[h])," 00:00:00",sep=""))[1]
#                     print(paste("s0 ",s0," ",as.character(tmp$sib.onset.time[h]),sep=""))
#                         print(paste("s1 ",s1," ",as.character(tmp$sib.end.time[h]),sep=""))
            if (is.na(s0) == FALSE & is.na(s1) == FALSE) { #new on 18 May 2015
              detection[s0:s1] = 1 #new on 18 May 2015
            } #new on 18 May 2015
        # detect midnights
        sec = unclass(as.POSIXlt(time))$sec
        min = unclass(as.POSIXlt(time))$min
        hour = unclass(as.POSIXlt(time))$hour
        if (viewingwindow == 1) {
          nightsi = which(sec == 0 & min == 0 & hour == 0)
          xaxislabels = c("midnight","2am","4am","6am","8am","10am","noon",
        } else if (viewingwindow == 2) {
          nightsi = which(sec == 0 & min == 0 & hour == 12)
          xaxislabels = c("noon","2pm","4pm","6pm","8pm","10pm","midnight",
        nplots = length(nightsi)+1
        # plot
        npointsperday = (60/ws3)*1440    
        x = 1:npointsperday
        NGPP = 7 #number of graphs per page
        daycount = 1
        for (g in 1:nplots) { # 1:nplots
          skip = FALSE
          if (g == 1) {
            t0 = 1
            t1 = nightsi[g]-1
            if ((t1 - t0) < (6*(60/ws3)*60)) skip = TRUE
          } else if (g > 1 & g < nplots) {
            t0 = nightsi[g-1]
            t1 = nightsi[g]-1
          }  else if (g == nplots) {
            t0 = nightsi[g-1]
            t1 = length(time)
            if ((t1 - t0) < (6*(60/ws3)*60)) skip = TRUE
          if (((t1-t0) + 1) / (12*60) == 25) { # day with 25 hours, just pretend that 25th hour did not happen
            t1 = t1 - (12*60)
          if (((t1-t0) + 1) / (12*60) == 23) { # day with 23 hours, just extend timeline with 1 hour
            t1 = t1 + (12*60)
          acc = ENMO[t0:t1]
          mpa = MODPA[t0:t1]
          vpa = VIGPA[t0:t1]
          ang = angle[t0:t1]
          d = detection[t0:t1]
          minutesvigorous = (length(which(vpa == 1))*5)/60
          minutesmoderate = (length(which(mpa == 1))*5)/60
          minutesMVPA = (length(which(mpa == 1 | vpa == 1))*5)/60
          if (viewingwindow == 1) { #focus on day
            if (length(d2exclude) > 0) {
              if (length(which(d2exclude == g)) > 0) skip = TRUE
          } else { #focus on night
            if (length(n2exclude) > 0) {
              if (length(which(n2exclude == g)) > 0) skip = TRUE
          title = paste("Day ",daycount,": ",
                        "    ",
          if (((t1-t0)+1) != npointsperday & t0 == 1) {
            extension = rep(NA,(npointsperday-((t1-t0)+1)))
            acc = c(extension,acc)
            if (length(acc) == (length(x)+1)) {
              extension = extension[2:(length(extension))]
              acc = acc[2:(length(acc))]
            mpa = c(extension,mpa)
            vpa = c(extension,vpa)
          if (((t1-t0)+1) != npointsperday & t1 == length(time)) {
            extension = rep(NA,(npointsperday-((t1-t0)+1)))
            acc = c(acc,extension)
            if (length(acc) == (length(x)+1)) {
              extension = extension[1:(length(extension)-1)]
              acc = acc[1:(length(acc)-1)]
            mpa = c(mpa,extension)
            vpa = c(vpa,extension)
          acc = as.numeric(acc)
          vpa = vpa * 143
          mpa = mpa * 143
          acc[which(acc >= 900)] = 900
          acc = (acc/9) - 210
          # sleep related
          if (I$monc == 2) {
            LPd = LP[t0:t1]
          if (((t1-t0)+1) != npointsperday & t0 == 1) {
            extension = rep(NA,(npointsperday-((t1-t0)+1)))
            ang = c(extension,ang)
            if (length(ang) == (length(x)+1)) {
              extension = extension[2:(length(extension))]
              ang = ang[2:(length(ang))]
            d = c(extension,d)
            if (I$monc == 2) LPd = c(extension,LPd)
          if (((t1-t0)+1) != npointsperday & t1 == length(time)) {
            extension = rep(NA,(npointsperday-((t1-t0)+1)))
            ang = c(ang,extension)
            if (length(ang) == (length(x)+1)) {
              extension = extension[1:(length(extension)-1)]
              ang = ang[1:(length(ang)-1)]
            d = c(d,extension)
            if (I$monc == 2) LPd = c(LPd,extension)
          d = d * 143
          if (I$monc == 2) {
            LPd_dark = as.numeric(LPd)
            LPd_light = as.numeric(LPd)
            is.na(LPd_light[which(LPd_light < 4)]) = TRUE
            is.na(LPd_dark[which(LPd_dark >= 4)]) = TRUE
            LPd_dark[which(is.na(LPd_dark) == FALSE)] = -220
            LPd_light[which(is.na(LPd_light) == FALSE)] = -220
          if (skip == FALSE) {
            YXLIM = c(-230,300)
            LJ = 2
            # accelerometer
            plot(x,acc, type="l",lwd=LWDA,bty="l",axes=FALSE,ylim=YXLIM,
                 xlab="",ylab="",main="",cex.main=0.9,lend=LJ) #,axes=FALSE,ylim=YXLIM,xlab="",ylab="",main="",cex=0.3
            if (I$monc == 2) { ## dark and light
            # angle
            lines(x,ang, type="l",lwd=LWDA,bty="l",xlab="",ylab="",cex=0.3,lend=LJ)
            #sleep detection
            # mvpa
            # axes
            # grid
            abline(h=0,untf = FALSE,lty=3,lwd=1,col="grey")
            text(x=-700,y=180,labels="What we think you did:",pos=4,font=1.8,cex=0.9)
            text(x=-700,y=-120,labels="Your arm movement:",pos=4,font=1.8,cex=0.9)
            text(x=-700,y=80,labels="Your arm angle (up or down):",pos=4,font=1.8,cex=0.9)
            if (I$monc == 2) {
              legend("topright",legend=c("sleep / rest", #"arm angle (top) / arm movement (bottom)",
                                         "light detected by light sensor",
                                         "active period lasting at least 10 minutes",
                                         "vigorous part of the activite period"), #"darkness (light sensor)",
                     lty=c(1,1),col=c("red","yellow","skyblue","darkblue"), #"black",
            } else {
              legend("topright",legend=c( "sleep /rest", #"arm angle (top) activity (bottom)",
                                          "active period lasting at least 10 minutes",
                                          "vigorous part of the activite period"),
            if (daycount==1 | ((daycount-1)/NGPP) == (round((daycount-1)/NGPP))) {
              mtext(paste("Filename: ",fnamesmeta[i],sep=""),side = 3,line=0,outer=TRUE,font=2,cex=0.6)
            #             daycount = daycount + 1
          daycount = daycount + 1
ucl-cls/mcs-acc documentation built on May 3, 2019, 2:22 p.m.