
g.sib.det = function(M,IMP,I,twd=c(-12,12),anglethreshold = 5,
                     timethreshold = c(5,10),desiredtz="Europe/London") {
  # get variables  
  D = IMP$metashort
  nD = nrow(D)
  mon = I$monn
  ws3 = M$windowsizes[1]
  ws2 = M$windowsizes[2]
  n_ws2_perday = (1440*60) / ws2
  n_ws3_perday = (1440*60) / ws3
  Nsleep = length(timethreshold) * length(anglethreshold)
  sleep = matrix(0,nD,Nsleep)
  # get indicator of non-wear periods
  rout = IMP$rout
  r5 = as.numeric(as.matrix(rout[,5]))
  r5long = matrix(0,length(r5),(ws2/ws3))
  r5long = replace(r5long,1:length(r5long),r5)
  r5long = t(r5long)
  dim(r5long) = c((length(r5)*(ws2/ws3)),1)
  if (nD < length(r5long)) {
    invalid = r5long[1:nD]
  } else {
    invalid = c(r5long,rep(0,(nD-length(r5long))))
  # Deriving file characteristics from 15 min summary files
  ND = nD/n_ws3_perday #number of days
  if (ND > 0.2) {
    # timestamps
    time = as.character(D[1:nD,1])
    # angle
    if (length(which(colnames(D)=="anglez")) == 0) {
      cat("metric anglez was not extracted, please make sure that anglez  is extracted")
    angle = as.numeric(as.matrix(D[1:nD,which(colnames(D)=="anglez")]))
    ENMO = as.numeric(as.matrix(D[1:nD,which(colnames(D)=="ENMO")]))
    night = rep(0,length(angle))
    if (length(which(is.na(angle) ==TRUE)) > 0) {
      if (which(is.na(angle) ==TRUE)[1] == length(angle)) {
        angle[length(angle)] = angle[length(angle)-1]
    # sleep detection
    angle[which(is.na(angle) == T)] = 0
    cnt = 1
    for (i in timethreshold) {
      for (j in anglethreshold) {
        sdl1 = rep(0,length(time))
        postch = which(abs(diff(angle)) > j) #posture change of at least j degrees
        # count posture changes that happen less than once per ten minutes
        q1 = c()
        if (length(postch) > 1) {
          q1 = which(diff(postch) > (i*(60/ws3))) #less than once per i minutes
        if (length(q1) > 0) {
          for (gi in 1:length(q1)) {
            sdl1[postch[q1[gi]]:postch[q1[gi]+1]] = 1 #periods with no posture change
        } else { #possibly a day without wearing
          if (length(postch) < 10) {  #possibly a day without wearing
            sdl1[1:length(sdl1)] = 1 #periods with no posture change
          } else {  #possibly a day with constantly posture changes
            sdl1[1:length(sdl1)] = 0 #periodsposture change
        sleep[,cnt] = sdl1
        cnt = cnt+ 1
    cnt = 1
    sleep = as.data.frame(sleep)
    for (i in timethreshold) {
      for (j in anglethreshold) {
        colnames(sleep)[cnt] = paste("T",i,"A",j,sep="")
        cnt = cnt + 1
    # detect midnights
    detemout = g.detecmidnight(ND,time,desiredtz) # no use common function for midnight detection
    countmidn = length(midnightsi)
    L5list = rep(0,countmidn)
    if (countmidn != 0) {
      if (countmidn == 1) {
        tooshort = 1
        lastmidnight = time[length(time)]
        lastmidnighti = length(time)
        firstmidnight = time[1]
        firstmidnighti = 1
        qqq1 = midnightsi[1] + (twd[1]*(3600/ws3)) #noon
        qqq2 = midnightsi[1] + (twd[2]*(3600/ws3)) #noon
        if (qqq2 > length(time))  qqq2 = length(time)
        if (qqq1 < 1)             qqq1 = 1
        night[qqq1:qqq2] = 1
        detection.failed = FALSE  
        # calculate L5 because this is used in case the sleep diary is not available (added 17-11-2014)
        tmpENMO = ENMO[qqq1:qqq2]
        windowRL = round((3600/ws3)*5)
        if ((windowRL/2) == round(windowRL/2)) windowRL = windowRL+1
        if (length(tmpENMO) < windowRL) {  0 # added 4/4/2-17
          cat("Warning: time window shorter than 5 hours which makes it impossible to identify L5")
          L5 = 0
        } else {
          ZRM = zoo::rollmean(x=c(tmpENMO),k=windowRL,fill="extend",align="center") #
          L5 = which(ZRM == min(ZRM))[1]
          if (sd(ZRM) == 0) {
            L5 = c()
          } else {
            L5 = (L5  / (3600/ ws3)) + 12
          if (length(L5) == 0) L5 = 0 #if there is no L5, because full they is zero
        L5list[1] = L5
      } else { #more than one midnight
        cut = which(as.numeric(midnightsi) == 0)
        if (length(cut) > 0) {
          midnights = midnights[-cut]
          midnightsi = midnightsi[-cut]  
        lastmidnight = midnights[length(midnights)]
        lastmidnighti = midnightsi[length(midnights)]
        firstmidnight = midnights[1]
        firstmidnighti = midnightsi[1]
        for (j in 1:(countmidn)) { #-1
          qqq1 = midnightsi[j] + (twd[1]*(3600/ws3)) #noon
          qqq2 = midnightsi[j] + (twd[2]*(3600/ws3)) #noon
          if (qqq2 > length(time))  qqq2 = length(time)
          if (qqq1 < 1)             qqq1 = 1
          night[qqq1:qqq2] = j
          # calculate L5 because this is used in case the sleep diary is not available (added 17-11-2014)
          tmpENMO = ENMO[qqq1:qqq2]
          windowRL = round((3600/ws3)*5)
          if ((windowRL/2) == round(windowRL/2)) windowRL = windowRL+1
          ZRM = zoo::rollmean(x=c(tmpENMO),k=windowRL,fill="extend",align="center") #
          L5 = which(ZRM == min(ZRM))[1]
          if (sd(ZRM) == 0) {
            L5 = c()
          } else {
            L5 = (L5  / (3600/ ws3)) + 12
          if (length(L5) == 0) L5 = 0 #if there is no L5, because full they is zero
          L5list[j] = L5
        detection.failed = FALSE      
    } else {
      cat("No midnights found")
      detection.failed = TRUE
    metatmp = data.frame(time,invalid,night=night,sleep = sleep)
  } else {
    metatmp =c()
    L5list = c()
    detection.failed = TRUE
  invisible(list(output = metatmp,detection.failed=detection.failed,L5list=L5list))
ucl-cls/mcs-acc documentation built on May 3, 2019, 2:22 p.m.