
Defines functions read.results.csv read.region.summary read.country.summary get.CME.UI.data

Documented in get.CME.UI.data read.country.summary read.region.summary read.results.csv

# Data engineering related helper functions

# Get data ---------------------------------------------------------------

#' Return different format of the final aggregate results country summary
#' `get.CME.UI.data` can read in "Rates & Deaths_Country Summary.csv" for any
#' indicators published so far and include Sex, Quantile in the output. If there
#' is only median (i.e. no Quantile column in the dataset) the function will
#' check if there is only one row per country. An example list of summary.csv
#' files directories could be obtained by \code{\link{load.final_dir}}. Choose
#' the `format` of the output dataset from `long`, `wide_q`(wide quantile),
#' `wide_year`, `wide_ind` (wide indicator) and `wide_get` (one column for rate
#' and one column for death)
#' @param dir_file directory to the dataset to be read: directory to aggregate
#'   final
#' @param c_iso country ISO3Code, default to NULL: returns all countries in the
#'   dataset
#' @param year_range a vector of years, default to NULL: use all available years
#' @param idvars default to "`OfficialName`, `ISO3Code`", what id vars you want
#'   to include
#' @param format Choose format among raw, long, wide_year, wide_ind, and
#'   wide_get, default to "long". All the wide-format just `dcasts` the
#'   long-format data, wide_get means two columns: rate and death
#' @param get  default to "rate". Choose among "rate", "death", or "both"
#' @param round_digit digits to round estimates, default to `NULL`
#' @param quantile default to TRUE: return upper, median, lower; FALSE: only
#'   median.
#' @param sex default as NULL, will determine sex from directory of `dir_file`
#'   unless supplied
#' @return a data.table (data.frame)
#' @export get.CME.UI.data
get.CME.UI.data <- function(
  dir_file = NULL,
  c_iso = NULL,
  year_range = NULL,
  get = "both", # "rate" / "death" / "both"
  idvars = c("OfficialName", "ISO3Code"),
  sex = NULL,
  format = "long",  # "raw"/ "long"/ "wide_year"/ "wide_ind"/ "wide_get"
  round_digit = NULL,
  quantile = TRUE
  # load file
  if(is.null(dir_file)) {
      stop("Supply `dir_file`: directory to 'Country Summary.csv'")
  } else {
    dir_file <- unlist(dir_file)
      dt <- data.table::fread(dir_file)
      message("Data loaded: ", dir_file)
    } else {
      stop("Check: file doesn't exist: ", dir_file)
  # cleaning up col names
  dt <- dt[ISO3Code!="LIE"]
  setnames(dt, gsub(" ", ".", colnames(dt)))
  setnames(dt, gsub("-", ".", colnames(dt)))

  # find the Quantile column:

  if("Quintile"%in%colnames(dt))setnames(dt, "Quintile", "Quantile")
  if("X"%in%colnames(dt))setnames(dt, "X", "Quantile")
  # in case leave as blank, column will have names like V99, V101, etc
    columnV <- grep("V", colnames(dt), value = TRUE)
    columnV <- columnV[which(nchar(columnV) %in% c(3,4))]
    message("Assign this column as Quantile column: ", columnV[1])
    setnames(dt, columnV[1], "Quantile")

  # `row_per_iso` should be either 1 or 3, so `length(row_per_iso)` should be 1
  row_per_iso <- unique(dt[,.N, by = ISO3Code][,N])
  if(length(row_per_iso)!=1) warning("Should be one row each country? Check row per iso: ", paste(row_per_iso, collapse = ", "))

  # Does the quantile column exist?
  # If there is no Quantile column, then I assume there is only Median.
  # There should one row per country
    # If there is no quantile column it means there should be median only
      dt[, Quantile:= "Median"]
    } else {
      stop("There should be a `Quantile` column in the final results file?")

  # find all available indicators
  # get all the variables available in the datasets:
  # e.g. c("X5q15", "X10q15", "X5q20")
  available_inds <- grep(".2018", colnames(dt), value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)
  available_inds <- gsub(".2018", "", available_inds)

  if(get == "rate"){
    inds_wanted <- available_inds[!grepl("death|Death", available_inds)]
  } else if (get == "death"){
    inds_wanted <- available_inds[grepl("death|Death", available_inds)]
  } else {
    inds_wanted <- available_inds # otherwise just take all available inds

  # find all available years
  # available years
  available_years <- grep(inds_wanted[1], colnames(dt), value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)
  available_years <- as.numeric(gsub(paste0(inds_wanted[1], "."), "", available_years))
    # so it is OK to supply years by mistake like year_range = 2000.4, match by
    # flooring
    year_range <- available_years[floor(available_years)%in%floor(as.numeric(year_range))]
      message("Supplied `year_range` is not in available years.\n",
              "Available years are between ", paste(range(available_years), collapse = " and "),
              " --- will use all available years")
      year_range <- available_years
  } else {
    message("`year_range` set to NULL: use all available years in the dataset: ",
            paste(range(available_years), collapse = "-"))
    year_range <- available_years

  # subset isos if what's required is available
  isos <- dt[, unique(ISO3Code)]
  isos <- isos[isos!=""]
  if(!is.null(c_iso)) {
    c_iso <- c_iso[c_iso%in%isos]
  } else {
    c_iso <- isos

  # determine sex from dir
    sex <- "Total"
  } else {
      if(grepl("female", dir_file, ignore.case = TRUE)){
        sex <- "Female"
      } else if (grepl("male", dir_file, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
        sex <- "Male"
      } else {
        sex <- "Total"
  dt[, Sex:= sex]

  if(!format%in%c("raw", "long", "wide_q", "wide_year", "wide_ind", "wide_get")){
    message("Choose format among raw, long, wide_q, wide_get, wide_year and wide_ind, default to long")
    format <-  "long"
  # the value variable
  inds_wanted_year <- sort(do.call(paste, c(expand.grid(inds_wanted, year_range), sep = ".")))
  dt[, (inds_wanted_year):= lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = inds_wanted_year]
  vars_wanted <- c(idvars, "Quantile", "Sex", inds_wanted_year)
  dt1 <- dt[ISO3Code %in% c_iso, ..vars_wanted]

  # quantile
    quantile <- TRUE
    message("quantile default to TRUE, choose between TRUE or FALSE.")
  if(!quantile) dt1 <- dt1[Quantile=="Median"]

  if(format == "raw") {
  } else {
    dt_long <- data.table::melt(dt1, measure.vars = inds_wanted_year, value.name = "value", variable.factor = FALSE)
    # dt_long[, Shortind:= gsub( "\\..*", "", variable )] # remove anything after .
    dt_long[, Shortind:= substr(variable, 1, nchar(variable)-5)] # remove anything after .
    # Deaths -> deaths
    dt_long[, Shortind:= gsub("Deaths", "deaths", Shortind)]
    message("Shortind: ", paste(dt_long[, unique(Shortind)], collapse = ", "))

    dt_long[, Year:= gsub( ".*\\.", "", variable )] # remove anything after the last dot
    dt_long[, Year:= as.numeric(Year)]
    vars_kept <- c(idvars, "Shortind", "Year", "Quantile", "Sex", "value")
    dt_long <- dt_long[, ..vars_kept]
    data.table::setkey(dt_long, ISO3Code)
    # round?
    if(is.numeric(round_digit)) dt_long[, value:= roundoff(value, digits = round_digit)]
    # remove NA
    dt_long <- dt_long[!is.na(value)]

    # can choose output format
    # since everything is made from format long
    if(format == "long"){
      # wide all the indicators (incl. rates, deaths, if all selected)
    } else if (format == "wide_ind") {
      # e.g. OfficialName    ISO3Code      X Year      U5MR      NMR       IMR
      formula0 <- paste(paste(idvars, collapse = " + "), " + Sex + Year + Quantile ~ Shortind" )
      dt_wide_ind <- data.table::dcast.data.table(dt_long, formula = formula0, value.var = "value")
      # wide all the years, all the inds in one column
    } else if (format == "wide_year") {
      formula0 <- paste(paste(idvars, collapse = " + "), " + Shortind  + Sex  + Quantile ~ Year" )
      dt_wide_year <- data.table::dcast.data.table(dt_long, formula = formula0, value.var = "value")
    } else if (format == "wide_q") {
      formula0 <- paste(paste(idvars, collapse = " + "), "+ Shortind + Sex + Year ~ Quantile" )
      dt_wide_quantile <- data.table::dcast.data.table(dt_long, formula = formula0, value.var = "value")
    } else {
      # Two value columns : one for rate, one for deaths
      dt_long[, Get:="Rate"]
      dt_long[grepl("deaths", Shortind, ignore.case = TRUE), Get:="Deaths"]
        "You only selected Rate or Death, not both, so long-format output is returned"
      } else {
        align_ind <- list(
          "U5MR" = "Under.five",
          "Under.five.deaths"  = "Under.five",
          "IMR"  = "Infant",
          "Infant.deaths" = "Infant",
          "NMR"  = "Neonatal",
          "Neonatal.deaths"  = "Neonatal"
        dt_long[, Shortind:= get.match(Shortind, new_list = align_ind)]
        formula0 <- paste(paste(idvars, collapse = " + "), "+ Shortind  + Sex + Year + Quantile  ~ Get" )
        dt_wide_get <- data.table::dcast.data.table(dt_long, formula = formula0, value.var = "value")

#' Read "Rates & Deaths_Country Summary.csv" and output long format
#' This function is a simpler version of \code{\link{get.CME.UI.data}} and is
#' more straightforward to use: without many arguments, only output long format.
#' The arguments are aligned so this function could be replaced by
#' \code{\link{get.CME.UI.data}} in the code if needed.
#' \code{\link{get.CME.UI.data}} offers more options, including output format,
#' selecting id.vars. etc
#' @param dir_file directory to Rates & Deaths_Country Summary.csv
#' @param year_range default to null, supply e.g. 1990:2019
#' @param sex default to NULL, will determine from file dir
#' @export
read.country.summary <- function(
  dir_file,      # directory to "Rates & Deaths_Country Summary.csv"
  year_range = NULL, # e.g. 1990:2019
  sex = NULL
  if(!file.exists(dir_file)) stop("File doesn't exist: ", dir_file)
  dt_cs <- fread(dir_file)[ISO3Code!="LIE"]
  # clean up column names
  setnames(dt_cs, gsub(" ", ".", colnames(dt_cs)))
  setnames(dt_cs, gsub("-", ".", colnames(dt_cs)))

  # find the Quantile column:
  if("Quintile"%in%colnames(dt_cs))setnames(dt_cs, "Quintile", "Quantile")

    if(dt_cs$X[1]!=1) setnames(dt_cs, "X", "Quantile") # it could be a indexing column

  # in case leave as blank, column will have names like V99, V101, etc
    columnV <- grep("V", colnames(dt_cs), value = TRUE)
    columnV <- columnV[which(nchar(columnV) %in% c(3,4))]
    message("Assign this column as Quantile column: ", columnV[1])
    setnames(dt_cs, columnV[1], "Quantile")

  # get all the variables available in the datasets:
  # e.g. c("X5q15", "X10q15", "X5q20")
  vars <- grep(".2019", colnames(dt_cs), value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)
  vars <- gsub(".2019", "", vars)
  # available years
  available_years <- grep(vars[1], colnames(dt_cs), value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)
  available_years <- as.numeric(gsub(paste0(vars[1], "."), "", available_years))
    # so it is OK to supply years by mistake like year_range = 2000.4, match by
    # flooring
    year_range <- available_years[floor(available_years)%in%floor(as.numeric(year_range))]
      message("Supplied `year_range` is not in available years.\n",
              "Available years are between ", paste(range(available_years), collapse = " and "),
              " --- will use all available years")
      year_range <- available_years
  } else {
    message("`year_range` set to NULL: use all available years in the dataset: ", paste(range(available_years), collapse = "-"))
    year_range <- available_years

  vars_wanted <- do.call(paste0, expand.grid(vars, ".", year_range))
  dt_cs <- dt_cs[, c("ISO3Code", "Quantile", vars_wanted), with = FALSE]
  dt_cs[, (vars_wanted):=lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = vars_wanted]
  dt_long <- melt.data.table(dt_cs, id.vars = c("ISO3Code", "Quantile"),
                             variable.factor = FALSE)
  dt_long[, Year := as.numeric(substr(variable, nchar(variable)-3, nchar(variable)))]
  dt_long[, Shortind := substr(variable, 1, nchar(variable)-5)]
  dt_long[, Shortind := gsub("Deaths", "deaths", Shortind)]
  dt_long[, variable:= NULL]
  # determine sex from dir
    if(grepl("female", dir_file, ignore.case = TRUE)){
      sex <- "Female"
    } else if (grepl("male", dir_file, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
      sex <- "Male"
    } else {
      sex <- "Total"
  dt_long[, Sex:= sex]

#' Read regional summary and output long format

#' @param dir_file directory to e.g. paste0("Rates & Deaths_UNICEFRegion.csv")
#' @param year_range default to null, supply e.g. 1990:2019
#' @param add_regional_grouping if add `Regional_Grouping` column
#' @param sex default to NULL, will determine from file dir
#' @export
read.region.summary <- function(
  dir_file,      # regional summary in aggregate results
  year_range = NULL,# e.g. c(1990, 2019)
  sex = NULL,
  add_regional_grouping = FALSE
  if(!file.exists(dir_file)) stop("File doesn't exist: ", dir_file)
  dt_cs <- fread(dir_file)

  if(!"Year" %in% colnames(dt_cs)) stop ("There is no `Year` column, are you reading the country summary?")

  # What region is it?

  if(grepl("SDG", dir_file)) Regional_Grouping <- "SDG"
  if(grepl("UNICEF", dir_file)) Regional_Grouping <- "UNICEF"
  if(grepl("WB", dir_file)) Regional_Grouping <- "World Bank"

  # clean up the col names
  setnames(dt_cs, gsub(" ", ".", colnames(dt_cs)))
  setnames(dt_cs, gsub("-", ".", colnames(dt_cs)))
  vars0 <- colnames(dt_cs)
  vars0 <- vars0[!grepl("Population", vars0, ignore.case = TRUE)]
  vars_wanted <- vars0[!vars0%in%c("Region", "Year")]
  # available years
  available_years <- sort(unique(dt_cs$Year))
    # so it is OK to supply years by mistake like year_range = 2000.4, match by
    # flooring
    year_range <- available_years[floor(available_years)%in%floor(as.numeric(year_range))]
      message("Supplied `year_range` is not in available years.\n",
              "Available years are between ", paste(range(available_years), collapse = " and "),
              " --- will use all available years")
      year_range <- available_years
  } else {
    message("`year_range` set to NULL: use all available years in the dataset: ", paste(range(available_years), collapse = "-"))
    year_range <- available_years
  dt_cs <- dt_cs[Year%in%year_range]
  dt_cs[, (vars_wanted):=lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = vars_wanted]
  if("Region" %in% colnames(dt_cs)){
    id_vars <- c("Region", "Year")
  } else {
    id_vars <- c("Year")
    message("There is no `Region` column, assume this is world results")
  dt_long <- melt.data.table(dt_cs[,..vars0], id.vars = id_vars, variable.factor = FALSE)
  dt_long[grepl("upper", variable, ignore.case = TRUE), Quantile := "Upper"]
  dt_long[grepl("median", variable, ignore.case = TRUE), Quantile := "Median"]
  dt_long[grepl("lower", variable, ignore.case = TRUE), Quantile := "Lower"]
  dt_long[, Shortind := gsub("X|.lower.bound|.upper.bound|.median", "", variable)]
  dt_long[, Shortind := gsub("Deaths", "deaths", Shortind)]

  dt_long[, variable:= NULL]
  if(add_regional_grouping) dt_long[, Regional_Grouping:= Regional_Grouping]
  dt_long[, Year:= floor(Year) + 0.5]
  # determine sex from dir
    if(grepl("female", dir_file, ignore.case = TRUE)){
      sex <- "Female"
    } else if (grepl("male", dir_file, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
      sex <- "Male"
    } else {
      sex <- "Total"
  dt_long[, Sex:= sex]

#' Read one results.csv file and reformat into long-format
#' @param dt_dir the single directory to a results.csv file
#' @param year_range year range desired, default to all years: `1931:2030`
#' @param q quantile desired, default to `c("Lower", "Median", "Upper")`
#' @param sex default to NULL, sex is determined from `dt_dir`, unless specified
#' @return long-format results.csv, all values in the "value" column
#' @export read.results.csv
read.results.csv <- function(
  year_range = 1931:2030,
  q = c("Lower", "Median", "Upper"),
  sex = NULL
  id_vars <- c("ISO.Code", "Quantile", "Indicator")
  if(grepl(".xlsx|.xls", dt_dir)){
    # dt1 <- setDT(readxl::read_xlsx(dt_dir))
    stop("dt_dir points to xlsx file.")
  } else {
    dt1 <- fread(dt_dir, header = TRUE)
  dt1 <- dt1[Quantile %in% q, ]
  # align the column names first
  if("ISO Code"%in%colnames(dt1)) setnames(dt1, "ISO Code", "ISO.Code")

    year_range <- 1931:2030
    message("`year_range` set to default: 1931-2030")

  if(any(grepl("X", colnames(dt1)))){
    value_vars <- paste0("X", year_range, ".5")
  } else if (any(grepl(".5", colnames(dt1), fixed = TRUE))) { # no need for \\.5 if fixed = TRUE
    value_vars <- paste0(year_range, ".5")
  } else {
    value_vars <- paste0(year_range)
  value_vars <- value_vars[value_vars%in%colnames(dt1)] # only available years will be picked
  dt1[, (value_vars):= lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = value_vars]
  # can also assign indicator for P-factor: P5/4/1_country.csv for under-five
  # cannot assign automatically for older children
  ind0 <- dt1$Indicator[1]
  if(grepl("U5MR|P5", ind0)) dt1$Indicator <- "Under-five Mortality Rate"
  if(grepl("IMR|P1",  ind0)) dt1$Indicator <- "Infant Mortality Rate"
  if(grepl("CMR|P4",  ind0)) dt1$Indicator <- "Child mortality rate age 1-4"

  if(grepl("10q5|5-14",  dt_dir)) dt1$Indicator <- "Mortality rate age 5-14"
  if(grepl("5q5|5-9",    dt_dir)) dt1$Indicator <- "Mortality rate age 5-9"
  if(grepl("5q10|10-14", dt_dir)) dt1$Indicator <- "Mortality rate age 10-14"

  if(grepl("10q15|15-24", dt_dir)) dt1$Indicator <- "Mortality rate age 15-24"
  if(grepl("5q15|15-19",  dt_dir)) dt1$Indicator <- "Mortality rate age 15-19"
  if(grepl("5q20|20-24",  dt_dir)) dt1$Indicator <- "Mortality rate age 20-24"

  # but overwrite for P-factor results if it is older children. Cannot
  # automatically judge indicators since cannot distinguish 5-14 vs 15-24. Need
  # to do it manually later
  if(!(dt1$Indicator[1] %in% c("Under-five Mortality Rate",
                               "Infant Mortality Rate",
                               "Child mortality rate age 1-4")) & grepl("P", dt_dir)) dt1$Indicator <- ind0

  vars_wanted <- c(id_vars, value_vars)
  dt1_long <- melt.data.table(dt1[,..vars_wanted], measure.vars = value_vars,
                              variable.name = "Year", variable.factor = FALSE)
  dt1_long[, value:=as.numeric(value)]
  if(any(grepl("X", colnames(dt1)))) {
    dt1_long[, Year:= floor(as.numeric(sub("X","",Year)))]
  } else {
    dt1_long[, Year:= floor(as.numeric(Year))]

  # determine sex from dir
    if(grepl("female", dt_dir, ignore.case = TRUE)){
      sex <- "Female"
    } else if (grepl("male", dt_dir, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
      sex <- "Male"
    }  else if (grepl("P", dt_dir)) {
      sex <- "P_factor"
    } else if (grepl("Sex ratio", dt_dir)) {
      sex <- "Sex_Ratio"
    } else {
      sex <- "Total"

    if(grepl("expected", dt_dir, ignore.case = TRUE)) sex <- paste(sex, "expected")

  dt1_long[, Sex:= sex]

  ind_list <- list(
    "Under-five Mortality Rate" = "U5MR",
    "Infant Mortality Rate" = "IMR",
    "Child mortality rate age 1-4" = "CMR",
    "Neonatal Mortality Rate" = "NMR",

    "Mortality rate age 5-14"  = "10q5",
    "Mortality rate age 5-9"   = "5q5",
    "Mortality rate age 10-14" = "5q10",
    "Mortality rate age 15-24" = "10q15",
    "Mortality rate age 15-19" = "5q15",
    "Mortality rate age 20-24" = "5q20"

  dt1_long[, Shortind:= get.match(Indicator, new_list = ind_list)]

  setkey(dt1_long, ISO.Code, Year)
  dt1_long <- dt1_long[,.(ISO.Code, Shortind, Indicator, Sex, Year, Quantile, value)]

#' Read and bind all "results.csv" into one file using `rbindlist`
#' Use \code{\link{read.results.csv}} to read all "results.csv" files
#' @param results_dir_list results_dir_list list of all the results.csv files to
#'   read in and compare
#' @param year_range0 year range, default to years `1931:2021`
#' @param value_name name of the value, default to "Results"
#' @return long-format results.csv for all indicators, all values in the
#'   `value_name` column
#' @export read.all.results.csv
read.all.results.csv <- function(
  year_range0 = 1931:2030,
  value_name = "Results"
  # a list of all the results files:
  # combine original results
  dt_results_2020 <- rbindlist(lapply(results_dir_list, read.results.csv, year_range = year_range0))
  setnames(dt_results_2020, "value", value_name)
  # dt_results_2020[, Quantile:= as.factor(Quantile)]
  # if(!identical(levels(dt_results_2020$Quantile), c("Lower", "Median", "Upper"))) stop("Check Quantile levels: ", paste(levels(dt_results_2020$Quantile), collapse = ", "))
  # dt_results_2020$Quantile <- factor(dt_results_2020$Quantile, levels = c("Median", "Lower", "Upper"))

#' Load the "country.info.CME"
#' Creates UNICEFReportRegion from UNICEFReportRegion1 and UNICEFReportRegion2
#' @param year0 IGME round, e.g. 2021
#' @import data.table
#' @export get.country.info.CME
#' @return dataset of country info
get.country.info.CME <- function(year0){
  # dir_input <- file.path(get.workdir(year = year0), "input")
  dc <- fread(file.path(dir_input, "country.info.CME.csv"))
  # UNICEFReportRegion2 offers subregions for ECA and SSA, combined into UNICEFReportRegion
  dc[, UNICEFReportRegion:= ifelse(UNICEFReportRegion2 == "", UNICEFReportRegion1, UNICEFReportRegion2)]

#' Load the "data_livebirths.csv", add ISO3Code and country names
#' @param year0 IGME round, e.g. 2021
#' @export get.live.birth
#' @return dataset of live birth
get.live.birth <- function(year0){
  dir_input <- file.path(get.workdir(year = year0), "input")
  dc <- fread(file.path(dir_input, "country.info.CME.csv"))
  dtlb <- fread(file.path(dir_input, "data_livebirths.csv"))
  dtlb <- merge(dc[,.(ISO3Code, CountryName, OfficialName, UNCode)], dtlb, by.x = "UNCode", by.y = "uncode")

# General helper -----------------------------------------------------------

#' Capitalize first letter of each word in the vector
#' @param y vector of strings
#' @return a vector of strings with first letter capitalized
#' @export upper.first.letter
#' @examples upper.first.letter(c("aa","bb","cc"))
upper.first.letter <- function(y){
  if(!is.character(y)) y <- as.character(y)
  upper.first.letter0 <- function(y) {
    c <- strsplit(y, " ")[[1]]
    paste(toupper(substring(c, 1, 1)), substring(c, 2),
          sep="", collapse=" ")
  return(unname(sapply(y, upper.first.letter0)))

#' A label function to replace values by a given list in a variable
#' You can provide a __new_list__ to define the values you wish to change in
#' this variable. Values not revised in the given list will be kept
#' @param x a element or a vector
#' @param new_list if you supply a new list the function will use instead of the
#'   default_labels
#' @param show_no_match default to FALSE, if TRUE will message unmatched
#'   elements
#' @param no_line_break default to FALSE, if TRUE will remove line break from
#'   the string
#' @export get.match
#' @return an updated vector as character
get.match <- function(x,
                      new_list = NULL,
                      no_line_break = FALSE,
                      show_no_match = FALSE){
    labs <- default_label
  } else {
      labs <- new_list
    } else {
      message("new_list must be a list. Still use the default list.")
      labs <- default_label
    message("Coerse input into character.")
    x <- as.character(x)
  out <- rep(NA, length(x))
  for (i in 1:length(x)){
    if (is.null(labs[[ x[i] ]])){
      out[i] <- x[i]
      if(show_no_match) message("Notice from `get.match`: unmatched input: ", x[i])
      out[i] <- labs[[ x[i] ]]
  return(if(no_line_break)gsub("\n", "", out) else out)

#' Check and attach libraries. Install if not.
#' @importFrom utils install.packages
#' @param pkgs vector of packages
#' @return NULL
#' @export check.and.install.pkgs
check.and.install.pkgs <- function(pkgs){
  search_package <- sapply(pkgs, find.package, quiet = TRUE) # return a string or character(0)
  new.packages <- pkgs[sapply(search_package, function(x)length(x)==0)]
  if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages, dependencies = TRUE)
  suppressPackageStartupMessages(invisible(lapply(pkgs, library, character.only = TRUE)))

# Find directories --------------------------------------------------------
# functions to search and get all major datasets

#' Return the IGME "Code" dir for a given year
#' If `year` is 2020, returns the directory to Code folder in the 2020 Round
#' Estimation Dropbox folder
#' @param year YYYY
#' @return directory to input folder
#' @export get.workdir
get.workdir <- function(year = 2023){
  USERPROFILE <- load_os_leading_dir()
  work_dir <- file.path(USERPROFILE, paste0("/Dropbox/UN IGME Data/", year ," Round Estimation/Code"))
  if(!dir.exists(work_dir))warning("Note that this directory doesn't exist: ", work_dir)

#' GReturn the IGME "Code" dir on SharePoint
#' If `year` is 2020, returns the directory to Code folder in the 2020 Round
#' Estimation Dropbox folder
#' @param year YYYY
#' @return directory to "Code" folder
#' @export get.workdir.sharepoint
get.workdir.sharepoint <- function(year = 2024){
  user_name <- Sys.getenv("USERNAME")
  if(user_name == "lyhel"){
    home_dir <- "D:/OneDrive - UNICEF/Documents - Child Mortality/UN IGME data"
  } else if(user_name == "someone"){
    # add you home directory to "Documents - Child Mortality/UN IGME data":
    home_dir <- ""
  } else {
    stop("Please add your SharePoint home directory in function `get.workdir.sharepoint`")
  work_dir <- file.path(home_dir, paste0(year, " Round Estimation/Code"))
  if(!dir.exists(work_dir))warning("Note that this directory doesn't exist: ", work_dir)

#' Internal function: Check if `date` is a leap year
#' @param date date
leap_year <- function(date){
  if (is.numeric(date)) {
    year <- date
  else {
    year <- year(date)
  (year%%4 == 0) & ((year%%100 != 0) | (year%%400 == 0))

#' Calculate start, end and average date in decimal from starting/end dates
#' @importFrom data.table year
#' @param date0 date for example: 2020-01-01
#' @param date1 date for example: 2020-12-31
#' @return a list of date start, date end, date average. for example: 2020,
#'   2020.997, 2020.497
#' @export get.ref.date
#' @examples get.ref.date("2020-01-01", "2020-12-31")
get.ref.date <- function(date0,
  date0 <- as.Date(date0)
  date1 <- as.Date(date1)
  date_start <- get.numeric.date(date0)
  date_end <- get.numeric.date(date1)
  date_ave <- get.numeric.date(date0 + difftime(date1, date0)/2)
  date_ave_d <- date0 + difftime(date1, date0)/2
  return(list(date_start=date_start, date_end=date_end, date_ave=date_ave, date_ave_d = date_ave_d))

#' Transform date into numeric numbers like 2020.55
#' @param date0 date for example: 2020-01-01
#' @return numeric date for example: 2020.014
#' @export
get.numeric.date <- function(date0){

  get.numeric.date.core <- function(date0){
    if(is.na(date0)) return(NA)
    y1 <- data.table::year(date0)
    n_days1 <- ifelse(leap_year(y1), 366, 365) # e.g. 2020 is a leap year with 366 days
    first_day_of_year <- as.Date(paste(y1, 1, 1, sep = "-")) # use to count diff days
    date_num <- as.double(difftime(date0, first_day_of_year))/n_days1 + y1
  # support vector input
  unname(sapply(date0, get.numeric.date.core))

# Get database path -------------------------------------------------------

#' Show all file directories within the file directory `dir_file` and matched by
#' pattern `pattern0`
#' Search only the files in the folder, match by `pattern0`, the search is not
#' recursive.
#' @param dir_file directory
#' @param pattern0 string to match file names
#' @param full_name list.files(full.names), if TRUE (default) returns full
#'   directories, if FALSE, return only the file names
#' @return vector of matched file directories
#' @export get.file.name
get.file.name <- function(dir_file,
                          full_name = TRUE){

  if(is.null(dir_file))message("dir_file is NULL. Please double check.")
  # if(!dir.exists(dir_file))message("Check if dir_file exists: ", dir_file)
  files <- list.files(dir_file)
  files_full <- list.files(dir_file, full.names = TRUE)
  return(if(full_name)files_full[which(grepl(pattern0, files))] else files[which(grepl(pattern0, files))])

#' Internal function to check if the input is date, and figure out which date is
#' the latest
#' @param mydate a vector of dates
#' @return an integer returned by `which.max`
get.max.date <- function(mydate) {
  align.date <- function(mydate){
    if(!is.na(as.Date(mydate, "%Y-%m-%d"))){
      mydate <- as.Date(mydate, "%Y-%m-%d")
    } else if (!is.na(as.Date(mydate, "%Y%m%d"))){
      mydate <- as.Date(mydate, "%Y%m%d")
    } else {
      mydate <- NA
  out <- sapply(mydate, align.date)

#' Find out the latest date of all the master files in the directory using the
#' dates in file names
#' @param files file path
find_latest_date <- function(files){
  remove_string <- c("data_U5MR_|.csv|data_IMR_|data_NMR_|_5year|dataset_formodeling_|dataset_forplotting_|SexSpecific-entries_|data_residence_")
  dates <- gsub(remove_string, "", files)
  # screen for valid date string:
  # dates <- c("2015", "20200804", "2020-08-01")
  # return which.max e.g. 2L

#' Get the file directory with latest date in the filename
#' @param dir_folder The directory to search for files
#' @param pattern_to_match Pattern used to match filename
#' @return file path to the dataset
#' @export get.dir_latest_file
get.dir_latest_file <- function(dir_folder, pattern_to_match){
  files_full <- get.file.name(dir_file = dir_folder, pattern0 = pattern_to_match)
  files <- get.file.name(dir_file = dir_folder, pattern0 = pattern_to_match, full_name = FALSE)
  file_selected <- files_full[find_latest_date(files)]
    message(paste(pattern_to_match, "dataset chosen: \n", file_selected))
  } else {
    message("No corresponding dataset found in: \n ", dir_folder)

#' Get the U5MR master dataset directory
#' @param workdir The directory to IGME Code folder, e.g. ".../202x Round
#'   Estimation/Code"
#' @param pattern_to_match default to "data_U5MR", but can be used generally
#' @return file path to the master dataset
#' @export get.dir_U5MR
get.dir_U5MR <- function(workdir, pattern_to_match = "data_U5MR"){
  workdir_input <- file.path(workdir, "input")
  files_full <- get.file.name(dir_file = workdir_input, pattern0 = pattern_to_match)
  files <- get.file.name(dir_file = workdir_input, pattern0 = pattern_to_match, full_name = FALSE)
  file_selected <- files_full[find_latest_date(files)]
    message(paste("U5MR master dataset chosen: \n", file_selected))
  } else {
    message("No corresponding dataset found in: \n ", workdir_input)

#' Get the IMR master dataset directory
#' @param workdir The directory to IGME input folder, e.g. ".../2020 Round
#'   Estimation/Code/input/"
#' @return file path to the master dataset
#' @export get.dir_IMR
get.dir_IMR <- function(workdir){
  workdir_input <- file.path(workdir, "input")
  files_full <- get.file.name(dir_file = workdir_input, pattern0 = "data_IMR")
  files <- get.file.name(dir_file = workdir_input, pattern0 = "data_IMR", full_name = FALSE)
  file_selected <- files_full[find_latest_date(files)]
    message(paste("IMR master dataset chosen: \n", file_selected))
  } else {
    message("No corresponding dataset found in: \n ", workdir_input)

#' Get the NMR master dataset directory
#' Compare to \code{\link{get.dir_U5MR}}, there is need to supply workdir since
#' the dataset location is fixed at "/NMR/data"
#' @param y5 to get the 5-year dataset or not
#' @param dir_IGME_NMR default to "Dropbox/NMR/data"
#' @return file path to the master dataset
#' @export get.dir_NMR
get.dir_NMR <- function(
    y5 = FALSE,
    dir_IGME_NMR = NULL
    dir_IGME_NMR <- file.path(load_os_leading_dir(), "Dropbox/NMR/data")
    files_full <- get.file.name(dir_file = dir_IGME_NMR, pattern0 = "data_NMR_")
    files_full <- files_full[grepl("5year", files_full)]
    files <- get.file.name(dir_file = dir_IGME_NMR, pattern0 = "data_NMR_", full_name = FALSE)
    files <- files[grepl("5year", files)]
  } else {
    files_full <- get.file.name(dir_file = dir_IGME_NMR, pattern0 = "data_NMR_")
    files_full <- files_full[!grepl("5year", files_full)]
    files <- get.file.name(dir_file = dir_IGME_NMR, pattern0 = "data_NMR_", full_name = FALSE)
    files <- files[!grepl("5year", files)]
  file_selected <- files_full[find_latest_date(files)]
    message(paste("NMR master dataset chosen: \n", file_selected))
  } else {
    message("No corresponding dataset found in: \n ", workdir)

#' Get the sex-specific master dataset directory
#' Compare to \code{\link{get.dir_U5MR}}, there is need to supply workdir since
#' the dataset location is fixed at "/CMEgender2015/Database"
#' @param plotting to get the dataset for plotting (if TRUE) or dataset for
#'    modeling (if FALSE)
#' @param dir_IGME_gender default to "/Dropbox/CMEgender2015/Database"
#' @return file path to the master dataset
#' @export get.dir_gender
get.dir_gender <- function(
    plotting = TRUE,
    dir_IGME_gender = NULL
      dir_IGME_gender <- file.path(load_os_leading_dir(),"/Dropbox/CMEgender2015/Database")
    } else {
      dir_IGME_gender <- file.path(load_os_leading_dir(),"/Dropbox/CMEgender2015/data/interim")
    files_full <- get.file.name(dir_file = dir_IGME_gender, pattern0 = "dataset_forplotting")
    files <- get.file.name(dir_file = dir_IGME_gender, pattern0 = "dataset_forplotting", full_name = FALSE)
    files_full <- get.file.name(dir_file = dir_IGME_gender, pattern0 = "dataset_formodeling")
    files <- get.file.name(dir_file = dir_IGME_gender, pattern0 = "dataset_formodeling", full_name = FALSE)
  file_selected <- files_full[find_latest_date(files)]
    message(paste("Sex-specific master dataset chosen: \n", file_selected))
  } else {
    message("No corresponding dataset found in: \n ", workdir)

# For CMRJack results directories

#' Get optimal file directory from `Output CMRJack` folder
#' @param cname country name
#' @param surveytype folder names like "DHS", "MICS", "NDHS",...
#' @param year year of the survey, e.g. 2015
#' @return xlsx file directory
#' @export get.opt.dir
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get.opt.dir("Zimbabwe", "DHS", 2015)
#' }
get.opt.dir <- function(
    surveytype = "DHS",
    year = NULL){
  cname <- gsub(" ", "", cname)
  dir_opt <- file.path(load_os_leading_dir(), "Dropbox/IGME Data/Output CMRJack/All/BH", surveytype, "Real/Optimal")
  files <- get.file.name(dir_file =dir_opt,  pattern0 = cname)
  if(any(grepl(" CY ", files))) files <- grep(" CY ", files, value = TRUE)
  if(!is.null(year))files <- grep(year, files, value = TRUE)

#' Get raw file directory from `Output CMRJack` folder
#' @param cname country name
#' @param surveytype folder names like "DHS", "MICS", "NDHS",...
#' @param year year of the survey, e.g. 2015
#' @return xlsx file directory
#' @export get.raw.dir
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get.raw.dir("Zimbabwe", "DHS", 2015)
#' }
get.raw.dir <- function(cname, surveytype = "DHS", year = NULL){
  cname <- gsub(" ", "", cname)
  dir_opt <- file.path(load_os_leading_dir(), "Dropbox/IGME Data/Output CMRJack/All/BH", surveytype, "Real/Raw")
  files <- get.file.name(dir_file =dir_opt,  pattern0 = cname)
  if(any(grepl(" CY ", files))) files <- grep(" CY ", files, value = TRUE)
  if(!is.null(year)) files <- grep(year, files, value = TRUE)

# extra

#' Adjust the file dir if the lash is not right or the Dropbox username is not
#' right
#' @param dir0 file directory not output for now
#' @export revise.path
revise.path <- function(dir0){
  # if there is backslack, replace it
  if(grep("\\\\", dir0)) dir <- gsub("\\\\", "\\/", dir0)
  # replace username if it is not right
  if(!grepl(Sys.getenv("USERNAME"), dir)) dir <- file.path(load_os_leading_dir(),"Dropbox", sub("^.*Dropbox", "", dir))
  if(!file.exists(dir)) stop("check if dir exists: ", dir)

#' check system, return . Used as nternal function.
#' @return "Windows", "OSX", or "Linus"
get_os <- function(){
  sysinf <- Sys.info()
  if (!is.null(sysinf)){
    os <- sysinf['sysname']
    if (os == 'Darwin')
      os <- "osx"
  } else { ## mystery machine
    os <- .Platform$OS.type
    if (grepl("^darwin", R.version$os))
      os <- "osx"
    if (grepl("linux-gnu", R.version$os))
      os <- "linux"

#' Search for file paths matched by part of the file name
#' Search for files containing the `file_name_string` in all sub-folders in
#' `target.dir`, and list files containing the `file_name_string`
#' @param target.dir target directory
#' @param file_name_string e.g. "data_U5MR"
#' @param full_path full path or not
search.for.file <- function(target.dir, file_name_string, full_path = FALSE){
  n <- which(grepl(file_name_string, list.files(target.dir, recursive = TRUE)))
  list.files(target.dir, recursive = TRUE, full.names = full_path)[n]

#' Get leading path in file directories depending on operation system (Mac OSX or Windows)
#' @return "Users/<username>" or "C:/Users/<username>"
#' @export load_os_leading_dir
#' @examples load_os_leading_dir()
load_os_leading_dir <- function(){
  user <- Sys.info()[["user"]]
  os <- get_os()
  if(!os %in% c("windows", "osx")) warning ("For now only defined for Windows and Mac OSX")
  leading_path <- if(os == "osx") file.path("/Users", user) else Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE")

# Calculation -------------------------------------------------------------

# functions to do calculations

#' Calculate 5q0 from 1q0 and 4q1
#' @param q1 1q0
#' @param q4 4q1
#' @param use_q_not_rate default to TRUE, if TRUE q1, q4 are probability of
#'   dying  dx/lx, if FALSE are mortality rate per 1,000
#' @return 5q0
#' @export
calculate.5q0 <- function(q1, q4, use_q_not_rate = TRUE){
    if(q1[1] > 1 | q4[1] > 1) message("Double check if q1 and q4 are probabilities (< 1) or mortality rate")
    q <- 1 - (1 - q1) * (1 - q4)
  } else {
    q <- (1 - (1 - q1 / 1E3) * (1 - q4 / 1E3)) * 1E3

#' Calculate 4q1 from 5q0 and 1q0
#' Calculate 4q1 from 5q0 and 1q0 or any part from the whole
#' e.g. NMR from IMR and PNMR

#' @param q5 5q0
#' @param q1 1q0
#' @param use_q_not_rate default to TRUE, if TRUE q5, q1 are probability of
#'   dying  dx/lx, if FALSE are mortality rate per 1,000
#' @return 4q1
#' @export
calculate.4q1 <- function(q5, q1, use_q_not_rate = TRUE){
    if(q1[1] > 1 | q5[1] > 1) message("Double check if q1 and q4 are probabilities (< 1) or mortality rate")
    q <- 1 - (1 - q5) / (1 - q1)
  } else {
    q <- (1 - (1 - q5 / 1E3) / (1 - q1 / 1E3)) * 1E3

#' Get the logarithmic annual rate of reduction, expressed as a percentage
#' reduction
#' The formula for ARR is as follows: ARR = ln(rate2/rate1)/(t2-t1)*-100, where
#' t1 and t2 are years and t1<t2. Return unrounded results
#' @param dt wide data by year, year1 and year2 shall be columns like 1990, 2000
#' @param year1 year1 where year1 < year2
#' @param year2 year2 where year1 < year2
#' @return dt with added columns named like "1990-2000"
#' @export calculate.arr
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dt_final_ARR <- dt_final[Year%in%c(1990,2019)]
#' dt_final_ARR_w <- dcast(dt_final_ARR, ISO3Code ~ Year)
#' dt_final_ARR_w <- calculate.arr(dt_final_ARR_w, 1990, 2019)
#' }
calculate.arr <- function(dt, year1, year2){
  get.year <- function(years){
    if(grepl("\\.5", years)) years <- gsub("\\.5", "", years)
    as.numeric(gsub("[^\\d]+", "", years, perl = TRUE))
  # use year1 and year2 value to get ARR
  dt[, arr:= log(get(as.character(year2))/get(as.character(year1)))/(get.year(year2)-get.year(year1))*-100]
  setnames(dt, "arr", paste0(year1, "-", year2))

#' Calculate percentage decline
#' Calculate percentage decline and return unrounded results
#' @inheritParams calculate.arr
#' @return dt with added columns named like "PD1990-2000"
#' @export calculate.pd
calculate.pd <- function(dt, year1, year2){
  get.year <- function(years){
    if(grepl("\\.5", years)) years <- gsub("\\.5", "", years)
    as.numeric(gsub("[^\\d]+", "", years, perl = TRUE))
  }  # use year1 and year2 value to get ARR
  dt[, pd:= (get(as.character(year2))/get(as.character(year1)) - 1)*-100]
  setnames(dt, "pd", paste0("PD", year1, "-", year2))

#' A rounding function that rounds off numbers in the conventional way: rounds 0.5 to 1
#' Instead of in R by default round(0.5) = 0, roundoff(0.5, 0) = 1
#' @param x the number
#' @param digits digits, default to 2
#' @return rounded numeric vector
#' @export roundoff
roundoff <- function(#
  x, digits = 2
) {
  if(!is.numeric(x)) message("x coerse to numeric. ")
  x <- as.numeric(x)
  z <- trunc(abs(x)*10^digits + 0.5)
  z <- sign(x)*z/10^digits
unicef-drp/CME.assistant documentation built on April 29, 2024, 5:22 a.m.