
Re-bin matrices on new features

It is sometimes interesting to appreciate the same data from multiple angles and to re-count the features into new larger features. This is possible if you start with very small genomic bins (e.g. 500-1,000bp, recommended or maximum 5,000bp) and you want to rebin on large bin sizes (20,000bp - 1,000,000bp) or onto peaks.

To re count the bins into peak, upload a BED file containing your peaks in the slot 'Re-count on features (BED)'.

It is important to set the minimum overlap to half of the original bin size (e.g. 500bp for original bins of 1,000bp) so that no original bins is counted twice.

vallotlab/ChromSCape documentation built on Oct. 15, 2023, 1:47 p.m.