Man pages for vallotlab/ChromSCape
Analysis of single-cell epigenomics datasets with a Shiny App

annotation_from_merged_peaksFind nearest peaks of each gene and return refined annotation
anocol_binaryHelper binary column for anocol function
anocol_categoricalHelper binary column for anocol function
bams_to_matrix_indexesCount bam files on interval to create count indexes
beds_to_matrix_indexesCount bed files on interval to create count indexes
calculate_CNAEstimate copy number alterations in cytobands
calculate_cyto_matCalculate Fraction of reads in each cytobands
calculate_gain_or_lossEstimate the copy gains/loss of tumor vs normal based on...
calculate_logRatio_CNACalculate the log2-ratio of tumor vs normal fraction of reads...
call_macs2_merge_peaksCalling MACS2 peak caller and merging resulting peaks
ce11.chromosomesData.frame of chromosome length - ce11
ce11.GeneTSSData.frame of gene TSS - ce11
CheA3_TF_nTargetsA data.frame with the number of targets of each TF in ChEA3
check_correct_datamatrixCheck if matrix rownames are well formated and correct if...
choose_cluster_scExpChoose a number of clusters
choose_perplexityChoose perplexity depending on number of cells for Tsne
colors_scExpAdding colors to cells & features
combine_datamatrixCombine two matrices and emit warning if no regions are in...
combine_enrichmentTestsRun enrichment tests and combine into list
comparable_variablesFind comparable variable scExp
CompareedgeRGLMCreates a summary table with the number of genes under- or...
concatenate_scBed_into_clustersConcatenate single-cell BED into clusters
consensus_clustering_scExpWrapper to apply ConsensusClusterPlus to scExp object
correlation_and_hierarchical_clust_scExpCorrelation and hierarchical clustering
count_coverageCreate a smoothed and normalized coverage track from a BAM...
create_project_folderCreate ChromSCape project folder
create_sample_name_matCreate a sample name matrix
create_scDataset_rawCreate a simulated single cell datamatrix & cell annotation
create_scExpWrapper to create the single cell experiment from count...
DA_customDifferential Analysis Custom in 'One vs One' mode
DA_one_vs_restDifferential Analysis in 'One vs Rest' mode
DA_pairwiseRun differential analysis in Pairwise mode
define_featureDefine the features on which reads will be counted
detect_samplesHeuristic discovery of samples based on cell labels
differential_activationFind Differentialy Activated Features (One vs All)
differential_analysis_scExpRuns differential analysis between cell clusters
enrich_TF_ChEA3_genesFind the TF that are enriched in the differential genes using...
enrich_TF_ChEA3_scExpFind the TF that are enriched in the differential genes using...
exclude_features_scExpRemove specific features (CNA, repeats)
feature_annotation_scExpAdd gene annotations to features
filter_correlated_cell_scExpFilter lowly correlated cells
filter_genes_with_refined_peak_annotationFilter genes based on peak calling refined annotation
filter_scExpFilter cells and features
find_clusters_louvain_scExpBuild SNN graph and find cluster using Louvain Algorithm
find_top_featuresFind most covered features
generate_analysisGenerate a complete ChromSCape analysis
generate_count_matrixGenerate count matrix
generate_coverage_tracksGenerate cell cluster pseudo-bulk coverage tracks
generate_feature_namesGenerate feature names
generate_reportFrom a ChromSCape analysis directory, generate an HTML...
gene_set_enrichment_analysis_scExpRuns Gene Set Enrichment Analysis on genes associated with...
get_color_dataframe_from_inputGet color dataframe from shiny::colorInput
get_cyto_featuresMap features onto cytobands
getExperimentNamesGet experiment names from a SingleCellExperiment
get_genomic_coordinatesGet SingleCellExperiment's genomic coordinates
getMainExperimentGet Main experiment of a SingleCellExperiment
get_most_variable_cytoRetrieve the cytobands with the most variable fraction of...
get_pathway_mat_scExpGet pathway matrix
has_genomic_coordinatesDoes SingleCellExperiment has genomic coordinates in features...
hg38.chromosomesData.frame of chromosome length - hg38
hg38.cytoBandData.frame of cytoBandlocation - hg38
hg38.GeneTSSData.frame of gene TSS - hg38
import_count_input_filesImport and count input files depending on their format
import_scExpRead single-cell matrix(ces) into scExp
index_peaks_barcodes_to_matrix_indexesRead index-peaks-barcodes trio files on interval to create...
inter_correlation_scExpCalculate inter correlation between cluster or samples
intra_correlation_scExpCalculate intra correlation between cluster or samples
launchAppLaunch ChromSCape
load_MSIGdbLoad and format MSIGdb pathways using msigdbr package
merge_MACS2_peaksMerge peak files from MACS2 peak caller
mm10.chromosomesData.frame of chromosome length - mm10
mm10.cytoBandData.frame of cytoBandlocation - mm10
mm10.GeneTSSData.frame of gene TSS - mm10
normalize_scExpNormalize counts
num_cell_after_cor_filt_scExpNumber of cells before & after correlation filtering
num_cell_after_QC_filt_scExpTable of cells before / after QC
num_cell_before_cor_filt_scExpTable of number of cells before correlation filtering
num_cell_in_cluster_scExpNumber of cells in each cluster
num_cell_scExpTable of cells
pca_irlba_for_sparseMatrixRun sparse PCA using irlba SVD
plot_cluster_consensus_scExpPlot cluster consensus
plot_correlation_PCA_scExpPlotting correlation of PCs with a variable of interest
plot_coverage_BigWigCoverage plot
plot_differential_summary_scExpDifferential summary barplot
plot_differential_volcano_scExpVolcano plot of differential features
plot_distribution_scExpPlotting distribution of signal
plot_gain_or_loss_barplotsPlot Gain or Loss of cytobands of the most variables...
plot_heatmap_scExpPlot cell correlation heatmap with annotations
plot_inter_correlation_scExpViolin plot of inter-correlation distribution between one or...
plot_intra_correlation_scExpViolin plot of intra-correlation distribution
plot_most_contributing_featuresPlot Top/Bottom most contributing features to PCA
plot_percent_active_feature_scExpBarplot of the % of active cells for a given features
plot_pie_most_contributing_chrPie chart of top contribution of chromosomes in the 100 most...
plot_reduced_dim_scExpPlot reduced dimensions (PCA, TSNE, UMAP)
plot_reduced_dim_scExp_CNAPlot UMAP colored by Gain or Loss of cytobands
plot_top_TF_scExpBarplot of top TFs from ChEA3 TF enrichment analysis
plot_violin_feature_scExpViolin plot of features
preprocess_CPMPreprocess scExp - Counts Per Million (CPM)
preprocess_feature_size_onlyPreprocess scExp - size only
preprocessing_filtering_and_reductionPreprocess and filter matrix annotation data project folder...
preprocess_RPKMPreprocess scExp - Read per Kilobase Per Million (RPKM)
preprocess_TFIDFPreprocess scExp - TF-IDF
preprocess_TPMPreprocess scExp - Transcripts per Million (TPM)
raw_counts_to_sparse_matrixCreate a sparse count matrix from various format of input...
rawfile_ToBigWigrawfile_ToBigWig : reads in BAM file and write out BigWig...
read_count_mat_with_separated_chr_start_endRead a count matrix with three first columns (chr,start,end)
read_sparse_matrixRead in one or multiple sparse matrices (10X format)
rebin_helperRebin Helper for rebin_matrix function
rebin_matrixTransforms a bins x cells count matrix into a larger bins x...
reduce_dim_batch_correctionReduce dimension with batch corrections
reduce_dims_scExpReduce dimensions (PCA, TSNE, UMAP)
remove_chr_M_funRemove chromosome M from scExprownames
remove_non_canonical_funRemove non canonical chromosomes from scExp
results_enrichmentTestResutls of hypergeometric gene set enrichment test
retrieve_top_bot_features_pcaRetrieve Top and Bot most contributing features of PCA
run_pairwise_testsRun pairwise tests
run_tsne_scExpRun tsne on single cell experiment
scExpA SingleCellExperiment outputed by ChromSCape
separate_BAM_into_clustersSeparate BAM files into cell cluster BAM files
separator_count_matDetermine Count matrix separator ("tab" or ",")
smoothBinSmooth a vector of values with nb_bins left and righ values
subsample_scExpSubsample scExp
subset_bam_call_peaksPeak calling on cell clusters
summary_DASummary of the differential analysis
swapAltExp_sameColDataSwap main & alternative Experiments, with fixed colData
table_enriched_genes_scExpCreates table of enriched genes sets
warning_DAWarning for differential_analysis_scExp
warning_plot_reduced_dim_scExpA warning helper for plot_reduced_dim_scExp
warning_raw_counts_to_sparse_matrixWarning for raw_counts_to_sparse_matrix
wrapper_Signac_FeatureMatrixWrapper around 'FeatureMatrix' function from Signac Package
vallotlab/ChromSCape documentation built on Oct. 15, 2023, 1:47 p.m.