
#' Standardized plotting function that can be passed to the plotfunction arguments in the \code{\link{createTopicBrowser}} function.
#' One of the standardized plotting function used in the Topicbrowser package to manage how topics and additional information are visualized.
#' This specific function plots a wordcloud below a graph showing the number of words assigned to the topic per time period
#' @param info The output of the \code{\link{clusterinfo}} function
#' @param topic_nr the index number of a topic
#' @param date_interval if not NULL, a string indicating what interval to use for plotting the time/date graph. Can be 'year', 'month', 'week' and 'day'. If NULL, the date_interval will be chosen based on the number of days in the analysis.
#' @param date_label a string indicating what the date object is in the meta data.
#' @return nothing, only plots
#' @export
plot_wordcloud_time <- function(clusterinfo, topic_nr, ...) {
  par(mar = c(4.5, 3, 2, 1), cex.axis = 1.7)
  layout(matrix(c(1, 1, 2, 2), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE), widths = c(2.5, 1.5), heights = c(1, 2))  
  plot_time(clusterinfo=clusterinfo, topic_nr=topic_nr, ...)
  plot_wordcloud(clusterinfo=clusterinfo, topic_nr=topic_nr)
  par(mfrow = c(1, 1), mar=c(5,4,4,2) + 0.1) # reset to default

plot_topicdistribution <- function(clusterinfo, topic_nr, ...){
  topic_pct_per_document = clusterinfo$topics_per_doc[topic_nr,] / colSums(clusterinfo$topics_per_doc)
  par(mar=c(5,6,1,4)) # Set the most suitable margins
  hist(topic_pct_per_document, main='', xlab='% of document assignments', ylab='Number of documents')
  par(mar=c(5,4,4,2) + 0.1) # reset to default

## dependency based plotfunction defaults
#' Standardized plotting function that can be passed to the plotfunction arguments in the \code{\link{createTopicBrowser}} function.
#' One of the standardized plotting function used in the Topicbrowser package to manage how topics and additional information are visualized.
#' This specific function plots a wordcloud below a graph showing the number of words assigned to the topic per time period
#' @param info The output of the \code{\link{clusterinfo}} function
#' @param topic_nr the index number of a topic
#' @return nothing, only plots
#' @export
plot_semnet <- function(clusterinfo, topic_nr, backbone_alpha=0.01, nwords=100, wordsimilarity.measure='conprob', clustering_directed=F, ...) {
  dtm = createTopicDtm(clusterinfo$topics_per_term, clusterinfo$wordassignments, topic_nr, nwords)
  g = coOccurenceNetwork(dtm, measure=wordsimilarity.measure)
  g = getBackboneNetwork(g, alpha=backbone_alpha)
  if(vcount(g) > 0 & ecount(g) > 0){
    V(g)$cluster = edge.betweenness.community(g, directed=clustering_directed)$membership
    g = setNetworkAttributes(g, V(g)$freq, V(g)$cluster)
    V(g)$label.cex = V(g)$label.cex * 1.5
    par(mar=c(5,4,4,2) + 0.1) # reset to default}
  } else plot(1, type="n", axes=F, xlab="", ylab="")

createTopicDtm <- function(topics_per_term, wordassignments, topic_nr, nwords){
  wordfreq = topics_per_term[topic_nr,]
  wordfreq = wordfreq[order(-wordfreq)][1:nwords]
  words = names(wordfreq)
  wa = wordassignments[wordassignments$topic == topic_nr,]
  wa = wa[wa$term %in% words,]
  docs = unique(wa$aid)
  terms = unique(wa$term)
  dtm = spMatrix(nrow=length(docs), ncol=length(terms), i = match(wa$aid, docs), j = match(wa$term, terms), rep(1, nrow(wa)))
  colnames(dtm) = terms

### Basic plotting functions
selectTimeInterval <- function(time_var){ 
  ndays = abs(as.numeric(difftime(min(time_var), max(time_var), units='days')))
  if(ndays < 20*30) return("month")
  if(ndays < 20*7) return('week')
  if(ndays < 20) return('day')

prepare.time.var <- function(time_var, date_interval){
  if(class(time_var) == 'Date'){
    if(date_interval == 'day') time_var = as.Date(format(time_var, '%Y-%m-%d'))
    if(date_interval == 'month') time_var = as.Date(paste(format(time_var, '%Y-%m'),'-01',sep=''))
    if(date_interval == 'week') time_var = as.Date(paste(format(time_var, '%Y-%W'),1), '%Y-%W %u')
    if(date_interval == 'year') time_var = as.Date(paste(format(time_var, '%Y'),'-01-01',sep=''))

#' Add empty values for pretty plotting
#' When plotting a timeline, gaps in date_intervals are ignored. For the attention for topics gaps should be considered as having value 0.   
#' @param d A data.frame with the columns 'time' (Date) and 'value' (numeric)  
#' @param date_interval The date_interval is required to know what the gaps are
#' @return A data.frame with the columns 'time' (Date) and 'value' (numeric)  
#' @export
fill.time.gaps <- function(d, time_interval){
  if(class(d$time) == 'numeric') time_sequence = min(d$time):max(d$time)
  if(class(d$time) == 'Date') time_sequence = seq.Date(from=min(d$time), to=max(d$time), by=time_interval)
  emptytime = time_sequence[!time_sequence %in% d$time]
  if(length(emptytime) > 0) d = rbind(d, data.frame(time=emptytime, value=0))

prepare.plot.values <- function(document_topic_matrix, break_var, topic_nr, pct=F, value='total', filter=NULL){
  hits = document_topic_matrix[topic_nr,]
  d = aggregate(hits, by=list(break_var=break_var), FUN='sum') 
  if(value == 'relative'){
    total_hits = colSums(document_topic_matrix)  
    totals = aggregate(total_hits, by=list(break_var=break_var), FUN='sum')
    d$x = d$x / totals$x
  if(pct == T) d$x = d$x / sum(d$x)

#' Standardized plotting function that can be passed to the plotfunction arguments in the \code{\link{createTopicBrowser}} function.
#' One of the standardized plotting function used in the Topicbrowser package to manage how topics and additional information are visualized.
#' This specific function plots a graph showing the number of words assigned to the topic per time period
#' @param info The output of the \code{\link{clusterinfo}} function
#' @param topic_nr the index number of a topic
#' @param time_interval a string indicating what interval to use for plotting the time/date graph. Can be 'year', 'month', 'week' and 'day'. If 'auto', the date_interval will be chosen based on the number of days in the analysis.
#' @param time_var either a vector containing the date for each document, or the column name of the date variable in the metadata stored in the clusterinfo object
#' @return nothing, only plots
#' @export
plot_time <- function(lda_model=NULL, document_topic_matrix=NULL, clusterinfo=NULL, topic_nr, time_var='date', time_interval='auto', pct=F, value='total', ...) {

  if (is.null(document_topic_matrix)) {
    if (is.null(clusterinfo)) {
      if (is.null(lda_model)) stop("Either lda_model, document_topic_matrix, or clusterinfo needs to be specified")
      clusterinfo = clusterinfo(lda_model)
    document_topic_matrix = clusterinfo$topics_per_doc
  if (is.character(time_var) & length(time_var) == 1) {
    if (is.null(clusterinfo)) stop("Time var is a column name, but clusterinfo not specified")
    if (is.null(clusterinfo$meta)) stop("Time var is a column name, but clusterinfo metadata is not specified")
    time_var = clusterinfo$meta[,time_var]
  if (time_interval == 'auto') time_interval = selectTimeInterval(time_var)
  time_var = prepare.time.var(time_var, time_interval)  
  d = prepare.plot.values(document_topic_matrix, break_var=time_var, topic_nr=topic_nr, pct=pct, value=value)
  colnames(d) = c('time','value')
  d = fill.time.gaps(d, time_interval)
  plot(d$time, d$value, type='l', xlab='', main='', ylab='', xlim=c(min(d$time), max(d$time)), ylim=c(0, max(d$value)), bty='L', lwd=5, col='darkgrey')

#' Function to plot a word cloud for a given topic
#' Can be passed to the plotfunction arguments in the \code{\link{createTopicBrowser}} function.
#' One of the standardized plotting function used in the Topicbrowser package to manage how topics and additional information are visualized.
#' This specific function plots a wordcloud
#' One of lda_model, topic_term_matrix, or topicinfo needs to be specified
#' @param lda_model An lda model fitted using topicmodels::LDA
#' @param topic_term_matrix a matrix of topics per term
#' @param clusterinfo The output of the \code{\link{clusterinfo}} function
#' @param topic_nr the index number of a topic
#' @param wordsize_scale a scale for the word sizes
#' @param relative_to_term_total make word sizes relative
#' @return nothing, only plots
#' @export
plot_wordcloud <- function(lda_model=NULL, topic_term_matrix=NULL, clusterinfo=NULL, topic_nr, wordsize_scale=0.75, relative_to_term_total=F, ...){
  if (is.null(topic_term_matrix)) {
    if (is.null(clusterinfo)) {
      if (is.null(lda_model)) stop("Either lda_model, topic_term_matrix, or topicinfo needs to be specified")
      clusterinfo = clusterinfo(lda_model)
    topic_term_matrix = clusterinfo$topics_per_term
  x = topic_term_matrix[topic_nr,]
  if(relative_to_term_total==T) {
    x = x / colSums(topic_term_matrix)
    x = x / sum(x)
  x = sort(x, decreasing=T)[1:50]
  x = x[!is.na(x)]
  names = sub("/.*", "", names(x))
  freqs = x^wordsize_scale
  pal <- brewer.pal(6,"YlGnBu")
  wordcloud(names, freqs, scale=c(3,.5), min.freq=1, max.words=50, random.order=FALSE, rot.per=.15, colors=pal)
  par(mar=c(5,4,4,2) + 0.1) # reset to default

plot_category <- function(document_sums, topic_nr, category_var, pct=T, value='relative', ...){
  p = par(mar=c(3,3,3,1))
  d = prepare.topics.plot.values(document_sums, break_var=as.character(category_var), topic_nr=topic_nr, pct=pct, value=value)
  colnames(d) = c('category','value')
  barplot(as.matrix(t(d[,c('value')])), main='', beside=TRUE,horiz=FALSE,
          axes=T, names.arg=d$category, cex.names=1, cex.axis=0.7, adj=1, las=2)
  par(mar=c(5,4,4,2) + 0.1) # reset to default

plot_topics_network <- function(clusterinfo) {
  docs = clusterinfo$topics_per_doc
  t = terms(m, 2)
  labels = paste(t[1,],  1:nrow(docs), t[2,], sep='\n')
  g = semnet::adjacencyGraph(t(docs))
  g = getBackboneNetwork(g, alpha=0.1, delete.isolates = F)
  E(g)$width = E(g)$weight*10
  V(g)$size = rescale(V(g)$occurence, to = c(5,10))
  V(g)$label.cex = rescale(V(g)$occurence, to = c(0.5,1))
  V(g)$label = labels
  paste(1:nrow(docs), apply(terms(m, 3), 2, paste, collapse='\n'), sep=': ')
  V(g)$cluster = edge.betweenness.community(g, directed = F)$membership
  g = semnet:::setVertexColors(g, 'cluster')
vanatteveldt/topicbrowser documentation built on May 3, 2019, 2:59 p.m.