
Defines functions preparePhenoTable prepareResultTable calculateContParams calculateExpoParams standardizeBeta calculateVarFrac calculateVarFrac_v2

Documented in calculateContParams calculateExpoParams calculateVarFrac calculateVarFrac_v2 preparePhenoTable prepareResultTable standardizeBeta

#' This is data included in the package
#' @name ind
#' @docType data
#' @author Kamil Slowikowski \email{kslowikowski@fas.harvard.edu}
#' @references \url{https://github.com/slowkow/proxysnps/blob/master/data/ind.rda}
#' @keywords data

#' Example of GWAS result input file
#' @name GWAS
#' @docType data
#' @author Vincent Laville \email{vincent.laville@pasteur.fr}
#' @keywords data

#' Example of cohort description input file
#' @name COHORT
#' @docType data
#' @author Vincent Laville \email{vincent.laville@pasteur.fr}
#' @keywords data

#' Check that the table contains the mandatory columns
#' and keep only rows (cohorts) with the specified ancestry \code{pop}.
#' If \code{pop=="ALL"}, all rows are kept.
#' @param df is the loaded data frame with individual cohorts information
#' @param ancest is the ancestry analyzed
#' @param pheno is the studied phenotype
#' @param expo is the studied exposure
#' @return The data frame with only rows corresponding to the studied population \code{ancest}
#' and colums corresponding to the studied phenotype \code{pheno} and exposure \code{expo}
#' @examples
#' data("COHORT", package="VarExp", envir = environment())
#' df = preparePhenoTable(COHORT, "EUR", "pheno1", "expo1")
#' @export

preparePhenoTable = function(df,ancest,pheno,expo) {
  colsToSearch = c("Cohort","ANCESTRY",paste0(pheno,"_N"),paste0(pheno,"_Mean"),paste0(pheno,"_SD"))

  for (i in 1:length(colsToSearch)) {
    if(!any(grepl(colsToSearch[i],colnames(df)))) {
      stop(paste0("Missing column \'", colsToSearch[i], "\' in the cohort dataframe"), call. = F)

  if (ancest != "ALL") {
    df = df[df$ANCESTRY == ancest, grepl(paste("Cohort|ANCESTRY",paste0(pheno,"_N"),paste0(pheno,"_Mean"),paste0(pheno,"_SD"),paste(pheno,expo,sep="_"),paste0(expo,"_Mean"), paste0(expo,"_SD"),sep="|"),colnames(df))]
    if (dim(df)[1] == 0) {
      stop(paste0("Cannot find ancestry ", ancest, " in the cohort dataframe"), call. = F)
  if (ancest == "ALL") {
    df = df[, grepl(paste("Cohort|ANCESTRY",paste0(pheno,"_N"),paste0(pheno,"_Mean"),paste0(pheno,"_SD"),paste(pheno,expo,sep="_"),sep="|"), colnames(df))]
  df = na.omit(df)

#' Check that the table contains the mandatory columns
#' and keep only rows (cohorts) with the specified ancestry \code{pop},
#' the specified phenoype \code{pheno}
#' and the specified exposure \code{expo}
#' @param df is the loaded data frame with individual cohorts information
#' @param ancest is the ancestry analyzed
#' @param pheno is the studied phenotype
#' @param expo is the studied exposure
#' @return The data frame with only rows corresponding to the studied population \code{ancest}
#' and to the studied phenotype \code{pheno} and exposure \code{expo}
#' @examples
#' data("GWAS", package="VarExp", envir = environment())
#' df = prepareResultTable(GWAS, "EUR", "pheno1", "expo1")
#' @export

prepareResultTable = function(df, ancest, pheno, expo) {
  df = df[df$POP == ancest,]
  if (dim(df)[1] == 0) {
    stop(paste0("Cannot find ancestry ", ancest, " in in the results dataframe"), call. = F)
  df = df[df$PHENO == pheno & df$EXPO == expo,]
  if (dim(df)[1] == 0) {
    stop(paste0("Cannot find phenotype - exposure ", paste(pheno," ", expo,sep = ""), " in the results dataframe"), call. = F)

#' Calculate the mean and variance of a quantitative variable in a pooled sample of several cohorts
#' @param N is a vector of sample size in each cohorts
#' @param m is a vector of the mean of the variable in each individual cohort
#' @param v is a vector of the standard deviation of the variable in each individual cohorts
#' @return A vector of length 2 which first element is the mean and second element is the variance
#'sample_sizes = c(250, 1000, 10000,7500)
#'means = c(2.5, 2.28, 2.32, 2.42)
#'sds = c(1.05,1.1, 0.98, 0.94)
#'parameters = calculateContParams(sample_sizes, means, sds)

calculateContParams = function(N,m,v) {
  gmean = sum(N*m)/sum(N)
  aa = (N-1) * v^2
  bb = N * (m - gmean)^2
  return(c(gmean,sum(aa+bb)/(sum(N) - 1)))

#' Calculate the mean and the variance of the exposure
#' @param df is the dataframe with the cohort information
#' @param pheno is the studied outcome
#' @param expo is the studied exposure
#' @return A vector of length 2 which first element is the mean and second element is the variance
#' @examples
#' #Case where E is quantitative
#' datafr = data.frame(floor(rnorm(5,5000,2000)), runif(5,2.5,3), runif(5, 1.2, 1.4))
#' colnames(datafr) = c("pheno_N", "pheno_expo_Mean", "pheno_expo_SD")
#' params = calculateExpoParams(df = datafr, pheno = "pheno", expo = "expo")
#' #Case where E is binary
#' datafr = data.frame(floor(rnorm(5,5000,2000)), floor(runif(5,1000,3000)))
#' colnames(datafr) = c("pheno_N", "pheno_expo_P")
#' params = calculateExpoParams(df = datafr, pheno = "pheno", expo = "expo")
#' @export

calculateExpoParams = function(df, pheno, expo) {
    if (any(grepl(paste0(pheno, "_", expo,"_P"),colnames(df)))) {
    n = df[,grepl("_N",colnames(df))]
    nexp = df[,grepl(paste0(expo,"_P"),colnames(df))]
    meanval = sum(nexp)/sum(n)
    return(c(meanval,meanval * (1-meanval)))
  else if (any(grepl(paste0(pheno, "_", expo,"_Mean"), colnames(df))) & any(grepl(paste0(pheno, "_", expo,"_SD"),colnames(df)))) {
    n = df[,grepl("_N",colnames(df))]
    m = df[,grepl(paste0(expo,"_Mean"),colnames(df))]
    v = df[,grepl(paste0(expo,"_SD"),colnames(df))]
  else {
    stop("Cannot calcuate exposure parameters.\nCheck columns names")

#' Derive betas in the standardized model from betas in the general model
#' @param betaG is the vector of main genetic effects in the general model
#' @param betaINT is the vector of interaction effects in the general model
#' @param maf is the vector of the variants' frequency
#' @param meanE is the mean of the exposure
#' @param varE is the variance of the exposure
#' @param type designates the coefficients to standardize:
#'  "G" for the main genetic effect and "I" for the interaction effects
#' @return The vector of standardized effects
#' @examples
#' betaGs = rnorm(10, 0, 0.1)
#' betaIs = rnorm(10, 0, 0.05)
#' mafs = runif(10,0.05,0.95)
#' meanE = runif(1,-2,2)
#' varE = runif(1,0.5,1.5)
#' std_betaG = standardizeBeta(betaGs, betaIs, mafs, meanE, varE, "G")
#' std_betaI = standardizeBeta(betaGs, betaIs, mafs, meanE, varE, "I")
#' \dontrun{
#' std_betaI = standardizeBeta(betaGs, betaIs, mafs, meanE, varE, "anything different from G or I")
#' }
#' @export

standardizeBeta = function(betaG,betaINT,maf,meanE,varE,type) {
  if (type == "I") {
    return(betaINT*sqrt(2 * maf * (1 - maf)) * sqrt(varE))
  else if (type == "G") {
    return((betaG + betaINT * meanE)*sqrt(2 * maf * (1 - maf)))
  else {
    stop("type must be either \"I\" or \"G\"", call. = F)

#' Calculate the fraction of phenotypic variance explained by as set of significant
#' genetic effect and/or interaction effects.
#' This version does not take into account potential biases in
#' neither the estimation of effect sizes nor the estimation of the correlation matrix
#' @param std_bG is the vector of standardized genetic effect sizes
#' @param std_bI is the vector of standardized interaction effect sizes
#' @param matcor is the genotype correlation matrix
#' @param varY is the phenotypic variance in the pooled sample
#' @param type indicates wether only genetic or interactions effects should be considered
#'  or if both should be considered jointly.
#'  @return The fraction of phenotypic variance explained by user-specified effects.
#'  @examples
#'  std_bG = rnorm(5,0,0.01)
#'  std_bI = rnorm(5,0,0.001)
#'  matcor = cor(matrix(runif(5*5,1,5),nrow=5))
#'  varY = 2.25
#'  calculateVarFrac(std_bG, std_bI, matcor, varY, "G")
#'  calculateVarFrac(std_bG, std_bI, matcor, varY, "I")
#'  calculateVarFrac(std_bG, std_bI, matcor, varY, "J")
#'  @importFrom MASS ginv
#'  @export

calculateVarFrac = function(std_bG, std_bI,matcor,varY,type) {
  if (type == "G") {
    std_bI = rep(0, length(std_bG))
  else if (type == "I") {
    std_bG = rep(0, length(std_bI))
  else if (type != "J") {
    stop("type must be in c(\"G\", \"I\", \"J\"", call. = F)
  return((crossprod(t(crossprod(std_bG, ginv(matcor))), std_bG) + crossprod(t(crossprod(std_bI, ginv(matcor))), std_bI)) / varY)

#' Calculate the fraction of phenotypic variance explained by as set of significant
#' genetic effect and/or interaction effects.
#' This version takes into account potential rank deficiencies in the correlation matrix
#' and noise in the  effect size estimation.
#' For more details, see Shi et al., Am. J. Hum. Genet., 2016
#' @param std_bG is the vector of standardized genetic effect sizes
#' @param std_bI is the vector of standardized interaction effect sizes
#' @param matcor is the genotype correlation matrix
#' @param varY is the phenotypic variance in the pooled sample
#' @param N is the total sample size
#' @param type indicates wether only genetic or interactions effects should be considered
#'  or if both should be considered jointly.
#' @return The fraction of phenotypic variance explained by user-specified effects.
#' @examples
#' std_bG = rnorm(5,0,0.01)
#' std_bI = rnorm(5,0,0.001)
#' matcor = cor(matrix(runif(5*5,1,5),nrow=5))
#' varY = 2.25
#' N = 100000
#' calculateVarFrac_v2(std_bG, std_bI, matcor, varY, N, "G")
#' calculateVarFrac_v2(std_bG, std_bI, matcor, varY, N, "I")
#' calculateVarFrac_v2(std_bG, std_bI, matcor, varY, N, "J")
#' @importFrom MASS ginv
#' @export

calculateVarFrac_v2 = function(std_bG, std_bI, matcor, varY, N, type, tol = 0.01) {
  if (type == "G") {
    std_bI = rep(0, length(std_bG))
  else if (type == "I") {
    std_bG = rep(0, length(std_bI))
  else if (type != "J") {
    stop("type must be in c(\"G\", \"I\", \"J\")", call. = F)
  q = qr(matcor)$rank
  inverse <- ginv(matcor, tol = tol)
  return((N * (crossprod(t(crossprod(std_bG, inverse)), std_bG) + crossprod(t(crossprod(std_bI, inverse)), std_bI)) - q) / ((N - q) * varY))
vincela/VarExp documentation built on May 29, 2019, 12:42 p.m.