#' @srrstats {G2.0} Assertions on lengths of inputs (asserting that
#' inputs expected to be single- or multi-valued) are explicitly
#' tested for distribution parameters; implicitly through evaluation
#' functions.
#' @srrstats {PD4.0} The numeric outputs of probability distribution
#' functions are rigorously tested, not just output structures. These
#' tests are for numeric equality.
#' @srrstats {PD4.1} Tests for numeric equality compare the output of
#' probability distribution functions with the output of code defined
#' in the same location in test files.
#' @srrstats {PD4.2} All distributions are tested using at least two
#' valid parameter sets, and at least one invalid parameter set.
#' @srrstats {PD4.3} Tests of optimisation or integration algorithms
#' compare derived results from built-in results for permutations of
#' every distribution parameter.
#' @srrstats {PD4.4} Tests of optimisation or integration algorithms
#' compare derived results with algorithms in the stats package.
#' @srrstats {G3.0} Appropriate tolerances for approximate equality is
#' adopted (stricter tolerances planned for future based on discretes
#' tracking design).
#' @srrstats {G5.2} Appropriate error behaviour is tested for all
#' functions explicitly, but warnings are omitted and saved for a future
#' version.
#' @srrstats {G5.2b} Explicit tests trigger the `stop()` calls in this
#' version of distionary.
#' @srrstats {G5.4} Correctness tests are conducted to test that
#' statistical algorithms (calculating properties from other distribution
#' properties) produce expected results to test distributions with set
#' parameters.
#' @srrstats {G5.4b} New implementations of existing methods are compared
#' against the stats package where possible. Implementations like the
#' hazard function that are not found in the stats package are compared
#' to known formulas rather than other implementations, to avoid unnecessary
#' dependencies on other packages.
distributions_list <- list(
distribution = dst_bern,
invalid = list(
list(prob = -1),
list(prob = 2)
valid = list(
list(prob = 0.5),
list(prob = 0.7)
distribution = dst_beta,
invalid = list(
list(shape1 = -1, shape2 = 1),
list(shape1 = 1, shape2 = -1)
valid = list(
list(shape1 = 2, shape2 = 0.5),
list(shape1 = 0.5, shape2 = 0.5)
distribution = dst_binom,
invalid = list(
list(size = -1, prob = 0.5),
list(size = 4, prob = -1),
list(size = 4, prob = 2)
valid = list(
list(size = 3, prob = 0.3)
distribution = dst_cauchy,
invalid = list(
list(location = 0, scale = -1)
valid = list(
list(location = 0, scale = 1),
list(location = 2, scale = 0.5)
distribution = dst_chisq,
invalid = list(
list(df = -1)
valid = list(
list(df = 1),
list(df = 10)
distribution = dst_degenerate,
invalid = list(
list(location = "a")
valid = list(
list(location = 1),
list(location = -4)
distribution = dst_exp,
invalid = list(
list(rate = -1)
valid = list(
list(rate = 1),
list(rate = 2.5)
distribution = dst_f,
invalid = list(
list(df1 = -1, df2 = 2),
list(df1 = 3, df2 = -2)
valid = list(
list(df1 = 2, df2 = 1),
list(df1 = 3, df2 = 3),
list(df1 = 1.5, df2 = 5),
list(df1 = 3.5, df2 = 7),
list(df1 = 2.2, df2 = 9)
distribution = dst_gamma,
invalid = list(
list(shape = -1, rate = 1),
list(shape = 1, rate = -1)
valid = list(
list(shape = 2, rate = 3),
list(shape = 4, rate = 1.5)
distribution = dst_geom,
invalid = list(
list(prob = -1),
list(prob = 2)
valid = list(
list(prob = 0.3),
list(prob = 0.5),
list(prob = 0.8)
distribution = dst_gev,
invalid = list(
list(location = 0, scale = -1, shape = 1)
valid = list(
list(location = 0, scale = 1.5, shape = 1.2),
list(location = 0, scale = 1.5, shape = 0),
list(location = 0, scale = 1.5, shape = -1.2)
distribution = dst_gpd,
invalid = list(
list(scale = -1, shape = 1)
valid = list(
list(scale = 1.5, shape = 1.2),
list(scale = 1.5, shape = 0),
list(scale = 1.5, shape = -1.2)
distribution = dst_hyper,
invalid = list(
list(m = -2, n = 4, k = 5),
list(m = 2, n = -4, k = 5),
list(m = 2, n = 4, k = -5),
list(m = 2, n = 4, k = 7)
valid = list(
list(m = 8, n = 4, k = 5),
list(m = 3, n = 4, k = 5),
list(m = 8, n = 5, k = 3),
list(m = 2, n = 5, k = 3)
distribution = dst_lnorm,
invalid = list(
list(sdlog = -1.2)
valid = list(
list(meanlog = -1, sdlog = 1.2),
list(meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1.1)
distribution = dst_lp3,
invalid = list(
list(meanlog = 0, sdlog = -1, skew = 1)
valid = list(
list(meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1.1, skew = 0.7),
list(meanlog = -1, sdlog = 0.7, skew = -0.7)
distribution = dst_nbinom,
invalid = list(
list(size = -3, prob = 0.4),
list(size = 3, prob = -1),
list(size = 3, prob = 2)
valid = list(
list(size = 3, prob = 0.4),
list(size = 5, prob = 0.8)
distribution = dst_norm,
invalid = list(
list(mean = 0, sd = -1)
valid = list(
list(mean = 1.1, sd = 2.2),
list(mean = -1.5, sd = 3.7)
distribution = dst_pearson3,
invalid = list(
list(location = 0, scale = -1, shape = 1),
list(location = 0, scale = 1, shape = -1)
valid = list(
list(location = 1.1, scale = 2.2, shape = 3.3),
list(location = 0, scale = 1, shape = 1)
distribution = dst_pois,
invalid = list(
list(lambda = -1)
valid = list(
list(lambda = 1),
list(lambda = 2.2)
distribution = dst_t,
invalid = list(
list(df = -2),
list(df = -1)
valid = list(
list(df = 1),
list(df = 2),
list(df = 3),
list(df = 4),
list(df = 5)
distribution = dst_unif,
invalid = list(
list(min = 9, max = 0)
valid = list(
list(min = 0, max = 1),
list(min = -2, max = 1)
distribution = dst_weibull,
invalid = list(
list(shape = -1, scale = 1),
list(shape = 1, scale = -1)
valid = list(
list(shape = 0.8, scale = 1.5),
list(shape = 3.3, scale = 2.4)
for (i in seq_along(distributions_list)) {
item <- distributions_list[[i]]
test_that(paste("Distribution", i, "invalid parameters check."), {
for (paramset in item$invalid) {
expect_error(rlang::exec(item$distribution, !!!paramset))
test_that(paste("Distribution", i, "parameters have length 1."), {
paramset <- item$valid[[1]]
for (i in seq_along(paramset)) {
this_paramset <- paramset
this_paramset[[i]] <- rep(paramset[[i]], 2)
expect_error(rlang::exec(item$distribution, !!!this_paramset))
this_paramset[[i]] <- numeric(0L)
expect_error(rlang::exec(item$distribution, !!!this_paramset))
test_that(paste("Distribution", i, "resolves to Null dist with NA param"), {
paramset <- item$valid[[1]]
for (i in seq_along(paramset)) {
this_paramset <- paramset
this_paramset[[i]] <- NA
rlang::exec(item$distribution, !!!this_paramset),
# Make sure that defined distributions evaluate NA inputs properly.
"Defined distributions evaluate NA inputs properly: Distribution ", i
d <- rlang::exec(item$distribution, !!!item$valid[[1]])
r <- range(d)
p <- c(0.4, NA_real_)
## Quantile. Also use x for downstream tests.
x <- eval_quantile(d, at = p)
## CDF
y <- eval_cdf(d, at = x)
## Survival
y <- eval_survival(d, at = x)
## Density
y <- eval_pmf(d, at = x)
## Mass
if (vtype(d) == "continuous") {
y <- eval_density(d, at = x)
# Make sure there's no density for discrete variables, and no
# PMF for continuous variables.
test_that(paste("Distribution", i, "density / mass lineup with vtype"), {
d <- rlang::exec(item$distribution, !!!item$valid[[1]])
v <- vtype(d)
if (v == "discrete") expect_null(d$density)
if (v == "continuous") expect_null(d$pmf)
for (paramset in item$valid) {
d <- rlang::exec(item$distribution, !!!paramset)
v <- vtype(d)
prettynm <- pretty_name(d, param_digits = 2)
test_that("Object is a distribution.", {
# Check each representation individually, that it corresponds
# to a valid distribution.
"Defined representations correspond to a distribution: ",
prettynm, "."
p <- 1:49 / 50
x <- eval_quantile(d, at = p)
r <- range(d)
## CDF
cdf_vals <- eval_cdf(d, at = x)
if (v == "continuous") expect_gte(cdf_vals[1], 0)
expect_lte(cdf_vals[49], 1)
expect_true(all(diff(cdf_vals) >= 0))
## Survival
if (!is.null(d$survival)) {
surv <- eval_survival(d, at = x)
if (v == "continuous") expect_lte(surv[1], 1)
expect_gte(surv[49], 0)
expect_true(all(diff(surv) <= 0))
## Density
dens_fun <- d$density
if (!is.null(dens_fun)) {
a <- eval_quantile(d, at = c(0.005, 0.995))
dens_vals <- eval_density(d, at = x)
expect_true(all(dens_vals >= 0))
int <- integrate(dens_fun, lower = a[1], upper = a[2])
expect_equal(int$value, 0.99, tolerance = 1e-5)
## Mass
pmf_fun <- d$pmf
if (!is.null(pmf_fun)) {
pmf_vals <- eval_pmf(d, at = -40:1000)
expect_true(all(pmf_vals >= 0))
expect_gt(sum(pmf_vals), 0.9)
expect_lt(sum(pmf_vals), 1 + 2 * .Machine$double.eps)
## Quantile
qf <- d$quantile
if (!is.null(qf)) {
p <- 0:50 / 50
x <- eval_quantile(d, at = p)
expect_true(all(diff(x) >= 0))
if (v == "continuous") expect_equal(eval_cdf(d, at = x), p)
# Check that the provided representations link up properly and describe
# the same distribution. This can be achieved by deriving the
# representation as if it was absent. Note that some of the previous
# tests are covered here, but are still included for ease of spotting
# errors. This also checks that the
# derivations are correct when a representation is missing -- but
# not all derivations: for example, distionary never defines a
# hazard function in its distributions, so that and others will
# have to be checked another way.
"All representations describe the same distribution: ",
prettynm, "."
## Quantile
check_q <- validate_quantile(d)
expect_true(check_q || is.na(check_q))
## Survival
check_s <- validate_survival(d)
expect_true(check_s || is.na(check_s))
## Density
check_dens <- validate_density(d)
expect_true(check_dens || is.na(check_dens))
## PMF
check_pmf <- validate_pmf(d)
expect_true(check_pmf || is.na(check_pmf))
## Range
check_rng <- validate_range(d)
expect_true(check_rng || is.na(check_rng))
## Moments
if (!attr(d, "name") %in% c("Cauchy", "Degenerate")) {
## Mean
if (!(attr(d, "name") == "Student t" && parameters(d)$df == 1)) {
check_mean <- validate_mean(d)
expect_true(check_mean || is.na(check_mean))
## Variance
check_var <- validate_variance(d)
expect_true(check_var || is.na(check_var))
## Standard Deviation
check_sd <- validate_stdev(d)
expect_true(check_sd || is.na(check_sd))
## Skewness
if (v == "discrete") {
check_sk <- validate_skewness(d, tol = 1e-3)
} else {
check_sk <- validate_skewness(d)
expect_true(check_sk || is.na(check_sk))
## Kurtosis
check_kur <- validate_kurtosis(d)
expect_true(check_kur || is.na(check_kur))
## Excess Kurtosis
check_exc <- validate_kurtosis_exc(d)
expect_true(check_exc || is.na(check_exc))
# --- End parameter set ---
# --- End distribution ---
test_that("Representations that are never specified in distionary work.", {
## Hazard
d <- dst_norm(0, 1)
x <- seq(-4, 4, length.out = 100)
h1 <- eval_hazard(d, at = x)
h2 <- dnorm(x) / pnorm(x, lower.tail = FALSE)
expect_equal(h1, h2)
## Hazard on non-continuous distribution
d <- dst_pois(1)
expect_error(eval_hazard(d, at = 1))
## Odds
d <- dst_nbinom(10, 0.4)
p <- eval_pmf(d, at = 0:10)
o1 <- p / (1 - p)
o2 <- eval_odds(d, 0:10)
expect_equal(o1, o2)
## Cumulative hazard function
d <- dst_weibull(3, 2)
x <- 0:10
chf1 <- eval_chf(d, at = x)
haz <- \(t) eval_hazard(d, at = t)
chf2 <- vapply(
x, \(x_) integrate(haz, lower = 0, upper = x_)$value,
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)
expect_equal(chf1, chf2)
## Cumulative hazard on non-continuous distribution
d <- dst_pois(1)
expect_error(eval_chf(d, at = 1))
## Return level, continuous
d <- dst_exp(0.2)
rp <- c(1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100)
l1 <- eval_return(d, at = rp)
l2 <- eval_quantile(d, at = 1 - 1 / rp)
expect_equal(l1, l2)
## Return level, discrete
d <- dst_hyper(10, 5, 8)
rp <- c(1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100)
l1 <- eval_return(d, at = rp)
l2 <- eval_quantile(d, at = 1 - 1 / rp)
expect_equal(l1, l2)
## Median, discrete
d <- dst_binom(10, 0.3)
m1 <- median(d)
m2 <- eval_quantile(d, 0.5)
expect_equal(m1, m2)
rm(list = c(
"distributions_list", "d", "item", "i", "paramset", "prettynm", "v"
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