
Defines functions safe.read.dcf dummy.dcf simplify_artifact_build_dcfs print.pkg_by_host_data package_by_host_data

Documented in package_by_host_data print.pkg_by_host_data simplify_artifact_build_dcfs

### Enhancement get last git commit from info.dcf and add to data FIXME

#' ingest dcf files for a package
#' @importFrom lubridate as_datetime
#' @importFrom rcmdcheck check_details parse_check
#' @param afpath an element of an artifact_folder_paths instance
#' @param host character(1) host used in BBS
#' @param summary_types character() defaults to `c("install", "buildsrc", "checksrc", "buildbin")`
#' @param read.dcf.silent logical(1) defaults to TRUE, otherwise bad DCF or build will emit error note
#' @examples
#' af = make_demo_ArtifSet()
#' ho = slot(af, "hostnames")
#' pbh = package_by_host_data(tail(paths(af),1), host=ho[2])
#' pbh
#' package_by_host_data(head(paths(af),1), host=ho[2])
#' @export
package_by_host_data = function(afpath, host="nebbiolo2", 
      summary_types = c("install", "buildsrc", "checksrc", "buildbin"), read.dcf.silent = TRUE) {
# process info.dcf
   infopa = paste0(afpath, "/raw-results/info.dcf")
   infomat = read.dcf(infopa)
   last_commit_date = as_datetime(gsub(" \\(.*", "", infomat[1,"git_last_commit_date"]))
   commit_tag = infomat[1,"git_last_commit"]
   branch = infomat[1,"git_branch"]
   maint_email = infomat[1,"MaintainerEmail"]
   infosel = list(last_commit_date=last_commit_date, commit_tag=commit_tag, branch=branch, maint_email=maint_email)
#   if (!requireNamespace("rcmdcheck")) stop("install rcmdcheck to use this function") # too heavy to import?
   pas = sprintf(paste0(afpath, "/raw-results/", host, "//%s-summary.dcf"), summary_types)
   chk_out_pa = paste0(afpath, "/raw-results/", host, "//checksrc-out.txt")
   bld_out_pa = paste0(afpath, "/raw-results/", host, "//buildsrc-out.txt")
   inst_out_pa = paste0(afpath, "/raw-results/", host, "//install-out.txt")
   bldbin_out_pa = paste0(afpath, "/raw-results/", host, "//buildbin-out.txt")
# multiple dcfs
   dcfs = lapply(pas, function(x) safe.read.dcf(x, silent=read.dcf.silent))
   safe.parse.check = function(x) {
     if (!file.exists(x)) return(NA)
     ans = try(rcmdcheck::check_details(rcmdcheck::parse_check(x)))
     if (inherits(ans, "try-error")) return(NA)
   names(dcfs) = summary_types
   attr(dcfs, "hostname") = host  # late discovery that host is not listed in DCF
   class(dcfs) = "artifact_build_dcfs"
# only one 
   parsed_chks = safe.parse.check( chk_out_pa ) #lapply(chk_out_pas, safe.parse.check)
   if (length(parsed_chks)==1 && is.na(parsed_chks)) numerr=NA
   else numerr = length(parsed_chks$errors)
   if (length(parsed_chks)==1 && is.na(parsed_chks)) numwarn=NA
   else numwarn = length(parsed_chks$warnings)
#   bld_txt = try(readLines(bld_out_pa), silent=TRUE) # lapply(bld_out_pas, function(x) try(readLines(x), silent=TRUE))
#   if (inherits(bld_txt, "try-error")) bld_txt = "no buildsrc-out.txt"
   bld_txt = (function(x) {
                   if (!file.exists(x)) return("no install-out.txt")
                   try(readLines(x), silent=TRUE)
   inst_txt = (function(x) {
                   if (!file.exists(x)) return("no install-out.txt")
                   try(readLines(x), silent=TRUE)
   bldbin_txt = (function(x) {
                   if (!file.exists(x)) return("no buildbin-out.txt")
                   try(readLines(x), silent=TRUE)
   ans = list(dcfs=dcfs, parsed_chks = parsed_chks, bld_txt=bld_txt, inst_txt=inst_txt,
     bldbin_txt=bldbin_txt, host=host,
     pkgname = basename(afpath), info=infosel, nerr=numerr, nwarn=numwarn)
   class(ans) = "pkg_by_host_data"

#' simplify presentation of pkg data
#' @param x instance of pkg_by_host_data
#' @param \dots not used
#' @export
print.pkg_by_host_data = function(x, ...) {
 cat(sprintf("pkg_by_host_data instance for %s on host %s\n", x$pkgname, x$host))
 cat(sprintf("  last commit: %s, n_err=%d, n_warn=%d\n", as.character(x$info$last_commit_date),
       x$nerr, x$nwarn))
 if (is.na(x$nerr)) cat("  [NA for n_err implies R CMD check could not be run...]\n")

#' produce a data.frame from a collection of `package_by_host_data` outputs
#' @param x instance of `artifact_build_dcfs`
#' @export
simplify_artifact_build_dcfs = function(x) {
    stopifnot(inherits(x, "artifact_build_dcfs"))
    pkgname = x[[1]][, "Package"]
    pkgversion = x[[1]][, "Version"]
    curhost = attr(x, "hostname")
    ac = as.character
    getsec = function(x) as.numeric(gsub(" seconds", "", x))
    stats = do.call(rbind, lapply(x, function(z) data.frame(status = ac(z[, 
        "Status"]), elapsed_time = getsec(ac(z[, "EllapsedTime"])))))
    ans = data.frame(host = curhost, pkgname = ac(pkgname), pkgversion = ac(pkgversion), 
        stats, phase = rownames(stats))
    rownames(ans) = NULL

dummy.dcf = function() {   # in case a dcf file does not exist, we return this
structure(c("NA", "NA", "NA", "NA", "NA", "NA", "NA", "NA", "NA",
"NA"), .Dim = c(1L, 10L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("Package",
"Version", "Command", "StartedAt", "EndedAt", "EllapsedTime",
"RetCode", "Status", "PackageFile", "PackageFileSize")))

safe.read.dcf = function(x, silent=TRUE) {
   tmp = suppressWarnings(try(read.dcf(x), silent=silent))
   if (!inherits(tmp, "try-error")) return(tmp)
vjcitn/bbsBuildArtifacts documentation built on Sept. 20, 2024, 5:30 a.m.