# obotools.R -- VJ Carey 19 March 2012
# simple models for obo term data
#iconv(df[,badinds[i]], to="ASCII", sub="*")
cleanup = function (x)
# structure information in list read of a OBO Term recordset
# the first token in each record is regarded as a key, and the :\ is removed,
# all remaining information in the record is the value associated with the key
if (!is(x, "character")) stop("expecting character vector")
x = x[-1] # drop Term
x = iconv(x, to="ASCII", sub="*")
x = gsub(" ! .*", "", x) # deal with extraneous info in isa fields
if (any(nchar(x) == 0))
x = x[-which(nchar(x) == 0)]
dat = strsplit(x, ": ")
keys = sapply(dat, "[", 1)
vals = sapply(dat, "[", -1)
tmp = list(keys = keys, vals = vals)
split(tmp$vals, tmp$keys)
obo2graphNEL = function(obo="human-phenotype-ontology.obo",
kill="\\[Typedef\\]", killTrailSp=TRUE) {
# generate a bioconductor graph graphNEL instance with
# formal term IDs as nodes, edge list defined by is_a links,
# and nodeData composed of name, def, and xref content
# killTrailSp introduced for EFO, EFO:0000001 has a trailing blank
# that kills the edge parsing utility
if (!requireNamespace("graph")) stop("install graph package to use this function")
lol = obo2lol(obo, kill=kill)
xll = lapply( lol, cleanup )
isas = lapply(xll, "[[", "is_a") #get_isas(lol) # some can be vectors
isas = lapply(isas, function(x) gsub(" ! .*", "", x))
# to retain additional content like alt_id or synonym, add code here
ids = lapply(xll, "[[", "id")
nms = lapply(xll, "[[", "name")
defs = lapply(xll, "[[", "def")
xrefs = lapply(xll, "[[", "xref")
# ids = get_ids(lol)
names(isas) = unlist(ids)
idvec = unlist(ids)
if (killTrailSp) idvec = gsub(" $", "", idvec)
edl = lapply(isas, function(x) list(edges=x))
names(edl) = idvec
g = new("graphNEL", nodes=idvec, edgeL = edl, edgemode = "directed")
graph::nodeDataDefaults(g) = list(name="", def="", xref="")
graph::nodeData(g, graph::nodes(g), "name") = nms
graph::nodeData(g, graph::nodes(g), "def") = defs
graph::nodeData(g, graph::nodes(g), "xref") = xrefs
obo2lol = function(obo="human-phenotype-ontology.obo", kill="\\[Typedef\\]") {
# convert the OBO file exemplified by HPO to a list of lists
# note that Disease Ontology has Typedef in addition to Term elements
# and we don't want to handle these now
x = readLines(obo)
nrec = length(x)
termstarts = grep("^\\[Term\\]$", x)
termends = c(termstarts[-1]-1, nrec)
tinds = lapply(1:length(termstarts), function(z) termstarts[z]:termends[z])
termdata = lapply(tinds, function(z)x[z])
# if kill is found in a term, then it and all subsequent records are removed
if (nchar(kill)>0) termdata = lapply(termdata, function(x) {
if (length(ki <- grep(kill, x))>0) {
lx = length(x)
x = x[-seq(ki[1],lx)]
# exemplar
#id: HP:0200053
#name: Monodactyly (feet)
#alt_id: HP:0005618
#def: "Shortening of a leg affecting only one side." [HPO:curators]
#synonym: "Asymmetric leg shortening" EXACT []
#synonym: "Asymmetric lower limb shortness" EXACT []
#xref: UMLS:C1844734 "Asymmetric lower limb shortness"
#is_a: HP:0001849 ! Oligodactyly (feet)
#created_by: sebastiankohler
#creation_date: 2011-12-02T03:41:26Z
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