
Defines functions .map_mod_sites

utils::globalVariables(c(".", "trimmedPeptide", "x",
                         "ProtSeq", "CleanSeq", "PepLoc", "ModShift",
                         "SiteLoc", "ModAAs", "SiteLoc", "ModAAs",
                         "Site", "SiteCollapsed", "SiteCollapsedFirst"))

# .map_mod_sites <- function(ids, 
#                            fasta, 
#                            accession_col, 
#                            peptide_mod_col, 
#                            mod_char){
#     # check if fasta entry names are unique
#     if(any(duplicated(names(fasta)))){
#         message("FASTA entry names are not unique!\n")
#         stop()
#     }
#     # check if there is at least some agreement in IDs
#     if(length(intersect(ids[[accession_col]], names(fasta))) == 0){
#         message("There is zero overlap in protein IDs and FASTA entry names!\n")
#         stop()
#     }
#     # check the characters
#     # there should be nothing except the AAs and modification character
#     # ids <- ids %>%
#     #    mutate_(TrimmedPeptide := sub(".\\.(.*)\\..", "\\1", peptide_mod_col))
#     ids <- ids %>%
#         mutate(TrimmedPeptide = sub(".\\.(.*)\\..", "\\1", .[[peptide_mod_col]]))
#     present_chars <- paste0(ids$TrimmedPeptide, collapse = '') %>% 
#         strsplit(split='') %>% 
#         `[[`(1) %>% 
#         unique()
#     other_chars <- setdiff(present_chars, c(AA_STANDARD, mod_char))
#     if(length(other_chars) > 0){
#         message("Detected extra chararacters in the peptide sequences!\n")
#         # erase other chars in TrimmedPeptide
#         other_chars_pttrn <- other_chars %>% 
#             map_chr(~paste0("\\",.x)) %>% 
#             paste0(collapse='') %>% 
#             paste0("[",.,"]")
#         ids <- ids %>%
#             mutate(TrimmedPeptide = str_replace_all(TrimmedPeptide, other_chars_pttrn, ""))
#     }
#     # check for missing peptide sequences
#     if(any(is.na(ids$TrimmedPeptide))){
#         message("Entries with missing peptide sequences were detected. 
# The correspoding identifications will be removed.\n")
#         ids <- ids %>% filter(!is.na(TrimmedPeptide))
#     }
#     # check if there are peptides without mods
#     mod_char_pttrn <- paste0("[\\", mod_char, "]")
#     if(any(!str_detect(ids$TrimmedPeptide, mod_char_pttrn))){
#         message("Peptides with no modifications in question were detected. 
# The correspoding identifications will be removed.\n")
#         ids <- ids %>%
#             filter(str_detect(TrimmedPeptide, mod_char_pttrn))
#     }
#     # extract clean sequence
#     mod_char_pttrn <- paste0("[\\", mod_char, "]")
#     ids <- ids %>%
#         mutate(CleanSeq = str_replace_all(TrimmedPeptide, mod_char_pttrn, ""))
#     # merger of identifications and FASTA
#     res <- fasta %>%
#         as.data.frame() %>%
#         rownames_to_column(accession_col) %>%
#         rename(ProtSeq = x) %>%
#         inner_join(ids, ., by = accession_col)
#     # the core part
#     res <- res %>%
#         # locating peptide within protein
#         mutate(PepLoc = map2(ProtSeq, CleanSeq, ~ as.numeric(str_locate_all(.x, .y)[[1]][,1])),
#                PepLocFirst = map(PepLoc, ~ .[1])) %>%
#         # adding protein length
#         mutate(ProtLength = str_length(ProtSeq)) %>%
#         # drop protein sequence
#         select(-ProtSeq) %>%
#         # locations of PTM within peptide
#         mutate(ModShift = map(TrimmedPeptide, ~ as.numeric(str_locate_all(.,mod_char_pttrn)[[1]][,1])),
#                ModShift = map(ModShift, ~ . - seq_along(.) - 1)) %>%
#         # extract AAs
#         mutate(ModAAs = map2(CleanSeq, ModShift, ~ str_sub(.x, .y+1, .y+1))) %>%
#         # calculate site positions: peptide location + mod shift
#         mutate(SiteLoc = map2(PepLoc, ModShift, ~ lapply(.x, `+`, .y))) %>%
#         # create site notation: aa + location
#         mutate(Site = map2(SiteLoc, ModAAs, ~ lapply(.x, function(..) paste0(.y, ..)))) %>%
#         # collapsing site notation
#         mutate(SiteCollapsed = map(Site, ~ lapply(.x, paste0, collapse =','))) %>%
#         # picking the first one
#         mutate(SiteCollapsedFirst = map(SiteCollapsed, 1))
#     # clean-up
#     res <- res %>%
#         select(-c(TrimmedPeptide,CleanSeq))
#     return(res)
# }

.map_mod_sites <- function(object, 
    object <- map_peptide_position(object, fasta, accession_col)
    ids <- psms(object)
    # trimmedPeptide - the peptide sequences without flanking AAs, but with mods
    ids <- ids %>%
        mutate(trimmedPeptide = sub(".\\.(.*)\\..", "\\1", .[[peptide_mod_col]]))
    # extract characters present in the peptides sequences
    present_chars <- paste0(ids$trimmedPeptide, collapse = '') %>% 
        strsplit(split='') %>% 
        `[[`(1) %>% 
    # ideally there should be nothing except the AAs and the modification character
    # if we detect extra characters, we remove them
    other_chars <- setdiff(present_chars, c(AA_STANDARD, mod_char))
    if(length(other_chars) > 0){
        message("Detected extra chararacters in the peptide sequences!
Those extra characters will be removed from mapping.")
        # remove other chars in trimmedPeptide
        other_chars_pttrn <- other_chars %>% 
            map_chr(~paste0("\\",.x)) %>% 
            paste0(collapse='') %>% 
        ids <- ids %>%
            mutate(trimmedPeptide = str_replace_all(trimmedPeptide, other_chars_pttrn, ""))
    # check if there are peptides without mods
    mod_char_pttrn <- paste0("[\\", mod_char, "]")
    if(any(!str_detect(ids$trimmedPeptide, mod_char_pttrn))){
        message("Peptides with no modifications in question were detected.
The correspoding identifications will be removed.\n")
        ids <- ids %>%
            filter(str_detect(trimmedPeptide, mod_char_pttrn))
    # the core part
    res <- ids %>%
        # compute position of mods within peptide
        mutate(ModShift = map(trimmedPeptide, ~ as.numeric(str_locate_all(.,mod_char_pttrn)[[1]][,1])),
               ModShift = map(ModShift, ~ . - seq_along(.) - 1)) %>%
        # extract AAs
        mutate(ModAAs = map2(cleanSeq, ModShift, ~ str_sub(.x, .y+1, .y+1))) %>%
        # calculate site positions: peptide location + mod shift
        mutate(SiteLoc = map2(First_AA, ModShift, ~ lapply(.x, `+`, .y))) %>%
        # create site notation: aa + location
        mutate(Site = map2(SiteLoc, ModAAs, ~ lapply(.x, function(..) paste0(.y, ..)))) %>%
        # collapsing site notation
        mutate(SiteCollapsed = map(Site, ~ lapply(.x, paste0, collapse =','))) %>%
        # picking the first one
        mutate(SiteCollapsedFirst = map(SiteCollapsed, 1))
    # add delimiter for mod sites notation
    if (site_delimiter == "lower") {
        res <- mutate(res, SiteID = paste0(!!sym(accession_col), 
                                           "-", gsub("([[:upper:]])(\\d+),?", "\\1\\2\\L\\1", 
                                                     SiteCollapsedFirst, perl = T)))
    else {
        res <- mutate(res, SiteID = paste0(!!sym(accession_col), 
                                           "-", gsub(",", site_delimiter, SiteCollapsedFirst)))
    # clean-up
    res <- res %>%
    psms(object) <- as.data.frame(res)
vladpetyuk/MSnID documentation built on June 25, 2021, 6:35 a.m.