
Defines functions mcusum_test

Documented in mcusum_test

#' Change Point Test for Regression
#' Apply change point test by \insertCite{Horvath_etal_2017;textual}{funtimes}
#' for detecting at-most-\eqn{m} changes in regression coefficients, where
#' test statistic is a modified cumulative sum (CUSUM), and
#' critical values are obtained with sieve bootstrap \insertCite{Lyubchich_etal_2020_changepoints}{funtimes}.
#' @details The sieve bootstrap is applied by approximating regression residuals \code{e}
#' with an AR(\eqn{p}) model using function \code{\link{ARest}},
#' where the autoregressive coefficients are estimated with \code{ar.method},
#' and order \eqn{p} is selected based on \code{ar.order} and \code{BIC} settings
#' (see \code{\link{ARest}}). At the next step, \code{B} autoregressive processes
#' are simulated under the null hypothesis of no change points.
#' The distribution of test statistics \eqn{M_T} computed on each of those
#' bootstrapped series is used to obtain bootstrap-based \eqn{p}-values for the test
#' \insertCite{Lyubchich_etal_2020_changepoints}{funtimes}.
#' In the current implementation, the bootstrapped \eqn{p}-value is calculated using equation 4.10 of
#' \insertCite{Davison_Hinkley_1997;textual}{funtimes}: \code{p.value} = (1 + \eqn{n}) / (\code{B} + 1),
#' where \eqn{n} is number of bootstrapped statistics greater or equal to the observed statistic.
#' The test statistic corresponds to the maximal value of the modified CUSUM over
#' up to \code{m} combinations of hypothesized change points specified in \code{k}. The change
#' points that correspond to that maximum are reported in \code{estimate$khat},
#' and their number is reported as the \code{parameter}.
#' @param e vector of regression residuals (a stationary time series).
#' @param k an integer vector or scalar with hypothesized change point location(s) to
#' test.
#' @param m an integer specifying the maximum number of change
#' points being confirmed as statistically significant (from those
#' specified in \code{k}) would be \eqn{\le m}. Thus, \code{m} must
#' be in 1,...,\code{k}.
#' @inheritParams wavk_test
#' @param ksm logical value indicating whether a kernel smoothing to innovations in sieve
#' bootstrap shall be applied (default is \code{FALSE}, that is, the original estimated
#' innovations are bootstrapped, without the smoothing).
#' @param ksm.arg used only if \code{ksm = TRUE}. A list of arguments for kernel smoothing
#' to be passed to \code{\link[stats]{density}} function. Default settings specify the
#' use of the Gaussian kernel and the \code{"sj"} rule to choose the bandwidth.
#' @param shortboot if \code{TRUE}, then a heuristic
#' is used to perform the test with a reduced number of bootstrap replicates.
#' Specifically, \code{B/4} replicates are used, which may reduce computing time by
#' up to 75% when the number of retained null hypotheses is large.
#' A \eqn{p}-value of 999 is reported whenever a null hypothesis
#' is retained as a result of this mechanism.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{\link{ARest}}
#' (for example, \code{ar.method}).
#' @return A list of class \code{"htest"} containing the following components:
#' \item{method}{name of the method.}
#' \item{data.name}{name of the data.}
#' \item{statistic}{obseved value of the test statistic.}
#' \item{parameter}{\code{mhat} is the final number of change points,
#' from those specified in the input \code{k},
#' for which the test statistic is reported.
#' See the corresponding locations, \code{khat}, in the \code{estimate}.}
#' \item{p.value}{bootstrapped \eqn{p}-value of the test.}
#' \item{alternative}{alternative hypothesis.}
#' \item{estimate}{list with elements: \code{AR_order} and
#' \code{AR_coefficients} (the autoregressive order and estimated autoregressive
#' coefficients used in sieve bootstrap procedure), \code{khat} (final change points,
#' from those specified in the input \code{k} for which the test statistic is reported),
#' and \code{B} (the number of bootstrap replications).}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @keywords changepoint htest ts
#' @author Vyacheslav Lyubchich
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ##### Model 1 with normal errors, by Horvath et al. (2017)
#' T <- 100 #length of time series
#' X <- rnorm(T, mean = 1, sd = 1)
#' E <- rnorm(T, mean = 0, sd = 1)
#' SizeOfChange <- 1
#' TimeOfChange <- 50
#' Y <- c(1 * X[1:TimeOfChange] + E[1:TimeOfChange],
#'       (1 + SizeOfChange)*X[(TimeOfChange + 1):T] + E[(TimeOfChange + 1):T])
#' ehat <- lm(Y ~ X)$resid
#' mcusum_test(ehat, k = c(30, 50, 70))
#' #Same, but with bootstrapped innovations obtained from a kernel smoothed distribution:
#' mcusum_test(ehat, k = c(30, 50, 70), ksm = TRUE)
mcusum_test <- function(e, k,
                        m = length(k),
                        B = 1000,
                        shortboot = FALSE,
                        ksm = FALSE,
                        ksm.arg = list(kernel = "gaussian", bw = "sj"), ...)
    DNAME <- deparse(substitute(e))
    T <- length(e)
    e <- e - mean(e)
    k <- sort(unique(k))
    m <- min(m, length(k))
    phi <- ARest(e, ...)
    MTobs <- MTfun(e, k = k, m = m)
    if (length(phi) > 0) {
        e <-  as.vector(embed(e, length(phi) + 1L) %*% c(1, -phi))
        e <- e - mean(e)
    if (ksm) { #use e from a smoothed distribution of e
        ksm.arg$x <- e #append x to the arguments of the density function
        bw <- do.call(stats::density, ksm.arg) #estimate bandwidth
        bw <- bw$bw
        innovfun <- function(e, T, bw) {
            rnorm(T, mean = sample(e, size = T, replace = TRUE), sd = bw)
    } else { #use bootstrapped e
        bw <- NULL
        innovfun <- function(e, T, bw) {
            sample(e, size = T, replace = TRUE)
    if (shortboot) {
        # Use a heuristic to reduce number of bootstrap replicates
        # needed to retain null hypothesis:
        # E.g. when using B = 1000 and 100 out of the first 250
        # bootstrapped statistics are >= the one obtained from the
        # actual sample, then the p-value must be >= 0.1 even if
        # the remaining 750 bootstrapped values were smaller.
        B_part <- ceiling(B/4) # use a quarter of B, but could also be less/more
        sig <- ceiling(B/10) # portion of bootstraps that has to be bigger than original for alpha = 0.1
        thr <- sig/B_part # prior threshold to discard time series which won't reach significant threshold anymore
        MTboot <- sapply(1:B_part, function(b)
            MTfun(as.vector(arima.sim(T, model = list(order = c(length(phi), 0, 0), ar = phi),
                                      innov = innovfun(e, T, bw))),
                  k = k, m = m)$MT
        if (mean(MTboot >= MTobs$MT) < thr) {
            MTboot2 <- sapply(1:(B - B_part), function(b)
                MTfun(as.vector(arima.sim(T, model = list(order = c(length(phi), 0, 0), ar = phi),
                                          innov = innovfun(e, T, bw))),
                      k = k, m = m)$MT
            MTboot <- c(MTboot, MTboot2)
            # p-value formula from Davison and Hinkley (1997), p. 141:
            pval <- (1 + sum(MTboot >= MTobs$MT)) / (B + 1)
        } else {
            # In this situation, we only know that the test is not significant:
            pval <- 999.0

    } else { # no shortening of bootstrap
        MTboot <- sapply(1:B, function(b)
            MTfun(as.vector(arima.sim(T, model = list(order = c(length(phi), 0, 0), ar = phi),
                                      innov = innovfun(e, T, bw))),
                  k = k, m = m)$MT
        # p-value formula from Davison and Hinkley (1997), p. 141:
        pval <- (1 + sum(MTboot >= MTobs$MT)) / (B + 1)
    names(STATISTIC) <- "M_T"
    PARAMETER <- length(MTobs$k)
    names(PARAMETER) <- "mhat"
    ESTIMATE <- list(length(phi), phi, MTobs$k, B)
    names(ESTIMATE) <- c("AR_order", "AR_coefficients", "khat", "B")
    structure(list(method = "Test for at-most-m changes in linear regression model",
                   data.name = DNAME,
                   statistic = STATISTIC,
                   parameter = PARAMETER,
                   p.value = pval,
                   alternative = paste("at-most-", m, " changes exist", sep = ""),
                   estimate = ESTIMATE),
              class = "htest")
vlyubchich/funtimes documentation built on May 6, 2023, 3:21 a.m.