
Defines functions phyloseq_randomize

Documented in phyloseq_randomize

#' @title Randomize abundance table and phylogeny in phyloseq objects (for null model testing and simulation).
#' @param physeq A phyloseq-class object
#' @param null_model Character string defining the null model (for the description of supported models see \code{\link[picante]{randomizeMatrix}})
#' @param verbose Logical; if TRUE, additional information messages will be displayed
#' @param ... Additional arguments may be passed to \code{\link[picante]{randomizeMatrix}}
#' @details Currently only null models from picante package are implemented.
#' @return A phyloseq-class object with randomized abundance table and/or phylogeny.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[picante]{randomizeMatrix}}, \code{\link[vegan]{commsim}}
#' @examples
#' # Load data
#' data("esophagus")
#' ## Randomize phyloseq object
#' # Shuffle tips of the phylogenetic tree
#' phyloseq_randomize(esophagus, null_model = "phylogeny.pool")
#' # Randomize community data matrix with the independent swap algorithm (Gotelli 2000) maintaining species occurrence frequency and sample species richness
#' phyloseq_randomize(esophagus, null_model = "independentswap")
phyloseq_randomize <- function(physeq, null_model = "phylogeny.pool", verbose = T, ...){
  # c("taxa.labels", "richness", "frequency", "sample.pool", "phylogeny.pool", "independentswap", "trialswap")

  # require(phyloseq)
  # require(picante)
  # require(vegan)

  ## Picante models
  pm <- c("taxa.labels", "richness", "frequency", "sample.pool", "phylogeny.pool", "independentswap", "trialswap")

  ## Vegan models
  # Binary null models
  v1 <- c("r00", "r0", "r0_old", "r1", "r2", "c0", "swap", "tswap", "curveball", "quasiswap", "backtracking", "backtrack")

  # Quantitative Models for Counts with Fixed Marginal Sums
  v2 <- c("r2dtable", "quasiswap_count")

  # Quantitative swap models
  v3 <- c("swap_count", "abuswap_r", "abuswap_c")

  # Quantitative Swap and Shuffle
  v4 <- c("swsh_samp", "swsh_both", "swsh_samp_r", "swsh_samp_c", "swsh_both_r", "swsh_both_c")

  # Quantitative Shuffle Methods
  v5 <- c("r00_ind", "r0_ind", "c0_ind", "r00_samp", "r0_samp", "c0_samp", "r00_both", "r0_both", "c0_both")

  # All vegan models
  vv <- c(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5)

  ## Print implementation details
  if(verbose == TRUE){
    if(null_model %in% pm){
      cat("Randomization null model is based on implementation from the 'picante' package.\n")
    if(null_model %in% vv){
      cat("Randomization null model is based on implementation from the 'vegan' package.\n")
    cat("Please cite it in the publications.\n")

  ## TO DO - vegan models
  if(null_model %in% vv){
    stop("Vegan null models are currently not yet implemented.\n")

  ### Extract phyloseq components
  ## OTU table
  comm <- as.data.frame(phyloseq::otu_table(physeq))
    comm <- t(comm)

  ## Phylo tree
  tree_null <- is.null(phyloseq::phy_tree(physeq, errorIfNULL=F))
    phy <- phyloseq::phy_tree(physeq)

  if(null_model == "taxa.labels"){
    if(tree_null){ # No phylogeny -> shuffle taxa names
      rownames(comm) <- sample(phyloseq::taxa_names(physeq))
    } else {       # Phylogeny present -> shuffle tip names
      phy <- picante::tipShuffle(phy)
  } # end of "taxa.labels"

  ## Randomize community data matrices with picante::randomizeMatrix
  if(null_model %in% c("frequency", "richness", "independentswap", "trialswap")){

    if(null_model == "sample.pool"){ null_model <- "richness" }  # this is the same models?
    # https://github.com/skembel/picante/blob/649edc7938b878429914c617e22c67198a8c189a/R/phylodiversity.R#L179

      comm <- t( picante::randomizeMatrix(t(comm), null.model = null_model, ...) )
  if(null_model == "phylogeny.pool"){
    if(tree_null){ stop("Error: phylogeny tree is not available; therefore 'phylogeny.pool' model is not applicable.\n") }
    comm <- t( picante::randomizeMatrix(t(comm), null.model = "richness", ...) )
    phy <- picante::tipShuffle(phy)

  ## Replace phyloseq slots with the randomized ones
  if(!phyloseq::taxa_are_rows(physeq)){  # transpose OTU table back
    comm <- t(comm)
  phyloseq::otu_table(physeq) <- phyloseq::otu_table(comm, taxa_are_rows = TRUE)

    phyloseq::phy_tree(physeq) <- phy

vmikk/metagMisc documentation built on June 20, 2024, 7:20 a.m.