
Defines functions getphylolist_SupSeg plotTreeBasic extr_SuperSeggerClist

Documented in extr_SuperSeggerClist plotTreeBasic

##SuperSegger Input for BactMAP


##uses packages R.matlab, igraph, ape, ggplot2, ggtree & treeio

#' @export
extr_SuperSeggerClist <- function(matfile, trim.orphans=TRUE, cellList=FALSE){
  if (!requireNamespace("R.matlab", quietly = TRUE)) {
    inp <- readline("Packages 'R.matlab' needed for this function to work. Press 'y' to install, or any other key to cancel.")
  if (!requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE)) {
    inp <- readline("Packages 'igraph' needed for this function to work. Press 'y' to install, or any other key to cancel.")
  if (!requireNamespace("ape", quietly = TRUE)) {
    inp <- readline("Packages 'ape' needed for this function to work. Press 'y' to install, or any other key to cancel.")
  clist <- R.matlab::readMat(matfile)
  datasegger <- as.data.frame(clist$data)
  colnames(datasegger) <- unlist(clist$def)
  out <- list()
  out$cellList <- datasegger
  if("Fluor2 sum"%in%colnames(datasegger)){
    datasegger <- datasegger[,c("Cell ID", "Cell birth time", "Cell death time", "Cell age", "Fluor1 sum", "Fluor1 mean", "Fluor1 sum death", "Fluor1 mean death", "Fluor2 sum", "Fluor2 mean", "Fluor2 sum death", "Fluor2 mean death", "Mother ID", "Daughter1 ID", "Daughter2 ID")]
    colnames(datasegger) <- c("cell", "birth", "death", "edgelength", "fluorsum", "fluormean", "fluorsum_D", "fluormean_D", "fluorsum2", "fluormean2", "fluorsum_D2", "fluormean_D2", "parent", "child1", "child2")

    datasegger <- datasegger[,c("Cell ID", "Cell birth time", "Cell death time", "Cell age", "Fluor1 sum", "Fluor1 mean", "Fluor1 sum death", "Fluor1 mean death", "Mother ID", "Daughter1 ID", "Daughter2 ID")]
    colnames(datasegger) <- c("cell", "birth", "death", "edgelength", "fluorsum", "fluormean", "fluorsum_D", "fluormean_D", "parent", "child1", "child2")
  #datasegger$cell <- datasegger$cell + 1
  #datasegger$parent <- datasegger$parent + 1
  #datasegger$child1 <- datasegger$child1 + 1
  #datasegger$child2 <- datasegger$child2 + 1
  datasegger$parent[is.na(datasegger$parent)] <- 0
  rownames(datasegger) <- NULL
    out$orphans <- (datasegger[datasegger$parent==0&is.na(datasegger$child1)&is.na(datasegger$child2),])
    datasegger  <- datasegger[datasegger$parent!=0|is.na(datasegger$child1)!=TRUE,]
    print(paste("dataset trimmed. percentage of cells without offspring/parents: ", round(nrow(out$orphans)/(nrow(datasegger)+nrow(out$orphans))*100, digits=0)))
  net <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(datasegger[,c(9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11)])
  datasegger$root <- 0
  out$network <- net
  phylos <- getphylolist_SupSeg(datasegger)
  out$generation_lists <- phylos$generation_lists
  out$data_generation_dataframes <- phylos$generation_dataframes
    out$cellList_trimmed <- phylos$genframe

#' @importFrom utils install.packages
#' @importFrom ggtree %<+%
#' @export
plotTreeBasic <- function(phylo, extradata, yscalechange = FALSE, showClade = FALSE, layout = "rectangular", ydata, cellNumber, open.angle, linesize = 1, linecolor = "black", lines=TRUE, colors=FALSE){
  if (!requireNamespace("ggtree", quietly = TRUE)) {
    inp <- readline("Packages 'ggtree' needed for this function to work. Press 'y' to install, or any other key to cancel.")
        if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))utils::install.packages("BiocManager")
      BiocManager::install("ggtree", version = "3.8")
    if(missing(cellNumber)){stop("cellNumber missing. Please state the ancestor cell you want to follow to show it's clade.")}
    NodeNumber <- extradata$node[extradata$cell==cellNumber]
    phylo <- ggtree::groupClade(phylo, .node=NodeNumber)
      gP <- ggtree::ggtree(phylo, layout=layout, open.angle=open.angle, ggplot2::aes_string(linetype='group'), size=linesize, color=linecolor)
      gP <- ggtree::ggtree(phylo, layout=layout, open.angle=open.angle, ggplot2::aes_string(color='group'), size=linesize)
      gP <- ggtree::ggtree(phylo, layout=layout, open.angle=open.angle, ggplot2::aes_string(linetype='group', color='group'), size=linesize)
  if(showClade!=TRUE){gP <- ggtree::ggtree(phylo, layout=layout, open.angle=open.angle, size=linesize, color=linecolor)}
  gP <- gP %<+% extradata
    if(missing(ydata)){stop("Variable 'ydata' missing. Don't know what values to put on the y axis. Please give the column name of your data as 'ydata' in the function")}
    gP$data$y <- gP$data[,ydata]
    gP <- gP + ggplot2::theme_classic() + ggplot2::xlab("Time") +  ggplot2::ylab(ydata)

getphylolist_SupSeg <- function(CLT, prep=FALSE){
   # CLT <- prepcellListtree(CLT)
  phylolist <- list()
  fulldatlist <- list()
  z <- 0
  for(n in unique(CLT$root[!is.na(CLT$root)])){
    onephyl <- CLT[CLT$root==n&!is.na(CLT$parent),]
      z <- z+1
      Ntip <- length(onephyl$cell[onephyl$cell%in%onephyl$parent!=T])
        onephyl$edge2[onephyl$cell%in%onephyl$parent!=T] <- c(1:Ntip)
        onephyl$edge2[onephyl$cell%in%onephyl$parent==T] <- c((Ntip+2):(nrow(onephyl)+1))
        onephyl$edge1 <- lapply(onephyl$parent, function(x) onephyl$edge2[onephyl$cell==x])
        onephyl$edge1[is.na(onephyl$edge1==0)] <- Ntip+1
        onephyl$edge1 <- as.numeric(as.character(onephyl$edge1))
        onephyltree <- list()
        onephyltree$edge <- matrix(c(as.integer(onephyl$edge1), as.integer(onephyl$edge2)), nrow(onephyl), 2)
        onephyltree$tip.label <- as.character(onephyl$cell[onephyl$cell%in%onephyl$parent!=T])
        onephyltree$Nnode <- max(onephyltree$edge) - Ntip
        onephyltree$root.label <- as.character(n)
        onephyltree$node.label <- c(as.character(n), as.character(onephyl$cell[onephyl$cell%in%onephyl$parent==T]))
        onephyltree$edge.length <- onephyl$edgelength
        onephyl$node <- onephyl$edge2
        onephyl$nodelabel <- onephyl$parent
        onephyl$parent <- onephyl$edge1
        onephyl$edge1 <- NULL
        onephyl$edge2 <- NULL
        q <-data.frame(x = colnames(onephyl)=="node", y = 1:ncol(onephyl))
        nodecol <- q$y[q$x==TRUE]
        colone <- c(nodecol, q$y[q$x==FALSE])
        onephyl <- onephyl[,colone]
        fulldatlist[[z]] <- onephyl
        onephyltree$root.edge <- 0
        class(onephyltree) <- "phylo"
        onephyltree <- ape::collapse.singles(onephyltree)
        phylolist[[z]] <- onephyltree
  fulldatframe <- do.call('rbind', fulldatlist)
    class(phylolist) <- "multiPhylo"
    phylolist <- phylolist[[1]]
    fulldatlist <- fulldatlist[[1]]
  return(list(generation_lists = phylolist, generation_dataframes=fulldatlist, genframe = fulldatframe))
vrrenske/shinyspots documentation built on Oct. 28, 2023, 12:26 p.m.