## Copyright (C) 2009 Harald SCHMIDBAUER, Angi Roesch, Vehbi Sinan
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
## any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## A copy of the GNU General Public License is available via WWW at
## http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. You can also obtain it by
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##' Estimates a DCC-GARCH model.
##' @param eps time series
##' @param params initial parameters for the optim function
##' @param M the M parameter as it appears in the paper
##' @param verbose predicate which defines if we go verbose debugging
##' @return an instance of \code{DCC.est} classx
##' @export
DCC.est <- function(eps, # time series as a 2 dimensional data frame
params = NULL, # initial parameters for the optim function
M = 5, # M as it appears in the Paper
verbose = F) {
if(verbose == T){
out <- function(...){
out <- function(...) { }
# get the length and the number of the series
series.length = length(eps[,1])
series.count = length(eps[1,])
if(series.count != 2){
stop("There should be exactly 2 timeseries")
if(is.null(params)) {
# these are meaningless parameters.
# set some useful initial parameters.
params = c(0.2,0.7)
out("\nWarning: initial values for the parameters are set to:\n\t", params,"\n")
if(length(params) != 2){
stop("There should be exactly 2 parameters")
# begin estimation process
# first log the start time
start = Sys.time()
out("* Starting estimation process.\n")
est.DCCmgarch = function(M,ini.params){
## objective function
enc.DCCmgarchloglike <- function(theta) {
theta1 = theta[1]
theta2 = theta[2]
Psi = array(c(1,0,0,1), dim = c(2,2,T))
H = array(c(0,0,0,0), dim = c(2,2,T))
R = array(c(1,0,0,1), dim = c(2,2,T))
L = 0
for ( i in 2:(M+1) ) { # here, we have no Psi yet!
L = L + as.numeric(dmvnorm(eps[i,], mean = c(0,0), sigma = diag(c(h1[i], h2[i])), log = T))
for ( i in (M+2):T ) { # Now, we can also use Psi!
Psi[1,2,i-1] = cor(u1[(i-M):(i-1)], u2[(i-M):(i-1)])
Psi[2,1,i-1] = Psi[1,2,i-1]
R[,,i] = (1 - theta1 - theta2) * cor(eps) + theta1 * Psi[,,i-1] + theta2 * R[,,i-1]
D = diag(sqrt(c(h1[i], h2[i])))
H[,,i] = D %*% R[,,i] %*% D
L = L + as.numeric(dmvnorm(eps[i,], mean = c(0,0), sigma = H[,,i], log = T))
# gradient
grad.DCCmgarchloglike <- function(theta) {
theta1 = theta[1]
theta2 = theta[2]
# initialization
grad1 = 0
grad2 = 0
Psi = array(c(1,0,0,1), dim = c(2,2,T))
H = array(c(0,0,0,0), dim = c(2,2,T))
R = array(c(1,0,0,1), dim = c(2,2,T))
dR1 = array(c(0,0,0,0), dim = c(2,2))
dR2 = array(c(0,0,0,0), dim = c(2,2))
for ( i in (M+2):T ) { # Here, we can calculate Psi!
Psi[1,2,i-1] = cor(u1[(i-M):(i-1)], u2[(i-M):(i-1)])
Psi[2,1,i-1] = Psi[1,2,i-1]
R[,,i] = (1 - theta1 - theta2) * cor(eps) + theta1 * Psi[,,i-1] + theta2 * R[,,i-1]
for ( i in 2:T ) {
u = array(c(u1[i],u2[i]), dim = c(2,1))
R.inverse = solve(R[,,i])
dR1 = -cor(eps) + Psi[,,i-1] + theta2 * dR1
dR2 = -cor(eps) + R[,,i-1] + theta2 * dR2
grad1 = grad1 + sum(diag(R.inverse %*% dR1))
grad1 = grad1 - t(u) %*% R.inverse %*% dR1 %*% R.inverse %*% u
grad2 = grad2 + sum(diag(R.inverse %*% dR2))
grad2 = grad2 - t(u) %*% R.inverse %*% dR2 %*% R.inverse %*% u
## constraint optimization of DCC parameters
result =
ui= rbind(c(1,0),c(0,1),c(-1,-1)),
ci = c(0,0,-1))
## one iteration of optim, just to get the hessian returned (which
## is not provided by constrOptim):
resulth =
control = list(maxit=1),
hessian = TRUE)
if (is.finite(det(resulth$hessian))) {
Sigma = solve(resulth$hessian)
se = c(sqrt(diag(Sigma)))
else {
se = rep('NaN',2)
est.DCCmgarch = list(par = result$par, se = se)
T = length(eps[,1])
ini.params = params
out('DCC MGarch estimation, model by Tse and Tsui (2002)')
out('Number of time series:',length(eps[1,]),'\n')
out('Length of time series:',T,'\n')
out('Model specification: M=',M,'\n')
out('Initial DCC parameter values:',ini.params,'\n\n')
# First step in the estimation: fit a GARCH to the individual time series
my.garch1 = garch(eps[,1], start = c(1,0.5,0.5), trace = F)
my.garch2 = garch(eps[,2], start = c(1,0.5,0.5), trace = F)
# define estimated parameters:
a10 = as.numeric(my.garch1$coef[1])
a11 = as.numeric(my.garch1$coef[2])
b11 = as.numeric(my.garch1$coef[3])
a20 = as.numeric(my.garch2$coef[1])
a21 = as.numeric(my.garch2$coef[2])
b21 = as.numeric(my.garch2$coef[3])
out('Univariate Garch parameter estimates:')
out('Series 1:\n')
out('Series 2:\n')
# series of fitted conditional variances:
h1 = my.garch1$fitted.values[,1]^2
h2 = my.garch2$fitted.values[,1]^2
u1 = eps[,1] / sqrt(h1)
u2 = eps[,2] / sqrt(h2)
# Second step in the estimation: estimation of theta1 and theta2
out('DCC Garch parameter estimates:\n')
out('Now working on DCC parameter estimation...\n')
result.est.DCCmgarch = est.DCCmgarch(M,ini.params)
# estimation completed
out("* Estimation process completed.\n")
# log estimation time
est.time = difftime(Sys.time(), start)
DCC.est <- list(
eps = eps,
series.length = series.length,
estimation.time = est.time,
total.time = difftime(Sys.time(), start),
result = result.est.DCCmgarch
class(DCC.est) = "DCC.est"
out("Class attributes are accessible through following names:\n")
out(names(DCC.est), "\n")
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