
## Copyright (C) 2004 Harald SCHMIDBAUER - Vehbi Sinan TUNALIOGLU
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
## any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## A copy of the GNU General Public License is available via WWW at
## http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.  You can also obtain it by
## writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
## Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.

## This is version 03:
## In the Gamma-Term, the counting of parameter matrices in buff.par and buff.par.transposed
## is altered from 'tmp.count + 1' to 'tmp.count + 1 + order[1] + order[2]' refering to the Gamma matrices
## (lines 429f).

##' @export
			eps1,			 # first time series
			eps2,			 # second time series
			order  = c(1,1,1), # order of the mGJR(p,q,g) model to be estimated c(p,q,g)
			params = NULL,	 # initial parameters for the optim function
			fixed  = NULL,	 # parameter list that are to be fixed
			method = "BFGS"	 # the method that will be used in the optim process
	# check the given time series
	if(length(eps1) != length(eps2))
		stop("time series are different in length")

	# check the given order
	# orders should be integers
	if(order[1] != as.integer(order[1]) || order[2] != as.integer(order[2]) || order[2] != as.integer(order[2]))
		stop("order should contain integer values")
	# GARCH and GJR effect could be set to 0, but, ARCH could not be 0
	if(order[1] < 0 || order[3] < 0 || order[2] < 1)
		stop("mGJR(",order[1],",",order[2],",",order[3],") is not implemented.")

	# construct the paramters list.
	if(order[3] > 0)
		tempw = 1
		tempw = 0

	length.params = 3 + (order[1] * 4) + (order[2] * 4) + (order[3] * 4) + tempw # set the length of the parameter list

		# for order = 0x1x0 1x1x0, 1x2x0, 2x1x0,2x2x0 we do offer some initial parameter lists.
		# for other trials, the remaining parameters are set to `0'
		if(order[1] == 0 && order[2] == 1 && order[3] == 0)
			params = c(2, 0, 2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4)
		else if(order[1] == 1 && order[2] == 1 && order[3] == 0)
			params = c(2, 0, 2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4)
		else if(order[1] == 2 && order[2] == 1 && order[3] == 0)
			params = c(2, 0, 2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2)
		else if(order[1] == 1 && order[2] == 2 && order[3] == 0)
			params = c(2, 0, 2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4)
		else if(order[1] >= 2 && order[2] >= 2 && order[3] == 0)
			params = c(2, 0, 2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, rep(0,(order[2] - 2) * 4), 0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, rep(0,(order[1] - 2) * 4))
		else if(order[1] >= 1 && order[2] >= 1 && order[3] >= 0)
			params = c(2, 0, 2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4, rep(0,(order[2] - 1) * 4), 0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4, rep(0,(order[1] - 1) * 4), rep(0.1,(order[3]) * 4), 0.5)
			params = c(rep(0, length.params - 1), 0.5)

		cat("\nWarning: initial values for the parameters are set at:\n\t", params,"\n")
	else if(length(params) != length.params)
		stop("length of the initial parameter list doesn't conform required length (3 + (order[1] * 4) + (order[2] * 4) + (order[3] * 4) + 1).");

	# check the given fixed parameters
		# check the format of the fixed parameters
			stop("fixed should be an array of two vectors. Try fixed = array(c(a,b,c,d,...), dim = c(2,y))")

		if(dim(fixed)[1] != 2)
			stop("fixed should be an array of two vectors. Try fixed = array(c(a,b,c,d,...), dim = c(2,y))")

		if(length(fixed[1,]) != length(fixed[2,]))
			stop("fixed should be an array of two vectors. Try fixed = array(c(a,b,c,d,...), dim = c(2,y))")

		# check the first dimension, if it contains appropriate index values,
		# that is integer values rather than floating or negative numbers
		for(count in 1:length(fixed[1,]))
			if((fixed[1,count] != as.integer(fixed[1,count])) || (fixed[1,count] <= 0))
				stop("First dimension of the fixed array should contain only positive integer values for indexing purposes")

		# check the length of the fixed parameters
		if(length(fixed[1,]) > length(params))
			stop("fixed array could not contain more index-value pairs than the params array length");

	# check the method specified in the argument list
		(method == "Nelder-Mead") ||
		(method == "BFGS") ||
		(method == "CG") ||
		(method == "L-BFGS-B") ||
		(method == "SANN")
		stop("'", method, "' method is not available")

	fake.params = params
		# extract the parameters specified in the fixed list.
		fake.params = params
		for(i in 1:length(fixed))
			fake.params[fixed[1,][i]] = NA
		fake.params = na.omit(fake.params)

	# parameters seem appropriate
	# define the loglikelihood function
	loglikelihood.GJR <- function(params)
		loglikelihood.GJR <- .C("loglikelihood_GJR",
			as.vector(params, mode = "double"),
			as.vector(fixed[1,], mode = "integer"),
			as.vector(fixed[2,], mode = "double"),
			as.vector(eps1, mode = "double"),
			as.vector(eps2, mode = "double"),
			as.vector(order, mode = "integer"),
			retval = 0.0,
			PACKAGE = "mgarch"

		if(is.nan(loglikelihood.GJR$retval) == T)
			nonusedret = 1e+100

			nonusedret = loglikelihood.GJR$retval

	# begin estimation process

	# first log the start time
	start = Sys.time()
	cat("Starting estimation process via loglikelihood function implemented in C.\n")
	cat("Optimization Method is '", method, "'\n")

	# call the optim function
	estimation = optim(fake.params, loglikelihood.GJR, method = method, hessian = T)
	# estimation completed

	cat("Estimation process completed.\n")

	# log estimation time
	est.time = difftime(Sys.time(), start)

	# calculate the AIC
	# it is estimation value + number of estimated parameters
	aic = estimation$value + (length(params) - length(fixed[1,]))

	# following script will prepare an object that holds the estimated
	# parameters and some useful diagnostics data like estimated correlation,
	# standard deviation, eigenvalues and so on.

	# estimation$hessian is non-existing if fixed parameter list contains all the
	# paramters to be estimated. That is that the estimation procedure gets no parameters,
	# thus, there is no errors... Fix it... How? Whether encapsulate with an "if" statement, probably not
	# efficient, or give a fake hessian
	# give a fake hessian
	if(length(fake.params) == 0)
		estimation$hessian = matrix(c(0,0.1,0.2,0), nrow = 2, ncol = 2)

	# get the hessian matrix and grap the diagonal
	inv.hessian.mat = solve(estimation$hessian)

	diag.inv.hessian = array(rep(1,dim(inv.hessian.mat)[1]))
	for(count in 1:dim(inv.hessian.mat)[1])
		diag.inv.hessian[count] = sqrt(inv.hessian.mat[count,count])

	# fix the asymptotic-theory standard errors of the
	# coefficient estimates with fixed parameters
		temp.diag.inv.hessian = numeric()
		shifted = 0
		for(count in 1:length.params)
			check.point = 0
			for(i in 1:length(fixed[1,]))
				if(count == fixed[1,i])
					check.point = 1
					shifted = shifted + 1
					temp.diag.inv.hessian[count] = 0
			if(check.point == 0)
				temp.diag.inv.hessian[count] = diag.inv.hessian[count - shifted]
		diag.inv.hessian = temp.diag.inv.hessian
	# construct the asymptotic-theory standard errors of the coefficient estimates matrices
	parnum = 1 + order[1] + order[2] + order[3]	# calculate number of paramater matrices
	asy.se.coef = list()				# declare the asy.se.coef matrices list

	# first initialize the first asy.se.coef matrix, corresponding to the C matrix
	asy.se.coef[[1]] = array(c(diag.inv.hessian[1], 0, diag.inv.hessian[2], diag.inv.hessian[3]), dim = c(2,2))

	# following loop initalizes the ARCH and GARCH parameter matrices respectively
	for(count in 1:(parnum - 1))
		asy.se.coef[[count + 1]] = array(diag.inv.hessian[(4 + (count - 1) * 4):(8 + (count - 1) * 4)], dim = c(2,2));

	asy.se.coef[[parnum + 1]] = diag.inv.hessian[length.params]

	buff.par = list()					# declare the parameter list

	# shift the fixed parameters inside the estimated paramters
		estim.params = numeric()
		shifted = 0
		for(count in 1:length.params)
			check.point = 0
			for(i in 1:length(fixed[1,]))
				if(count == fixed[1,i])
					check.point = 1
					shifted = shifted + 1
					estim.params[count] = fixed[2,i]
			if(check.point == 0)
				estim.params[count] = estimation$par[count - shifted]
		estim.params = estimation$par

	# first initialize the C matrix
	buff.par[[1]] = array(c(estim.params[1], 0, estim.params[2], estim.params[3]), dim = c(2,2))

	# following loop initalizes the ARCH and GARCH parameter matrices respectively
	for(count in 1:(parnum - 1))
		buff.par[[count + 1]] = array(estim.params[(4 + (count - 1) * 4):(8 + (count - 1) * 4)], dim = c(2,2));

	buff.par[[parnum + 1]] = estim.params[length.params]

	# calculate the transposes of the parameter matrices
	buff.par.transposed = list()
	for(count in 1:parnum)
		buff.par.transposed[[count]] = t(buff.par[[count]])

	# start diagnostics
	cat("Starting diagnostics...\n")
	cat("Calculating estimated:\n 1. residuals,\n 2. correlations,\n 3. standard deviations,\n 4. eigenvalues.\n")

	HLAGS = list()		# list of H lags that will be used later in the MGARCH implementation
	for(count in 1:max(order))
		HLAGS[[count]] = array(c(1,0,0,1), dim = c(2,2))

	T = length(eps1)	# length of the series

	resid1 = numeric()	# declare the first  residual series
	resid2 = numeric()	# declare the second residual series

	# initialize the first residuals we are not able to calculate
	for(count in 1:max(order))
		resid1[count] = 0
		resid2[count] = 0

	resid = array(c(0,0), dim = c(2,1)) # declare a temporary residuals buffer

	# calculate eigenvalues
	temp = 0
	for(count in 2:parnum)
		temp = temp + kronecker(buff.par[[count]], buff.par[[count]])
	eigenvalues = svd(temp)$d

	# compute the unconditional covariance matrix
	numerat = t(buff.par[[1]]) %*% buff.par[[1]]
	dim(numerat) = c(4,1)
	denom = solve(diag(c(1,1,1,1)) - temp)
	sigma = denom %*% numerat
	dim(sigma) = c(2,2)

	H = sigma	# to initialize: assign the unconditional covariance matrix to the H matrix :)
	H.estimated = array(c(var(eps1), cov(eps1, eps2), cov(eps1, eps2), var(eps2)), dim = c(2,2,T))	# declare the estimated H series
	cor = numeric()		# declare the estimated correlation series
	sd1 = numeric()		# declare the first  estimated standard deviation series
	sd2 = numeric()		# declare the second estimated standard deviation series
	eps = array(c(0,0), dim = c(2,1))	# declare a temporary eps buffer
	CTERM = buff.par.transposed[[1]] %*% buff.par[[1]] # calculate the C'C term

	for(count in (max(order) + 1):T)	# cruical loop! initializing diagnostics data
		# do the swap calculation for H terms
		if(order[1] >= 2)
			for(tmp.count in max(order):2)
				HLAGS[[tmp.count]] = HLAGS[[(tmp.count - 1)]]
		HLAGS[[1]] = H

		# a bit complicated but following explanation will be useful hopefully
		# H = (C')x(C) + (A')(E_t-1)(E_t-1')(A) + (B')(E_t-2)(E_t-2')(B) + ... +  (G')(H_t-1)(G) + (L')(H_t-2)(L) + ...
		#                    |_____________|          |_____________|             |____________|   |____________| |_____|
		#                        E1 TERM                  E2 TERM                     G1 TERM         G2 TERM     G3.G4..
		#                |____________________|   |____________________| |_____|
		#                        A1 TERM                  A2 TERM        A3.A4..
		#	   |______|  |_____________________________________________________|  |______________________________________|
		#      C TERM                         A TERM                                              G TERM

		ord1 = 1
		for(tmp.count in 1:(order[2] + order[1]))
			if(tmp.count <= order[2])
				eps = array(c(eps1[count - tmp.count], eps2[count - tmp.count]), dim = c(2,1)) # E TERM
				H = H + buff.par.transposed[[(tmp.count + 1)]] %*% eps %*% t(eps) %*% buff.par[[(tmp.count + 1)]]
				H = H + buff.par.transposed[[(tmp.count + 1)]] %*% HLAGS[[ord1]]  %*% buff.par[[(tmp.count + 1)]]
				ord1 = ord1 + 1

		for(tmp.count in 1:order[3])
			eps = array(c(eps1[count - tmp.count], eps2[count - tmp.count]), dim = c(2,1)) # E TERM
                        # if(buff.par[[parnum + 1]]*eps1[count - tmp.count] + (1 - buff.par[[parnum + 1]])*eps2[count - tmp.count] > 0)
			# {
			# 	S = 1
			# }
			# else
			# {
			# 	S = 0
			# }
			S = 1-0.5*((cos(pi/4+buff.par[[parnum + 1]])*eps1[count - tmp.count]+sin(pi/4+buff.par[[parnum + 1]])*eps2[count - tmp.count])/sqrt(eps1[count - tmp.count]^2+eps2[count - tmp.count]^2)+1)
			H = H + S*buff.par.transposed[[(tmp.count + 1 + order[1] + order[2])]] %*% eps %*% t(eps) %*% buff.par[[(tmp.count + 1 + order[1] + order[2])]]

		# TODO add appropriate comments for following assignments and calculations
  		H.estimated[,,count] = H
		svdH = svd(H)
		sqrtH = svdH$u %*% diag(sqrt(svdH$d)) %*% t(svdH$v)
		eps = array(c(eps1[count], eps2[count]), dim = c(2,1))

		invsqrtH = solve(sqrtH)
		resid = invsqrtH %*% eps
		resid1[count] = resid[1,1]
		resid2[count] = resid[2,1]

		cor[count] = H[1,2]/(sqrt(H[1,1] * H[2,2]))
		sd1[count] = sqrt(H[1,1])
		sd2[count] = sqrt(H[2,2])

	# diagnostics ready
	cat("Diagnostics ended...\n")

	names(order) <- c("GARCH component", "ARCH component", "HJR component")
	names(buff.par) <- as.integer(seq(1, parnum + 1))

	mGJR.est <- list(
		eps1 = eps1,
		eps2 = eps2,
		series.length = T,
		estimation.time = est.time,
		total.time = difftime(Sys.time(), start),
		order = order,
		estimation = estimation,
		aic = aic,
		asy.se.coef = asy.se.coef,
		est.params = buff.par,
		cor = cor,
		sd1 = sd1,
		sd2 = sd2,
		H.estimated = H.estimated,
		eigenvalues = eigenvalues,
		uncond.cov.matrix = sigma,
		resid1 = resid1,
		resid2 = resid2

	class(mGJR.est) = "mGJR.est"

	cat("Class attributes are ready via following names:\n")
	cat(names(mGJR.est), "\n")

vst/mgarch documentation built on May 3, 2019, 7:09 p.m.