
Defines functions getenumCI2019

Documented in getenumCI2019

#' Summarizes veris enumerations from verisr objects
#' This is the primary analysis function for veris.  It conducts binomial
#'     hypothesistests on veris data to enumerate the frequency of a given 
#'     enumeration or set of enumerations within a feature. (For example, 
#'     'Malware', 'Hacking', etc within 'action').
#' The 'by' parameter allows enumerating one feature by another, (for example
#'    to count the frequency of each action by year).
#' Unknowns are generally excluded as 'not tested'.  If 'NA' is an enumeration
#'    in the feature being enumerated, it must be specified with the 'na.rm'
#'    parameter as whether NA should be included or not is highly dependent on
#'    the hypothesis being tested.
#' This function accurately enumerates single logical columns, character 
#'     feature columns, and features spanning multiple logical columns (such as 
#'     action.*).  It cannot enumerate free-form text columns.  It accurately 
#'     calculates the sample size 'n' as the number of rows (independent of the
#'     number of enumerations present in the feature).
#' GetenumCI() can also provide binomial confidence intervals for the 
#'     enumerations tested within the features.  See the parameters for details.
#' While getenumCI() may work on other types of dataframes, it was designed for
#'     verisr dataframes and data.tables.  It is not tested nor recommended for
#'     any other type.
#' @param veris A verisr object
#' @param enum A veris feature or enumeration to summarize
#' @param by A veris feature or enumeration to group by
#' @param na.rm A boolean of whether to include not applicable in the sample set.
#'     This is REQUIRED if enum has a potential value of NA as there is no 
#'     'default' method for handling NAs.  Instead, it depends on the 
#'     hypothesis being tested.
#' @param unk A boolean referring whether to include 'unknown' in the sample.
#'     The default is 'FALSE' and should rarely be overwritten.
#' @param short.names A boolean identifying whether to use the full enumeration
#'     name or just the last section. (i.e. action.hacking.variety.SQLi vs
#'     just SQLi.)
#' @param ci.method A confidence interval method to use.  Current supported
#'     methods are any from binom.confint() or "multinomial".  If unsure
#'     which to use, use "wilson".
#' @param ci.level A number from 0 to 1 representing the width of the 
#'     confidence interval. (default = 0.95)
#' @param round.freq An integer indicating how many places to round
#'     the frequency value to. (default = 5)
#' @param na DEPRECIATED! Use 'na.rm' parameter.
#' @param ... A catch all for functions using arguments from previous
#'     versions of getenum.
#' @return A data frame summarizing the enumeration
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".dat")
#' download.file("https://github.com/vz-risk/VCDB/raw/master/data/verisr/vcdb.dat", tmp, quiet=TRUE)
#' load(tmp, verbose=TRUE)
#' library(magrittr)
#' chunk <- getenumCI(vcdb, "action.hacking.variety")
#' chunk
#' chunk <- getenumCI(vcdb, "action.hacking.variety", by="timeline.incident.year")
#' chunk
#' chunk <- getenumCI(vcdb, 
#'                    "action.hacking.variety", 
#'                    by="timeline.incident.year") 
#' chunk %>% 
#'     dplyr::select(by, enum, freq) %>% 
#'     tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from=enum, values_from=freq, values_fill = list(freq=0))
#' getenumCI(vcdb, "action")
#' getenumCI(vcdb, "asset.variety")
#' getenumCI(vcdb, "asset.assets.variety")
#' getenumCI(vcdb, "asset.assets.variety", ci.method="wilson")
#' getenumCI(vcdb, "asset.cloud", na.rm=FALSE)
#' getenumCI(vcdb, "action.social.variety.Phishing")
#' getenumCI(vcdb, "actor.*.motive", ci.method="wilson", na.rm=FALSE)
#' rm(vcdb)
getenumCI2019 <- function(veris, 
                      na.rm = NULL, 
                      na = NULL, 
                      ...) {
  lifecycle::deprecate_warn("version", "verisr::getenumCI2019()", "verisr::getenumCI2020()")
  # even though the parameter is 'na.rm', we still use 'na' internally.
  if (!is.null(na.rm)) {
    na = !na.rm  # if na.rm is set, change na to it. (na is the logical opposit of na.rm)
  } else if (!is.null(na)) {
    warning("'na' is depriciated.  please use 'na.rm'.")
  # legacy veris objects are data tables, however data tables cause problems.
  if (data.table::is.data.table(veris)) {
    df <- as.data.frame(veris)
  } else {
    df <- veris
  # because we aren't keeping the 'method' and don't want to duplicate rows for each method, only 1 allowed.
  if (length(ci.method) > 1) {
    warning("More than one confidence interval method specified. Using first.")
    ci.method <- ci.method[1]
  # because getenumCI2020 accepts 'bootstrap' to run binom.bayes, setting 2019 also up to accept it.
  if (length(ci.method) > 1 && ci.method == "bootstrap") {
    ci.method <- "bayes"
  # create a list of enumerations to calculate 'enum' _by_
  if (!is.null(by)) {
    by_enums <- grep(paste0("^",by,"[.][A-Z0-9][^.]*$"), names(df), value=TRUE)
    if (length(by_enums) > 0) {
      by_type <- "multinomial"
      # by_class <- "character"
    } else {
      by_enums <- grep(paste0("^",by,"$"), names(df), value=TRUE)
      if (length(by_enums) == 1) { # could be > 0, but this should help throw errors when not functioning properly. - gdb 090116
        by_enums <- unique(df[[by]])
        by_type <- "single_column"
        # by_class <- class(by_enums)
      } else {
        warning(paste0("No column matching 'by' value ", by, ". Ignoring 'by' value."))
        by_enums <- c(NA)
        by_type <- "none"
        # by_class <- "character"
  } else {
    by_enums <- c(NA)
    by_type <- "none"
    # by_class <- "character"
  # we use do.call because we don't know how many things we'll be rbinding.
  #  instead, we just get a list of them using lapply and then rbind
  #  on that list.
  chunk <- do.call(rbind, lapply(by_enums, function(x) {
    # subset DF to just the portion we're currently dealing with
    if (by_type == "multinomial") {
      subdf <- df[df[[x]], ]
    } else if (by_type == "single_column") {
      subdf <- df[df[[by]] == x, ]
    } else { # catchall for by_type == 'none', i.e. keep the whole df
      subdf <- df
    # select the columns that match the enumeration and characterize it's/their type
    enum_enums <- grep(paste0("^",enum,"[.][A-Z0-9][^.]*$"), names(subdf), value=TRUE)
    if (length(enum_enums) > 0) {
      enum_type <- "multinomial"
    } else {
      enum_enums <- grep(paste0("^",enum,"$"), names(subdf), value=TRUE)
      if (length(enum_enums) == 1) { # could be > 0, but this should help throw errors when not functioning properly. - gdb 090116
        if (is.logical(subdf[[enum_enums]])) {
          enum_type <- "logical"
          short_names <- gsub('^.*[.]([^.]+$)', "\\1", names(subdf))
          logical_enum <- enum_enums
          enum_enums <- grep(paste0("^", gsub('^(.*)[.]([^.]+$)', "\\1", logical_enum), "[.][A-Z0-9][^.]*$"), names(subdf), value=TRUE)
        } else {
          enum_type <- "single_column"
      } else {
        stop(paste0("Enum ", enum, " did not resolve to any columns."))
    # This allows us to handle numerical/factor/character and logical enumerations
    if (enum_type == "multinomial" | enum_type == "logical") {
      subdf <- subdf[, enum_enums]
      if (ncol(subdf) <= 0) { stop(paste(c("No columns matched feature(s) ", enum, " using regex ", paste0("^",enum,"[.][A-Z0-9][^.]*$"), collapse=" ")))}
      # we remove unknowns because they should normally not be counted
      if (unk == FALSE) {
        if (short.names) {
          subdf_for_n <- subdf[, !grepl("^(.+[.]|)(U|[A-Za-z]{1,3} - [U|u])nknown$", names(subdf))] # if short names, bla - unknown is removed. See logical section for why. - GDB 17-01-30
        } else {
          subdf_for_n <- subdf[, !grepl("^(.+[.]|)(U|u)nknown$", names(subdf))] # if long names, bla - unknown is kept in sample. See logical section for why. - GDB 17-01-30
      } else {
        subdf_for_n <- subdf
      # Whether to use NAs or not depends on the hypothesis being tested so we require an answer (no default)
      if (is.null(na) & any(grep("[.]NA$", names(subdf)))) { stop("'na' must be specified if any column names end in .NA")}
      if (!is.null(na)) {
        if (na == FALSE) {
          subdf_for_n <- subdf_for_n[, !grepl(".NA$", names(subdf_for_n)), ]
      # number of records that have one of our enumerations
      n <- sum(rowSums(subdf_for_n, na.rm=TRUE) > 0, na.rm=TRUE)
      # count of each enumeration
      #  if short.names, combine columns with short names. (Rather than summing same short name after calculating column sums, which double-counts in 'x'.)
      if (short.names) {
        short_names <- gsub('^.*[.]([^.]+$)', "\\1", names(subdf))
        subdf <- do.call(cbind, lapply(unique(short_names), function(y) { # bind the list of columns returned by lapply
          dups <- grep(paste0("^(",y,")$"), short_names)
          if (length(dups) > 1) {
            #feature <- apply(subdf[ , grep(paste0("^(",y,")$"), short_names)], MARGIN=1, any) # 'grep' selects columns with the name, apply checks if any of the row are true
            feature <- apply(subdf[ , which(y == short_names)], MARGIN=1, any) # replaced 'grep' with 'which' due to some 'y' containing regex control characters.
          } else {
            feature <- subdf[ , which(y == short_names)] # replaced 'grep' with 'which' due to some 'y' containing regex control characters.
            #feature <- subdf[ , grep(paste0("^(",y,")$"), short_names)]
          feature <- data.frame(feature)
          names(feature) <- y
      v <- colSums(subdf, na.rm=TRUE)  # used instead of a loop or plyr::count to compute x
    } else if (enum_type == "single_column") {
      table_v <- table(subdf[[enum_enums]])
      v <- as.integer(table_v)
      names(v) <- names(table_v)
      n <- sum(v, na.rm=TRUE)
      # remove unknowns
      if (unk == FALSE) {
        n <- n - sum(v[grepl("^(.+[.]|)(U|u)nknown$", names(v))], na.rm=TRUE) # Doesn't handle `Bla - unknown` as these bastardized hierarchies shouldn't be in a single character column. - gdb 17-01-30
      # remove NAs
      if (!is.null(na)) {
        if (na == FALSE) {
          n <- n - sum(v[grepl("^(.+[.]|)NA$", names(v))], na.rm=TRUE)
      # I'm removing the logical column and grouping it in with the multinomial because multinomial is just lots of logical questions currently and this and it could give different results due to handling of 'unknown'. - GDB 170-01-30
      #    } else if (enum_type == "logical") {
      #      v <- c(sum(subdf[[enum_enums]], na.rm=TRUE))
      #      names(v) <- enum_enums
      #      # enum_feature <- stringr::str_match(enum_enums, "^(.+)\\.")[1]
      #      # enum_feature <- unlist(regmatches(enum_enums, regexec("^(.+)\\.", enum_enums)))[1]
      #      enum_feature <- gsub('^.*[.]([^.]+$)', "\\1", enum_enums)[1]
      #      # need to remove where the enum is not true but the 'unknown' enumeration of the feature is.
      #      if (unk == FALSE & paste0(enum_feature, "Unknown") %in% names(subdf)) {
      #        subdf <- subdf[!(!subdf[[enum_enums]] & subdf[[paste0(enum_feature, "Unknown")]]), ]
      #      }
      #      # need to remove where the enum is not true but the 'na' enumeration of the feature is.
      #      if (!is.null(na)) { 
      #        if(na == FALSE & paste0(enum_feature, "NA") %in% names(subdf)) {
      #          subdf <- subdf[!(!subdf[[enum_enums]] & subdf[[paste0(enum_feature, "NA")]]), ]
      #        }
      #      }
      #      n <- nrow(subdf)
    } else {
      stop("class of 'enum' column(s) was not identified, preventing summarization.")
    # create the chunk for this 'by'
    if (short.names) { # if short names, we treat `foo.Bar - unknown` as an unknown, similar to foo.bar.variety.Unknown being truncated to 'Unknown'
      subchunk <- data.frame(enum=names(v), x=v, n=rep(n, length(v)), freq=v/n)
      enum_subchunk <- subchunk[!grepl("^(.+[.]|)(U|[A-Za-z]{1,3} - [U|u])nknown$", subchunk$enum) & !grepl("^(.+[.]|)NA$", subchunk$enum), ]
      unk_subchunk <- subchunk[grepl("^(.+[.]|)(U|[A-Za-z]{1,3} - [U|u])nknown$", subchunk$enum), ]
      na_subchunk <- subchunk[grepl("^(.+[.]|)NA$", subchunk$enum), ]
    } else { # if long names, we include `foo.Bar - unknown` because we wouldn't truncate, and therefor would include, foo.bar.variety.Unknown
      subchunk <- data.frame(enum=names(v), x=v, n=rep(n, length(v)), freq=v/n)
      enum_subchunk <- subchunk[!grepl("^(.+[.]|)(U|u)nknown$", subchunk$enum) & !grepl("^(.+[.]|)NA$", subchunk$enum), ]
      unk_subchunk <- subchunk[grepl("^(.+[.]|)(U|u)nknown$", subchunk$enum), ]
      na_subchunk <- subchunk[grepl("^(.+[.]|)NA$", subchunk$enum), ]
    # n is not applicable for Unknown (and potentially na) rows so zero it out
    if (unk == FALSE & nrow(unk_subchunk) > 0) {
      unk_subchunk[ , c("n", "freq")] <- NA
    if (!is.null(na)) {
      if (na == FALSE & nrow(na_subchunk) > 0) {
        na_subchunk[ , c("n", "freq")] <- NA
    # apply the confidence interval.  Apply to NA's and unk separately depending on if selected. (If you try and apply CI's cart blanc to the NA/Unknowns it can error out on binding the columns)
    if (length(ci.method) > 0) {
      if (nrow(enum_subchunk) > 0) {
        # subchunk <- dplyr::bind_cols(subchunk, binom::binom.confint(subchunk$x, subchunk$n, conf.level=ci.level, methods=ci.method)[ , c(1, 5, 6)])
        enum_subchunk <- cbind(enum_subchunk, binom::binom.confint(enum_subchunk$x, enum_subchunk$n, conf.level=ci.level, methods=ci.method)[ , c(1, 5, 6)])
      } else {
        enum_subchunk <- cbind(enum_subchunk, data.frame(method=character(), lower=numeric(), upper=numeric()))
      if (unk == FALSE) {
        # unk_subchunk <- dplyr::bind_cols(unk_subchunk, data.frame(method=rep(NA, nrow(unk_subchunk)), lower=rep(NA, nrow(unk_subchunk)), upper=rep(NA, nrow(unk_subchunk))))
        unk_subchunk <- cbind(unk_subchunk, data.frame(method=rep(NA, nrow(unk_subchunk)), lower=rep(NA, nrow(unk_subchunk)), upper=rep(NA, nrow(unk_subchunk))))
      } else if (nrow(unk_subchunk) >0) {
        # unk_subchunk <- dplyr::bind_cols(unk_subchunk, binom::binom.confint(unk_subchunk$x, unk_subchunk$n, conf.level=ci.level, methods=ci.method)[ , c(1, 5, 6)])
        unk_subchunk <- cbind(unk_subchunk, binom::binom.confint(unk_subchunk$x, unk_subchunk$n, conf.level=ci.level, methods=ci.method)[ , c(1, 5, 6)])
      } else {
        unk_subchunk <- data.frame()
      if (!is.null(na)) {
        if (na == FALSE) {
          # na_subchunk <- dplyr::bind_cols(na_subchunk, data.frame(method=rep(NA, nrow(na_subchunk)), lower=rep(NA, nrow(na_subchunk)), upper=rep(NA, nrow(na_subchunk))))
          na_subchunk <- cbind(na_subchunk, data.frame(method=rep(NA, nrow(na_subchunk)), lower=rep(NA, nrow(na_subchunk)), upper=rep(NA, nrow(na_subchunk))))
        } else if (nrow(na_subchunk) > 0) {
          # na_subchunk <- dplyr::bind_cols(na_subchunk, binom::binom.confint(na_subchunk$x, na_subchunk$n, conf.level=ci.level, methods=ci.method)[ , c(1, 5, 6)])
          na_subchunk <- cbind(na_subchunk, binom::binom.confint(na_subchunk$x, na_subchunk$n, conf.level=ci.level, methods=ci.method)[ , c(1, 5, 6)])
        } else {
          na_subchunk <- data.frame()
    # If logical (rather than multinomial), remove all rows other than the one logical
    if (enum_type == "logical") {
      if (short.names) {
        logical_enum_end <- gsub('^(.*)[.]([^.]+$)', "\\2", logical_enum)
        enum_subchunk <- enum_subchunk[enum_subchunk$enum == logical_enum_end, ]
      } else {
        enum_subchunk <- enum_subchunk[enum_subchunk$enum == logical_enum, ]
    # recombine the portions of the subchunk
    subchunk <- rbind(enum_subchunk, na_subchunk, unk_subchunk)
    # add the 'by' column
    subchunk <- cbind(rep(x, nrow(subchunk)), subchunk)
    names(subchunk)[1] <- "by"
    subchunk # return
  # if there was no 'by', delete the 'by' column
  if (by_type != "multinomial" && by_type != "single_column") {
    chunk <- chunk[ , -1]
  # if short names, only use the bit of the enum name after the last period
  if (short.names) {
    if (is.character(chunk$enum)) {
      # chunk$enum <- as(stringr::str_match(chunk$enum, "[^.]+$"), by_class)
      # chunk$enum <- unlist(regmatches(chunk$enum, regexec("[^.]+$", chunk$enum)))
      chunk$enum <- gsub('^.*[.]([^.]+$)', "\\1", chunk$enum)
    if("by" %in% names(chunk)) {
      if (is.character(chunk$by)) {
        # chunk$by <- as(stringr::str_match(chunk$by, "[^.]+$"), by_class)
        # chunk$by <- unlist(regmatches(chunk$by, regexec("[^.]+$", chunk$by)))
        chunk$by <- gsub('^.*[.]([^.]+$)', "\\1", chunk$by)
  if (round.freq>0) {
    chunk$freq <- round(chunk$freq, round.freq)
    if ("lower" %in% names(chunk)) {
      chunk$lower <- round(chunk$lower, round.freq)
      chunk$upper <- round(chunk$upper, round.freq)
  # reorder output
  if ("by" %in% names(chunk)) {
    chunk <- chunk[order(chunk$by, -chunk$freq), ] 
    chunk$enum <- factor(chunk$enum, levels=rev(unique(chunk$enum)))
  } else {
    chunk <- chunk[order(-chunk$freq), ]
    chunk$enum <- factor(chunk$enum, levels=rev(unique(chunk$enum)))
  # replace row numbers
  rownames(chunk) <- seq(length=nrow(chunk))
  # rownames(chunk) <- NULL
  # return
vz-risk/verisr documentation built on Aug. 5, 2023, 4:34 a.m.