Man pages for waldronlab/BugSigDBStats
BugSigDB Stats and Analysis

calcJaccardSimilarityCalculate pairwise Jaccard similarity between all signatures
calcPairwiseOverlapsCalculate pairwise overlaps between all signatures
calcSemanticSimilarityCalculate semantic similarity
getMostFrequentTaxaGet most frequent taxa
getNcbiTaxonomyOboGet NCBI Taxonomy in OBO format
getTaxLevelDistributionGet distribution of taxonomic levels
getTaxonStatsTaxon stats
makeDistTitle Create a Jaccard or overlap dissimilarity matrix from...
microbeHeatmapPlot microbe co-occurrence in a heatmap
paperStatPaper stats
plotCompositionPlot composition of a table of a categorical variable
plotCuratorStatsPlot curation output for each curator
plotProgressOverTimePlot curation output as a function of time
plotUniqueMicrobesOverTimePlot curation output for each curator
pmid2pubyearGet the publication year for a PMID
sigStatSignature stats
stratifyByCuratorStratify curation output by curator
stripEmptySignaturesRemove entries that do not contain signatures
syncWithNCBISynchronize signatures with NCBI Taxonomy
tabColTable column
tabDivTable diversity column
testAssociationTest association of a taxon with a certain category of a...
testReplicabilityTest replicability of microbiome changes across studies
weightedBMAWeighted semantic similarity
waldronlab/BugSigDBStats documentation built on Oct. 21, 2023, 6:11 a.m.