testReplicability: Test replicability of microbiome changes across studies

View source: R/calcSemanticSimilarity.R

testReplicabilityR Documentation

Test replicability of microbiome changes across studies


Function that implements a statistical test for replicability of microbiome changes for experimental conditions in BugSigDB


  onto = NULL,
  multi.contrast = c("all", "first", "largest", "merge"),
  min.studies = 2,
  min.taxa = 5



data.frame storing BugSigDB data. Typically obtained via importBugSigDB.


ontology. An object of class ontology_index storing the NCBI Taxonomy. Typically obtained via getNcbiTaxonomyObo.


character. How to treat studies that report multiple contrasts for a study to avoid detection of duplication within studies as replication? Select one of

  • "all" incorporates all contrasts reported by a study. This is equivalent to do nothing, ie computes similarity between signatures taking all, and thus potential similar / duplicated, signatures for each study into account.

  • "first" take only the first contrast reported by a study, ie the first signature with increased abundance and the first signature with decreased abundance in the study group.

  • "largest" take only the largest signature with increased and decreased abundance in the study group, respectively.

  • "merge" merge signatures with the same direction of abundance change (increased or decreased) within studies.


integer. Minimum number of studies for a condition to be tested. Defaults to 2, which will then only test a condition investigated by at least two studies.


integer. Minimum size for a signature to be included. Defaults to 5, which will then only include signatures containing at least 5 taxa.


A data.frame reporting semantic similarity and re-sampling p-value for each condition under investigation. Results are stratified by direction of abundance change in the study group.


 dat <- bugsigdbr::importBugSigDB(version = "10.5281/zenodo.5904281")
 dat.feces <- subset(dat, `Body site` == "feces")
 res <- testReplicability(dat.feces)

waldronlab/BugSigDBStats documentation built on Feb. 9, 2025, 12:34 a.m.