
Defines functions list_tokens get_mb_access_token mb_access_token

Documented in get_mb_access_token list_tokens mb_access_token

#' Install or retrieve a Mapbox access token in your .Renviron for repeated use
#' See the Mapbox API documentation for [more information on access tokens and
#' token
#' scopes](https://docs.mapbox.com/api/overview/#access-tokens-and-token-scopes).
#' @param token A Mapbox access token; can be public (starting with 'pk') or
#'   secret (starting with 'sk') scope, which the function will interpret for
#'   you.
#' @param overwrite Whether or not to overwrite an existing Mapbox access token.
#'   Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param install if `TRUE`, will install the key in your `.Renviron` file for use
#'   in future sessions. Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param default Default token name to return first [get_mb_access_token()],
#' @param secret_required If `TRUE`, a secret token is required. If `FALSE`, the
#'   default token is provided first and the other token provided second if the
#'   first is unavailable.
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' my_token <- "..." # The token generated from your Mapbox account
#' mb_access_token(my_token, install = TRUE)
#' Sys.getenv("MAPBOX_PUBLIC_TOKEN")
#' get_mb_access_token()
#' }
mb_access_token <- function(token, overwrite = FALSE, install = FALSE) {
  if (grepl("^pk", token)) {
  } else if (grepl("^sk", token)) {
  } else {
    stop("Your supplied token appears to be invalid. Check your Mapbox account for details.")

  if (install) {
    home <- Sys.getenv("HOME")
    renv <- file.path(home, ".Renviron")
    if (file.exists(renv)) {
      # Backup original .Renviron before doing anything else here.
      file.copy(renv, file.path(home, ".Renviron_backup"))
    if (!file.exists(renv)) {
    } else {
      if (isTRUE(overwrite)) {
        message("Your original .Renviron will be backed up and stored in your R HOME directory if needed.")
        oldenv <- read.table(renv, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        newenv <- oldenv[-grep(type, oldenv), ]
        write.table(newenv, renv,
          quote = FALSE, sep = "\n",
          col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE
      } else {
        tv <- readLines(renv)
        if (any(grepl(type, tv))) {
          stop(sprintf("A %s already exists. You can overwrite it with the argument overwrite=TRUE", type), call. = FALSE)

    tokenconcat <- paste0(sprintf("%s='", type), token, "'")
    # Append access token to .Renviron file
    write(tokenconcat, renv, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)
    message(sprintf('Your access token has been stored in your .Renviron and can be accessed by Sys.getenv("%s"). \nTo use now, restart R or run `readRenviron("~/.Renviron")`', type))
  } else {
    message("To install your access token for use in future sessions, run this function with `install = TRUE`.")
    Sys.setenv(type = token)

#' @name get_mb_access_token
#' @rdname mb_access_token
#' @export
get_mb_access_token <- function(token = NULL,
                                default = c("MAPBOX_PUBLIC_TOKEN", "MAPBOX_SECRET_TOKEN"),
                                secret_required = FALSE) {
  primary_token <- match.arg(default)

  secondary_token <-

  allow_primary <- TRUE
  allow_secondary <- TRUE

  if (secret_required) {
    if (primary_token == "MAPBOX_PUBLIC_TOKEN") {
      allow_primary <- FALSE
    } else {
      allow_secondary <- FALSE

  if (is.null(token)) {
    # Use primary token first, then secondary token
    if ((Sys.getenv(primary_token) != "") && allow_primary) {
      token <- Sys.getenv(primary_token)
    } else {
      if ((Sys.getenv(secondary_token) != "") && allow_secondary) {
        token <- Sys.getenv(secondary_token)
      } else if (secret_required) {
        stop("A Mapbox secret access token is required. Please locate yours from your Mapbox account.", call. = FALSE)
      } else {
        stop("A Mapbox access token is required. Please locate yours from your Mapbox account.", call. = FALSE)

  } else {
    if (secret_required) {
      if (!grepl("^sk", token)) {
        stop("A Mapbox access token with secret scope is required; this token will start with 'sk.ey'. Retrieve one or create one from your Mapbox account.", call. = FALSE)
      } else {
    } else {
      if (!grepl("^pk", token) && !grepl("^sk", token)) {
        stop("Your supplied token appears to be invalid. Token strings will begin with 'pk.ey' or 'sk.ey'. Retrieve one or create one from your Mapbox account.", call. = FALSE)
      } else {

#' List tokens from a Mapbox account
#' @param username The Mapbox username for which you'd like to list access
#'   tokens.
#' @param default If `TRUE`, will only include the default token for an account.
#'   If `FALSE`, will include all other tokens except for the default. Defaults
#'   to `NULL`.
#' @param limit The maximum number of tokens to return. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param sortby How to sort the returned tokens; one of `"created"` or
#'   `"modified"`.
#' @param usage If `"pk"`, returns only public tokens; if `"sk"`, returns only
#'   secret tokens. Defaults to `NULL`, which returns all tokens in the scope of
#'   the supplied access token.
#' @param access_token Your Mapbox access token. If left `NULL`, will first check
#'   to see if you have a secret token stored in .Renviron, then a public token.
#' @rdname mb_access_token
#' @return A tibble of information about tokens in your Mapbox account.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' token_list <- list_tokens(
#'   username = "kwalkertcu", # You would use your own username here
#'   limit = 10,
#'   sortby = "modified" #'
#' )
#' }
#' @export
list_tokens <- function(username,
                        default = NULL,
                        limit = NULL,
                        sortby = "created",
                        usage = NULL,
                        access_token = NULL) {
  access_token <- get_mb_access_token(access_token)

  base <- sprintf("https://api.mapbox.com/tokens/v2/%s", username)

  if (!is.null(default)) {
    if (default) {
      default <- "true"
    } else {
      default <- "false"

  request <- httr::GET(base, query = list(
    access_token = access_token,
    default = default,
    limit = limit,
    sortby = sortby,
    usage = usage

  if (request$status_code != 200) {
    pull <- fromJSON(content)
    stop(pull$message, call. = FALSE)

  output <- request %>%
    httr::content(as = "text") %>%
    jsonlite::fromJSON() %>%

walkerke/mapboxapi documentation built on Aug. 23, 2024, 12:54 a.m.