
get_grayscale_map <- function(
  center = c(lon = -95.3632715, lat = 29.7632836), zoom = 10, size = c(640,640),
  scale = 2, format = c("png8", "gif", "jpg", "jpg-baseline","png32"),
  maptype = c("terrain", "satellite", "roadmap", "hybrid"),
  language = "en-EN",
  messaging = FALSE, urlonly = FALSE, filename = "ggmapTemp",
  color = c("color","bw"),
  force = FALSE, where = tempdir(), archiving = FALSE,
  ext = "com", inject = "",
  region, markers, path, visible, style, snazzy.style = NULL, ...

  ##### do argument checking

  args <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[-1])
  argsgiven <- names(args)

  if("center" %in% argsgiven){
      (is.numeric(center) && length(center) == 2) ||
      (is.character(center) && length(center) == 1)
      stop("center of map misspecified, see ?get_googlemap.", call. = FALSE)
      lon <- center[1]; lat <- center[2]
      if(lon < -180 || lon > 180){
        stop("longitude of center must be between -180 and 180 degrees.",
          " note ggmap uses lon/lat, not lat/lon.", call. = FALSE)
      if(lat < -90 || lat > 90){
        stop("latitude of center must be between -90 and 90 degrees.",
          " note ggmap uses lon/lat, not lat/lon.", call. = FALSE)

  if("zoom" %in% argsgiven){
    if(!(is.numeric(zoom) && zoom == round(zoom) && zoom > 0)){
      stop("zoom must be a whole number between 1 and 21", call. = FALSE)

  if("size" %in% argsgiven){
    stopifnot(all(is.numeric(size)) && all(size == round(size)) && all(size > 0))

  if("scale" %in% argsgiven) stopifnot(scale %in% c(1,2,4))

  # format arg checked by match.arg
  # maptype arg checked by match.arg

  if("markers" %in% argsgiven){
    markers_stop <- TRUE
    if(is.data.frame(markers) && all(apply(markers[,1:2],2,is.numeric))) markers_stop <- FALSE
      class(markers) == "list" &&
      all(sapply(markers, function(elem){
        is.data.frame(elem) && all(apply(elem[,1:2],2,is.numeric))
    ) markers_stop <- FALSE
    if(is.character(markers) && length(markers) == 1) markers_stop <- FALSE

    if(markers_stop) stop("improper marker specification, see ?get_googlemap.", call. = FALSE)

  if("path" %in% argsgiven){
    path_stop <- TRUE
    if(is.data.frame(path) && all(apply(path[,1:2],2,is.numeric))) path_stop <- FALSE
      class(path) == "list" &&
      all(sapply(path, function(elem){
        is.data.frame(elem) && all(apply(elem[,1:2],2,is.numeric))
    ) path_stop <- FALSE
    if(is.character(path) && length(path) == 1) path_stop <- FALSE

    if(path_stop) stop("improper path specification, see ?get_googlemap.", call. = FALSE)

  if("visible" %in% argsgiven){
    message("visible argument untested.")
    visible_stop <- TRUE
    if(is.data.frame(visible) && all(apply(visible[,1:2],2,is.numeric))) visible_stop <- FALSE
    if(is.character(visible)) visible_stop <- FALSE
    if(visible_stop) stop("improper visible specification, see ?get_googlemap.", call. = FALSE)

  if("style" %in% argsgiven){
    style_stop <- TRUE
    if(is.list(style)) style <- unlist(style)
      if(length(style) > 1){
        style <- paste(
          paste(names(style), style, sep = ":"),
          collapse = "|"
      style_stop <- FALSE
    if(style_stop) stop("improper style specification, see ?get_googlemap.", call. = FALSE)

  # if(   "sensor" %in% argsgiven) stopifnot(is.logical(   sensor))
  if("messaging" %in% argsgiven) stopifnot(is.logical(messaging))
  if(  "urlonly" %in% argsgiven) stopifnot(is.logical(  urlonly))

  if("filename" %in% argsgiven){
    filename_stop <- TRUE
    if(is.character(filename) && length(filename) == 1) filename_stop <- FALSE
    if(filename_stop) stop("improper filename specification, see ?get_googlemap.", call. = FALSE)


  # argument checking (no checks for language, region, markers, path, visible, style)
  #args <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[-1])
  #if(checkargs) get_googlemap_checkargs(args)
  format <- match.arg(format)
  if(format != "png8") stop("currently only the png format is supported.", call. = FALSE)
  maptype <- match.arg(maptype)
  color <- match.arg(color)
  if(!missing(markers) && class(markers) == "list") markers <- list_to_dataframe(markers)
  if(!missing(path) && is.data.frame(path)) path <- list(path)

  ##### construct url

  base_url <- sprintf("https://maps.googleapis.%s/maps/api/staticmap?", ext)
  center_url <- if(all(is.numeric(center))){ # lon/lat specification
    center <- round(center, digits = 6)
    lon <- center[1]; lat <- center[2]
    paste0("center=", paste(lat,lon,sep = ","))
  } else { # address specification
    centerPlus <- gsub(" ", "+", center)
    paste0("center=", centerPlus)

  fmteq <- function (x, f = function(.) ., ...) {
    paste0(deparse(substitute(x)), "=", f(x, ...))
  size_url <- fmteq(size, paste, collapse = "x")
  format_url <- if(!missing(format) && format != "png8"){ fmteq(format) } else { "" }
  language_url <- if(!missing(language)){ fmteq(language) } else { "" }
  region_url <- if(!missing(region)){ fmteq(region) } else { "" }

  markers_url <- if(!missing(markers)){
    	  markers <- apply(markers, 1, function(v) paste(rev(round(v,6)), collapse = ","))
    	  fmteq(markers, paste, collapse = "|")
      } else {
    } else { "" }

  path_url <- if(!missing(path)){
      	ps <- vapply(path, function(one_path){
      	  path <- apply(one_path, 1, function(v) paste(rev(round(v,6)), collapse = ","))
      	  fmteq(path, paste, collapse = "|")
      	}, character(1))
      	paste(ps, collapse = "&")
      } else {
    } else { "" }

  visible_url <- if(!missing(visible)){
        visible <- apply(visible, 1, function(v) paste(rev(round(v,6)), collapse = ","))
        fmteq(visible, paste0, collapse = "|")
      } else {
        fmteq(visible, paste0, collapse = "|")
    } else { "" }

  style_url <- if(!missing(style)){ fmteq(style) } else { "" }
  # sensor_url <- fmteq(sensor, function(x) tolower(as.character(x)))

  # format url proper
  post_url <- paste(center_url, fmteq(zoom), size_url, fmteq(scale),
    format_url, fmteq(maptype), language_url, region_url, markers_url,
    path_url, visible_url, style_url, # sensor_url, # sensor no longer required
    sep = "&")

  # # add google account stuff
  # if (has_goog_client() && has_goog_signature()) {
  #   client <- goog_client()
  #   signature <- goog_signature()
  #   post_url <- paste(post_url, fmteq(client), fmteq(signature), sep = "&")
  # } else if (has_goog_key()) {
  #   key <- goog_key()
  #   post_url <- paste(post_url, fmteq(key), sep = "&")
  # }

  url <- paste0(base_url, post_url)
  url <- gsub("[&]+","&",url) # removes missing arguments
  if(substr(url, nchar(url), nchar(url)) == "&"){ # if ends with &
    url <- substr(url, 1, nchar(url)-1)

  # inject any remaining stuff
  if(inject != "") url <- paste(url, inject, sep = "&")

  # Add style to URL:
  snazzy.url <- "&style=feature:poi|element:all|hue:0x000000|saturation:-100|lightness:-100|visibility:off&style=feature:poi|element:all|hue:0x000000|saturation:-100|lightness:-100|visibility:off&style=feature:administrative|element:all|hue:0x000000|saturation:0|lightness:-100|visibility:off&style=feature:road|element:labels|hue:0xffffff|saturation:-100|lightness:100|visibility:off&style=feature:water|element:labels|hue:0x000000|saturation:-100|lightness:-100|visibility:off&style=feature:road.local|element:all|hue:0xffffff|saturation:-100|lightness:100|visibility:on&style=feature:water|element:geometry|hue:0xffffff|saturation:-100|lightness:100|visibility:on&style=feature:transit|element:labels|hue:0x000000|saturation:0|lightness:-100|visibility:off&style=feature:landscape|element:labels|hue:0x000000|saturation:-100|lightness:-100|visibility:off&style=feature:road|element:geometry|hue:0xbbbbbb|saturation:-100|lightness:26|visibility:off&style=feature:landscape|element:geometry|hue:0xdddddd|saturation:-100|lightness:-3|visibility:on"

  url <- paste0(url, snazzy.url)

  url <- URLencode( enc2utf8(url) )
  if(urlonly) return(url)
  # if(nchar(url) > 2048) stop("max url length is 2048 characters.", call. = FALSE)

  ##### get map

  # check to see if url is on file
  map <- ggmap:::file_drawer_get(url)
  if (!is.null(map) && !force) return(map)

  # finalize filename
  tmp <- tempfile()
  download.file(url, destfile = tmp, quiet = !messaging, mode = "wb")
  message(paste0("Source : ", url))

  ##### read in map and format, add meta data

  map <- png::readPNG(tmp)
  map <- aperm(map, c(2, 1, 3))

  # format file
  if(color == "color"){
    map <- apply(map, 2, rgb)
  } else if(color == "bw"){
  	mapd <- dim(map)
  	map <- gray(.30 * map[,,1] + .59 * map[,,2] + .11 * map[,,3])
  	dim(map) <- mapd[1:2]
  map <- matrix(map, nrow = scale*size[2], ncol = scale*size[1])
  class(map) <- c("ggmap","raster")
  # plot(map)

  # map spatial info
  if(is.character(center)) {
    center <- as.numeric(ggmap::geocode(center, source = "google"))
  ll <- RgoogleMaps::XY2LatLon(
    list(lat = center[2], lon = center[1], zoom = zoom),
    -size[1]/2 + 0.5,
    -size[2]/2 - 0.5
  ur <- RgoogleMaps::XY2LatLon(
    list(lat = center[2], lon = center[1], zoom = zoom),
    size[1]/2 + 0.5,
    size[2]/2 - 0.5
  attr(map, "bb") <- data.frame(
    ll.lat = ll[1], ll.lon = ll[2],
    ur.lat = ur[1], ur.lon = ur[2]

  # additional map meta-data
  attr(map, "source")  <- "google"
  attr(map, "maptype") <- maptype
  attr(map, "zoom")    <- zoom

  # transpose
  out <- map # t(map)

  # archive map for future use
  fileNameCenter <- as.character(center)
  fileNameCenter <- paste0(gsub("\\.", "_", fileNameCenter),collapse = "-")
  if (archiving) file_drawer_set(url, out)

  # kick out

get_googlemap_checkargs <- function(args){
  eargs <- lapply(args, eval)
  argsgiven <- names(args)


    # center arg
    if("center" %in% argsgiven){
        (is.numeric(center) && length(center) == 2) ||
        (is.character(center) && length(center) == 1)
        stop("center of map misspecified, see ?get_googlemap.", call. = FALSE)
        lon <- center[1]; lat <- center[2]
        if(lon < -180 || lon > 180){
          stop("longitude of center must be between -180 and 180 degrees.",
            " note ggmap uses lon/lat, not lat/lon.", call. = FALSE)
        if(lat < -90 || lat > 90){
          stop("latitude of center must be between -90 and 90 degrees.",
            " note ggmap uses lon/lat, not lat/lon.", call. = FALSE)

    # zoom arg
    if("zoom" %in% argsgiven){
      if(!(is.numeric(zoom) && zoom == round(zoom) && zoom > 0)){
        stop("zoom must be a whole number between 1 and 21", call. = FALSE)

    # size arg
    if("size" %in% argsgiven){
      stopifnot(all(is.numeric(size)) && all(size == round(size)) && all(size > 0))

    # scale arg
    if("scale" %in% argsgiven) stopifnot(scale %in% c(1,2,4))

    # format arg checked by match.arg

    # maptype arg checked by match.arg

    # markers arg (optional)
    if("markers" %in% argsgiven){
      markers_stop <- TRUE
      if(is.data.frame(markers) && all(apply(markers[,1:2],2,is.numeric))) markers_stop <- FALSE
        class(markers) == "list" &&
        all(sapply(markers, function(elem){
          is.data.frame(elem) && all(apply(elem[,1:2],2,is.numeric))
      ) markers_stop <- FALSE
      if(is.character(markers) && length(markers) == 1) markers_stop <- FALSE

      if(markers_stop) stop("improper marker specification, see ?get_googlemap.", call. = FALSE)

    # path arg (optional)
    if("path" %in% argsgiven){
      path_stop <- TRUE
      if(is.data.frame(path) && all(apply(path[,1:2],2,is.numeric))) path_stop <- FALSE
        class(path) == "list" &&
        all(sapply(path, function(elem){
          is.data.frame(elem) && all(apply(elem[,1:2],2,is.numeric))
      ) path_stop <- FALSE
      if(is.character(path) && length(path) == 1) path_stop <- FALSE

      if(path_stop) stop("improper path specification, see ?get_googlemap.", call. = FALSE)

    # visible arg (optional)
    if("visible" %in% argsgiven){
      message("visible argument untested.")
      visible_stop <- TRUE
      if(is.data.frame(visible) && all(apply(visible[,1:2],2,is.numeric))) visible_stop <- FALSE
      if(is.character(visible)) visible_stop <- FALSE
      if(visible_stop) stop("improper visible specification, see ?get_googlemap.", call. = FALSE)

    # style arg (optional)
    if("style" %in% argsgiven){
      message("style argument untested.")
      style_stop <- TRUE
      if(is.character(style) && length(style) == 1) style_stop <- FALSE
      if(style_stop) stop("improper style specification, see ?get_googlemap.", call. = FALSE)

    # sensor, messaging, urlonly args
    # if("sensor" %in% argsgiven) stopifnot(is.logical(sensor))
    if("messaging" %in% argsgiven) stopifnot(is.logical(messaging))
    if("urlonly" %in% argsgiven) stopifnot(is.logical(urlonly))

    # filename arg
    if("filename" %in% argsgiven){
      filename_stop <- TRUE
      if(is.character(filename) && length(filename) == 1) filename_stop <- FALSE
      if(filename_stop) stop("improper filename specification, see ?get_googlemap.", call. = FALSE)

    # color arg checked by match.arg

  }) # end with

get_greyscale_map <- get_grayscale_map
walshc/grayscaleMap documentation built on May 29, 2019, 9:57 a.m.