
Defines functions updateAdjPvalue fitBG normaLize estSingle_theta pvAdjust getFinalParameters_nbcov nbcovIter nbcovInitial readFilterMerge poolReplis mergeReplis readContact readFragment

## restriction enzyme framgent files: <chr><start><end><ID>
readFragment <- function(fragment_file){
  AllEnds <- fread(fragment_file, colClasses = c(V1 = 'character'), select = 1:4)
  names(AllEnds) = c('chr', 'start', 'end', 'ID')

  class(AllEnds$ID) = 'character'
  setkey(AllEnds, ID)
readFragment = cmpfun(readFragment)

## read contact frequcy data
readContact <- function(contact_file, allREfrags, peakFile4HiChIP = NULL,
                        minDist = 5000, maxDist = 2*10^6){
  dd = fread(contact_file, select = 1:3)
  names(dd) = c('baitID', 'otherEndID', 'N')
  class(dd$baitID) = 'character'
  class(dd$otherEndID) = 'character'

  dd[, 'bait_chr' := allREfrags[J(dd$baitID)]$chr]
  dd[, 'bait_start' := allREfrags[J(dd$baitID)]$start]
  dd[, 'bait_end' := allREfrags[J(dd$baitID)]$end]

  dd[, 'otherEnd_chr' := allREfrags[J(dd$otherEndID)]$chr]
  dd[, 'otherEnd_start' := allREfrags[J(dd$otherEndID)]$start]
  dd[, 'otherEnd_end' := allREfrags[J(dd$otherEndID)]$end]

  dd[, 'dist' := ifelse(bait_chr == otherEnd_chr,
                         abs(otherEnd_start + otherEnd_end - bait_start - bait_end)/2, NA)]

   ## remove very close/long distanced interactions
  dd = dd[(dist <= maxDist & dist >= minDist) | is.na(dist)]

   # select reads with at least one anchor overlapped with peak
   dd.filter = NULL
   resl = allREfrags[1, ]$end - allREfrags[1, ]$start
   peaks = fread(peakFile4HiChIP, select = 1:3)
   names(peaks) = c('chr', 'start', 'end')
   peaks[, 'midP' := floor(start/2 + end/2)]
   chrs = unique(peaks$chr)
   dd[, 'midP1' := floor(bait_start/2 + bait_end/2)]
   dd[, 'midP2' := floor(otherEnd_start/2 + otherEnd_end/2)]
   for(chr0 in chrs){
     peaks0 = peaks[chr == chr0]

     ## only consider cis data
     #dd0 = dd[bait_chr == chr0 & otherEnd_chr == chr0]
     #dd0.left = copy(dd0)
     #dd0.right = copy(dd0)

     dd0.left = dd[bait_chr == chr0]
     dd0.right = dd[otherEnd_chr == chr0]

     dd0.left[, 'adist' := min(abs(midP1 - peaks0$midP)), by = list(baitID, otherEndID)]
     dd0.right[, 'adist' := min(abs(midP2 - peaks0$midP)), by = list(baitID, otherEndID)]
     dd0.left = dd0.left[adist <= resl/2]
     dd0.right = dd0.right[adist <= resl/2]
     dd0.left %<>% subset(select = c('baitID', 'otherEndID', 'bait_chr', 'bait_start', 'bait_end', 'otherEnd_chr', 'otherEnd_start', 'otherEnd_end', 'N', 'dist'))
     dd0.right %<>% subset(select = c('otherEndID', 'baitID', 'otherEnd_chr', 'otherEnd_start', 'otherEnd_end', 'bait_chr', 'bait_start', 'bait_end', 'N', 'dist'))
     names(dd0.right) = names(dd0.left)
     dd.filter = rbind(dd.filter, dd0.left, dd0.right)

   dd %<>% subset(select = c('baitID', 'otherEndID', 'bait_chr', 'bait_start', 'bait_end', 'otherEnd_chr',
                       'otherEnd_start', 'otherEnd_end', 'N', 'dist'))

readContact = cmpfun(readContact)

## merge replicates by weight, which is based on the total counts of each replicates within 2Mb of baits
mergeReplis <- function(contact_files, allREfrags, peakFile4HiChIP = NULL,
                        minDist = 5000, maxDist = 2*10^6){
  dds = list()
  setkey(allREfrags, ID)
  rs = rep(0, length(contact_files))
  for(i in 1:length(contact_files)){
    tmp = readContact(contact_files[i], allREfrags, peakFile4HiChIP, minDist, maxDist)
    rs[i] = sum(tmp[bait_chr == otherEnd_chr]$N)

    dds[[i]] = tmp
  rs = rs/sum(rs)

  if(any(rs < 0)) rs = rep(0.5, length(contact_files))

  for(i in 1:length(contact_files)){
    dds[[i]][, 'NN' := (N * rs[i])]
    dds[[i]][, 'N' := NULL]

  dd = do.call('rbind', dds)

  setkey(dd, baitID, otherEndID)

  dd[, 'N' := floor(sum(NN)), by = list(baitID, otherEndID)]
  dd = dd[N > 0]

  dd[, 'NN' := NULL]

  dd = dd[!duplicated(dd)]
mergeReplis = cmpfun(mergeReplis)

## pool replicates
poolReplis <- function(contact_files, allREfrags, peakFile4HiChIP = NULL,
                       minDist = 5000, maxDist = 2*10^6){
  dds = list()

  for(i in 1:length(contact_files)){
    dds[[i]] = readContact(contact_files[i], allREfrags, peakFile4HiChIP, minDist, maxDist)

  dd = do.call('rbind', dds)

  setkey(dd, baitID, otherEndID)
  dd[, 'NN' := N]
  dd[, N := sum(NN), by = list(baitID, otherEndID)]
  dd[, 'NN' := NULL]
  dd = dd[!duplicated(dd), ]
poolReplis = cmpfun(poolReplis)

## read, filter and merge/pool
readFilterMerge <- function(contact_file, AllEndInfor, comb_rep, dtype,
                  peakFile4HiChIP = NULL,  maxN, minLen, maxLen, minDist,
                  maxDist, adj.sdepth = NULL){

  if(!dtype %in% c('CHIC', 'CC', '4C', 'HICHIP', 'HIC')){
    stop('dtype should be one of CHiC, CC, 4C, HiChIP and HiC!')

  if(dtype == 'CHIC'){
    if(is.null(minLen)) minLen = 150
    if(is.null(maxLen)) maxLen = 40000
    if(is.null(minDist)) minDist = 1000
  if(dtype %in% c('CC', '4C')){
    if(is.null(minLen)) minLen = 10
    if(is.null(maxLen)) maxLen = 40000
    if(is.null(minDist)) minDist = 1000
  if(dtype %in% c('HICHIP', 'HIC')){
    if(is.null(minDist)) minDist = 20*10^3
    if(is.null(minLen)) minLen = 150
    if(is.null(maxLen)) maxLen = 40000

  if(length(contact_file) > 1){
    ## merge/pool replicates
    if(grepl(comb_rep, pattern = 'merge')) obs_df = mergeReplis(contact_file, AllEndInfor, peakFile4HiChIP, minDist, maxDist)
    if(grepl(comb_rep, pattern = 'pool')) obs_df = poolReplis(contact_file, AllEndInfor, peakFile4HiChIP, minDist, maxDist)

    obs_df <- readContact(contact_file, AllEndInfor, peakFile4HiChIP, minDist, maxDist)

  obs_df = obs_df[N <= maxN, ] ## remove extremely large counts, artificial

  setkey(AllEndInfor, ID)
  setkey(obs_df, baitID)

  ## normalized to the same sequence depth

    sN = sum(obs_df$N)
    obs_df[, 'N' := round(N * adj.sdepth * 10^6/sN)]

  obs_df[, 'len' := (otherEnd_end - otherEnd_start)]

  obs_df = obs_df[len <= maxLen & len >= minLen, ]

  if(dtype %in% c('CHIC', 'CC', '4C')){
    # filter baits with very limited otherEnd contacts
    setkey(obs_df, baitID)
    obs_df[, 'nCis' := length(N[bait_chr == otherEnd_chr]), by = baitID]
    obs_df %<>% .[nCis > 10]

  obs_df[, c('bait_chr', 'bait_start', 'bait_end', 'otherEnd_chr',
               'otherEnd_start', 'otherEnd_end', 'len') := NULL]  ## not used during calling limmac

readFilterMerge = cmpfun(readFilterMerge)

# negative binomial modeling with coverages as covariats
nbcovInitial <- function(N, hcrc = 0.95, cover1 = NULL, cover2 = NULL){
  len = length(N)
  all.n = N
  all.cover1 = cover1
  all.cover2 = cover2

  if(length(N) > 50000){
    ids = sample(1:length(N), 50000)
    N = N[ids]
    if(!is.null(cover1)) cover1 = cover1[ids]
    if(!is.null(cover2)) cover2 = cover2[ids]

  init.cutoff = quantile(N, hcrc)
  if(!is.null(cover1)) cover1 = cover1[N <= init.cutoff]
  if(!is.null(cover2)) cover2 = cover2[N <= init.cutoff]
  N = N[N <= init.cutoff]

  nsratio = var(N + 1)/mean(N + 1)

  if(nsratio < 1 ){
    # treat it like poisson

    pv <- tryCatch({
      model.poisson <- glm(N ~ 1, family = 'poisson')
        model.poisson <- update(model.poisson, .~. + cover1)
        model.poisson <- update(model.poisson, .~. + cover2)
      predicted.mu <- exp(predict(model.poisson, newdata = data.table('cover1' = all.cover1,
                                                                      'cover2' = all.cover2)))

      ppois(all.n, lambda = predicted.mu, lower.tail = FALSE)
    }, warning = function(w){
      ppois(all.n, lambda = mean(N), lower.tail = FALSE)
    }, error = function(e){
      ppois(all.n, lambda = mean(N), lower.tail = FALSE)

    # if MLE not work, use method of moment
    pv <- tryCatch({
      model.nb <- glm.nb(N ~ 1)
        model.nb <- update(model.nb, .~. + cover1)
        model.nb <- update(model.nb, .~. + cover2)

      theta0 = model.nb$theta

      predicted.mu = exp(predict(model.nb, newdata = data.table('cover1' = all.cover1,
                                                            'cover2' = all.cover2)))

      pnbinom(all.n, mu = predicted.mu, size = theta0, lower.tail = FALSE)
    }, warning = function(w){
      message('NB model not convergent, method of moment was used:')
      mu0 = mean(N)
      theta0 = mu0^2/(var(N) - mu0)
      pnbinom(all.n, mu = mu0,
              size = theta0, lower.tail = FALSE)
    }, error = function(e){
      message('MLE failed, method of moment was used:')
      mu0 = mean(N)
      theta0 = mu0^2/(var(N) - mu0)
      pnbinom(all.n, mu = mu0,
              size = theta0, lower.tail = FALSE)
nbcovInitial = cmpfun(nbcovInitial)

# negative binomial modeling with coverages as covariats
nbcovIter <- function(N, isSig, pvs, cover1 = NULL, cover2 = NULL){

  if(all(isSig == 0)) return(pvs)
  if(all(isSig == 1)) return(pvs)

  all.n = N
  all.cover1 = cover1
  all.cover2 = cover2

  N <- N[isSig == 0]  ## estimate null without reads that is pre-decided as significant
  if(!is.null(cover1)) cover1 <- cover1[isSig == 0]
  if(!is.null(cover2)) cover2 <- cover2[isSig == 0]

  if(length(N) > 50000){
    ids = sample(1:length(N), 50000)
    N = N[ids]
    if(!is.null(cover1)) cover1 = cover1[ids]
    if(!is.null(cover2)) cover2 = cover2[ids]

  nsratio = var(N + 1)/mean(N + 1)

  if(nsratio < 1 ){
    # treat it like poisson

    pv <- tryCatch({
      model.poisson <- glm(N ~ 1, family = 'poisson')
        model.poisson <- update(model.poisson, .~. + cover1)
        model.poisson <- update(model.poisson, .~. + cover2)
      predicted.mu <- exp(predict(model.poisson, newdata = data.table('cover1' = all.cover1,
                                                                      'cover2' = all.cover2)))

      ppois(all.n, lambda = predicted.mu, lower.tail = FALSE)
    }, warning = function(w){
      ppois(all.n, lambda = mean(N), lower.tail = FALSE)
    }, error = function(e){
      ppois(all.n, lambda = mean(N), lower.tail = FALSE)

    # if MLE not work, use method of moment
    pv <- tryCatch({
      model.nb <- glm.nb(N ~ 1)
        model.nb <- update(model.nb, .~. + cover1)
        model.nb <- update(model.nb, .~. + cover2)

      theta0 = model.nb$theta

      predicted.mu = exp(predict(model.nb, newdata = data.table('cover1' = all.cover1,
                                                                'cover2' = all.cover2)))

      pnbinom(all.n, mu = predicted.mu, size = theta0, lower.tail = FALSE)
    }, warning = function(w){
      message('NB model not convergent, method of moment was used:')
      mu0 = mean(N)
      theta0 = mu0^2/(var(N) - mu0)
      pnbinom(all.n, mu = mu0,
              size = theta0, lower.tail = FALSE)
    }, error = function(e){
      message('MLE failed, method of moment was used:')
      mu0 = mean(N)
      theta0 = mu0^2/(var(N) - mu0)
      pnbinom(all.n, mu = mu0,
              size = theta0, lower.tail = FALSE)
nbcovIter = cmpfun(nbcovIter)

getFinalParameters_nbcov <- function(N, isSig, cover1 = NULL, cover2 = NULL){
  len = length(N)
  all.n = N

  N <- N[isSig == 0]  ## estimate null without reads that is pre-decided as significant
  if(!is.null(cover1)) cover1 = cover1[isSig == 0]
  if(!is.null(cover2)) cover2 = cover2[isSig == 0]

  nsratio = var(N + 1)/mean(N + 1)

  if(nsratio < 1 ){
    # treat it like poisson

    mu0 <- tryCatch({model.poisson <- glm(N ~ 1, family = 'poisson')
           if(!is.null(cover1)) model.poisson = update(model.poisson, .~. + cover1)
           if(!is.null(cover2)) model.poisson = update(model.poisson, .~. + cover2)
    }, warning = function(w){
    }, error = function(e){

    theta0 <- 10^6

    # if nb not work, use poisson
    mu0 <- tryCatch({
      model.nb = glm.nb(N ~ 1)
      if(!is.null(cover1)) model.nb = update(model.nb, .~. + cover1)
      if(!is.null(cover2)) model.nb = update(model.nb, .~. + cover2)

    }, warning = function(w){

    }, error = function(e){


    theta0 <- tryCatch({
      model.nb = glm.nb(N ~ 1)
      if(!is.null(cover1)) model.nb = update(model.nb, .~. + cover1)
      if(!is.null(cover2)) model.nb = update(model.nb, .~. + cover2)

    }, warning = function(w){
      mu0^2/(var(N) - mu0)
    }, error = function(e){
      mu0^2/(var(N) - mu0)

  return(list(mu0, theta0))
getFinalParameters_nbcov = cmpfun(getFinalParameters_nbcov)

## adj pvalue by different methods
pvAdjust <- function(pv, adj.method = 'BH', covs = NULL, fdr = 0.1){

  if(adj.method %in% c('BH', 'bonferroni', 'BY', 'fdr', 'none')){
    return(p.adjust(pv, adj.method))

  if(adj.method == 'IHW' ){
    covs[is.na(covs)] = 10^9 ## for trans
    obj = ihw(pv, covariates = 1/covs, alpha = fdr, nfolds = 3, nfolds_internal = 3)

pvAdjust = cmpfun(pvAdjust)

estSingle_theta <- function(count_df){
  sele.id <- sample(1:nrow(count_df), floor(nrow(count_df)/5))
  x <- count_df[sele.id]
  nb.model = glm.nb(x$normN ~ offset(log(x$mu0)) + 0)
  count_df$theta0 = nb.model$theta
estSingle_theta = cmpfun(estSingle_theta)

## normalization
normaLize <- function(count_df, adjustB2B = F, adjustBait = T){

  setkey(count_df, baitID)

  count_df[, 'normN' := as.double(N)]

  count_df[, 'nCis' := length(N[!is.na(dist)]), by = baitID]
  count_df %<>% .[nCis > 2]
  count_df[, 'nCis' := NULL]

  bIDs = unique(count_df$baitID)
  count_df[, 'isB2B' := ifelse(otherEndID %in% bIDs, 1L, 0L)]

  ## adjust bait to bait effects
    if(any(count_df$isB2B == 1)){
      tfun <- function(isB2B, N){
        ff = rep(1, length(N))
        ids = which(isB2B == 1)
        if(length(ids) ==0 ) return(ff)
        nume = median(N[-ids])
        deno = median(N[ids])
        ff[ids] = nume/deno
        if(any(is.na(ff))) ff = 1

      count_df[, 'b2b_f0' := tfun(isB2B, normN), by = baitID]
      count_df[, 'b2b_f' := pmin(b2b_f0, 1)]

      count_df[, 'normN' := ifelse(isB2B == 1, b2b_f * normN, normN)]

      count_df[, c('b2b_f', 'b2b_f0') := NULL]
    #count_df[, c('isB2B') := NULL]

  # adjust bait biase
    count_df[, "mN" := mean(log2(normN[!is.na(dist)] + 1)), by = baitID]
    NC = quantile(count_df$mN, 0.5)
    NC = quantile(unique(count_df$mN), 0.5)

    count_df[, 'normN' := round(2^(NC/mN * log2(normN +1)))]

    count_df[, c("mN") := NULL]


  if(!adjustBait) count_df = count_df[!is.na(dist)]

  count_df[, "normN" := as.double(normN)]


normaLize = cmpfun(normaLize)

## fit background model iteratively
fitBG <- function(count_df, numG = 200, hcrc = 0.95,  nIter = 10,  train.adjm = 'BH'){

  setkey(count_df, baitID)

  if(nrow(count_df[!is.na(dist)])/length(unique(count_df$baitID)) < numG){
    message ("numG too bigger; A smaller numG was tried !")
    numG <<- floor(nrow(count_df[!is.na(dist)])/length(unique(count_df$baitID)))

  ## group by distance
  bds = unique(quantile(count_df$dist, (1:numG)/numG, na.rm = T))
  names(bds) = NULL
  count_df[, 'g' := cut2(dist, cuts = bds)]
  count_df[, g := as.character(g)]
  ug = unique(count_df$g)

  count_df[is.na(g)]$g = "inf"
  rm(bIDs, bds)
  setkey(count_df, g)

  ## initiate model

  count_df[, 'pv' := nbcovInitial(normN, hcrc), by = g]

  #adjust pvalue locally by BH
  tfdr = 0.1 ## training fdr as 0.1

  count_df[, 'pv_adj' := pvAdjust(pv, train.adjm,  w, tfdr)]

  ## do interatively
  count_df[, 'isSig_new' := ifelse(pv_adj <= tfdr, 1L, 0L)]

  k = 1

    message(paste("the ", k, "th ", "iteration is done!"))

    k = k + 1
    count_df[, 'isSig_old' := isSig_new]

    count_df[, 'pv' := nbcovIter(normN, isSig_old, pv), by = g]

    ## adjust p-values for each group

    count_df[, 'pv_adj' := pvAdjust(pv, train.adjm,  w, tfdr)]

    count_df[, 'isSig_new' := ifelse(pv_adj <= tfdr, 1L, 0L)]
    if(k >= nIter || sum(abs(count_df$isSig_new - count_df$isSig_old)) <= sum(count_df$isSig_old)/100) {

  message(paste("Model fitting was done and The final number of iteration is", k ))

  # get global parames/goodness of fit for each group
  count_df[, c('mu0', 'theta0') := getFinalParameters_nbcov(normN, isSig_new), by = g]

  count_df[, c('isSig_old') := NULL]


fitBG = cmpfun(fitBG)

## update adj pvalue by IHW/weight fdr method
updateAdjPvalue <- function(count_df, adj.method = 'IHW', updateMethod = 'smooth',
                            updateTheta = FALSE, fdr = 0.05){

  # get full function of distance using group means
  interpolate_mu <- function(count_df){
    count_cis = count_df[!is.na(dist)]
    count_cis[, 'ave.dist' := mean(dist), by = g]
    tmp = subset(count_cis, select = c('ave.dist', 'mu0'))
    tmp %<>% .[!duplicated(.)]
    tmp %<>% .[order(ave.dist)]
    dist0 = log10(tmp$ave.dist)
    mu0 = log2(tmp$mu0)

    interp.res <- splinefun(dist0, mu0)

    count_cis$mu0 = interp.res(log10(count_cis$dist))
    count_cis[, 'mu0' := 2^mu0]
    count_cis[, 'ave.dist' := NULL]
    return(rbind(count_cis, count_df[is.na(dist)]))

  ## interpolate smooth
  if(!updateMethod %in% c('noupdate')){
    count_df = interpolate_mu(count_df)

  ## add bait specifici

  if(updateTheta) count_df = estSingle_theta(count_df)

  count_df[, 'pv' := pnbinom(normN, mu = mu0, size = theta0, lower.tail = F)]

  count_df[, 'pv_adj' := pvAdjust(pv, adj.method, dist)]

  count_df[, c('g', 'bd') := NULL]

  # save significant loops
  setkey(count_df, baitID)
  count_df <- subset(count_df, select = c("baitID", "otherEndID",
                                          "dist", "N", 'pv', 'pv_adj'))
  sigRes = count_df[pv_adj <= fdr, ]
  #sigRes[, 'score' := round(-log10(pv_adj), 3)]

updateAdjPvalue = cmpfun(updateAdjPvalue)

#' @title LiMACC algorithm
#' @description Identify significant chromatin interations for multiple chromosome conformation capture assays
#' @param fragment_file the name of restriction enzyme file for CHiC/CC or binned fragment_file for HiChIP
#' @param contact_file contact map file(s)
#' @param dtype data type, CHiC/CC/HiChIP
#' @param peakFile4HiChIP file of coordinate of 1D peak (bed file or similar format) for HiChIP, NULL for other type of data
#' @param out_filename output file name
#' @param comb_rep if length(contact_file)>1, merge or pool replicates (default merge for CHiC; pool for HiChIP)
#' @param numG number of groups for limacc (default 100)
#' @param hcrc initial guess of backgound proportion (default 0.9)
#' @param fdr fdr cutoff used for the final output (default 0.05)
#' @param nIter maxmimum number of iterations (default 20)
#' @param maxN filter contacts that wiht more than maxN counts (default 10000)
#' @param minLen filter otherEnd fragments with length smaller than minLen
#' @param maxLen filter otherEnd fragments with length greater than maxLen
#' @param minDist minimum distance in bp, default 1000bp
#' @param maxDist maximum distance in bp, default 2Mb
#' @param adj.method method for adjusting p-value (default 'IHW')
#' @param adj.sdepth the number (in million) to which the sequence depth should be normalized, default NULL means do not adjust the total
#'         sequence depth
#' @param updateMethod smooth or noupdate (default 'smooth')

limacc <- function(fragment_file, contact_file, dtype = 'CHiC',peakFile4HiChIP = NULL,
                   out_filename = 'sigRes.txt', comb_rep = 'merge', numG = 100, hcrc = 0.9,
                   fdr = 0.1, nIter = 20, maxN = 10000, minLen = NULL, maxLen = NULL,
                   minDist = 1000, maxDist = 2*10^6, adj.method = 'IHW',
                   adj.sdepth = NULL, updateMethod = 'smooth'){
  dtype = toupper(dtype)

  AllEndInfor <- readFragment(fragment_file)  ## make this as global

    comb_rep = ifelse(dtype == 'HICHIP', 'pool', 'merge')

  message("read, filter and merge...")
  obs_df = readFilterMerge(contact_file, AllEndInfor, comb_rep, dtype, peakFile4HiChIP,
                              maxN, minLen, maxLen, minDist, maxDist, adj.sdepth)

  if(dtype %in% c('CHIC', 'CC', '4C') || !is.null(peakFile4HiChIP)){

    adjB2B = ifelse(dtype %in% c('CHIC', 'CC', '4C'), TRUE, FALSE)
    obs_df = normaLize(obs_df,  adjustB2B = adjB2B, adjustBait = T)

    obs_df = fitBG(obs_df, numG, hcrc, nIter, 'BH')

    Res = updateAdjPvalue(obs_df, adj.method,  updateMethod = updateMethod,
                          updateTheta = adjB2B, fdr = fdr)

    Res[, bait_chr := AllEndInfor[J(Res$baitID), chr]]
    Res[, bait_start := AllEndInfor[J(Res$baitID), start]]
    Res[, bait_end := AllEndInfor[J(Res$baitID), end]]

    Res[, otherEnd_chr := AllEndInfor[J(Res$otherEndID), chr]]
    Res[, otherEnd_start := AllEndInfor[J(Res$otherEndID), start]]
    Res[, otherEnd_end := AllEndInfor[J(Res$otherEndID), end]]

    Res = subset(Res, select =  c("baitID", 'bait_chr', "bait_start", "bait_end",
                                  "otherEnd_chr", "otherEnd_start", "otherEnd_end",
                                  "dist", "N", 'pv', 'pv_adj'))

    if(dtype == 'HICHIP') names(Res)[1:7] =   c('peakID', 'chr1', "start1", "end1",
                                                "chr2", "start2", "end2")

    obs_df = normaLize(obs_df, adjustB2B = FALSE, adjustBait = FALSE)

    obs_df = fitBG(obs_df, numG, hcrc, nIter, 'BH')

    Res = updateAdjPvalue(obs_df, adj.method,  updateMethod = updateMethod, fdr = fdr)

    Res[, bait_chr := AllEndInfor[J(Res$baitID), chr]]
    Res[, bait_start := AllEndInfor[J(Res$baitID), start]]
    Res[, bait_end := AllEndInfor[J(Res$baitID), end]]

    Res[, otherEnd_chr := AllEndInfor[J(Res$otherEndID), chr]]
    Res[, otherEnd_start := AllEndInfor[J(Res$otherEndID), start]]
    Res[, otherEnd_end := AllEndInfor[J(Res$otherEndID), end]]

    Res = subset(Res, select =  c('bait_chr', "bait_start", "bait_end",
                                  "otherEnd_chr", "otherEnd_start", "otherEnd_end",
                                  "dist", "N", 'pv', 'pv_adj'))
    names(Res)[1:6] =  c('chr1', "start1", "end1",
                         "chr2", "start2", "end2")


  write.table(Res, file = out_filename, sep = '\t', quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)


limacc = cmpfun(limacc)
wbaopaul/limacc documentation built on Jan. 4, 2022, 2:31 a.m.