
#' @title Prepare Covariate Data for Casting
#' @description Prepare and combine the historical and forecast covariate data for a model run, according to the [`directory_settings`].
#' @param main `character` value of the name of the main component of the directory tree.
#' @return `data.frame` of historical and forecasted covariates that is also saved out to `settings$files$covariates` if indicated by `settings$save`.
#' @family content-prep
#' @name prepare covariates
#' @aliases prep-covariates covariates
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'    main1 <- file.path(tempdir(), "covariates")
#'    create_dir(main = main1)
#'    fill_resources(main = main1)
#'    fill_forecasts(main = main1)
#'    fill_fits(main = main1)
#'    fill_models(main = main1)
#'    prepare_newmoons(main   = main1)
#'    prepare_rodents(main    = main1) 
#'    prepare_covariates(main = main1)
#'    unlink(main1, recursive = TRUE)
#' }

#' @rdname prepare-covariates
#' @export

prepare_covariates <- function (main = ".") {

  settings <- read_directory_settings(main = main)

  messageq("  - covariates", quiet = settings$quiet)

  weather_data <- weather(level   = "daily", 
                          fill    = TRUE,
                          horizon = 1, 
                          path    = resources_path(main = main))
  ndvi_data    <- ndvi(level      = "daily", 
                       path       = resources_path(main = main))

  climate_forecasts <- read_climate_forecasts(main   = main)
  newmoons          <- read_newmoons(main            = main)
  control_rodents   <- read_rodents_dataset(main     = main,
                                            dataset  = "controls")

  # truncate to historic values to facilitate hindcasting --- not yet quite properly integrated because we don't use the old nmme

     ndvi_data           <- ndvi_data[ndvi_data$date <= settings$time$origin, ]
     weather_data        <- weather_data[weather_data$date <= settings$time$origin, ]

  historic_weather               <- data.frame(date = seq(settings$time$timeseries_start_lagged, settings$time$origin, 1))
  weather_rows                   <- match(historic_weather$date, weather_data$date)
  historic_weather$mintemp       <- weather_data$mintemp[weather_rows]
  historic_weather$maxtemp       <- weather_data$maxtemp[weather_rows]
  historic_weather$meantemp      <- weather_data$meantemp[weather_rows]
  historic_weather$precipitation <- weather_data$precipitation[weather_rows]
  historic_weather$source        <- "historic"             

  forecast_weather               <- data.frame(date = seq(settings$time$forecast_start, settings$time$forecast_end_buffered, 1))

  forecast_weather_rows          <- match(forecast_weather$date, climate_forecasts$date)
  forecast_weather$mintemp       <- climate_forecasts$mintemp[forecast_weather_rows]
  forecast_weather$maxtemp       <- climate_forecasts$maxtemp[forecast_weather_rows]
  forecast_weather$meantemp      <- climate_forecasts$meantemp[forecast_weather_rows]
  forecast_weather$precipitation <- climate_forecasts$precipitation[forecast_weather_rows]
  dayin                          <- forecast_weather$date %in% climate_forecasts$date
  forecast_weather$source[dayin] <- "nmme_forecast"

  weather_together <- rbind(historic_weather, forecast_weather)

  # fill in the missing values in the time series with a seasonal auto arima model
  # this accounts for needing a climate forecast a year out now, whereas we did not before
  # the models we get don't always go out that far, so we extend with a seasonal autoarima on each covariate

  # this also helps fill in the not-yet-quite-proper hindcast approach, which isn't implemented

  in_fit         <- !is.na(weather_together$source)
  date_fit       <- weather_together$date[in_fit]
  foy_fit        <- foy(date_fit)
  cos_fit        <- cos(2 * pi * foy_fit)
  sin_fit        <- sin(2 * pi * foy_fit)
  xreg_fit       <- data.frame(cos_seas = cos_fit, sin_seas = sin_fit)
  xreg_fit       <- as.matrix(xreg_fit)

  mintemp_model  <- auto.arima(weather_together$mintemp[in_fit], xreg = xreg_fit)
  maxtemp_model  <- auto.arima(weather_together$maxtemp[in_fit], xreg = xreg_fit)
  meantemp_model <- auto.arima(weather_together$meantemp[in_fit], xreg = xreg_fit)
  precip_model   <- auto.arima(weather_together$precipitation[in_fit], xreg = xreg_fit)

  in_forecast        <- is.na(weather_together$source)
  date_forecast      <- weather_together$date[in_forecast]
  foy_forecast       <- foy(date_forecast)
  cos_forecast       <- cos(2 * pi * foy_forecast)
  sin_forecast       <- sin(2 * pi * foy_forecast)
  xreg_forecast      <- data.frame(cos_seas = cos_forecast, sin_seas = sin_forecast)
  xreg_forecast      <- as.matrix(xreg_forecast)

  mintemp_forecast  <- forecast(mintemp_model, xreg = xreg_forecast)$mean
  maxtemp_forecast  <- forecast(maxtemp_model, xreg = xreg_forecast)$mean
  meantemp_forecast <- forecast(meantemp_model, xreg = xreg_forecast)$mean
  precip_forecast   <- pmax(0, forecast(precip_model, xreg = xreg_forecast)$mean)
  weather_together$mintemp[in_forecast]       <- mintemp_forecast
  weather_together$maxtemp[in_forecast]       <- maxtemp_forecast
  weather_together$meantemp[in_forecast]      <- meantemp_forecast
  weather_together$precipitation[in_forecast] <- precip_forecast
  weather_together$source[in_forecast]        <- "seasonal_autoarima_forecast"

  newmoons$newmoondate   <- as.Date(newmoons$newmoondate)

  historic_start_newmoonnumber <- min(newmoons$newmoonnumber[which(newmoons$newmoondate - settings$time$timeseries_start_lagged >= 0)])
  historic_end_newmoonnumber   <- max(newmoons$newmoonnumber[which(newmoons$newmoondate - settings$time$origin < 0)])

  historic_ordii               <- data.frame(newmoonnumber = historic_start_newmoonnumber:historic_end_newmoonnumber,
                                             source        = "historic")
  historic_ordii$DO            <- control_rodents$DO[match(historic_ordii$newmoonnumber, control_rodents$newmoonnumber)]
  is_na                        <- is.na(historic_ordii$DO)
  historic_ordii$source[is_na] <- "na_interp"
  historic_ordii$DO            <- round_na.interp(historic_ordii$DO)
  historic_ordii$newmoondate   <- newmoons$newmoondate[match(historic_ordii$newmoonnumber, newmoons$newmoonnumber)]

  moonin                       <- newmoons$newmoondate >= settings$time$origin & newmoons$newmoondate < settings$time$forecast_end_buffered
  forecast_ordii               <- data.frame(newmoonnumber = newmoons$newmoonnumber[moonin], 
                                             DO            = NA,
                                             newmoondate   = newmoons$newmoondate[moonin],
                                             source        = "psGARCH_forecast")

  historic_ordii$DO            <- round_na.interp(historic_ordii$DO)
  past                         <- list(past_obs   = 1,
                                       past_mean  = 13)
  ordii_model                  <- tsglm(ts        = historic_ordii$DO,
                                        model     = past, 
                                        distr     = "poisson", 
                                        link      = "log")
  forecast_ordii$DO            <- predict(object  = ordii_model, 
                                          n.ahead = nrow(forecast_ordii))$pred

  ordii_together               <- rbind(historic_ordii, 
  # ndvi is a bit of a challenge because we have multiple sources now

  monitor <- c("mu", "sensor_observation_sigma", "sensor_offset_sigma", "seasonal_cos_slope", "seasonal_sin_slope", "mu_year_offset_sigma", "seasonal_cos_year_offset_sigma", "seasonal_sin_year_offset_sigma",
               "mu_year_offset", "seasonal_cos_year_offset", "seasonal_sin_year_offset")

  inits <- function (data = NULL) {

    rngs       <- c("base::Wichmann-Hill", "base::Marsaglia-Multicarry", "base::Super-Duper", "base::Mersenne-Twister")

    function (chain = chain) {

      list(.RNG.name                       = sample(rngs, 1),
           .RNG.seed                       = sample(1:1e+06, 1),
            mu                             = rnorm(1, data$mean_observed_value, 0.01),
            seasonal_cos_slope             = rnorm(1, 0, 0.1),
            seasonal_sin_slope             = rnorm(1, 0, 0.1),
            mu_year_offset_sigma           = runif(1, 0.001, 0.01),
            seasonal_sin_year_offset_sigma = runif(1, 0.001, 0.01),
            seasonal_cos_year_offset_sigma = runif(1, 0.001, 0.01),
            sensor_observation_sigma       = runif(data$nsensors, 0.001, 0.01),
            sensor_offset_sigma            = runif(1, 0.001, 0.01))



  jags_model <- "model { 
    # priors

    mu                              ~  dnorm(mean_observed_value, 100)

    sensor_offset_sigma             ~  dunif(0, 1) 
    sensor_offset_tau               <- pow(sensor_offset_sigma, -2)

    seasonal_cos_slope              ~ dnorm(0, 1)
    seasonal_sin_slope              ~ dnorm(0, 1)

    seasonal_cos_year_offset_sigma  ~  dunif(0, 1) 
    seasonal_cos_year_offset_tau    <- pow(seasonal_cos_year_offset_sigma, -2)
    seasonal_sin_year_offset_sigma  ~  dunif(0, 1) 
    seasonal_sin_year_offset_tau    <- pow(seasonal_sin_year_offset_sigma, -2)

    mu_year_offset_sigma            ~  dunif(0, 1) 
    mu_year_offset_tau              <- pow(mu_year_offset_sigma, -2)

    for (i in 1:nsensors) {

      sensor_offset[i]              ~  dnorm(0, sensor_offset_tau)
      sensor_observation_sigma[i]   ~  dunif(0, 1) 
      sensor_observation_tau[i]     <- pow(sensor_observation_sigma[i], -2)


    for (i in 1:nyears) {

      mu_year_offset[i]             ~  dnorm(0, mu_year_offset_tau)
      seasonal_cos_year_offset[i]   ~  dnorm(0, seasonal_cos_year_offset_tau)
      seasonal_sin_year_offset[i]   ~  dnorm(0, seasonal_sin_year_offset_tau)


    for (i in 1:npossible_dates) {
      latent_value[i]   <-  mu + mu_year_offset[date_year[i]] + 
                           (seasonal_cos_slope + seasonal_cos_year_offset[date_year[i]]) * seasonal_cos_value[i] + 
                           (seasonal_sin_slope + seasonal_sin_year_offset[date_year[i]]) * seasonal_sin_value[i]


    for (i in 1:nobservations) {

      observed_value[i] ~ dnorm(latent_value[observation_date[i]] + sensor_offset[observation_sensor[i]], sensor_observation_tau[observation_sensor[i]])



  ndvi_data$date      <- as.Date(ndvi_data$date)
  possible_dates      <- seq(min(ndvi_data$date), settings$time$forecast_end_buffered, 1)
  npossible_dates     <- length(possible_dates)
  seasonal_cos_value  <- cos(2 * pi * foy(possible_dates))
  seasonal_sin_value  <- sin(2 * pi * foy(possible_dates))
  date_year           <- as.numeric(as.factor(format(possible_dates, "%Y")))
  nyears              <- max(date_year)

  observed_value      <- ndvi_data$ndvi[ndvi_data$date %in% possible_dates]
  mean_observed_value <- mean(observed_value, na.rm = TRUE)
  nobservations       <- nrow(ndvi_data[ndvi_data$date %in% possible_dates, ])
  observation_sensor  <- as.numeric(as.factor(ndvi_data$sensor[ndvi_data$date %in% possible_dates]))
  nsensors            <- length(unique(observation_sensor))
  observation_date    <- match(as.Date(ndvi_data$date[ndvi_data$date %in% possible_dates]), possible_dates)
  possible_sensors    <- levels(as.factor(ndvi_data$sensor[ndvi_data$date %in% possible_dates]))
  data <- list(observed_value      = observed_value,
               mean_observed_value = mean_observed_value,
               seasonal_cos_value  = seasonal_cos_value,
               seasonal_sin_value  = seasonal_sin_value,
               nobservations       = nobservations,
               npossible_dates     = npossible_dates,
               observation_date    = observation_date,
               nsensors            = nsensors,
               observation_sensor  = observation_sensor,
               nyears              = nyears,
               date_year           = date_year)

  runjags.options(silent.jags    = !settings$verbose, 
                  silent.runjags = !settings$verbose)

  model_fit <- run.jags(model     = jags_model, 
                        monitor   = monitor, 
                        inits     = inits(data), 
                        data      = data, 
                        n.chains  = 4,
                        adapt     = 1000,
                        burnin    = 1000,
                        sample    = 1000,
                        thin      = 1,
                        modules   = "glm",
                        method    = "interruptible", 
                        factories = "", 
                        mutate    = NA)

  mcmc <- combine.mcmc(model_fit$mcmc)
  model_fit_summary <- summary(model_fit)

  y <-  model_fit_summary["mu", "Mean"] + model_fit_summary[paste0("mu_year_offset[", date_year, "]"), "Mean"] + 
       (model_fit_summary["seasonal_cos_slope", "Mean"] + model_fit_summary[paste0("seasonal_cos_year_offset[", date_year, "]"), "Mean"]) * seasonal_cos_value + 
       (model_fit_summary["seasonal_sin_slope", "Mean"] + model_fit_summary[paste0("seasonal_sin_year_offset[", date_year, "]"), "Mean"]) * seasonal_sin_value
  names(y) <- NULL

  covariates_together <- data.frame(newmoonnumber = ordii_together$newmoonnumber,
                                    newmoondate   = ordii_together$newmoondate,
                                    ordii         = ordii_together$DO,
                                    ndvi          = round(y[match(ordii_together$newmoondate,  possible_dates)], 3),
                                    mintemp       = NA,
                                    meantemp      = NA,
                                    maxtemp       = NA,
                                    precipitation = NA,
                                    warm_precip   = NA)

  newmoon_number       <- newmoons$newmoonnumber[-1]
  newmoon_start        <- as.Date(newmoons$newmoondate[-nrow(newmoons)])
  newmoon_end          <- as.Date(newmoons$newmoondate[-1])
  newmoon_match_number <- NULL
  newmoon_match_date   <- NULL

  for (i in seq(newmoon_number)) {

    temp_dates           <- as.character(seq.Date(newmoon_start[i] + 1, newmoon_end[i], 1))
    temp_numbers         <- rep(newmoon_number[i], length(temp_dates))
    newmoon_match_date   <- c(newmoon_match_date, temp_dates)
    newmoon_match_number <- c(newmoon_match_number, temp_numbers)


  newmoon_match_date <- as.Date(newmoon_match_date)
  for (i in 1:nrow(covariates_together)) {

    rowsin <- weather_together$date %in% newmoon_match_date[newmoon_match_number == covariates_together$newmoonnumber[i]]

    covariates_together$mintemp[i]       <- round(mean(weather_together$mintemp[rowsin], na.rm = TRUE), 3)
    covariates_together$meantemp[i]      <- round(mean(weather_together$meantemp[rowsin], na.rm = TRUE), 3)
    covariates_together$maxtemp[i]       <- round(mean(weather_together$maxtemp[rowsin], na.rm = TRUE), 3)
    covariates_together$precipitation[i] <- round(sum(weather_together$precipitation[rowsin], na.rm = TRUE), 3)
    covariates_together$warm_precip[i]   <- round(sum(weather_together$precipitation[rowsin] * as.numeric(weather_together$mintemp[rowsin] >= 4), na.rm = TRUE), 3)


  covariates_together$cos2pifoy <- round(cos(2 * pi * foy(covariates_together$newmoondate)), 3)
  covariates_together$sin2pifoy <- round(sin(2 * pi * foy(covariates_together$newmoondate)), 3)
  covariates_together           <- covariates_together[-1, ]

  write_data(x         = covariates_together, 
             main      = main, 
             save      = settings$save, 
             filename  = settings$files$covariates, 
             quiet     = !settings$verbose)

weecology/portalPredictionsModels documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 12:03 p.m.