
Defines functions mcmc_hist_r_scale summary_matrix summary_matrix_flats ess_fms ess_flats rhat_fms rhat_flats rhat ess_rfun rhat_rfun is_constant split_chains r_scale u_scale z_scale autocorrelation autocovariance fft_next_good_size sweep_posterior_flats para_names split_chains combine_fm combine_array flatten_chains flatten_chain

Documented in autocorrelation autocovariance combine_array combine_fm ess_rfun flatten_chain flatten_chains rhat rhat_rfun r_scale u_scale z_scale

##########################                    ##########################
##########################    MANIPULATION    ##########################
##########################                    ##########################

#' Flatten a flexss object into a matrix.
#' Convert the samples in a flexss object into a n_samples * n_parameters
#' matrix.
#' @param ... A flexss object.
#' @return A matrix of samples.
flatten_chain <- function(fm) {
  size <- length(fm$samples$prec$eps)
  ## order: coef_spline, coef_effect, prec_spline (lower triangle),
  ## prec_effect (lower triangle), sig2_eps, lp__
  para <- para_names(fm)
  flat <- matrix(NA, size, length(para), dimnames = list(NULL, para))
  for (spl_name in names(fm$samples$coef$spline)) {
    spl <- fm$samples$coef$spline[[spl_name]]
    dim(spl) <- c(prod(dim(spl)[1:2]), dim(spl)[3])
    index <- grep(paste0("^coef_spl_", spl_name), para)
    flat[, index] <- t(spl)

    if (!requireNamespace("stringr", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("Package \"stringr\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
           call. = FALSE)

    ## ensure that the values are in the correct order
  for (eff_name in names(fm$samples$coef$effect)) {
    eff <- fm$samples$coef$effect[[eff_name]]
    index <- grep(paste0("^coef_eff_", eff_name), para)
    flat[, index] <- t(eff)
    ## ensure that the values are in the correct order
    stopifnot(stringr::str_extract(colnames(flat)[index], "(?<=\\[).+(?=\\]$)") ==
  for (spl_name in names(fm$samples$prec$spline)) {
    ## fm
    for (index in para[grep(paste0("^prec_spl_", spl_name), para)]) {
      i <- as.numeric(stringr::str_extract(index, '[0-9]+(?=,[0-9]+\\]$)'))
      j <- as.numeric(stringr::str_extract(index, '[0-9]+(?=\\]$)'))
      flat[, index] <- fm$samples$prec$spline[[spl_name]][i, j, ]

  for (eff_name in names(fm$samples$prec$effect)) {
    ## fm
    for (index in para[grep(paste0("^prec_spl_", eff_name), para)]) {
      i <- as.numeric(stringr::str_extract(index, '[0-9]+(?=,[0-9]+\\]$)'))
      j <- as.numeric(stringr::str_extract(index, '[0-9]+(?=\\]$)'))
      flat[, index] <- fm$samples$prec$effect[[eff_name]][i, j, ]
  ## ## convert coefficients
  ## flat[, grep("coef_spl_pop", para)] <- t(fm2$samples$coef$spline$pop)

  ## dim(fm$samples$subject) <- c(n_terms * n_subs, size)
  ## flat[, grep("^delta", para)] <- t(fm$samples$subject)

  ## convert precisions
  ## cov_sub1 <- prec_to_cov(fm$samples$precision$sub1)
  ## flat[, grep("^cov_delta1", para)] <- matrix(cov_sub1, nrow = size,
  ##                                             ncol = dim_sub1^2, byrow = TRUE)
  ## flat[, grep("sig2_theta", para)] <- 1 / fm$samples$precision$pop
  ## flat[, grep("sig2_delta2", para)] <- 1 / fm$samples$precision$sub2
  flat[, grep("prec_eps", para)] <- fm$samples$prec$eps
  if (!is.null(fm$samples$lp)) {
    flat[, grep("lp__", para)] <- fm$samples$lp
  if (!is.null(fm$samples$ll)) {
    flat[, grep("ll__", para)] <- fm$samples$ll

#' Flatten flexss objects into a 3D-array.
#' Convert the samples in multiple flexss objects into a n_samples * n_objects *
#' n_parameters 3D-array.
#' @param ... A list of flexss objects, or flexss objects themselves
#' @return A 3D array of samples.
#' @export
flatten_chains <- function(...) {
  if (is.list(..1) && ...length() == 1) {
    fms <- ..1
  } else {
    fms <- list(...)
  n_chains <- length(fms)
  size <- length(fms[[1]]$samples$prec$eps)
  para <- para_names(fms[[1]])
  flats <- array(NA, c(size, n_chains, length(para)),
                 dimnames = list(NULL, paste("Chain", 1:n_chains), para))
  for (i in 1:n_chains) {
    flats[, i, ] <- flatten_chain(fms[[i]])

#' Combine vectors or arrays recursively
#' Combine vectors or arrays given in .... If ... are (nested) lists, then it
#' recursively goes down the list to combine vectors/arrays. The structure of
#' the list is preserved.
#' @param ... vectors, arrays or lists.
#' @return A combined vector/array, or a list of combined vectors/arrays. The
#'   structured of the list is preserved.
combine_array <- function(...) {
  ## make sure all arguments have the same class
  stopifnot(purrr::map_lgl(list(...), ~identical(class(.x), class(..1))))
  if (is.list(..1)) {
    purrr::pmap(list(...), combine_array)
  } else if (is.vector(..1, mode = 'numeric')) {
  } else if (is.array(..1)) {
    size <- sum(purrr::map_dbl(list(...), ~dim(.x)[length(dim(.x))]))
    new_dim <- dim(..1)
    new_dim[length(dim(..1))] <- size
          dim = new_dim,
          dimnames = dimnames(..1))
  } else {
    stop("Invalid samples structure.")

#' Combine multiple flexss objects into one.
#' Combine the samples of multiple flexss objects and chuck them into the
#' 'samples' field of the first flexss object. This is useful when running
#' multiple MCMC chains simulatenously and combining them together.
#' @param ... a list of flexss objects, or flexss objects themselves
#' @return a flexss object with all the object properties (except samples and
#'   means) inherited from the first flexss object. The posterior means are
#'   recalculated from the combined samples.
#' @export
combine_fm <- function(...) {
  if (is.list(..1) && ...length() == 1) {
    fms <- ..1
  } else {
    fms <- list(...)
  ## check if the list have the same structure

  for (i in c("data", "spline")) {
    ## check if the 'data' and 'spline' match up for all models. 'effect' is
    ## ignored for now because the each model is pointing to a different env.
    if (!all(purrr::map_lgl(fms, ~identical(.x[[i]], fms[[1]][[i]])))) {
      stop('Combining models with different specs.')

  fms[[1]]$samples <- do.call(combine_array, purrr::map(fms, 'samples'))
  fms[[1]]$means <- recurse(fms[[1]]$samples, pmean_v4)

## split Markov chains (from Aki)
## sims: a 2D array of samples (# iter * # chains)
split_chains <- function(sims) {
    if (is.vector(sims)) {
        dim(sims) <- c(length(sims), 1)
    niter <- dim(sims)[1]
    half <- niter / 2
    cbind(sims[1:floor(half), ], sims[ceiling(half + 1):niter, ])

##########################                  ##########################
##########################    DIAGNOSTIC    ##########################
##########################                  ##########################

## return a vector of parameter names
para_names <- function(fm, EPS = 1e-10) {
  coefs <- fm$samples$coef
  precs <- fm$samples$prec

  row_col <- function(row, col, name, prefix) {
    outer(row, col, function(i, j) paste0(prefix, name, '[', i, ',', j, ']'))

  cspl_names <- purrr::imap(coefs$spline,
                          ~row_col(1:NROW(.x), dimnames(.x)[[2]], .y, 'coef_spl_'))
  ceff_names <- purrr::imap(coefs$effect,
                          ~paste0('coef_eff_', .y, '[', dimnames(.x)[[1]], ']'))

  ## only return para names 
  pspl_names <- purrr::imap(precs$spline,
                            ~row_col(1:NROW(.x), 1:NCOL(.x), .y, 'prec_spl_'))
  peff_names <- purrr::imap(precs$effect,
                            ~row_col(1:NROW(.x), 1:NCOL(.x), .y, 'prec_eff_'))

  ## precisions that are relevant
  pspl_rlvnames <- purrr::map2(pspl_names, precs$spline,
                               ~.x[abs(.y[, , 1]) > 1e-10 & row(.x) >= col(.x)])
  peff_rlvnames <- purrr::map2(peff_names, precs$effect,
                               ~.x[abs(.y[, , 1]) > 1e-10 & row(.x) >= col(.x)])

  unlist(c(cspl_names, ceff_names, pspl_rlvnames, peff_rlvnames, "prec_eps", "lp__"),
         use.names = FALSE)

## USE pstats_v4() INSTEAD
## ## return a vector of statistics calculated from "fun"
## ## eg. sweep_posterior(fm, sd), sweep_posterior(fm, mean)
## sweep_posterior <- function(fm, fun) {
##     population <- fm$samples$population
##     subjects <- fm$samples$subjects
##     precision <- fm$samples$precision

##     n_subs <- dim(subjects)[2]
##     n_delta <- dim(subjects)[1]
##     dim_sub1 <- NCOL(precision$sub1)

##     stat_pop <- apply(population, 1, fun)
##     stat_sub <- matrix(NA, n_delta, n_subs, dimnames = dimnames(subjects))
##     for (i in colnames(stat_sub)) {
##         stat_sub[, i] <- apply(subjects[, i, ], 1, fun)
##     }
##     stat_cov_pop <- fun(1 / precision$pop)
##     stat_cov_sub1 <- matrix(NA, dim_sub1, dim_sub1)
##     cov_sub1 <- prec_to_cov(precision$sub1)
##     for (i in 1:dim_sub1) {
##         stat_cov_sub1[, i] <- apply(cov_sub1[, i, ], 1, fun)
##     }
##     stat_cov_sub2 <- fun(1 / precision$sub2)
##     stat_cov_eps <- fun(1 / precision$eps)
##     stat_all <- c(stat_pop, stat_sub, stat_cov_sub1, stat_cov_pop,
##                   stat_cov_sub2, stat_cov_eps)
##     names(stat_all) <- para_names(fm)
##     stat_all
## }

## return a vector of statistics calculated from "fun"
## this function takes n_samples * n_chain * n_parameters, combine all the
## chains, calculate the statistics, and return a vector of the statistics for
## each of the parameters.
## eg. sweep_posterior_flats(flats, sd), sweep_posterior(flats, mean)
sweep_posterior_flats <- function(flats, fun) {
    stat_all <- rep(NA, dim(flats)[3])
    names(stat_all) <- dimnames(flats)[[3]]
    for (i in names(stat_all)) {
      if (all(is.na(flats[, , i]))) {
        stat_all[i] <- NA
      } else {
        stat_all[i] <- fun(c(flats[, , i]))

fft_next_good_size <- function(N) {
    ## Find the optimal next size for the FFT so that
    ## a minimum number of zeros are padded.
    if (N <= 2)
    while (TRUE) {
        m = N
        while ((m %% 2) == 0) m = m / 2
        while ((m %% 3) == 0) m = m / 3
        while ((m %% 5) == 0) m = m / 5
        if (m <= 1)
        N = N + 1

#' Autocovariance estimates
#' Compute autocovariance estimates for every lag for the specified
#' input sequence using a fast Fourier transform approach. Estimate
#' for lag t is scaled by N-t.
#' @param y A numeric vector forming a sequence of values.
#' @return A numeric vector of autocovariances at every lag (scaled by N-lag).
autocovariance <- function(y) {
    N <- length(y)
    M <- fft_next_good_size(N)
    Mt2 <- 2 * M
    yc <- y - mean(y)
    yc <- c(yc, rep.int(0, Mt2 - N))
    transform <- stats::fft(yc)
    ac <- stats::fft(Conj(transform) * transform, inverse = TRUE)
    ## use "biased" estimate as recommended by Geyer (1992)
    ac <- Re(ac)[1:N] / (N * 2 * N-1)

#' Autocorrelation estimates
#' Compute autocorrelation estimates for every lag for the specified
#' input sequence using a fast Fourier transform approach. Estimate
#' for lag t is scaled by N-t.
#' @param y A numeric vector forming a sequence of values.
#' @return A numeric vector of autocorrelations at every lag (scaled by N-lag).
autocorrelation <- function(y) {
    ac <- autocovariance(y)
    ac <- ac / ac[1]

#' Rank normalization
#' Compute rank normalization for a numeric array. First replace each
#' value by its rank. Average rank for ties are used to conserve the
#' number of unique values of discrete quantities. Second, normalize
#' ranks via the inverse normal transformation.
#' @param x A numeric array of values.
#' @return A numeric array of rank normalized values with the same
#'     size as input.
z_scale <- function(x) {
    S <- length(x)
    r <- rank(x, ties.method = 'average')
    z <- stats::qnorm((r - 1 / 2) / S)
    if (!is.null(dim(x))) {
        ## output should have the input dimension
        z <- array(z, dim = dim(x), dimnames = dimnames(x))

#' Rank uniformization
#' Compute rank uniformization for a numeric array. First replace each
#' value by its rank. Average rank for ties are used to conserve the
#' number of unique values of discrete quantities. Second, uniformize
#' ranks to scale [1/(2S), 1-1/(2S)], where S is the the number of values.
#' @param x A numeric array of values.
#' @return A numeric array of rank uniformized values with the same
#'     size as input.
u_scale <- function(x) {
    S <- length(x)
    r <- rank(x, ties.method = 'average')
    u <- (r - 1 / 2) / S
    if (!is.null(dim(x))) {
        ## output should have the input dimension
        u <- array(u, dim = dim(x), dimnames = dimnames(x))

#' Rank values
#' Compute ranks for a numeric array. First replace each
#' value by its rank. Average rank for ties are used to conserve the
#' number of unique values of discrete quantities. Second, normalize
#' ranks via the inverse normal transformation.
#' @param x A numeric array of values.
#' @return A numeric array of ranked values with the same
#'     size as input.
r_scale <- function(x) {
    r <- rank(x, ties.method = 'average')
    if (!is.null(dim(x))) {
        ## output should have the input dimension
        r <- array(r, dim = dim(x), dimnames = dimnames(x))

split_chains <- function(sims) {
    ## split Markov chains
    ## Args:
    ##   sims: a 2D array of samples (# iter * # chains)
    if (is.vector(sims)) {
        dim(sims) <- c(length(sims), 1)
    niter <- dim(sims)[1]
    half <- niter / 2
    cbind(sims[1:floor(half), ], sims[ceiling(half + 1):niter, ])

is_constant <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps) {
    abs(max(x) - min(x)) < tol

#' Traditional Rhat convergence diagnostic
#' Compute the Rhat convergence diagnostic for a single parameter
#' For split-Rhat, call this with split chains.
#' @param sims A 2D array _without_ warmup samples (# iter * # chains).
#' @return A single numeric value for Rhat.
#' @references
#' Aki Vehtari, Andrew Gelman, Daniel Simpson, Bob Carpenter, and
#' Paul-Christian Bürkner (2019). Rank-normalization, folding, and
#' localization: An improved R-hat for assessing convergence of
#' MCMC. \emph{arXiv preprint} \code{arXiv:1903.08008}.
rhat_rfun <- function(sims) {
    if (is.vector(sims)) {
        dim(sims) <- c(length(sims), 1)
    chains <- ncol(sims)
    n_samples <- nrow(sims)
    chain_mean <- numeric(chains)
    chain_var <- numeric(chains)
    for (i in seq_len(chains)) {
        chain_mean[i] <- mean(sims[, i])
        chain_var[i] <- stats::var(sims[, i])
    var_between <- n_samples * stats::var(chain_mean)
    var_within <- mean(chain_var)
    sqrt((var_between / var_within + n_samples - 1) / n_samples)

#' Effective sample size
#' Compute the effective sample size estimate for a sample of several chains
#' for one parameter. For split-ESS, call this with split chains.
#' @param sims A 2D array _without_ warmup samples (# iter * # chains).
#' @return A single numeric value for the effective sample size.
#' @references
#' Aki Vehtari, Andrew Gelman, Daniel Simpson, Bob Carpenter, and
#' Paul-Christian Bürkner (2019). Rank-normalization, folding, and
#' localization: An improved R-hat for assessing convergence of
#' MCMC. \emph{arXiv preprint} \code{arXiv:1903.08008}.
ess_rfun <- function(sims) {
  if (all(is.na(sims))) {

  if (is.vector(sims)) {
    dim(sims) <- c(length(sims), 1)
  chains <- ncol(sims)
  n_samples <- nrow(sims)

  acov <- lapply(seq_len(chains), function(i) autocovariance(sims[, i]))
  acov <- do.call(cbind, acov)
  chain_mean <- apply(sims, 2, mean)
  mean_var <- mean(acov[1, ]) * n_samples / (n_samples - 1)
  var_plus <- mean_var * (n_samples - 1) / n_samples
  if (chains > 1)
    var_plus <- var_plus + stats::var(chain_mean)

  ## Geyer's initial positive sequence
  rho_hat_t <- rep.int(0, n_samples)
  t <- 0
  rho_hat_even <- 1
  rho_hat_t[t + 1] <- rho_hat_even
  rho_hat_odd <- 1 - (mean_var - mean(acov[t + 2, ])) / var_plus
  rho_hat_t[t + 2] <- rho_hat_odd
  while (t < nrow(acov) - 5 && !is.nan(rho_hat_even + rho_hat_odd) &&
           (rho_hat_even + rho_hat_odd > 0)) {
             t <- t + 2
             rho_hat_even = 1 - (mean_var - mean(acov[t + 1, ])) / var_plus
             rho_hat_odd = 1 - (mean_var - mean(acov[t + 2, ])) / var_plus
             if ((rho_hat_even + rho_hat_odd) >= 0) {
               rho_hat_t[t + 1] <- rho_hat_even
               rho_hat_t[t + 2] <- rho_hat_odd
  max_t <- t
  ## this is used in the improved estimate
  if (rho_hat_even>0)
    rho_hat_t[max_t + 1] <- rho_hat_even

  ## Geyer's initial monotone sequence
  t <- 0
  while (t <= max_t - 4) {
    t <- t + 2
    if (rho_hat_t[t + 1] + rho_hat_t[t + 2] >
          rho_hat_t[t - 1] + rho_hat_t[t]) {
      rho_hat_t[t + 1] = (rho_hat_t[t - 1] + rho_hat_t[t]) / 2;
      rho_hat_t[t + 2] = rho_hat_t[t + 1];
  ess <- chains * n_samples
  ## Geyer's truncated estimate
  ## tau_hat <- -1 + 2 * sum(rho_hat_t[1:max_t])
  ## Improved estimate reduces variance in antithetic case
  tau_hat <- -1 + 2 * sum(rho_hat_t[1:max_t]) + rho_hat_t[max_t+1]
  ## Safety check for negative values and with max ess equal to ess*log10(ess)
  tau_hat <- max(tau_hat, 1/log10(ess))
  ess <- ess / tau_hat

#' Rhat convergence diagnostic
#' Compute Rhat convergence diagnostic as the maximum of rank normalized
#' split-Rhat and rank normalized folded-split-Rhat for one parameter.
#' @param sims A 2D array _without_ warmup samples (# iter * # chains).
#' @return A single numeric value for the effective sample size.
#' @references
#' Aki Vehtari, Andrew Gelman, Daniel Simpson, Bob Carpenter, and
#' Paul-Christian Bürkner (2019). Rank-normalization, folding, and
#' localization: An improved R-hat for assessing convergence of
#' MCMC. \emph{arXiv preprint} \code{arXiv:1903.08008}.
rhat <- function(sims) {
  if (all(is.na(sims))) {

  bulk_rhat <- rhat_rfun(z_scale(split_chains(sims)))
  sims_folded <- abs(sims - stats::median(sims))
  tail_rhat <- rhat_rfun(z_scale(split_chains(sims_folded)))
  max(bulk_rhat, tail_rhat)

## compute split-Rhat for every parameters calculates rank normalized
## split-Rhat and rank normalized folded-split-Rhat
## takes in n_samples * n_chain * n_parameters
rhat_flats <- function(flats) {
  hats <- rep(NA, dim(flats)[3])
  names(hats) <- dimnames(flats)[[3]]

  for (i in names(hats)) {
    hats[i] <- rhat(flats[, , i])

## takes fms, flatten them and run rhat_flats
rhat_fms <- function(...) {
    flats <- flatten_chains(...)

## compute standard ESS for every parameters
## takes in n_samples * n_chain * n_parameters
ess_flats <- function(flats) {
    ess <- rep(NA, dim(flats)[3])
    names(ess) <- dimnames(flats)[[3]]

    for (i in names(ess)) {
      ess[i] <- ess_rfun(flats[, , i])

## takes fms, flatten them and run rss_flats
ess_fms <- function(...) {
    flats <- flatten_chains(...)

## return a summary statistics for posterior for flats matrix
summary_matrix_flats <- function(flats) {

  ## need working
  ## need to write sweep_posterior_flat

  quan025 <- function(x) stats::quantile(x, 0.025, names = FALSE)
  quan500 <- function(x) stats::quantile(x, 0.5, names = FALSE)
  quan975 <- function(x) stats::quantile(x, 0.975, names = FALSE)

  data.frame(Parameter = dimnames(flats)[[3]],
             Rhat = rhat_flats(flats),
             n_eff = ess_flats(flats),
             mean = sweep_posterior_flats(flats, mean),
             sd = sweep_posterior_flats(flats, stats::sd),
             "2.5%" = sweep_posterior_flats(flats, quan025),
             "50%" = sweep_posterior_flats(flats, quan500),
             "97.5%" = sweep_posterior_flats(flats, quan975))

## return a summary statistics for posterior
#' @export
summary_matrix <- function(...) {
    flats <- flatten_chains(...)

## rank plot
mcmc_hist_r_scale <- function(x, nbreaks = 50, ...) {
    max <- prod(dim(x)[1:2])
    if (!requireNamespace("bayesplot", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("Package \"bayesplot\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
           call. = FALSE)
                         breaks = seq(0, max, by = max / nbreaks) + 0.5,
weiyaw/flexss documentation built on June 16, 2021, 7:48 a.m.