
Defines functions load_tag

Documented in load_tag

#' load a single sat tag
#' given a tag directory from a portal download instantiate, populate, and return a \code{\link[sattagutils]{sattag}} S4 object.
#' @family tag stream loaders
#' @param tag_dir a path to a tag directory containg csv data streams downloaded from the portal.
#' @param streams a character vector limiting which streams to search for. NA default to all streams. note that \code{*-Summary.csv} is expected to populate some of the slots.
#' @param stream_delim character defaults to \code{"-"}. this is what the wildlife computers portal puts between the tag identifier (sometimes DeployID, sometimes Ptt) and the stream identifier (e.g., Argos, RTC, etc.) in the csv files.
#' @return a \code{\link[sattagutils]{sattag}} S4 object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tag1 <- load_tag("~/path/to/tags/tag1")
#' }

load_tag <- function(tag_dir, streams = NA, stream_delim = "-") {
	# constants
	STREAM_DELIM <- stream_delim 
	# need at least a valid tag diretory to proceed
	if(!hasArg(tag_dir)) stop("i need a tag directory to look for streams...")
	if(!dir.exists(tag_dir)) stop(tag_dir, ": i don't think that tag directory exists...")
	# reminder the user if they excluded summary they might loose some fields.
	streams <- tolower(streams)
	if(!is.na(streams)) {
		if(!("summary" %in% streams)) {
			warning("you don't seem to want the summary stream. note that load_tag expects *-Summary.csv to populate some of the sattag metadata")
		} else if(!("labels" %in% streams)) {
			warning("you don't seem to want the labels stream. note that load_tag expects *-Labels.csv to populate some of the sattag metadata.")
	# grab all the file names and look for csv data streams
	tfnames <- list.files(tag_dir)
	iscsv <- grepl("*.csv$", tfnames)
	# throw an error if you didn't find any csvs
	if(!any(iscsv)) stop(tag_dir, ": i didn't find any csv files in this directory...")
	# subset out the csvs
	# and look for the stream name
	csvfnames <- tfnames[iscsv]
	csvfpaths <- file.path(tag_dir, csvfnames)
	stream_names <- strsplit(csvfnames, STREAM_DELIM)
	stream_names <- sapply(stream_names, function(s) s[length(s)])
	stream_names <- tolower(stream_names)
	stream_names <- sapply(strsplit(stream_names, "\\."), '[[', 1)
	# if streams is not NA then select just those streams
	if(!is.na(streams)) {		
		desestreams <- stream_names %in% streams
		if(!any(desestreams)) stop(paste(streams, collapse = ", "), ": i could not find any of these streams...")
		# subsample both stream names and paths
		csvfpaths <- csvfpaths[desestreams]
		stream_names <- stream_names[desestreams]
	# these are going to be the sattagstream
	outdata <- list()
	outpaths <- character()
	# metadata for sattag
	instrument 	<- character()
	location 	<- character()
	species 	<- character()
	DeployID 	<- character()
	Ptt 		<- character()
	t_start 	<- numeric()
	t_end 		<- numeric()
	directory 	<- character()
	# loop through each stream
	for(s in 1:length(csvfpaths)) {
		path <- csvfpaths[s]
				tryCatch({	# start try block
		# special considerations for these stream types
	  if(stream_names[s] == "behavior") {
	    # some behavior has a bunch of extra columns. it is supposed to be 17. but sometimes it is 29. 
	    # Blanks of Number, Shape, DepthMin, DepthMax, DurationMin, DurationMax are repeated twice right before Shallow and Deep.
	    # This is crazy but easy to fix as long as it remains consistent.
	    tmpstream <- rcsv(path)
	    if(ncol(tmpstream) == 29) {
	      warning(paste0(path, ": i'm detecting blank columns in the behavior stream. this is a known oddity of the file format, but you still might want to double check and make sure everything looks ok in your output. if something looks amiss please report it at https://github.com/williamcioffi/sattagutils/issues the file format may have changed..."))
	      tmpstream <- tmpstream[, c(1:15, 28:29)]
      if(ncol(tmpstream) != 17 & ncol(tmpstream) != 29) warning(paste0(path, ": i was expecting either 17 or 29 columns in behavior stream, but i saw ", ncol(tmpstream), ".", " you might want to double check your input files... and report this at https://github.com/williamcioffi/sattagutils/issues the file format might have changed..."))
	  } else if(stream_names[s] == "rawargos") {
			# RAWARGOS always has 4 lines that don't follow the csv format at the end
			tmpstream <- rcsv(text = paste0(head(readLines(path), -4)), comment.char = "")
		} else if(stream_names[s] == "fastgps") {
			# FASTGPS always has 3 lines that don't follow the csv format at the beginning
			tmpstream <- rcsv(text = paste0(tail(readLines(path), -3)), comment.char = "")
		} else if(stream_names[s] == "labels") {
			# labels isn't actually a well formatted csv. and I think it might be missing an EOF? 
			# also it is a tall table instead of a wide one like every other data stream. go figure.
			# but I want this metadata so we'll have to parse it.
			rawlabels <- readLines(path)
			rawsplit <- strsplit(rawlabels, ",") 
			labels <- as.data.frame(do.call('rbind', rawsplit), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
			# populate some metadata from labels if we haven't been here before
			if(length(instrument) > 0 | length(location) > 0 | length(species)) {
				warning(paste0(path, ": it appears there are multiple *-Labels.csv files in this directory. using the first one to populate meta data..."))
			} else {
				instrument 	<- labels$V2[labels$V1 == "TagType"]
				location 	<- labels$V2[labels$V1 == "Locality"]
				species 	<- labels$V2[labels$V1 == "Species"]
			tmpstream <- labels
		} else if(stream_names[s] == "summary") {
			summarystream <- rcsv(path)
			# populate some metadata from summary if we haven't been here before
			if(length(DeployID) > 0 | length(Ptt) > 0 | length(t_start) > 0 | length(t_end) > 0) {
				warning(paste0(path, ": it appears there are multiple *-Summary.csv files in this directory. using the first one to populate meta data..."))
			} else {
				DeployID 	<- as.character(summarystream$DeployID[1])
				Ptt 		<- as.character(summarystream$Ptt[1])
				t_start 	<- date2num(summarystream$EarliestDataTime[1], tz = "UTC", format = "%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y")
				t_end 		<- date2num(summarystream$LatestDataTime[1], tz = "UTC", format = "%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y")
			tmpstream <- summarystream
		} else {
			tmpstream <- rcsv(path)
    # make a new stream object of the correct class
    tmpdata <- sattagstream(stream_names[s], tmpstream, filename = csvfnames[s])
    # convert times to numeric appropraitely
    # don't do this for labels since there aren't any dates
    if(stream_names[s] != "labels") {
      tmpdata <- date2num(tmpdata)
    # save to the list
    outdata[[s]] <- tmpdata
    # save to the names
    outpaths <- c(outpaths, csvfnames[s])
				},	# end try block / start catch
				error = function(err) {
					# # remove the stream name from the list if it didn't work
					# stream_names <- stream_names[-s]
					message(paste0(csvfpaths[s], ": ", err))
				}, finally = {})
#				warning = function(war) {
#					message(paste0(csvfpaths[s], ": ", war))
#				}, finally = {}) # end catch
	names(outdata) <- outpaths
  # do some final checks
  outdata <- outdata[sapply(outdata, nrow) > 0]
  if(length(outdata) < 1) warning(paste0(tag_dir, ": i can't seem to find any suitable data..."))
	if(length(outdata) < length(outpaths)) {
    warning(paste0(paste(outpaths[!(outpaths %in% names(outdata))], collapse = ', '), ": i can't seem to find any data..."))
  # build a sattag object	
	sattag(outdata, instrument = instrument, DeployID = DeployID, Ptt = Ptt, species = species, location = location, t_start = t_start, t_end = t_end, directory = tag_dir)
williamcioffi/sattagutils documentation built on June 3, 2022, 10:21 a.m.