dose2domDev: Converts a dosage matrix into a matrix of centered...

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dose2domDevR Documentation

Converts a dosage matrix into a matrix of centered "classical"-coded dominance deviations.


Converts a dosage matrix into a matrix of centered dominance deviations. This sets up the "classical" (aka "Statistical") partition of additive dominance in terms of breeding values and dom. deviations. See function dose2domDevGenotypic to set-up the "genotypic" (aka "biological") partition in terms of genotypic effects. See Vitezica et al. 2013. Also see Varona et al. 2018.





dosage matrix. Assumes SNPs in M coded 0, 1, 2 (requires rounding dosages to integers). M is Nind x Mrow, numeric matrix, with row/columanes to indicate SNP/ind ID

See Also

Other helper: backsolveSNPeff(), centerDosage(), crosses2predict(), dose2domDevGenotypic(), effectsArray2list(), genmap2recombfreq(), genoVarCovarMatFunc(), getAF(), getMAF(), getPropHom(), intensity(), kinship(), maf_filter(), quadform(), remove_invariant()

wolfemd/genomicMateSelectR documentation built on July 1, 2022, 10:42 p.m.