dose2domDevGenotypic: Converts a dosage matrix into a matrix of centered...

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dose2domDevGenotypicR Documentation

Converts a dosage matrix into a matrix of centered "genotypic"-coded dominance deviations.


This sets up the "genotypic" (aka "biological") partition of additive dominance in terms of their genotypic effects instead of in terms of breeding values or dominance deviations. See function dose2domDev to set-up the "statistical" (aka "classical") partition in terms of genotypic effects. See Vitezica et al. 2013. Also see Varona et al. 2018.





dosage matrix. Assumes SNPs in M coded 0, 1, 2 (requires rounding dosages to integers). M is Nind x Mrow, numeric matrix, with row/columanes to indicate SNP/ind ID

See Also

Other helper: backsolveSNPeff(), centerDosage(), crosses2predict(), dose2domDev(), effectsArray2list(), genmap2recombfreq(), genoVarCovarMatFunc(), getAF(), getMAF(), getPropHom(), intensity(), kinship(), maf_filter(), quadform(), remove_invariant()

wolfemd/genomicMateSelectR documentation built on July 1, 2022, 10:42 p.m.