
Defines functions is.populated tmDiff wpgpDownloadFileFromFTP wpgpGetCSVFileAllCovariates wpgpListCountries wpgpListCountryCovariates wpgpGetCountryCovariate wpgpGetPOPTable wpgpGetZonalStats

Documented in wpgpGetCountryCovariate wpgpGetPOPTable wpgpGetZonalStats wpgpListCountries wpgpListCountryCovariates

# Function to check if population tabel 
# exist in WorldPop FTP
is.populated <- function(x) x %in% c('ABW','AFG','AGO','AIA','ALA','ALB','AND','ARE','ARG',

# Function to get time difference in human readable format
# Input is start time and end time
# If "frm" is set to "hms" then output will be h:m:s
# otherwise only hours will be returned
tmDiff <- function(start, end, frm="hms") {

  dsec <- as.numeric(difftime(end, start, units = c("secs")))
  hours <- floor(dsec / 3600)

  if (frm == "hms" ){
    minutes <- floor((dsec - 3600 * hours) / 60)
    seconds <- dsec - 3600*hours - 60*minutes

      sapply(c(hours, minutes, seconds), function(x) {
        formatC(x, width = 2, format = "d", flag = "0")
      }), collapse = ":")


# Function to download file from ftp server
# @param file_path is a path to a remoute file
# @param dest_file is a path where downloaded file will be stored
# @param username ftp username to WorldPop ftp server
# @param password ftp password to WorldPop ftp server
# @param quiet If TRUE, suppress status messages (if any), and the progress bar.
# @param method Method to be used for downloading files.
#  Current download methods are "internal", "wininet" (Windows only) "libcurl",
# "wget" and "curl", and there is a value "auto"
# @rdname wpgpDownloadFileFromFTP
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
wpgpDownloadFileFromFTP <- function(file_path, dest_file, username, password, quiet, method="auto") {

  wpgpFTP <- "ftp.worldpop.org.uk"
  credentials <- paste(username, password, sep = ":")
  file_remote <-paste0('ftp://',credentials,'@',wpgpFTP,'/WP515640_Global/',file_path)

  tmStartDw  <- Sys.time()

  checkStatus <- tryCatch(
      utils::download.file(file_remote, destfile=dest_file,mode="wb",quiet=quiet, method=method)
      message(paste("URL does not seem to exist:", file_remote))
      message("Here's the original error message:")
      message(paste("URL caused a warning:", file_remote))
      message("Here's the original warning message:")
      if (!quiet){
        tmEndDw  <- Sys.time()
        #message(paste("Processed URL:", file_remote))
        message(paste("It took ", tmDiff(tmStartDw ,tmEndDw,frm="hms"), "to download" ))
  if(inherits(checkStatus, "error") | inherits(checkStatus, "warning")){
  } else{

# wpgpGetCSVFileAllCovariates function to download csv
# file from WorldPop ftp server
# containing a list of avalible Covariates. The csv file
# will be stored in a temporary R folder with a temporary
# file name and pattern wpgpAllCovariates. This file will be used
# internally during querying and downloading datasets.
# @param username ftp username to WorldPop ftp server
# @param password ftp password to WorldPop ftp server
# @param quiet If TRUE, suppress status messages (if any), and the progress bar.
# @param frCSVDownload If TRUE, a new wpgAllCovariates.csv file will
# be downloaded and the old one removed.
# @rdname wpgpGetCSVFileAllCovariates
# @return Data frame of all covariates.
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
wpgpGetCSVFileAllCovariates <- function(username, password, frCSVDownload=FALSE) {

#  wpgpAllCSVFilesPath <- tempfile(pattern = "wpgpAllCovariates",
#                                  tmpdir = tempdir(),
#                                  fileext = ".csv")

  wpgpAllCSVFilesPath <- paste0(tempdir(),"/wpgpAllCovariates.csv")

  if(!file.exists(wpgpAllCSVFilesPath) | frCSVDownload){

    credentials <- paste(username,password,sep = ":")
    file_remote <-paste0('Covariates/wpgAllCovariates.csv')

    wpgpDownloadFileFromFTP(file_remote, wpgpAllCSVFilesPath, username, password, quiet=TRUE)
  df.all.Covariates = utils::read.csv(wpgpAllCSVFilesPath, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

#' wpgpListCountries function will return a list of the country
#' avalible to download
#' @param username ftp username to WorldPop ftp server
#' @param password ftp password to WorldPop ftp server
#' @param verbose quiet If TRUE, suppress status messages (if any)
#' @param frCSVDownload If TRUE, a new wpgAllCovariates.csv file will downloaded
#' @rdname wpgpListCountries
#' @return Dataframe
#' @export
wpgpListCountries <- function(username, password, verbose=FALSE, frCSVDownload=FALSE) {

  df <- wpgpGetCSVFileAllCovariates(username, password, frCSVDownload)

  return(df[!duplicated(df$ISO3), c("ISO3","ISOnumber","NameEnglish")])

#' wpgpListCountryCovariates function will return a data frame of
#' avalible covariates for a country
#' @param ISO3 a 3-character country code or vector of country codes
#' @param username ftp username to WorldPop ftp server
#' @param password ftp password to WorldPop ftp server
#' @param detailed If TRUE, then more information will be given
#' @param frCSVDownload If TRUE, a new wpgAllCovariates.csv file will downloaded
#' @rdname wpgpListCountryCovariates
#' @return Dataframe
#' @export
#' @examples
#' wpgpListCountryCovariates( ISO3="USA", username="ftpUsername", password="ftpPassword" )
#' wpgpListCountryCovariates(ISO3=c("USA","AFG"), username="ftpUsername", password="ftpPassword" )
wpgpListCountryCovariates <- function(ISO3=NULL,
                                      frCSVDownload=FALSE) {

  if (is.null(ISO3))  stop("Enter country ISO3" )
  if (is.null(username)) stop("Enter ftp username" )
  if (is.null(password)) stop("Enter ftp password" )

  uISO3 <- toupper(ISO3)

  if (any(nchar(uISO3)!=3)){
    stop( paste0("Country codes should be three letters. You entered: ", paste(uISO3, collapse=", ")) )

  df <- wpgpGetCSVFileAllCovariates(username, password, frCSVDownload)
  if(any(!uISO3 %in% df$ISO3)){
    warning( paste0("ISO3 code not found: ", paste(uISO3[which(!uISO3 %in% df$ISO3)])) )

  df.filtered <- df[df$ISO3 %in% uISO3,] 
    stop( paste0("No ISO3 code found: ", paste(uISO3, collapse=", ")))

  if (detailed){
    keeps <- c("ISO3", "ISOnumber",  "CvtName", "Year", "Description","ZS_mean","ZS_sum","ZS_min","ZS_max")

#' wpgpGetCountryCovariate function will download files and return a list 
#' with the file paths to the requested covariates for one or more countries
#' @param df.user data frame of files to download. Must contain ISO3, Folder, and RstName.
#' If not supplied, must give ISO3, year, and covariate
#' @param ISO3 a 3-character country code or vector of country codes. Optional if df.user supplied
#' @param covariate Covariate name(s). Optional if df.user supplied
#' @param destDir Path to the folder where you want to save raster file
#' @param username ftp username to WorldPop ftp server
#' @param password ftp password to WorldPop ftp server
#' @param quiet Download Without any messages if TRUE
#' @param frCSVDownload If TRUE, a new wpgAllCovariates.csv file will downloaded
#' @param method Method to be used for downloading files. Current download methods
#' are "internal", "wininet" (Windows only) "libcurl", "wget" and
#' "curl", and there is a value "auto"
#' @rdname wpgpGetCountryCovariate
#' @return List of files downloaded, including file paths
#' @export
#' @examples
#' wpgpGetCountryCovariate(df.user = NULL,'NPL','px_area','G:/WorldPop/','ftpUsername','ftpPassword')
wpgpGetCountryCovariate <- function(df.user=NULL,
                                     method="auto") {

  if (!dir.exists(destDir)) stop( paste0("Please check destDir exists: ", destDir))
  if (is.null(username)) stop("Error: Enter ftp username" )
  if (is.null(password)) stop("Error: Enter ftp password" )
  if(!is.null(df.user)){ # provide a full data frame
      stop("Error: Expecting a data.frame argument")
    if(!all(c("ISO3","Folder","RstName") %in% names(df.user))){
      stop("Error: must supply ISO3, RstName, and Folder data.")
    } else { 
      df.filtered <- unique(df.user) 
      df.filtered$CvtName <- gsub(pattern=paste(tolower(df.filtered$ISO3),"_grid_100m_", sep="", collapse="|"), 
  } else{ # if not providing a data.frame
    if (is.null(ISO3))  stop("Error: Enter country ISO3" )
    if (is.null(covariate)) stop("Error: Enter covariate" )

    df <- wpgpGetCSVFileAllCovariates(username, password, frCSVDownload)
    ISO3 <- toupper(ISO3)
    covariate <- tolower(covariate)
    # allow filtering by vectors
    df.filtered <- df[df$ISO3 %in% ISO3 & df$CvtName %in% covariate, ]
  if (nrow(df.filtered)<1){
    stop( paste0("Entered Covariates: ", paste(covariate, collapse=", ")," not present in WP. Please check name of the dataset"))

  credentials <- paste(username,password,sep = ":")

  # preallocate return storage
  outFiles <- vector(mode="character", length=nrow(df.filtered))
  # loop over all inputs
  for(i in 1:nrow(df.filtered)){
    file_remote <- paste0('Covariates/',df.filtered[i,"ISO3"],'/', df.filtered[i,"Folder"],'/', df.filtered[i,"RstName"],'.tif')
    file_local <- paste0(destDir,'/', df.filtered[i,"RstName"],'.tif')
    ftpReturn <- wpgpDownloadFileFromFTP(file_remote, file_local, username, password, quiet=quiet, method=method)
      outFiles[i] <- file_local
    } else{
      outFiles[i] <- NULL
  returnList <- as.list(df.filtered[c("ISO3","CvtName","RstName")])
  returnList$filepath <- outFiles

#' wpgpGetPOPTable function will download a population csv
#  files from WorldPop ftp server
#' @param ISO3 a 3-character country code
#' @param year Year of the dataset you would like to download. 
#' @param destDir Path to the folder where you want to save poptable file
#' @param username ftp username to WorldPop ftp server
#' @param password ftp password to WorldPop ftp server
#' @param quiet Download Without any messages if TRUE
#' @param overwrite Logical. Overwrite the poptable csv file if it already exists
#' @param method Method to be used for downloading files. Current download methods
#' are "internal", "wininet" (Windows only) "libcurl", "wget" and
#' "curl", and there is a value "auto"
#' @rdname wpgpGetPOPTable
#' @return dataframe
#' @export
#' @examples
#' wpgpGetPOPTable("AGO",2000,"G:/WorldPop/",username = "ftpUsername",password = "ftpPassword")
wpgpGetPOPTable <- function(ISO3=NULL,
                            method="auto") {
  if (!dir.exists(destDir)) stop( paste0("Please check destDir exists: ", destDir))
  if (is.null(username)) stop("Error: Enter ftp username" )
  if (is.null(password)) stop("Error: Enter ftp password" )
  if (is.null(ISO3))  stop("Error: Enter country ISO3" )
  if (is.null(year)) stop("Error: Enter year" )

  ISO3 <- toupper(ISO3)
  if (!is.populated(ISO3)) stop( paste0("Error: WorldPop FTP server Does not have POP table for: ", ISO3))
  file_remote <- paste0('CensusTables/',tolower(ISO3),'_population_2000_2020.csv')
  file_local <- paste0(destDir,'/', tolower(ISO3),'_population_2000_2020.csv')
  if (overwrite){
    if(file.exists(file_local)){ unlink(file_local, recursive = TRUE, force = FALSE)} 
  ftpReturn <- wpgpDownloadFileFromFTP(file_remote, file_local, username, password, quiet=quiet, method=method)
    df <- utils::read.csv(file_local, stringsAsFactors=FALSE,header = TRUE)
    df <- df[ c('GID', paste0('P_',year)) ]
    colnames(df) <-  c("ADMINID", "ADMINPOP") 
  } else{

#' wpgpGetZonalStats function will download a ZonalStats csv
#  files from WorldPop ftp server
#' @param ISO3 a 3-character country code
#' @param covariate Covariate name.
#' @param stat Either as character: 'mean', 'min', 'max', 'sum'.
#' @param destDir Path to the folder where you want to save ZonalStats file
#' @param username ftp username to WorldPop ftp server
#' @param password ftp password to WorldPop ftp server
#' @param quiet Download Without any messages if TRUE
#' @param overwrite Logical. Overwrite the ZonalStats csv file if it already exists
#' @param frCSVDownload If TRUE, a new wpgAllCovariates.csv file will downloaded
#' @param method Method to be used for downloading files. Current download methods
#' are "internal", "wininet" (Windows only) "libcurl", "wget" and
#' "curl", and there is a value "auto"
#' @rdname wpgpGetZonalStats
#' @return dataframe
#' @export
#' @examples
#' wpgpGetZonalStats("AGO","ccilc_dst011_2000","G:/WorldPop/",username="ftpUsername",password="ftpPassword")
wpgpGetZonalStats <- function(ISO3=NULL,
                              method="auto") {
  if (!dir.exists(destDir)) stop( paste0("Please check destDir exists: ", destDir))
  if (is.null(username)) stop("Error: Enter ftp username" )
  if (is.null(password)) stop("Error: Enter ftp password" )
  if (is.null(ISO3))  stop("Error: Enter country ISO3" )
  if (is.null(covariate)) stop("Error: Enter covariate" )
  df <- wpgpGetCSVFileAllCovariates(username, password )
  ISO3 <- toupper(ISO3)
  covariate <- tolower(covariate)
  stat <- tolower(stat)
  if (!stat %in% c('mean','max','min','sum')){
    stop("Error: Enter stat, either: 'mean', 'min', 'max', 'sum'" )
  df.filtered <- df[df$ISO3 %in% ISO3 & df$CvtName %in% covariate & df[,paste0('ZS_',stat)]==TRUE, ]
  if (nrow(df.filtered)<1){
    stop( paste0("Entered Covariates: ", paste(covariate, collapse=", ")," does not have zonal stats present 
          in WP or ZonalStats was not calcualted. Please check name of the dataset"))
  file_remote <- paste0('ZonalStatistics/',ISO3,'/',stat,'/',tolower(ISO3),'_',covariate,'_ZS_',stat,'.csv')
  file_local <- paste0(destDir,'/', tolower(ISO3),'_',covariate,'_ZS_',stat,'.csv')
  if (overwrite){
    if(file.exists(file_local)){ unlink(file_local, recursive = TRUE, force = FALSE)} 
  ftpReturn <- wpgpDownloadFileFromFTP(file_remote, file_local, username, password, quiet=quiet, method=method)
    df <- utils::read.csv(file_local, stringsAsFactors=FALSE,header = TRUE)
    colnames(df) <-  c("ADMINID", covariate) 
    #remove all 0 adminID 
    return(df[df$ADMINID != 0, ])
  } else{
wpgp/wpgpCovariates documentation built on May 29, 2019, 11:58 a.m.