
Defines functions .profile.rma.ls .profile.rma.uni.selmodel .profile.rma.peto .profile.rma.mh .profile.rma.mv .profile.rma.uni

### for profile(), confint(), and gosh()

.profile.rma.uni <- function(val, obj,
   parallel=FALSE, profile=FALSE, confint=FALSE, subset=FALSE, pred=FALSE, blup=FALSE, newmods=NULL,
   objective, model=0L, verbose=FALSE, outlist=NULL) {

   mstyle <- .get.mstyle()

   if (parallel == "snow")

   if (profile || confint) {

      ### for profile and confint, fit model with tau2 fixed to 'val'

      args <- list(yi=obj$yi, vi=obj$vi, weights=obj$weights, mods=obj$X, intercept=FALSE, method=obj$method, weighted=obj$weighted,
                   test=obj$test, level=obj$level, control=obj$control, tau2=val, skipr2=TRUE, outlist = if (pred || blup) NULL else "minimal")
      res <- try(suppressWarnings(.do.call(rma.uni, args)), silent=TRUE)


   if (profile) {

      if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {
         sav <- list(ll = NA_real_, beta = matrix(NA_real_, nrow=nrow(obj$beta), ncol=1), ci.lb = rep(NA_real_, length(obj$ci.lb)), ci.ub = rep(NA_real_, length(obj$ci.ub)), I2 = NA_real_, H2 = NA_real_)
      } else {
         sav <- list(ll = logLik(res), beta = res$beta, ci.lb = res$ci.lb, ci.ub = res$ci.ub, I2=res$I2, H2=res$H2)

      if (pred) {
         tmp <- predict(res, newmods=newmods)
         sav$pred <- tmp$pred
         sav$pred.ci.lb <- tmp$ci.lb
         sav$pred.ci.ub <- tmp$ci.ub
         sav$pred.pi.lb <- tmp$pi.lb
         sav$pred.pi.ub <- tmp$pi.ub

      if (blup) { # note: already removed NAs and subsetted
         tmp <- blup(res)
         sav$blup <- tmp$pred
         sav$blup.se <- tmp$se
         sav$blup.pi.lb <- tmp$pi.lb
         sav$blup.pi.ub <- tmp$pi.ub


   if (confint) {

      if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {

         if (verbose)
            cat(mstyle$verbose(paste("tau2 =", fmtx(val, obj$digits[["var"]], addwidth=4), "  LRT - objective = NA", "\n")))


      } else {

         sav <- c(-2*(logLik(res) - logLik(obj)) - objective)

         if (verbose)
            cat(mstyle$verbose(paste("tau2 =", fmtx(val, obj$digits[["var"]], addwidth=4), "  LRT - objective =", fmtx(sav, obj$digits[["test"]], addwidth=4), "\n")))



   if (subset) {

      ### for subset, fit model to subset as specified by 'val'

      if (model >= 1L) {

         # special cases for gosh() for FE and RE+DL models

         yi <- obj$yi[val]
         vi <- obj$vi[val]
         k <- length(yi)
         wi <- 1/vi
         sumwi <- sum(wi)
         est <- sum(wi*yi)/sumwi
         Q <- 0
         I2 <- 0
         H2 <- 1
         tau2 <- 0
         if (k > 1) {
            Q <- sum(wi * (yi - est)^2)
            I2 <- max(0, 100 * (Q - (k-1)) / Q)
            H2 <- Q / (k-1)
            if (model == 2L) {
               tau2 <- max(0, (Q - (k-1)) / (sumwi - sum(wi^2)/sumwi))
               wi <- 1 / (vi + tau2)
               est <- sum(wi*yi)/sum(wi)
         sav <- list(beta = est, k = k, QE = Q, I2 = I2, H2 = H2, tau2 = tau2)

      } else {

         args <- list(yi=obj$yi, vi=obj$vi, weights=obj$weights, mods=obj$X, intercept=FALSE, method=obj$method, weighted=obj$weighted,
                      test=obj$test, level=obj$level, control=obj$control, tau2=ifelse(obj$tau2.fix, obj$tau2, NA), subset=val, skipr2=TRUE, outlist=outlist)
         sav <- try(suppressWarnings(.do.call(rma.uni, args)), silent=TRUE)





.profile.rma.mv <- function(val, obj, comp, sigma2.pos, tau2.pos, rho.pos, gamma2.pos, phi.pos,
   parallel=FALSE, profile=FALSE, confint=FALSE, subset=FALSE,
   objective, verbose=FALSE) {

   mstyle <- .get.mstyle()

   if (parallel == "snow")

   if (profile || confint) {

      ### for profile and confint, fit model with component fixed to 'val'

      ### set any fixed components to their values
      sigma2.arg <- ifelse(obj$vc.fix$sigma2, obj$sigma2, NA_real_)
      tau2.arg   <- ifelse(obj$vc.fix$tau2, obj$tau2, NA_real_)
      rho.arg    <- ifelse(obj$vc.fix$rho, obj$rho, NA_real_)
      gamma2.arg <- ifelse(obj$vc.fix$gamma2, obj$gamma2, NA_real_)
      phi.arg    <- ifelse(obj$vc.fix$phi, obj$phi, NA_real_)

      if (comp == "sigma2")
         sigma2.arg[sigma2.pos] <- val

      if (comp == "tau2")
         tau2.arg[tau2.pos] <- val

      if (comp == "rho")
         rho.arg[rho.pos] <- val

      if (comp == "gamma2")
         gamma2.arg[gamma2.pos] <- val

      if (comp == "phi")
         phi.arg[phi.pos] <- val

      args <- list(yi=obj$yi, V=obj$V, W=obj$W, mods=obj$X, random=obj$random, struct=obj$struct, intercept=FALSE, data=obj$mf.r, method=obj$method,
                   test=obj$test, dfs=obj$dfs, level=obj$level, R=obj$R, Rscale=obj$Rscale,
                   sigma2=sigma2.arg, tau2=tau2.arg, rho=rho.arg, gamma2=gamma2.arg, phi=phi.arg,
                   sparse=obj$sparse, dist=obj$dist, vccon=obj$vccon, control=obj$control, outlist="minimal")
      res <- try(suppressWarnings(.do.call(rma.mv, args)), silent=TRUE)


   if (profile) {

      if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {
         sav <- list(ll = NA_real_, beta = matrix(NA_real_, nrow=nrow(obj$beta), ncol=1), ci.lb = rep(NA_real_, length(obj$ci.lb)), ci.ub = rep(NA_real_, length(obj$ci.ub)))
      } else {
         sav <- list(ll = logLik(res), beta = res$beta, ci.lb = res$ci.lb, ci.ub = res$ci.ub)


   if (confint) {

      if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {

         if (verbose)
            cat(mstyle$verbose(paste("val =", fmtx(val, obj$digits[["var"]], addwidth=4), "  LRT - objective = NA", "\n")))


      } else {

         sav <- c(-2*(logLik(res) - logLik(obj)) - objective)

         if (verbose)
            cat(mstyle$verbose(paste("val =", fmtx(val, obj$digits[["var"]], addwidth=4), "  LRT - objective =", fmtx(sav, obj$digits[["fit"]], addwidth=4), "\n")))





.profile.rma.mh <- function(val, obj, parallel=FALSE, subset=FALSE, outlist=NULL) {

   if (parallel == "snow")

   if (subset) {

      ### for subset, fit model to subset as specified by 'val'

      if (is.element(obj$measure, c("RR","OR","RD"))) { # obj$outdat.f$ai[obj$not.na] since obj$outlist$ai values may be modified
         args <- list(ai=obj$outdat.f$ai[obj$not.na], bi=obj$outdat.f$bi[obj$not.na], ci=obj$outdat.f$ci[obj$not.na], di=obj$outdat.f$di[obj$not.na],
                      measure=obj$measure, add=obj$add, to=obj$to, drop00=obj$drop00, correct=obj$correct, level=obj$level, subset=val, outlist=outlist)
      } else {
         args <- list(x1i=obj$outdat.f$x1i[obj$not.na], x2i=obj$outdat.f$x2i[obj$not.na], t1i=obj$outdat.f$t1i[obj$not.na], t2i=obj$outdat.f$t2i[obj$not.na],
                      measure=obj$measure, add=obj$add, to=obj$to, drop00=obj$drop00, correct=obj$correct, level=obj$level, subset=val, outlist=outlist)
      sav <- try(suppressWarnings(.do.call(rma.mh, args)), silent=TRUE)




.profile.rma.peto <- function(val, obj, parallel=FALSE, subset=FALSE, outlist=NULL) {

   if (parallel == "snow")

   if (subset) {

      ### for subset, fit model to subset as specified by 'val'

      args <- list(ai=obj$outdat.f$ai[obj$not.na], bi=obj$outdat.f$bi[obj$not.na], ci=obj$outdat.f$ci[obj$not.na], di=obj$outdat.f$di[obj$not.na],
                   add=obj$add, to=obj$to, drop00=obj$drop00, level=obj$level, subset=val, outlist=outlist)
      sav <- try(suppressWarnings(.do.call(rma.peto, args)), silent=TRUE)




.profile.rma.uni.selmodel <- function(val, obj, comp, delta.pos,
   parallel=FALSE, profile=FALSE, confint=FALSE, subset=FALSE,
   objective, verbose=FALSE) {

   mstyle <- .get.mstyle()

   if (parallel == "snow")

   if (profile || confint) {

      ### for profile and confint, fit model with component fixed to 'val'

      ### set any fixed components to their values
      tau2.arg  <- ifelse(is.element(obj$method, c("FE","EE","CE")) || obj$tau2.fix, obj$tau2, NA_real_)
      delta.arg <- ifelse(obj$delta.fix, obj$delta, NA_real_)

      if (comp == "tau2")
         tau2.arg <- val

      if (comp == "delta")
         delta.arg[delta.pos] <- val

      ### reset steps to NA if !stepsspec (some types set steps=0 if steps was not specified)
      if (!obj$stepsspec)
         obj$steps <- NA

      res <- try(suppressWarnings(
         selmodel(obj, obj$type, alternative=obj$alternative, prec=obj$prec, scaleprec=obj$scaleprec,
                  tau2=tau2.arg, delta=delta.arg, steps=obj$steps, decreasing=obj$decreasing, verbose=FALSE, control=obj$control,
                  skiphes=confint, skiphet=TRUE, defmap=obj$defmap, mapfun=obj$mapfun, mapinvfun=obj$mapinvfun)), silent=TRUE)


   if (profile) {

      if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {
         sav <- list(ll = NA_real_, beta = matrix(NA_real_, nrow=nrow(obj$beta), ncol=1), ci.lb = rep(NA_real_, length(obj$ci.lb)), ci.ub = rep(NA_real_, length(obj$ci.ub)))
      } else {
         sav <- list(ll = logLik(res), beta = res$beta, ci.lb = res$ci.lb, ci.ub = res$ci.ub)


   if (confint) {

      if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {

         if (verbose)
            cat(mstyle$verbose(paste("val =", fmtx(val, obj$digits[["var"]], addwidth=4), "  LRT - objective = NA", "\n")))


      } else {

         sav <- c(-2*(logLik(res) - logLik(obj)) - objective)

         if (verbose)
            cat(mstyle$verbose(paste("val =", fmtx(val, obj$digits[["var"]], addwidth=4), "  LRT - objective =", fmtx(sav, obj$digits[["fit"]], addwidth=4), "\n")))





.profile.rma.ls <- function(val, obj, comp, alpha.pos,
   parallel=FALSE, profile=FALSE, confint=FALSE, subset=FALSE,
   objective, verbose=FALSE) {

   mstyle <- .get.mstyle()

   if (parallel == "snow")

   if (profile || confint) {

      ### for profile and confint, fit model with component fixed to 'val'

      ### set any fixed components to their values
      alpha.arg <- ifelse(obj$alpha.fix, obj$alpha, NA_real_)

      if (comp == "alpha")
         alpha.arg[alpha.pos] <- val

      args <- list(yi=obj$yi, vi=obj$vi, weights=obj$weights, mods=obj$X, intercept=FALSE, scale=obj$Z, link=obj$link, method=obj$method, weighted=obj$weighted,
                   test=obj$test, level=obj$level, control=obj$control, skiphes=TRUE, alpha=alpha.arg, outlist="minimal")
      res <- try(suppressWarnings(.do.call(rma.uni, args)), silent=TRUE)


   if (profile) {

      if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {
         sav <- list(ll = NA_real_, beta = matrix(NA_real_, nrow=nrow(obj$beta), ncol=1), ci.lb = rep(NA_real_, length(obj$ci.lb)), ci.ub = rep(NA_real_, length(obj$ci.ub)))
      } else {
         sav <- list(ll = logLik(res), beta = res$beta, ci.lb = res$ci.lb, ci.ub = res$ci.ub)


   if (confint) {

      if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {

         if (verbose)
            cat(mstyle$verbose(paste("val =", fmtx(val, obj$digits[["var"]], addwidth=4), "  LRT - objective = NA", "\n")))


      } else {

         sav <- c(-2*(logLik(res) - logLik(obj)) - objective)

         if (verbose)
            cat(mstyle$verbose(paste("val =", fmtx(val, obj$digits[["var"]], addwidth=4), "  LRT - objective =", fmtx(sav, obj$digits[["fit"]], addwidth=4), "\n")))




wviechtb/metafor documentation built on July 12, 2024, 6:33 a.m.