#'Fold change analysis, unpaired
#'@description Perform fold change analysis, method can be mean or median
#'@usage FC.Anal(mSetObj, fc.thresh=2, cmp.type = 0, paired=FALSE)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param fc.thresh Fold-change threshold, numeric input
#'@param cmp.type Comparison type, 0 for group 1 minus group 2, and 1 for group
#'1 minus group 2
#'@param paired Logical, TRUE or FALSE
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
FC.Anal <- function(mSetObj=NA, fc.thresh=2, cmp.type = 0, paired=FALSE){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
# make sure threshold is above 1
fc.thresh = ifelse(fc.thresh>1, fc.thresh, 1/fc.thresh);
max.thresh = fc.thresh;
min.thresh = 1/fc.thresh;
res <- GetFC(mSetObj, paired, cmp.type);
fc.all <- res$fc.all;
fc.log <- res$fc.log;
inx.up <- fc.all > max.thresh;
inx.down <- fc.all < min.thresh;
names(inx.up) <- names(inx.down) <- names(fc.all);
imp.inx <- inx.up | inx.down;
sig.mat <- cbind(fc.all[imp.inx, drop=F], fc.log[imp.inx, drop=F]);
colnames(sig.mat) <- c("Fold Change", "log2(FC)");
# order by absolute log value (since symmetrical in pos and neg)
inx.ord <- order(abs(sig.mat[,2]), decreasing=T);
sig.mat <- sig.mat[inx.ord,,drop=F];
fileName <- "fold_change.csv";
# create a list object to store fc
mSetObj$analSet$fc<-list (
paired = FALSE,
raw.thresh = fc.thresh,
max.thresh = max.thresh,
min.thresh = min.thresh,
fc.all = fc.all, # note a vector
fc.log = fc.log,
inx.up = inx.up,
inx.down = inx.down,
inx.imp = imp.inx,
sig.mat = sig.mat
#'Plot fold change
#'@description Plot fold change analysis
#'@usage PlotFC(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, width=NA)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param imgName Input a name for the plot
#'@param format Select the image format, "png", or "pdf".
#'@param dpi Input the dpi. If the image format is "pdf", users need not define the dpi. For "png" images,
#'the default dpi is 72. It is suggested that for high-resolution images, select a dpi of 300.
#'@param width Input the width, there are 2 default widths, the first, width = NULL, is 10.5.
#'The second default is width = 0, where the width is 7.2. Otherwise users can input their own width.
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
PlotFC <- function(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, width=NA, interactive=F){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
w <- 8;
}else if(width == 0){
w <- 7;
w <- width;
h <- w*6/8;
mSetObj$imgSet$fc <- imgName;
fc = mSetObj$analSet$fc;
fc_data <- data.frame(
x = 1:length(fc$fc.log),
y = fc$fc.log,
Significance = ifelse(fc$inx.imp, "Significant", "Unsignificant"),
label = names(fc$inx.imp)
# Get the maximum absolute fold change for plotting limits
topVal <- max(abs(fc$fc.log))
ylim <- c(-topVal, topVal)
# Assign colors based on significance and fold change
fc_data$ColorValue <- ifelse(fc_data$Significance == "Significant", fc_data$y, NA)
fc_data$ColorValue <- as.numeric(fc_data$ColorValue) # Ensure this is numeric
sig_fc_range <- range(fc_data$ColorValue, na.rm = TRUE)
fc_data$tooltip <- paste0("Label: ", fc_data$label,
"\nLog2FC: ", round(fc_data$y, 2)
# Plot
p <- ggplot(fc_data, aes(x = x, y = y, label = label, text = tooltip)) +
geom_point(aes( size = abs(y), color =ColorValue, fill=ColorValue) , shape = 21, stroke = 0.5) + # Adjust stroke as needed
low = "blue", mid = "grey", high = "red",
midpoint = 0, limits = sig_fc_range,
space = "Lab", na.value = "darkgrey",
guide = "colourbar", name="Log2FC"
) +
low = "blue", mid = "grey", high = "red",
midpoint = 0, limits = sig_fc_range,
space = "Lab", na.value = "darkgrey", name="Log2FC"
) +
scale_size(range = c(1.5, 4), guide = "none") +
labs(x = "Identifier", y = "Log2 Fold Change") +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = "right") +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linewidth = 1)
###check out this tutorial --> modify plotly object directly
ggp_build <- layout(ggplotly(p, tooltip = "text"), autosize = FALSE, width = 900, height = 600)
fig <- plotly_build(ggp_build)
vec <- rep("rgba(22,22,22,1)", nrow(fc_data))
attr(vec, "apiSrc") <- TRUE
fig$x[[1]][[1]]$marker$line$color <- vec;
fig$x[[1]][[1]]$marker$line$size <- 1;
Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
#'Used by higher functions to calculate fold change
#'@description Utility method to calculate FC, used in higher function
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param paired Logical, true of false
#'@param cmpType Numeric, 0 or 1
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
GetFC <- function(mSetObj=NA, paired=FALSE, cmpType){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
# compute the average of paired FC (unit is pair)
row.norm <- qs::qread("row_norm.qs");
data <- log2(row.norm);
G1 <- data[which(mSetObj$dataSet$cls==levels(mSetObj$dataSet$cls)[1]), ]
G2 <- data[which(mSetObj$dataSet$cls==levels(mSetObj$dataSet$cls)[2]), ]
if(cmpType == 0){
fc.mat <- G1-G2;
fc.mat <- G2-G1;
fc.log <- colMeans(fc.mat);
fc.all <- signif(2^fc.log, 5);
# compute the FC of two group means (unit is group)
data <- qs::qread("row_norm.qs");
m1 <- colMeans(data[which(mSetObj$dataSet$cls==levels(mSetObj$dataSet$cls)[1]), ]);
m2 <- colMeans(data[which(mSetObj$dataSet$cls==levels(mSetObj$dataSet$cls)[2]), ]);
# create a named matrix of sig vars for display
if(cmpType == 0){
ratio <- m1/m2;
ratio <- m2/m1;
fc.all <- signif(ratio, 5);
ratio[ratio < 0] <- 0;
fc.log <- signif(log2(ratio), 5);
fc.log[is.infinite(fc.log) & fc.log < 0] <- -99;
fc.log[is.infinite(fc.log) & fc.log > 0] <- 99;
names(fc.all) <- names(fc.log) <- colnames(data);
return(list(fc.all = fc.all, fc.log = fc.log));
#'Perform t-test analysis
#'@description This function is used to perform t-test analysis.
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param nonpar Logical, use a non-parametric test, T or F. False is default.
#'@param threshp Numeric, enter the adjusted p-value (FDR) cutoff
#'@param paired Logical, is data paired (T) or not (F).
#'@param equal.var Logical, evaluates if the group variance is equal (T) or not (F).
#'@param pvalType pvalType, can be "fdr" etc.
#'@param all_results Logical, if TRUE, returns T-Test analysis results
#'for all compounds.
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
Ttests.Anal <- function(mSetObj=NA, nonpar=F, threshp=0.05, paired=FALSE,
equal.var=TRUE, pvalType="fdr", all_results=FALSE){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
if(.on.public.web & !nonpar & RequireFastUnivTests(mSetObj)){
res <- PerformFastUnivTests(mSetObj$dataSet$norm, mSetObj$dataSet$cls, var.equal=equal.var);
} else {
res <- GetTtestRes(mSetObj, paired, equal.var, nonpar);
t.stat <- res[,1];
p.value <- res[,2];
names(t.stat) <- names(p.value) <- colnames(mSetObj$dataSet$norm);
p.log <- -log10(p.value);
fdr.p <- p.adjust(p.value, "fdr");
all.mat <- data.frame(signif(t.stat,5), signif(p.value,5), signif(p.log,5), signif(fdr.p,5));
tt.nm = "Wilcoxon Rank Test";
file.nm <- "wilcox_rank_all.csv"
colnames(all.mat) <- c("V", "p.value", "-log10(p)", "FDR");
tt.nm = "T-Tests";
file.nm <- "t_test_all.csv";
colnames(all.mat) <- c("t.stat", "p.value", "-log10(p)", "FDR");
fast.write.csv(all.mat, file=file.nm);
inx.imp <- fdr.p <= threshp;
inx.imp <- p.value <= threshp;
sig.num <- sum(inx.imp, na.rm = TRUE);
AddMsg(paste("A total of", sig.num, "significant features were found."));
if(sig.num > 0){
sig.t <- t.stat[inx.imp];
sig.p <- p.value[inx.imp];
lod<- -log10(sig.p);
sig.q <-fdr.p[inx.imp];
sig.mat <- cbind(sig.t, sig.p, lod, sig.q);
colnames(sig.mat) <- c("t.stat", "p.value", "-log10(p)", "FDR");
ord.inx <- order(sig.p);
sig.mat <- sig.mat[ord.inx,,drop=F];
sig.mat <- signif(sig.mat, 5);
tt.nm = "Wilcoxon Rank Test";
file.nm <- "wilcox_rank.csv"
colnames(sig.mat) <- c("V", "p.value", "-log10(p)", "FDR");
tt.nm = "T-Tests";
file.nm <- "t_test.csv";
colnames(sig.mat) <- c("t.stat", "p.value", "-log10(p)", "FDR");
fast.write.csv(sig.mat, file=file.nm);
tt <- list (
tt.nm = tt.nm,
sig.nm = file.nm,
sig.num = sig.num,
paired = paired,
pval.type = pvalType,
raw.thresh = threshp,
t.score = t.stat,
p.value = p.value,
p.log = p.log,
inx.imp = inx.imp,
sig.mat = sig.mat,
fdr.p = fdr.p,
adjust.method = pvalType
tt <- list (
sig.num = sig.num,
paired = paired,
pval.type = pvalType,
raw.thresh = threshp,
t.score = t.stat,
p.value = p.value,
p.log = p.log,
inx.imp = inx.imp,
fdr.p = fdr.p,
adjust.method = pvalType
mSetObj$analSet$tt <- tt;
#'Plot t-test
#'@description Plot t-test
#'@usage PlotTT(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, width=NA)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param imgName Input a name for the plot
#'@param format Select the image format, "png", or "pdf".
#'@param dpi Input the dpi. If the image format is "pdf", users need not define the dpi. For "png" images,
#'the default dpi is 72. It is suggested that for high-resolution images, select a dpi of 300.
#'@param width Input the width, there are 2 default widths, the first, width = NULL, is 10.5.
#'The second default is width = 0, where the width is 7.2. Otherwise users can input their own width.
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
PlotTT <- function(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, width=NA, interactive=F){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
w <- 8;
}else if(width == 0){
w <- 7;
w <- width;
h <- w * 6 / 8;
mSetObj$imgSet$tt <- imgName;
tt_data <- data.frame(
p_log = mSetObj$analSet$tt$p.log,
fdr_log = -log10(mSetObj$analSet$tt$fdr.p),
label = names(mSetObj$analSet$tt$p.log),
seq = seq_along(mSetObj$analSet$tt$p.log),
Status = factor(ifelse(mSetObj$analSet$tt$inx.imp, "Significant", "Unsignificant")),
P.Value = mSetObj$analSet$tt$p.value,
FDR = mSetObj$analSet$tt$fdr.p
p.thresh <- mSetObj$analSet$tt$raw.thresh
adjust.method <- mSetObj$analSet$tt$adjust.method
# Assuming your data frame is set up correctly as tt_data
tt_data$p_log_rescaled <- rescale(tt_data$p_log) # Rescale p_log for sizing
# Create a copy of p_log to use for coloring significant points
tt_data$color_value <- ifelse(tt_data$Status == "Significant", tt_data$p_log, NA)
# Now create the ggplot
if(adjust.method == "fdr"){
p <- ggplot(tt_data, aes(x=seq, y=fdr_log, label=label, FDR=FDR, P.Value=P.Value)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_point(aes( size = p_log, color =color_value, fill=color_value) , shape = 21, stroke = 0.5) +
scale_color_gradient(low = "black", high = "black", na.value = "black", guide="none") +
scale_fill_gradient(low = "yellow", high = "red", na.value = "darkgrey", guide = "colourbar", name="-Log(FDR.p)") +
scale_size_continuous(range = c(1, 4), guide="none") + # Adjust size range as needed
labs(x = GetVariableLabel(mSetObj$dataSet$type), y = "-log10(FDR.p)") +
geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(p.thresh), linetype = "dashed", color = "grey", size=0.5) # Add horizontal line at p-value threshold
p <- ggplot(tt_data, aes(x=seq, y=p_log, label=label, FDR=FDR, P.Value=P.Value)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_point(aes( size = p_log, color =color_value, fill=color_value) , shape = 21, stroke = 0.5) +
scale_color_gradient(low = "black", high = "black", na.value = "black", guide="none") +
scale_fill_gradient(low = "yellow", high = "red", na.value = "darkgrey", guide = "colourbar", name="-Log(raw.p)") +
scale_size_continuous(range = c(1, 4), guide="none") + # Adjust size range as needed
labs(x = GetVariableLabel(mSetObj$dataSet$type), y = "-log10(raw.p)") +
geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(p.thresh), linetype = "dashed", color = "grey", size=0.5) # Add horizontal line at p-value threshold
if (interactive) {
ggp_build <- layout(ggplotly(p, tooltip = c("label", "FDR", "P.Value")), autosize = FALSE, width = 900, height = 600)
fig <- plotly_build(ggp_build)
vec <- rep("rgba(22,22,22,1)", nrow(tt_data))
attr(vec, "apiSrc") <- TRUE
fig$x[[1]][[1]]$marker$line$color <- vec;
fig$x[[1]][[1]]$marker$line$size <- 1;
} else {
tt_data <- tt_data[order(-tt_data$fdr_log), ]
tt_data$top_label <- ifelse(seq_along(tt_data$fdr_log) <= 5, tt_data$label, NA)
Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
p <- p + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(aes(label = top_label), data = subset(tt_data, !is.na(top_label)))
#'Perform Volcano Analysis
#'@description Perform volcano analysis
#'@usage Volcano.Anal(mSetObj=NA, paired=FALSE, fcthresh,
#'cmpType, nonpar=F, threshp, equal.var=TRUE, pval.type="raw")
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param paired Logical, T if data is paired, F if data is not.
#'@param fcthresh Numeric, input the fold change threshold
#'@param cmpType Comparison type, 0 indicates group 1 vs group 2, and 1 indicates group 2 vs group 1
#'@param nonpar Logical, indicate if a non-parametric test should be used (T or F)
#'@param threshp Numeric, indicate the p-value threshold
#'@param equal.var Logical, indicates if the group variance is equal (T) or unequal (F)
#'@param pval.type To indicate raw p-values, use "raw". To indicate FDR-adjusted p-values, use "fdr".
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
Volcano.Anal <- function(mSetObj=NA, paired=FALSE, fcthresh,
cmpType, nonpar=F, threshp, equal.var=TRUE, pval.type="raw"){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
# Note, volcano is based on t-tests and fold change analysis
#### t-tests and p values. If performed and identical parameters
mSetObj <- Ttests.Anal(mSetObj, nonpar, threshp, paired, equal.var, pval.type);
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
p.value <- mSetObj$analSet$tt$p.value;
if(pval.type == "fdr"){
p.value <- p.adjust(p.value, "fdr");
inx.p <- p.value <= threshp;
p.log <- -log10(p.value);
#### fc analysis
mSetObj <- FC.Anal(mSetObj, fcthresh, cmpType, paired);
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
fcthresh = ifelse(fcthresh>1, fcthresh, 1/fcthresh);
max.xthresh <- log2(fcthresh);
min.xthresh <- log2(1/fcthresh);
fc.log <- mSetObj$analSet$fc$fc.log;
fc.all <- mSetObj$analSet$fc$fc.all;
inx.up <- mSetObj$analSet$fc$inx.up;
inx.down <- mSetObj$analSet$fc$inx.down;
# subset inx.p to inx.up/down
keep.inx <- names(inx.p) %in% names(inx.up)
inx.p <- inx.p[keep.inx]
p.log <- p.log[keep.inx]
# create named sig table for display
inx.imp <- (inx.up | inx.down) & inx.p;
sig.var <- cbind(fc.all[inx.imp,drop=F], fc.log[inx.imp,drop=F], p.value[inx.imp,drop=F], p.log[inx.imp,drop=F]);
if(pval.type == "fdr"){
colnames(sig.var) <- c("FC", "log2(FC)", "p.ajusted", "-log10(p)");
colnames(sig.var) <- c("FC", "log2(FC)", "raw.pval", "-log10(p)");
# first order by log(p), then by log(FC)
ord.inx <- order(sig.var[,4], abs(sig.var[,2]), decreasing=T);
sig.var <- sig.var[ord.inx,,drop=F];
sig.var <- signif(sig.var,5);
fileName <- "volcano.csv";
fast.write.csv(signif(sig.var,5), file=fileName);
volcano <- list (
pval.type = pval.type,
raw.threshx = fcthresh,
raw.threshy = threshp,
paired = paired,
max.xthresh = max.xthresh,
min.xthresh = min.xthresh,
thresh.y = -log10(threshp),
fc.all = fc.all,
fc.log = fc.log,
inx.up = inx.up,
inx.down = inx.down,
p.log = p.log,
inx.p = inx.p,
sig.mat = sig.var,
p.value = p.value
mSetObj$analSet$volcano <- volcano;
#'Create volcano plot
#'@description For labelling interesting points, it is defined by the following rules:
#'need to be signficant (sig.inx) and or 2. top 5 p, or 2. top 5 left, or 3. top 5 right.
#'@usage PlotVolcano(mSetObj=NA, imgName, plotLbl, plotTheme, format="png", dpi=72, width=NA)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param imgName Input a name for the plot
#'@param plotLbl Logical, plot labels, 1 for yes and 0 for no.
#'@param plotTheme plotTheme, numeric, canbe 0, 1 or 2
#'@param format Select the image format, "png", or "pdf".
#'@param dpi Input the dpi. If the image format is "pdf", users need not define the dpi. For "png" images,
#'the default dpi is 72. It is suggested that for high-resolution images, select a dpi of 300.
#'@param width Input the width, there are 2 default widths, the first, width = NULL, is 10.5.
#'The second default is width = 0, where the width is 7.2. Otherwise users can input their own width.
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
PlotVolcano <- function(mSetObj=NA, imgName, plotLbl, plotTheme, format="png", dpi=72, width=NA, labelNum=5, interactive=F){
# make this lazy load
if(!exists("my.plot.volcano")){ # public web on same user dir
return(my.plot.volcano(mSetObj, imgName, plotLbl, plotTheme, format, dpi, width, labelNum, interactive));
#'@description Perform anova and only return p values and MSres (for Fisher's LSD)
#'@param x Input the data to perform ANOVA
#'@param cls Input class labels
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
aof <- function(x, cls) {
aov(x ~ cls);
#'@description Perform Kruskal-Wallis Test
#'@param x Input data to perform Kruskal-Wallis
#'@param cls Input class labels
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
kwtest <- function(x, cls) {
kruskal.test(x ~ cls);
#'Fisher for ANOVA
#'@description Perform Fisher LSD for ANOVA, used in higher function
#'@param aov.obj Input the anova object
#'@param thresh Numeric, input the alpha threshold
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
FisherLSD <- function(aov.obj, thresh){
if(!exists("my.lsd.test")){ # public web on same user dir
return(my.lsd.test(aov.obj,"cls", alpha=thresh));
#'Return only the signicant comparison names
#'@description Return only the signicant comparison names, used in higher function
#'@param tukey Input tukey output
#'@param cut.off Input numeric cut-off
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
parseTukey <- function(tukey, cut.off){
inx <- tukey$cls[,"p adj"] <= cut.off;
paste(rownames(tukey$cls)[inx], collapse="; ");
#'Return only the signicant comparison names
#'@description Return only the signicant comparison names, used in higher function
#'@param fisher Input fisher object
#'@param cut.off Numeric, set cut-off
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
parseFisher <- function(fisher, cut.off){
inx <- fisher[,"pvalue"] <= cut.off;
paste(rownames(fisher)[inx], collapse="; ");
#' Perform ANOVA analysis
#' @description ANOVA analysis
#' @usage ANOVA.Anal(mSetObj=NA, nonpar=FALSE, thresh=0.05, all_results=FALSE)
#' @param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#' @param nonpar Logical, use a non-parametric test (T) or not (F)
#' @param thresh Numeric, from 0 to 1, indicate the p-value threshold
#' @param all_results Logical, if TRUE, it will output the ANOVA results for all compounds
#' @author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#' McGill University, Canada
#' License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
#' @export
ANOVA.Anal<-function(mSetObj=NA, nonpar=FALSE, thresh=0.05, all_results=FALSE) {
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
aov.nm <- "One-way ANOVA";
aov.nm <- "Kruskal Wallis Test";
sig.num <- 0;
aov.res <- sig.mat <- NULL;
data <- as.matrix(mSetObj$dataSet$norm);
cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls;
if(.on.public.web & !nonpar & RequireFastUnivTests(mSetObj)){
res <- PerformFastUnivTests(data, cls);
} else {
my.res <- GetFtestRes(mSetObj, nonpar);
aov.res <- my.res$aov.res;
res <- my.res$f.res;
fstat <- res[,1];
p.value <- res[,2];
names(fstat) <- names(p.value) <- colnames(data);
fdr.p <- p.adjust(p.value, "fdr");
all.mat <- data.frame(signif(fstat,5), signif(p.value,5), signif(-log10(p.value),5), signif(fdr.p,5));
rownames(all.mat) <- names(p.value);
colnames(all.mat) <- c("F.stat", "p.value", "-log10(p)", "FDR");
ord.inx <- order(p.value);
ord.mat <- all.mat[ord.inx,];
fast.write.csv(ord.mat, "anova_all_results.csv")
inx.imp <- fdr.p <= thresh;
sig.num <- sum(inx.imp, na.rm = TRUE);
AddMsg(paste(c("A total of", sig.num, "significant features were found."), collapse=" "));
res <- 0;
sig.f <- sig.p <- sig.fdr <- 1;
if(sig.num > 0){
res <- 1;
sig.f <- fstat[inx.imp];
sig.p <- p.value[inx.imp];
sig.fdr <- fdr.p[inx.imp];
qs::qsave(aov.res[inx.imp], file="aov_res_imp.qs");
sig.mat <- all.mat[inx.imp,];
ord.inx <- order(sig.mat$p.value);
sig.mat <- sig.mat[ord.inx,];
# sig.mat contain top 10 (sig or not does not matter) for report;
sig.mat <- ord.mat[1:10,];
aov<-list (
aov.nm = aov.nm,
nonpar = nonpar,
sig.num = sig.num,
raw.thresh = thresh,
thresh = -log10(thresh), # only used for plot threshold line
p.value = p.value,
p.log = -log10(p.value),
fdr.p = fdr.p,
inx.imp = inx.imp,
sig.f = sig.f,
sig.p = sig.p,
sig.fdr = sig.fdr,
sig.mat = sig.mat
mSetObj$analSet$aov <- aov;
# Do posthoc tests on significant features from ANOVA tests
Calculate.ANOVA.posthoc <- function(mSetObj=NA, post.hoc="fisher", thresh=0.05, max.sig=1000){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
sig.num <- mSetObj$analSet$aov$sig.num;
inx.imp <- mSetObj$analSet$aov$inx.imp;
sig.f <- mSetObj$analSet$aov$sig.f;
sig.p <- mSetObj$analSet$aov$sig.p;
sig.fdr <- mSetObj$analSet$aov$sig.fdr;
nonpar <- mSetObj$analSet$aov$nonpar;
cmp.res <- NULL;
post.nm <- NULL;
sig.mat <- data.frame(signif(sig.f,5), signif(sig.p,5), signif(-log10(sig.p),5), signif(sig.fdr,5), 'NA');
colnames(sig.mat) <- c("chi.squared", "p.value", "-log10(p)", "FDR", "Post-Hoc");
fileName <- "kw_posthoc.csv";
fileName <- "anova_posthoc.csv";
# do post-hoc only for signficant entries
# note aov obj is not avaible using fast version
# need to recompute using slower version for the sig ones
if(.on.public.web & RequireFastUnivTests(mSetObj)){
data <- as.matrix(mSetObj$dataSet$norm);
cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls;
aov.imp <- apply(data[,inx.imp,drop=FALSE], 2, aof, cls);
aov.imp <- qs::qread("aov_res_imp.qs");
# note this is only for post-hoc analysis. max 1000 in case too large
if(sig.num > max.sig){
# update inx.imp
my.ranks <- rank(sig.p);
inx.imp <- my.ranks <= max.sig;
aov.imp <- aov.imp[inx.imp];
tukey.res<-lapply(aov.imp, TukeyHSD, conf.level=1-thresh);
my.cmp.res <- unlist(lapply(tukey.res, parseTukey, cut.off=thresh));
post.nm = "Tukey's HSD";
fisher.res<-lapply(aov.imp, FisherLSD, thresh);
my.cmp.res <- unlist(lapply(fisher.res, parseFisher, cut.off=thresh));
post.nm = "Fisher's LSD";
cmp.res <- my.cmp.res;
# post hoc only top 1000;
if(sig.num > max.sig){
cmp.res <- rep(NA, sig.num);
cmp.res[inx.imp] <- my.cmp.res;
post.nm <- paste0(post.nm, " (top ", max.sig, ")");
# create the result dataframe,
# note, the last column is string, not double
sig.mat <- data.frame(signif(sig.f,5), signif(sig.p,5), signif(-log10(sig.p),5), signif(sig.fdr,5), cmp.res);
colnames(sig.mat) <- c("f.value", "p.value", "-log10(p)", "FDR", post.nm);
rownames(sig.mat) <- names(sig.p);
# order the result simultaneously
ord.inx <- order(sig.p, decreasing = FALSE);
sig.mat <- sig.mat[ord.inx,,drop=F];
# note only display max for web (save all to the file)
if(sig.num > max.sig){
sig.mat <- sig.mat[1:max.sig,];
aov <- mSetObj$analSet$aov;
# add to the list, don't use append, as it does not overwrite
aov$sig.nm <- fileName;
aov$post.hoc <- post.hoc;
aov$sig.mat <- sig.mat;
mSetObj$analSet$aov <- aov;
#'Plot ANOVA
#'@description Plot ANOVA
#'@usage PlotANOVA(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, width=NA)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param imgName Input a name for the plot
#'@param format Select the image format, "png", or "pdf".
#'@param dpi Input the dpi. If the image format is "pdf", users need not define the dpi. For "png" images,
#'the default dpi is 72. It is suggested that for high-resolution images, select a dpi of 300.
#'@param width Input the width, there are 2 default widths, the first, width = NULL, is 10.5.
#'The second default is width = 0, where the width is 7.2. Otherwise users can input their own width.
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
PlotANOVA <- function(mSetObj=NA, imgName="", format="png", dpi=72, width=NA,interactive=F){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj)
lod <- mSetObj$analSet$aov$p.log
imgName <- paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep = "")
if (is.na(width)) {
w <- 9
} else if (width == 0) {
w <- 7
} else {
w <- width
h <- w * 6 / 9
mSetObj$imgSet$anova <- imgName
aov <- mSetObj$analSet$aov;
df <- data.frame(
seq = seq_along(aov$p.value),
label = names(aov$p.value),
p.log = aov$p.log,
p.value = aov$p.value,
inx.imp = aov$inx.imp,
fdr.p = aov$fdr.p
df$p.log <- as.numeric(df$p.log)
df$color_value <- ifelse(df$inx.imp == 1, df$p.log, NA)
# Create a ggplot object
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x = seq, y = p.log, text = paste("Label: ", label, "<br>p-value: ", signif(p.value,4), "<br>FDR: ", signif(fdr.p,4)))) +
geom_point(aes(color = color_value, size = p.log)) + # Use color_value for color scale
scale_color_gradient(low = "yellow", high = "red", na.value = "darkgrey", name="-log10(raw-p)") + # Gradient from light blue to dark grey
x = GetVariableLabel(mSetObj$dataSet$type),
y = "-log10(raw-p)",
) +
panel.grid.major = element_blank(), # Remove major gridlines
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), # Remove minor gridlines
axis.line = element_line(color = "black") # Add axis lines
# Convert the ggplot object to a plotly object
plotly_obj <- ggplotly(p, tooltip = "text")
# Export the plotly object
Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
#'Plot Compound View
#'@description Plots a bar-graph of selected compound over groups
#'@usage PlotCmpdView(mSetObj=NA, cmpdNm, format="png", dpi=72, width=NA)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param cmpdNm Input a name for the compound
#'@param format Select the image format, "png", or "pdf".
#'@param dpi Input the dpi. If the image format is "pdf", users need not define the dpi. For "png" images,
#'the default dpi is 72. It is suggested that for high-resolution images, select a dpi of 300.
#'@param width Input the width, there are 2 default widths, the first, width = NULL, is 10.5.
#'The second default is width = 0, where the width is 7.2. Otherwise users can input their own width.
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
PlotCmpdView <- function(mSetObj=NA, cmpdNm, format="png", dpi=72, width=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
cls <- as.factor(as.numeric(levels(mSetObj$dataSet$cls))[mSetObj$dataSet$cls]);
cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls;
imgName <- mSetObj$dataSet$url.var.nms[cmpdNm];
imgName <- paste(imgName, "_dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
my.width <- 200;
adj.width <- 90*length(levels(cls))+20;
if(adj.width > my.width){
my.width <- adj.width;
x <- mSetObj$dataSet$norm[, cmpdNm]
y <- cls
df <- data.frame(conc = x, class = y)
col <- unique(GetColorSchema(y))
Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, dpi=dpi, width=my.width, height=325, type=format, bg="transparent");
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(df, aes(x=class, y=conc, fill=class)) + geom_boxplot(notch=FALSE, outlier.shape = NA, outlier.colour=NA) + theme_bw() + geom_jitter(size=1)
p <- p + theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(), axis.title.y = element_blank(), legend.position = "none")
p <- p + stat_summary(fun.y=mean, colour="yellow", geom="point", shape=18, size=3, show.legend = FALSE)
p <- p + theme(text = element_text(size=15), plot.margin = margin(t=0.20, r=0.25, b=0.55, l=0.25, "cm"))
p <- p + scale_fill_manual(values=col) + ggtitle(cmpdNm) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=45, hjust=1))
p <- p + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 13, hjust=0.5, face="bold"), axis.text = element_text(size=10))
########## Utilities for web-server ##########
#'Sig Table for Fold-Change Analysis
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
GetSigTable.FC <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
GetSigTable(mSetObj$analSet$fc$sig.mat, "fold change analysis", mSetObj$dataSet$type);
GetFCSigMat <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
GetFCSigRowNames <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
GetFcSigUpMat <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
lod <- mSetObj$analSet$fc$fc.log;
red.inx<- which(mSetObj$analSet$fc$inx.up);
if(sum(red.inx) > 0){
return(as.matrix(cbind(red.inx, lod[red.inx])));
return(as.matrix(cbind(-1, -1)));
GetFcSigUpIDs <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
red.inx<- which(mSetObj$analSet$fc$inx.up);
if(sum(red.inx) > 0){
GetFcSigDnMat <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
lod <- mSetObj$analSet$fc$fc.log;
blue.inx<- which(mSetObj$analSet$fc$inx.down);
if(sum(blue.inx) > 0){
return(as.matrix(cbind(blue.inx, lod[blue.inx])));
return(as.matrix(cbind(-1, -1)));
GetFcSigDnIDs <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
blue.inx<- which(mSetObj$analSet$fc$inx.down);
if(sum(blue.inx) > 0){
GetFcUnsigMat <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
lod <- mSetObj$analSet$fc$fc.log;
inx.imp <- mSetObj$analSet$fc$inx.up | mSetObj$analSet$fc$inx.down;
blue.inx<- which(!inx.imp);
if(sum(blue.inx) > 0){
return(as.matrix(cbind(blue.inx, lod[blue.inx])));
return(as.matrix(cbind(-1, -1)));
GetFcUnsigIDs <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
lod <- mSetObj$analSet$fc$fc.log;
inx.imp <- mSetObj$analSet$fc$inx.up | mSetObj$analSet$fc$inx.down;
blue.inx<- which(!inx.imp);
if(sum(blue.inx) > 0){
GetFCSigColNames <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
GetAovSigMat <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
return(CleanNumber(as.matrix(mSetObj$analSet$aov$sig.mat[, 1:4])));
GetAovSigRowNames <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
GetAovSigColNames <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
colnames(mSetObj$analSet$aov$sig.mat[, 1:4]);
GetAovPostHocSig <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
#'Sig Table for Anova
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
GetSigTable.Anova <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
GetSigTable(mSetObj$analSet$aov$sig.mat, "One-way ANOVA and post-hoc analysis", mSetObj$dataSet$type);
GetAnovaUpMat <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
lod <- mSetObj$analSet$aov$p.log;
red.inx<- which(mSetObj$analSet$aov$inx.imp);
if(sum(red.inx) > 0){
return(as.matrix(cbind(red.inx, lod[red.inx])));
return(as.matrix(cbind(-1, -1)));
GetAovUpIDs <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
red.inx<- which(mSetObj$analSet$aov$inx.imp);
if(sum(red.inx) > 0){
GetAnovaDnMat <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
lod <- mSetObj$analSet$aov$p.log;
blue.inx <- which(!mSetObj$analSet$aov$inx.imp);
if(sum(blue.inx) > 0){
return(as.matrix(cbind(blue.inx, lod[blue.inx])));
return(as.matrix(cbind(-1, -1)));
GetAovDnIDs <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
blue.inx<- which(!mSetObj$analSet$aov$inx.imp);
if(sum(blue.inx) > 0){
GetAnovaCmpds <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
GetAnovaSigFileName <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
#'Sig Table for T-test Analysis
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
GetSigTable.TT <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
GetSigTable(mSetObj$analSet$tt$sig.mat, "t-tests", mSetObj$dataSet$type);
#'T-test matrix
#'@description Return a double matrix with 2 columns - p values and lod
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
GetTTSigMat <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
GetTTSigRowNames <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
GetTTSigColNames <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
GetTtUpMat <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
lod <- mSetObj$analSet$tt$p.log;
red.inx<- which(mSetObj$analSet$tt$inx.imp);
if(sum(red.inx) > 0){
return(as.matrix(cbind(red.inx, lod[red.inx])));
return(as.matrix(cbind(-1, -1)));
GetTtUpIDs <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
if(sum(red.inx) > 0){
GetTtDnMat <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
lod <- mSetObj$analSet$tt$p.log;
blue.inx <- which(!mSetObj$analSet$tt$inx.imp);
if(sum(blue.inx) > 0){
return(as.matrix(cbind(blue.inx, lod[blue.inx])));
return(as.matrix(cbind(-1, -1)));
GetTtDnIDs <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
if(sum(blue.inx) > 0){
GetTtCmpds <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
GetTtestSigFileName <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
#'Retrieve T-test p-values
#'@description Utility method to get p values
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param paired Default set to FALSE
#'@param equal.var Default set to TRUE
#'@param nonpar Use non-parametric tests, default is set to FALSE
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
GetTtestRes <- function(mSetObj=NA, paired=FALSE, equal.var=TRUE, nonpar=F){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
inx1 <- which(mSetObj$dataSet$cls==levels(mSetObj$dataSet$cls)[1]);
inx2 <- which(mSetObj$dataSet$cls==levels(mSetObj$dataSet$cls)[2]);
if(length(inx1) ==1 || length(inx2) == 1){
equal.var <- TRUE; # overwrite use option if one does not have enough replicates
data <- as.matrix(mSetObj$dataSet$norm);
mem.tt <<- memoise(.get.ttest.res);
return(mem.tt(data, inx1, inx2, paired, equal.var, nonpar));
.get.ttest.res <- function(data, inx1, inx2, paired=FALSE, equal.var=TRUE, nonpar=F){
print("Performing regular t-tests ....");
univ.test <- function(x){t.test(x[inx1], x[inx2], paired = paired, var.equal = equal.var)};
univ.test <- function(x){wilcox.test(x[inx1], x[inx2], paired = paired)};
my.fun <- function(x) {
tmp <- try(univ.test(x));
if(class(tmp) == "try-error") {
return(c(NA, NA));
return(c(tmp$statistic, tmp$p.value));
res <- apply(data, 2, my.fun);
GetFtestRes <- function(mSetObj=NA, nonpar=F){
mem.aov <<- memoise(.get.ftest.res);
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
data <- as.matrix(mSetObj$dataSet$norm);
cls <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls;
print("using cache .......");
return(mem.aov(data, cls, nonpar));
.get.ftest.res <- function(data, cls, nonpar){
print("Performing regular ANOVA F-tests ....");
aov.res <- my.res <- NULL;
aov.res <- apply(data, 2, aof, cls);
anova.res <- lapply(aov.res, anova);
my.res <- unlist(lapply(anova.res, function(x) { c(x["F value"][1,], x["Pr(>F)"][1,])}));
anova.res <- apply(data, 2, kwtest, cls);
my.res <- unlist(lapply(anova.res, function(x) {c(x$statistic, x$p.value)}));
my.res <- list(
aov.res = aov.res,
f.res = data.frame(matrix(my.res, nrow=ncol(data), byrow=T), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#'Utility method to perform the univariate analysis automatically
#'@description The approach is computationally expensive,and fails more often
#'get around: make it lazy unless users request, otherwise the default t-test will also be affected
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
GetUnivReport <- function(mSetObj=NA){
# make this lazy load
if(!exists("my.univ.report")){ # public web on same user dir
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
GetVolcanoDnMat <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
vcn <- mSetObj$analSet$volcano;
imp.inx <- (vcn$inx.up | vcn$inx.down) & vcn$inx.p;
blue.inx <- which(!imp.inx);
xs <- vcn$fc.log[blue.inx]
ys <- vcn$p.log[blue.inx];
return(as.matrix(cbind(xs, ys)));
return(as.matrix(cbind(-1, -1)));
GetVolcanoUpLftMat <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
vcn <- mSetObj$analSet$volcano;
imp.inx <- vcn$inx.down & vcn$inx.p;
red.inx <- which(imp.inx);
xs <- vcn$fc.log[red.inx]
ys <- vcn$p.log[red.inx];
return(as.matrix(cbind(xs, ys)));
return(as.matrix(cbind(-1, -1)));
GetVolcanoUpRgtMat <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
vcn <- mSetObj$analSet$volcano;
imp.inx <- vcn$inx.up & vcn$inx.p;
red.inx <- which(imp.inx);
xs <- vcn$fc.log[red.inx]
ys <- vcn$p.log[red.inx];
return(as.matrix(cbind(xs, ys)));
return(as.matrix(cbind(-1, -1)));
GetVolcanoUpLftIDs <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
vcn <- mSetObj$analSet$volcano;
imp.inx <- vcn$inx.down & vcn$inx.p;
red.inx <- which(imp.inx);
GetVolcanoUpRgtIDs <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
vcn <- mSetObj$analSet$volcano;
imp.inx <- vcn$inx.up & vcn$inx.p;
red.inx <- which(imp.inx);
GetVolcanoDnIDs <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
vcn <- mSetObj$analSet$volcano;
imp.inx <- (vcn$inx.up | vcn$inx.down) & vcn$inx.p;
blue.inx <- which(!imp.inx);
GetVolcanoCmpds <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
#'Volcano indices
#'@description Get indices of top n largest/smallest number
#'@param vec Vector containing volcano indices
#'@param n Numeric
#'@param dec Logical, default set to TRUE
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
GetTopInx <- function(vec, n, dec=T){
inx <- order(vec, decreasing = dec)[1:n];
# convert to T/F vec
vec<-rep(F, length=length(vec));
vec[inx] <- T;
return (vec);
#'Sig table for Volcano Analysis
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
GetSigTable.Volcano <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
GetSigTable(mSetObj$analSet$volcano$sig.mat, "volcano plot", mSetObj$dataSet$type);
GetVolcanoSigMat <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
GetVolcanoSigRowNames <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
GetVolcanoSigColNames <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
ContainInfiniteVolcano <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
GetAovSigNum <- function(mSetObj=NA){
mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
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