
Defines functions AddDoseFeatureToReport AddFeatureToReport .sync.data.metadata .get.max.allow .computeEmpiricalFilterCutoff PerformFeatureFilter get_pheatmap_dims overlap_ratio convert.rda2qs convert.rds2qs checkfac rowcoltt rowcolFt fast.write.csv GetCurrentPathForScheduler .perform.fast.univ.tests PerformFastUnivTests end.with var.na sum.na GetDist3D Get.bwss PlotLoadBoxplot .graph.eda .graph.noa .graph.sif saveNetworkInSIF GetFisherPvalue XSet2MSet GetBashFullPath GetConvertFullPath ShowMemoryUse GetCMD cleanMem RemoveFile RemoveFolder GetColorSchema gg_color_hue GetSizeGradient GetRGBColorGradient ExpandSchema GetShapeSchema UpdateGraphSettings CalculatePairwiseDiff ClearNumerics getVennCounts GetExtendRange hex2rgb hex2rgba my.col2rgba my.col2rgb isEmptyMatrix GetSigTable GetVariableLabel GetAbundanceLabel PrepareLatex ClearStrings CleanNames CleanNumber CleanData UnzipUploadedFile Perform.permutation getDataFromTextArea .get.sqlite.con .my.slowreaders .readDataTable .perform.computing RemoveDuplicates ReplaceMissingByLoD .replace.by.lod

Documented in CalculatePairwiseDiff CleanData CleanNumber ClearStrings GetAbundanceLabel Get.bwss GetCMD GetConvertFullPath getDataFromTextArea GetExtendRange GetFisherPvalue GetSigTable GetVariableLabel isEmptyMatrix Perform.permutation .readDataTable RemoveDuplicates RemoveFile RemoveFolder UnzipUploadedFile UpdateGraphSettings XSet2MSet

### Perform miscellaneous tasks
### Perform misc tasks
### Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
### McGill University, Canada
### License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

# Limit of detection (1/5 of min for each var)
.replace.by.lod <- function(x){
    lod <- min(x[x>0], na.rm=T)/5;
    x[x==0|is.na(x)] <- lod;

ReplaceMissingByLoD <- function(int.mat){
    int.mat <- as.matrix(int.mat);

    rowNms <- rownames(int.mat);
    colNms <- colnames(int.mat);
    int.mat <- apply(int.mat, 2, .replace.by.lod);
    rownames(int.mat) <- rowNms;
    colnames(int.mat) <- colNms;
    return (int.mat);

#'Given a data with duplicates, remove duplicates
#'@description Dups is the one with duplicates
#'@param data Input data to remove duplicates
#'@param lvlOpt Set options, default is mean
#'@param quiet Set to quiet, logical, default is T
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
RemoveDuplicates <- function(data, lvlOpt="mean", quiet=T){
  all.nms <- rownames(data);
  colnms <- colnames(data);
  dup.inx <- duplicated(all.nms);
  dim.orig  <- dim(data);
  data <- apply(data, 2, as.numeric); # force to be all numeric
  dim(data) <- dim.orig; # keep dimension (will lost when only one item) 
  rownames(data) <- all.nms;
  colnames(data) <- colnms;
  if(sum(dup.inx) > 0){
    uniq.nms <- all.nms[!dup.inx];
    uniq.data <- data[!dup.inx,,drop=F];
    dup.nms <- all.nms[dup.inx];
    uniq.dupnms <- unique(dup.nms);
    uniq.duplen <- length(uniq.dupnms);
    for(i in 1:uniq.duplen){
      nm <- uniq.dupnms[i];
      hit.inx.all <- which(all.nms == nm);
      hit.inx.uniq <- which(uniq.nms == nm);
      # average the whole sub matrix 
      if(lvlOpt == "mean"){
        uniq.data[hit.inx.uniq, ]<- apply(data[hit.inx.all,,drop=F], 2, mean, na.rm=T);
      }else if(lvlOpt == "median"){
        uniq.data[hit.inx.uniq, ]<- apply(data[hit.inx.all,,drop=F], 2, median, na.rm=T);
      }else if(lvlOpt == "max"){
        uniq.data[hit.inx.uniq, ]<- apply(data[hit.inx.all,,drop=F], 2, max, na.rm=T);
      }else{ # sum
        uniq.data[hit.inx.uniq, ]<- apply(data[hit.inx.all,,drop=F], 2, sum, na.rm=T);
    AddMsg(paste("A total of ", sum(dup.inx), " of duplicates were replaced by their ", lvlOpt, ".", sep=""));
    AddMsg("All IDs are unique.");

# in public web, this is done by microservice
.perform.computing <- function(){
  dat.in <- qs::qread("dat.in.qs");
  dat.in$my.res <- dat.in$my.fun();
  qs::qsave(dat.in, file="dat.in.qs");  

#' Read data table
#' @description Function to read in a data table. First, it will try to use fread, however, it has issues with 
#' some windows 10 files. In such case, use the slower read.table method.
#' @param fileName Input filename
#' @author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#' McGill University, Canada
#' License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @export

.readDataTable <- function(fileName, save.copy=TRUE){
    dat <- tryCatch(
                data.table::fread(fileName, header=TRUE, check.names=FALSE, 
                                  blank.lines.skip=TRUE, data.table=FALSE, integer64 = "numeric");
            }, error=function(e){
            }, warning=function(w){

    if(any(dim(dat) == 0)){
        dat <- .my.slowreaders(fileName);

    # need to remove potential empty columns !! NOTE the single |, not || which is for atomic operation
    dat <- dat[!sapply(dat, function(x) all(x == "" | is.na(x)))];

        # now try to save something for user side view or debugging
        if(class(dat) == "try-error" || ncol(dat) == 1){
            if((ncol(dat)==1) & (colnames(dat)[1] == "m.z" || colnames(dat)[1] == "mz")){
                # do nothing, because this is not a bug
            } else {
                AddErrMsg("Data format error. Failed to read in the data!");
                AddErrMsg("Make sure the data table is saved as comma separated values (.csv) format!");
                AddErrMsg("Please also check the followings: ");
                AddErrMsg("Either sample or feature names must in UTF-8 encoding; Latin, Greek letters are not allowed.");
                AddErrMsg("We recommend to use a combination of English letters, underscore, and numbers for naming purpose.");
                AddErrMsg("Make sure sample names and feature (peak, compound) names are unique.");
                AddErrMsg("Missing values should be blank or NA without quote.");
                AddErrMsg("Make sure the file delimeters are commas.");

                # now try to extract something for viewing
                    fileConn <- file(filePath, encoding = "UTF-8");
                    text <- readLines(fileConn, n=100); # max 100 lines
                    write.csv(text, file="raw_dataview.csv");
                error = function(e) return(e),
                finally = {


        # save a table output at the earliest time for viewing
        row.num <- nrow(dat);
        col.num <- ncol(dat);
        if(row.num > 100){
            row.num <- 100;
        if(col.num > 10){
            col.num <- 10;
        write.csv(dat[1:row.num, 1:col.num], file="raw_dataview.csv");

.my.slowreaders <- function(fileName){
  print("Using slower file reader ...");
  formatStr <- substr(fileName, nchar(fileName)-2, nchar(fileName))
  if(formatStr == "txt"){
    dat <- try(read.table(fileName, header=TRUE, comment.char = "", check.names=F, as.is=T));
  }else{ # note, read.csv is more than read.table with sep=","
    dat <- try(read.csv(fileName, header=TRUE, comment.char = "", check.names=F, as.is=T));

.get.sqlite.con <- function(sqlite.path){
    return(dbConnect(SQLite(), sqlite.path)); 

#'Transform two column text to data matrix
#'@description Transform two column input text to data matrix (single column data frame)
#'@param txtInput Input text
#'@param sep.type Indicate the seperator type for input text. Default set to "space"
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
getDataFromTextArea <- function(txtInput, sep.type="space"){
  lines <- unlist(strsplit(txtInput, "\r|\n|\r\n")[1]);
    lines <- lines[-1];
  # separated by tab 
    my.lists <- strsplit(lines, "\\t");
  }else{ # from any space
    my.lists <- strsplit(lines, "\\s+");
  my.mat <- do.call(rbind, my.lists);
  if(dim(my.mat)[2] == 1){ # add 0
    my.mat <- cbind(my.mat, rep(0, nrow(my.mat)));
  }else if(dim(my.mat)[2] > 2){
    my.mat <- my.mat[,1:2];
    msg <- "More than two columns found in the list. Only first two columns will be used."
  rownames(my.mat) <- data.matrix(my.mat[,1]);
  my.mat <- my.mat[,-1, drop=F];

#'@description Perform permutation, options to change number of cores used
#'@param perm.num Numeric, input the number of permutations to perform
#'@param fun Dummy function
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
#'@usage Perform.permutation(perm.num, fun)
Perform.permutation <- function(perm.num, fun){
  # for public server, perm.num is not always followed to make sure loop will not continue for very long time
  # before the adventure, see how long it takes for 10 permutations
  # if it is extremely slow (>60 sec) => max 20 (<0.05)
  # if it is very slow (30-60 sec) => max 100 (<0.01)

  start.num <- 1; 
  perm.res <- NULL;
  if(.on.public.web & perm.num > 20){
    start.time <- Sys.time();
    perm.res <- lapply(1:10, fun);
    end.time <- Sys.time();

    time.taken <- end.time - start.time;
    print(paste("time taken for 10 permutations: ", time.taken));

    if(time.taken > 60){
        perm.num <- 20;
    }else if(time.taken > 30){
        perm.num <- 100;
    start.num <- 11;
  print(paste("performing", perm.num, "permutations ..."));
  perm.res <- c(perm.res, lapply(start.num:perm.num, fun));
  return(list(perm.res=perm.res, perm.num = perm.num));

#'Unzip .zip files
#'@description Unzips uploaded .zip files, removes the uploaded file, checks for success
#'@param inPath Input the path of the zipped files
#'@param outPath Input the path to directory where the unzipped files will be deposited
#'@param rmFile Logical, input whether or not to remove files. Default set to T
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
UnzipUploadedFile<-function(inPath, outPath, rmFile=T){
  sys.cmd <- paste("unzip",  "-o", inPath, "-d", outPath);
  sys.res <- try(system(sys.cmd));
  if(sys.res == 0){ # success code for system call
     return (1);
  }else{  # success code for system call
     r.res <- unzip(inPath, exdir=outPath);

#'Perform data cleaning
#'@description Cleans data and removes -Inf, Inf, NA, negative and 0s.
#'@param bdata Input data to clean
#'@param removeNA Logical, T to remove NAs, F to not. 
#'@param removeNeg Logical, T to remove negative numbers, F to not. 
#'@param removeConst Logical, T to remove samples/features with 0s, F to not. 
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

CleanData <-function(bdata, removeNA=T, removeNeg=T, removeConst=T){
  if(sum(bdata==Inf, na.rm=TRUE)>0){
    inx <- bdata == Inf;
    bdata[inx] <- NA;
    bdata[inx] <- max(bdata, na.rm=T)*2
  if(sum(bdata==-Inf, na.rm=TRUE)>0){
    inx <- bdata == -Inf;
    bdata[inx] <- NA;
    bdata[inx] <- min(bdata, na.rm=T)/2
      bdata[is.na(bdata)] <- min(bdata, na.rm=T)/2
    if(sum(as.numeric(bdata<=0)) > 0){
      inx <- bdata <= 0;
      bdata[inx] <- NA;
      bdata[inx] <- min(bdata, na.rm=T)/2
    varCol <- apply(data.frame(bdata), 2, var, na.rm=T); # getting an error of dim(X) must have a positive length, fixed by data.frame
    constCol <- (varCol == 0 | is.na(varCol));
    constNum <- sum(constCol, na.rm=T);
    if(constNum > 0){
      bdata <- data.frame(bdata[,!constCol, drop=FALSE], check.names = F); # got an error of incorrect number of dimensions, added drop=FALSE to avoid vector conversion

#'Replace infinite numbers
#'@description Replace -Inf, Inf to 99999 and -99999
#'@param bdata Input matrix to clean numbers
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
CleanNumber <-function(bdata){
    inx <- bdata == Inf;
    bdata[inx] <- NA;
    bdata[inx] <- 999999;
    inx <- bdata == -Inf;
    bdata[inx] <- NA;
    bdata[inx] <- -999999;

# replace space with underscore
# only keep alphabets, numbers, "." "_", "-" and @
CleanNames <- function(query){
  query <- gsub(" +","_",query);
  query <- gsub("[^[:alnum:].@_-]", "", query);

#'Remove spaces
#'@description Remove from, within, leading and trailing spaces
#'@param query Input the query to clear
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

  # kill multiple white space
  query <- gsub(" +"," ",query);

  # black slash escape sign could kill Rserve immediately
  query <- gsub("\\\\", "-", query);

  # remove leading and trailing space
  query<- sub("^[[:space:]]*(.*?)[[:space:]]*$", "\\1", query, perl=TRUE);

# Remove HTML tag
PrepareLatex <- function(stringVec){
  stringVec <- gsub("<(.|\n)*?>","",stringVec);
  stringVec <- gsub("%", "\\\\%", stringVec);

#'Determine value label for plotting
#'@description Concentration or intensity data type
#'@param data.type Input concentration or intensity data
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
  }else {

#'Determine variable label for plotting
#'@description Determine data type, binned spectra, nmr peak, or ms peak
#'@param data.type Input the data type
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
  }else if(data.type=="specbin"){
    return("Spectra Bins");
  }else if(data.type=="nmrpeak"){
    return("Peaks (ppm)");
  }else if(data.type=="mspeak"){
    return("Peaks (mass)");

#'Create Latex table
#'@description generate Latex table
#'@param mat Input matrix
#'@param method Input method to create table
#'@param data.type Input the data type
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

GetSigTable<-function(mat, method, data.type){
  if(!isEmptyMatrix(mat)){ # test if empty
    cap<-"Important features identified by";
      smat<-as.matrix(mat[1:50,]); # only print top 50 if too many
      colnames(smat)<-colnames(mat); # make sure column names are also copied
      cap<-"Top 50 features identified by";
    # change the rowname to first column
    cname<-c(GetVariableLabel(data.type), cname);
    mat<-cbind(col1, mat);
    print(xtable::xtable(mat, caption=paste(cap, method)), caption.placement="top", size="\\scriptsize");
    print(paste("No significant features were found using the given threshold for", method));

#'Sig table matrix is empty
#'@description Test if a sig table matrix is empty
#'@param mat Matrix to test if empty
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

isEmptyMatrix <- function(mat){
  if(is.null(mat) | length(mat)==0){
  if(nrow(mat)==0 | ncol(mat)==0){

# from color names or code 1, 2, 3 the rbg strings
my.col2rgb <- function(cols){
  rgbcols <- col2rgb(cols);
  return(apply(rgbcols, 2, function(x){paste("rgb(", paste(x, collapse=","), ")", sep="")}));

my.col2rgba <- function(cols, alpha){
  rgbcols <- col2rgb(cols);
  rgbcols <- rbind(rgbcols, alpha);
  return(as.vector(apply(rgbcols, 2, function(x){paste("rgba(", paste(x, collapse=","), ")", sep="")})));

# #FFFFFF to rgb(1, 0, 0)
hex2rgba <- function(cols, alpha=0.8){
  my.cols <- apply(sapply(cols, col2rgb), 2, function(x){paste("rgba(", x[1], ",", x[2], ",", x[3], ",",  alpha, ")", sep="")});

hex2rgb <- function(cols){
  return(apply(sapply(cols, col2rgb), 2, function(x){paste("rgb(", x[1], ",", x[2], ",", x[3], ")", sep="")}));

# List of objects
# Improved list of objects
# Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
# McGill University, Canada
# License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

.ls.objects <- function (pos = 1, pattern, order.by,
                         decreasing=FALSE, head=FALSE, n=5) {
  napply <- function(names, fn) sapply(names, function(x)
    fn(get(x, pos = pos)))
  names <- ls(pos = pos, pattern = pattern)
  obj.class <- napply(names, function(x) as.character(class(x))[1])
  obj.mode <- napply(names, mode)
  obj.type <- ifelse(is.na(obj.class), obj.mode, obj.class)
  obj.prettysize <- napply(names, function(x) {
    capture.output(format(utils::object.size(x), units = "auto")) })
  obj.size <- napply(names, object.size)
  obj.dim <- t(napply(names, function(x)
  vec <- is.na(obj.dim)[, 1] & (obj.type != "function")
  obj.dim[vec, 1] <- napply(names, length)[vec]
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  print(lapply(mSetObj$dataSet, object.size));
  print(lapply(mSetObj$analSet, object.size));

  out <- data.frame(obj.type, obj.size, obj.prettysize, obj.dim)
  names(out) <- c("Type", "Size", "PrettySize", "Rows", "Columns")
  if (!missing(order.by))
    out <- out[order(out[[order.by]], decreasing=decreasing), ]
  if (head)
    out <- head(out, n)

#'Extend axis
#'@description Extends the axis range to both ends
#'vec is the values for that axis
#'unit is the width to extend, 10 will increase by 1/10 of the range
#'@param vec Input the vector
#'@param unit Numeric
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
GetExtendRange<-function(vec, unit=10){
  var.max <- max(vec, na.rm=T);
  var.min <- min(vec, na.rm=T);
  exts <- (var.max - var.min)/unit;
  c(var.min-exts, var.max+exts);

getVennCounts <- function(x, include="both") {
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  include <- match.arg(include,c("both","up","down"))
  x <- sign(switch(include,
                   both = abs(x),
                   up = x > 0,
                   down = x < 0
  nprobes <- nrow(x)
  ncontrasts <- ncol(x)
  names <- colnames(x)
  if(is.null(names)) names <- paste("Group",1:ncontrasts)
  noutcomes <- 2^ncontrasts
  outcomes <- matrix(0,noutcomes,ncontrasts)
  colnames(outcomes) <- names
  for (j in 1:ncontrasts)
    outcomes[,j] <- rep(0:1,times=2^(j-1),each=2^(ncontrasts-j))
  xlist <- list()
  for (i in 1:ncontrasts) xlist[[i]] <- factor(x[,ncontrasts-i+1],levels=c(0,1))
  counts <- as.vector(table(xlist))

# Perform utilities for MetPa
# borrowed from Hmisc
# Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
# McGill University, Canada
# License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
all.numeric <- function (x, what = c("test", "vector"), extras = c(".", "NA")){
  what <- match.arg(what)
  old <- options(warn = -1)
  x <- sub("[[:space:]]+$", "", x);
  x <- sub("^[[:space:]]+", "", x);
  inx <- x %in% c("", extras);
  xs <- x[!inx];
  isnum <- !any(is.na(as.numeric(xs)))
  if (what == "test") 
  else if (isnum) 
  else x

ClearNumerics <-function(dat.mat){
  dat.mat[is.na(dat.mat)] <- -777;
  dat.mat[dat.mat == Inf] <- -999;
  dat.mat[dat.mat == -Inf] <- -111;

#'Calculate Pairwise Differences
#'@description Mat are log normalized, diff will be ratio. Used in higher functions. 
#'@param mat Input matrix of data to calculate pair-wise differences.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
CalculatePairwiseDiff <- function(mat){
  f <- function(i, mat) {
    z <- mat[, i-1] - mat[, i:ncol(mat), drop = FALSE]
    colnames(z) <- paste(colnames(mat)[i-1], colnames(z), sep = "/")
  res <- do.call("cbind", sapply(2:ncol(mat), f, mat));

########## Utilities for web-server ##########

#'Update graph settings
#'@description Function to update the graph settings.
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param colVec colVec
#'@param shapeVec shapeVec
# col.vec should already been created
UpdateGraphSettings <- function(mSetObj=NA, colVec, shapeVec){
    mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
    grpnms <- levels(current.cls);

    # default styles
    grp.num <- length(grpnms);
    if(grp.num <= 18){ 
       cols <- pal_18[1:grp.num];
       cols <- colorRampPalette(pal_18)(grp.num);

    # make sure the NA
    colVec <- gsub("##", "#", colVec)
    na.inx <- colVec == "#NA";
    colVec[na.inx] <- cols[na.inx];
    shapeVec[shapeVec == 0] <- 21;

    names(colVec) <- grpnms;
    names(shapeVec) <- grpnms;

    colVec <<- colVec;
    shapeVec <<- shapeVec;

GetShapeSchema <- function(my.cls, show.name=0, grey.scale=0){

  lvs <- levels(my.cls); 
  grp.num <- length(lvs);

  if(exists("shapeVec") && all(shapeVec >= 0)){
    # double check in case user excluded some groups
    shapes <- shapeVec[names(colVec) %in% levels(my.cls)];
      if(show.name | grey.scale){
      shapes <- 1:grp.num;
      shapes <- rep(21, grp.num);
    names(shapes) <- lvs;

# from grouped assigned to each sample
ExpandSchema<-function(my.cls, schema){
    my.vec <- rep(0, length=length(my.cls));
    clsVec <- as.character(my.cls)
    grpnms <- levels(my.cls);
    for(i in 1:length(grpnms)){
      nm <- grpnms[i];
      my.vec[clsVec == nm] <- schema[nm];


pal_18 <- c("#e6194B", "#3cb44b", "#4363d8", "#42d4f4", "#f032e6", "#ffe119", "#911eb4", "#f58231", "#bfef45",
                  "#fabebe", "#469990", "#e6beff", "#9A6324", "#800000", "#aaffc3", "#808000", "#ffd8b1", "#000075");
cb_pal_18 <- c("#E69F00", "#b12c6f", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#004488", 
                     "#D55E00", "#EE6677", "#CCBB44", "#A95AA1", "#DCB69F", "#661100", 
                     "#63ACBE", "#332288", "#EE7733", "#EE3377", "#0072B2", "#999933");

# return a gradient color vec based on value 
GetRGBColorGradient <- function(vals){
    #seed.cols <- brewer.pal(3, "YlOrRd");
    #seed.cols <- brewer.pal(9, "Oranges")[c(2,5,7)]
    seed.cols <- c("#FCF5DF", "#FFEDA0", "#F03B20")
    cols <- colorRampPalette(seed.cols)(length(vals));

    # set alpha for 
    my.alpha <- signif(seq(from=0.3, to=0.8, length.out=length(vals)),2);
    rgb.cols <- my.col2rgba(cols, alpha=my.alpha);

    # now need make sure values and colors are matched using names
    nms.orig <- names(vals);
    names(rgb.cols) <- names(sort(vals));
    ord.cols <- rgb.cols[nms.orig];
    return(as.vector(ord.cols)); # note remove names

GetSizeGradient <- function(vals){

    my.sizes <- round(seq(from=4, to=6, length.out=length(vals)));

    # now need make sure values and colors are matched using names
    nms.orig <- names(vals);
    names(my.sizes) <- names(sort(vals));
    ord.sizes <- my.sizes[nms.orig];
    return(as.vector(ord.sizes)); # note remove names

gg_color_hue <- function(n) {
  hues = seq(15, 375, length = n + 1)
  hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:n]

GetColorSchema <- function(my.cls, grayscale=F){
   lvs <- levels(my.cls); 
   grp.num <- length(lvs);
      dist.cols <- colorRampPalette(c("grey90", "grey30"))(grp.num);
      names(dist.cols) <- lvs;
   }else if(exists("colVec") && length(colVec) >0 && !any(colVec =="#NA")){

      # make sure to sync with cls in case user exclude some groups
      dist.cols <- colVec[names(colVec) %in% levels(my.cls)];

      if(grp.num <= 18){ # update color and respect default
          dist.cols <- pal_18[1:grp.num];
          dist.cols <- colorRampPalette(pal_18)(grp.num);
      names(dist.cols) <- lvs;

   return (dist.cols);

#'Remove folder
#'@description Remove folder
#'@param folderName Input name of folder to remove
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
  a<-system(paste("rm",  "-r", folderName), intern=T);
    AddErrMsg(paste("Could not remove file -", folderName));
    return (0);

#'Remove file
#'@description Remove file
#'@param fileName Input name of file to remove
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

# do memory cleaning after removing many objects
cleanMem <- function() { 

#'Retrieve last command from the Rhistory.R file
#'@description Fetches the last command from the Rhistory.R file
#'@param regexp Retrieve last command from Rhistory file
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
  # store all lines into a list object
  all.matches<-grep(regexp, all.lines, value=T);
    # only return the last command

# Memory functions
ShowMemoryUse <- function(..., n=40) {
    sink(); # make sure print to screen
    print(.ls.objects(..., order.by="Size", decreasing=TRUE, head=TRUE, n=n));

#'Perform utilities for cropping images
#'@description Obtain the full path to convert (from imagemagik)
#'for cropping images
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
  path <- system("which convert", intern=TRUE);
  if((length(path) == 0) && (typeof(path) == "character")){
    print("Could not find convert in the PATH!");

# need to obtain the full path to convert (from imagemagik) for cropping images
  path <- system("which bash", intern=TRUE);
  if((length(path) == 0) && (typeof(path) == "character")){
    print("Could not find bash in the PATH!");

#'Converts xset object from XCMS to mSet object for MetaboAnalyst
#'@description This function converts processed raw LC/MS data from XCMS 
#'to a usable data object (mSet) for MetaboAnalyst. The immediate next step following using this 
#'function is to perform a SanityCheck, and then further data processing and analysis can continue.
#'@param xset The name of the xcmsSet object created.
#'@param dataType The type of data, either list (Compound lists), conc (Compound concentration data), 
#'specbin (Binned spectra data), pktable (Peak intensity table), nmrpeak (NMR peak lists), mspeak (MS peak lists), 
#'or msspec (MS spectra data).
#'@param analType Indicate the analysis module to be performed: stat, pathora, pathqea, msetora, msetssp, msetqea, mf, 
#'cmpdmap, smpmap, or pathinteg.
#'@param paired Logical, is data paired (T) or not (F).
#'@param format Specify if samples are paired and in rows (rowp), unpaired and in rows (rowu),
#'in columns and paired (colp), or in columns and unpaired (colu).
#'@param lbl.type Specify the data label type, either categorical (disc) or continuous (cont).

XSet2MSet <- function(xset, dataType, analType, paired=F, format, lbl.type){
  # data <- xcms::groupval(xset, "medret", "into");
  # data2 <- rbind(class= as.character(phenoData(xset)$class), data);
  # rownames(data2) <- c("group", paste(round(groups(xset)[,"mzmed"], 3), round(groups(xset)[,"rtmed"]/60, 1), sep="/"));
  # fast.write.csv(data2, file="PeakTable.csv");
  # mSet <- InitDataObjects("dataType", "analType", paired)
  # mSet <- Read.TextData(mSet, "PeakTable.csv", "format", "lbl.type")
  # print("mSet successfully created...")
  # return(.set.mSet(mSetObj));

#'Get fisher p-values
#'@param numSigMembers Number of significant members
#'@param numSigAll Number of all significant features
#'@param numMembers Number of members
#'@param numAllMembers Number of all members
GetFisherPvalue <- function(numSigMembers, numSigAll, numMembers, numAllMembers){
  z <- cbind(numSigMembers, numSigAll-numSigMembers, numMembers-numSigMembers, numAllMembers-numMembers-numSigAll+numSigMembers);
  z <- lapply(split(z, 1:nrow(z)), matrix, ncol=2);
  z <- lapply(z, fisher.test, alternative = 'greater');
  p.values <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(z, "[[", "p.value"), use.names=FALSE));

saveNetworkInSIF <- function(network, name){
  edges <- .graph.sif(network=network, file=name);
  sif.nm <- paste(name, ".sif", sep="");
    edge.nms <- .graph.eda(network=network, file=name, edgelist.names=edges);
    sif.nm <- c(sif.nm, edge.nms);
    node.nms <- .graph.noa(network=network, file=name);
    sif.nm <- c(sif.nm, node.nms);
  # need to save all sif and associated attribute files into a zip file for download
  zip(paste(name,"_sif",".zip", sep=""), sif.nm);

.graph.sif <- function(network, file){
  edgelist.names <- igraph::get.edgelist(network, names=TRUE)
  edgelist.names <- cbind(edgelist.names[,1], rep("pp", length(E(network))), edgelist.names[,2]);
  write.table(edgelist.names, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, file=paste(file, ".sif", sep=""), sep="\t", quote=FALSE)

# internal method to write cytoscape node attribute files
.graph.noa <- function(network, file){
  all.nms <- c();
  attrib <- list.vertex.attributes(network)
  for(i in 1:length(attrib)){
    if(is(get.vertex.attribute(network, attrib[i]))[1] == "character")
      type <- "String"
    if(is(get.vertex.attribute(network, attrib[i]))[1] == "integer")
      type <- "Integer"
    if(is(get.vertex.attribute(network, attrib[i]))[1] == "numeric")
      type <- "Double"
    noa <- cbind(V(network)$name, rep("=", length(V(network))), get.vertex.attribute(network, attrib[i]))
    first.line <- paste(attrib[i], " (class=java.lang.", type, ")", sep="")
    file.nm <- paste(file, "_", attrib[i], ".NA", sep="");
    write(first.line, file=file.nm, ncolumns = 1, append=FALSE, sep=" ")
    write.table(noa, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, file=file.nm, sep=" ", append=TRUE, quote=FALSE);
    all.nms <- c(all.nms, file.nm);

# internal method to write cytoscape edge attribute files
.graph.eda <- function(network, file, edgelist.names){
  all.nms <- c();
  attrib <- list.edge.attributes(network)
  for(i in 1:length(attrib)){
    if(is(get.edge.attribute(network, attrib[i]))[1] == "character")
      type <- "String"
    if(is(get.edge.attribute(network, attrib[i]))[1] == "integer")
      type <- "Integer"
    if(is(get.edge.attribute(network, attrib[i]))[1] == "numeric")
      type <- "Double"
    eda <- cbind(cbind(edgelist.names[,1], rep("(pp)", length(E(network))), edgelist.names[,3]), rep("=", length(E(network))), get.edge.attribute(network, attrib[i]))
    first.line <- paste(attrib[i], " (class=java.lang.", type, ")", sep="");
    file.nm <- paste(file, "_", attrib[i], ".EA", sep="");
    write(first.line, file=file.nm, ncolumns=1, append=FALSE, sep =" ")
    write.table(eda, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, file=file.nm, sep=" ", append=TRUE, quote=FALSE);
    all.nms <- c(all.nms, file.nm);

PlotLoadBoxplot <- function(mSetObj=NA, cmpd){

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

  cls.lbls <- mSetObj$dataSet$cls;
  y.label <- GetAbundanceLabel(mSetObj$dataSet$type);
  cmpd.name = paste0("Met_", cmpd, ".png")
  Cairo::Cairo(file=cmpd.name, width=240, height=400, bg = "transparent", type="png");
  col <- unique(GetColorSchema(cls.lbls))
  df <- data.frame(conc = mSetObj$dataSet$norm[, cmpd], class = cls.lbls)
  p <- ggplot2::ggplot(df, aes(x=class, y=conc, fill=class)) + geom_boxplot(notch=FALSE, outlier.shape = NA, outlier.colour=NA) + theme_bw() + geom_jitter(size=1)
  p <- p + theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(), axis.title.y = element_blank(), legend.position = "none")
  p <- p + stat_summary(fun.y=mean, colour="yellow", geom="point", shape=18, size=3, show.legend = FALSE)
  p <- p + theme(text = element_text(size=15), plot.margin = margin(t=0.45, r=0.25, b=1.5, l=0.25, "cm"))
  p <- p + scale_fill_manual(values=col) + ggtitle(cmpd) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, hjust=1), axis.text = element_text(size=10))
  p <- p + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 14, hjust=0.5, face="bold", vjust=2))

#'Compute within group and between group sum of squares
#'(BSS/WSS) for each row of a matrix which may have NA
#'@description Columns have labels, x is a numeric vector,
#'cl is consecutive integers
#'@param x Numeric vector
#'@param cl Columns
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

Get.bwss<-function(x, cl){
  K <- max(cl) - min(cl) + 1
  tvar <- var.na(x);
  tn <- sum(!is.na(x));
  wvar <- wn <- numeric(K);
  for(i in (1:K)) {
    if(sum(cl == (i + min(cl) - 1)) == 1){
      wvar[i] <- 0;
      wn[i] <- 1;
    if(sum(cl == (i + min(cl) - 1)) > 1) {
      wvar[i] <- var.na(x[cl == (i + min(cl) - 1)]);
      wn[i] <- sum(!is.na(x[cl == (i + min(cl) - 1)]));
  WSS <- sum.na(wvar * (wn - 1));
  TSS <- tvar * (tn - 1)
  (TSS - WSS)/WSS;

# compute the distance to the centroid of the given data
# note each col is a x,y,z
# since this is centered, the centroid is origin
GetDist3D <-function(mat, target=c(0,0,0)){
    dist.vec <- apply(mat, 2, function(x) dist(rbind(x, target)));

sum.na <- function(x,...){
  res <- NA
  tmp <- !(is.na(x) | is.infinite(x))
  if(sum(tmp) > 0)
    res <- sum(x[tmp])

var.na <- function(x){
  res <- NA
  tmp <- !(is.na(x) | is.infinite(x))
  if(sum(tmp) > 1){
    res <- var(as.numeric(x[tmp]))

end.with <- function(bigTxt, endTxt){
   return(substr(bigTxt, nchar(bigTxt)-nchar(endTxt)+1, nchar(bigTxt)) == endTxt);

## fast T-tests/F-tests, and use cache to avoid redundant computing
PerformFastUnivTests <- function(data, cls, var.equal=TRUE){
        mem.univ <<- memoise(.perform.fast.univ.tests);
    return(mem.univ(data, cls, var.equal));

.perform.fast.univ.tests <- function(data, cls, var.equal=TRUE){

    print("Performing fast univariate tests ....");
    # note, feature in rows for gene expression
    data <- t(as.matrix(data));
    if(length(levels(cls)) > 2){
        res <- try(rowcolFt(data, cls, var.equal = var.equal));
        res <- try(rowcoltt(data, cls, FALSE, 1L, FALSE));

    if(class(res) == "try-error") {
        res <- cbind(NA, NA);
        # res <- cbind(res$statistic, res$p.value);
        # make sure row names are kept
        res <- res[, c("statistic", "p.value")];


GetCurrentPathForScheduler <- function(){
    path <-getwd();
    path <- gsub(basename(path), "", path)

fast.write.csv <- function(dat, file, row.names=TRUE){
                # there is a rare bug in data.table (R 3.6) which kill the R process in some cases 
                data.table::fwrite(dat, file, row.names=row.names);
                write.csv(dat, file, row.names=row.names);  
        }, error=function(e){
            write.csv(dat, file, row.names=row.names);   
        }, warning=function(w){
            write.csv(dat, file, row.names=row.names); 

rowcolFt =  function(x, fac, var.equal, which = 1L) {
  if(!(which %in% c(1L, 2L)))
    stop(sQuote("which"), " must be 1L or 2L.")
    x = t(x)

  if (typeof(x) == "integer")
      x[] <- as.numeric(x)

  sqr = function(x) x*x
  stopifnot(length(fac)==ncol(x), is.factor(fac), is.matrix(x))
  x   <- x[,!is.na(fac), drop=FALSE]
  fac <- fac[!is.na(fac)]

  ## Number of levels (groups)
  k <- nlevels(fac)

  ## xm: a nrow(x) x nlevels(fac) matrix with the means of each factor
  ## level
  xm <- matrix(
     sapply(levels(fac), function(fl) rowMeans(x[,which(fac==fl), drop=FALSE])),
     nrow = nrow(x),
     ncol = nlevels(fac))

  ## x1: a matrix of group means, with as many rows as x, columns correspond to groups 
  x1 <- xm[,fac, drop=FALSE]

  ## degree of freedom 1
  dff    <- k - 1

    ## x0: a matrix of same size as x with overall means
    x0 <- matrix(rowMeans(x), ncol=ncol(x), nrow=nrow(x))
    ## degree of freedom 2
    dfr    <- ncol(x) - dff - 1

    ## mean sum of squares
    mssf   <- rowSums(sqr(x1 - x0)) / dff
    mssr   <- rowSums(sqr( x - x1)) / dfr

    ## F statistic
    fstat  <- mssf/mssr

  } else{

    ## a nrow(x) x nlevels(fac) matrix with the group size  of each factor
    ## level
    ni <- t(matrix(tapply(fac,fac,length),ncol=nrow(x),nrow=k))

    ## wi: a nrow(x) x nlevels(fac) matrix with the variance * group size of each factor
    ## level
    sss <- sqr(x-x1)
    x5 <- matrix(
       sapply(levels(fac), function(fl) rowSums(sss[,which(fac==fl), drop=FALSE])),
       nrow = nrow(sss),
       ncol = nlevels(fac))          
    wi <- ni*(ni-1) /x5

    ## u : Sum of wi
    u  <- rowSums(wi)

    ## F statistic
    MR <- rowSums(sqr((1 - wi/u)) * 1/(ni-1))*1/(sqr(k)-1)
    fsno <- 1/dff * rowSums(sqr(xm - rowSums(wi*xm)/u) * wi)
    fsdeno <- 1+ 2* (k-2)*MR
    fstat <- fsno/fsdeno

    ## degree of freedom 2: Vector with length nrow(x)
    dfr <- 1/(3 * MR)
  res = data.frame(statistic = fstat,
                   p.value   = pf(fstat, dff, dfr, lower.tail=FALSE),
                   row.names = rownames(x))

  attr(res, "df") = c(dff=dff, dfr=dfr)

rowcoltt =  function(x, fac, tstatOnly, which, na.rm) {
  #  dyn.load(.getDynLoadPath());

  if (!missing(tstatOnly) && (!is.logical(tstatOnly) || is.na(tstatOnly)))
      stop(sQuote("tstatOnly"), " must be TRUE or FALSE.")
  f = checkfac(fac)
  if ((f$nrgrp > 2) || (f$nrgrp <= 0))
    stop("Number of groups is ", f$nrgrp, ", but must be >0 and <=2 for 'rowttests'.")

  if (typeof(x) == "integer")
      x[] <- as.numeric(x)

  #cc = .Call("rowcolttests", x, f$fac, f$nrgrp, which-1L, na.rm)
   cc = XiaLabCppLib::rowcolttestsR(x, f$fac, f$nrgrp, which-1L, na.rm)

  res = data.frame(statistic = cc$statistic,
                   dm        = cc$dm,
                   row.names = dimnames(x)[[which]])

  if (!tstatOnly)
    res = cbind(res, p.value = 2*pt(abs(res$statistic), cc$df, lower.tail=FALSE))

  attr(res, "df") = cc$df    

checkfac = function(fac) {

  if(is.numeric(fac)) {
    nrgrp = as.integer(max(fac, na.rm=TRUE)+1)
    fac   = as.integer(fac)
  ## this must precede the factor test
    fac = factor(fac)

  if (is.factor(fac)) {
    nrgrp = nlevels(fac)
    fac   = as.integer(as.integer(fac)-1)
    stop("'fac' must be factor, character, numeric, or integer.")
  if(any(fac<0, na.rm=TRUE))
    stop("'fac' must not be negative.")
  return(list(fac=fac, nrgrp=nrgrp))

# to convert all rds files to qs file for faster access
convert.rds2qs <- function(){
 rds.files <- list.files(".", pattern=".rds$");
 for(rds in rds.files){
    lib.rds <- readRDS(rds);
    nm <- substr(rds, 1, nchar(rds)-4);
    qs::qsave(lib.rds,paste0(nm, ".qs"));

# to convert all rda files to qs file for faster access
convert.rda2qs <- function(){
 rda.files <- list.files(".", pattern=".rda$");
 for(rda in rda.files){
    nm <- substr(rda, 1, nchar(rda)-4);
    lib.rda <- load(rda);
    # here the name is inmexpa (jointpa)
    # qs::qsave(inmexpa,paste0(nm, ".qs"));
    # here the name is metpa (metpa)
    qs::qsave(metpa,paste0(nm, ".qs"));
    # here the name is current.msetlib (msets)
    #qs::qsave(current.msetlib,paste0(nm, ".qs"));

overlap_ratio <- function(x, y) {
  x <- unlist(x)
  y <- unlist(y)
  length(intersect(x, y))/length(unique(c(x,y)))

# a utility function to get pheatmap image size (before saving to PNG)
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61874876/get-size-of-plot-in-pixels-in-r
get_pheatmap_dims <- function(dat, annotation, view.type, width, cellheight = 15, cellwidth = 15){
  png("NUL", type = "cairo"); # trick to avoid open device in server 
  heat_map <- pheatmap::pheatmap(dat, annotation=annotation, cellheight = cellheight, cellwidth = cellwidth);
  h <- sum(sapply(heat_map$gtable$heights, grid::convertHeight, "in"));
  w  <- sum(sapply(heat_map$gtable$widths, grid::convertWidth, "in"));

  # further refine 
  myW <- ncol(dat)*20 + 200;  
  if(myW < 650){
      myW <- 650;
  myW <- round(myW/72,2);
  if(w < myW){
    w <- myW;

  if(view.type == "overview"){
      if(w > 9){
        w <- 9;
    }else if(width == 0){
      if(w > 7.2){
        w <- 7.2;
      w <- 7.2;
    if(h > w){
      h <- w;

  return(list(height = h, width = w));

## perform unsupervised data filter based on common measures
PerformFeatureFilter <- function(int.mat, filter, filter.cutoff, anal.type){

    nm <- NULL;
    msg <- "";

    # first compute rank based on filter selected
    if (filter == "rsd"){
      sds <- apply(int.mat, 2, sd, na.rm=T);
      mns <- apply(int.mat, 2, mean, na.rm=T);
      filter.val <- abs(sds/mns);
      nm <- "Relative standard deviation";
    }else if (filter == "nrsd" ){
      mads <- apply(int.mat, 2, mad, na.rm=T);
      meds <- apply(int.mat, 2, median, na.rm=T);
      filter.val <- abs(mads/meds);
      nm <- "Non-paramatric relative standard deviation";
    }else if (filter == "mean"){
      filter.val <- apply(int.mat, 2, mean, na.rm=T);
      nm <- "mean";
    }else if (filter == "sd"){
      filter.val <- apply(int.mat, 2, sd, na.rm=T);
      nm <- "standard deviation";
    }else if (filter == "mad"){
      filter.val <- apply(int.mat, 2, mad, na.rm=T);
      nm <- "Median absolute deviation";
    }else if (filter == "median"){
      filter.val <- apply(int.mat, 2, median, na.rm=T);
      nm <- "median";
    }else{ # iqr
      filter.val <- apply(int.mat, 2, IQR, na.rm=T);
      nm <- "Interquantile Range";
    # get the rank of the filtered variables
    rk <- rank(-filter.val, ties.method='random');

    remain.num <- ncol(int.mat)*(1-(filter.cutoff/100));
    remain <- rk <= remain.num;
    msg <- paste(msg, "Feature filtering based on ", nm, " - removed <b>", sum(!remain), "</b>based on the cutoff.");

    # note, primary.user is a global variable set from web, TRUE for registered users or local MetaboAnalystR user
        max.allow <- .get.max.allow(anal.type);  
        if(sum(remain) > max.allow){
            remain <- rk <= max.allow;
            msg <- paste(msg, paste("Further reduced to <b>", max.allow, "</b> features based on <b>", nm, "</b>"));   
    # save a copy for user 
    fast.write.csv(cbind(filter=filter.val, t(int.mat)), file=paste0("data_prefilter_", filter, ".csv"));

    return(list(data=int.mat[, remain], msg=msg));

# do default filtering based on data size
.computeEmpiricalFilterCutoff <- function(feat.num, anal.type){

    filter.cutoff <- 0;
    if(feat.num < 250){ 
        filter.cutoff <- 5;
    }else if(feat.num < 500){ # reduce 10%
        filter.cutoff <- 10;
    }else if(feat.num < 1000){ # reduce 25%
        filter.cutoff <- 25;
    }else{ # reduce 40%, 
        filter.cutoff <- 40;

        max.allow <- .get.max.allow (anal.type);      
        if(feat.num*0.6 > max.allow){
            filter.cutoff <- round(100*(feat.num - max.allow) / feat.num);


# general default control for datasize 
.get.max.allow <- function(anal.type){

    if(anal.type == "mummichog"){
        max.allow <- 7500;
    }else if(anal.type == "power" || anal.type == "mf"){
        max.allow <- 2500;
        max.allow <- 5000;

# make data and metadata share the same samples and in same order    
.sync.data.metadata <- function(my.data, my.metadata){ 

     if(!identical(rownames(my.data), rownames(my.metadata))){

        # now get the overlap, using first as anchor
        smpl.nms <- rownames(my.data);
        shared.inx <- smpl.nms %in% rownames(my.metadata);
        shared.nms <- smpl.nms[shared.inx];

            print(paste("Those samples are removed from data: ", paste(smpl.nms[!shared.inx], collapse="; "), collapse=" "));

        # update both
        my.data <- my.data[shared.nms,,drop=FALSE];
        my.metadata <- my.metadata[shared.nms,,drop=FALSE];

        # drop levels for factor column in case the whole group is gone
        for(i in 1:ncol(my.metadata)){
            if(class(my.metadata[,i]) == "factor"){
                my.metadata[,i] <- droplevels(my.metadata[,i]);
        print(paste("Successfully performed synchronization: a total of", length(shared.nms), "samples that are shared between the two tables are left.", collapse=" "));

      return(list(data=my.data, metadata=my.metadata));

AddFeatureToReport <- function(mSetObj=NA, id, imgName){
    mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
    if (is.null(mSetObj$imgSet$featureList)) {
      mSetObj$imgSet$featureList <- list()
    mSetObj$imgSet$featureList[[id]] <- imgName; 

AddDoseFeatureToReport <- function(mSetObj=NA, id, imgName){
    mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
    if (is.null(mSetObj$imgSet$doseFeatureList)) {
      mSetObj$imgSet$doseFeatureList <- list()
    mSetObj$imgSet$doseFeatureList[[id]] <- imgName; 
xia-lab/MetaboAnalystR documentation built on July 26, 2024, 12:09 a.m.