#' A tool to quantitatively assess differential translations with ribosome profiling data.
#' By pairwise comparisons of ribosome profiling data, Xtail
#' identifies differentially translated genes across two experimental or
#' physiological conditions.
#' @references Zhengtao Xiao, Qin Zou, Yu Liu, and Xuerui Yang: Genome-wide
#' assessment of differential translations with ribosome profiling data.
#' @param mrna a matrix or data frame of raw mRNA count data whose rows
#' correspond to genes and columns correspond to samples. The column names
#' should be non-empty, and in same order with condition.
#' @param rpf a matrix or data frame of raw RPF count data whose rows correspond
#' to genes and columns correspond to samples.The column names should be
#' non-empty, and in same order with condition.
#' @param condition condition labels corresponding to the order of samples in
#' mrna and rpf. There must be exactly two unique values.
#' @param baseLevel The baseLevel indicates which one of the two conditions will
#' be compared against by the other one. If not specified, \code{Xtail} will
#' return results of comparing the second condition over the first one.
#' @param minMeanCount \code{Xtail} uses the average expression level of each
#' gene, across all samples as filter criterion and it omits all genes with
#' mean counts below minMeanCount.
#' @param ci The level of confindence to get credible intervals of log2 fold
#' change of translational efficiency (TE), for example 0.95.
#' @param normalize Whether normalization should be done (TRUE \\ FALSE). If
#' missing, \code{Xtail} will perform median-of-ratios normlazation by
#' default.
#' @param p.adjust.method The method to use for adjusting multiple comparisons, by
#' default "BH", see \code{?p.adjust}
#' @param threads The number of CPU cores used. By default, all available cores
#' are used.
#' @param bins The number of bins used for calculating the probability density
#' of log2FC or log2R (default is 10000). This paramater will determine
#' accuracy of pvalue. Set it small for a very quick test run.
#' @return a \code{xtail} object
#' @details No missing values are allowed in input data mrna and rpf.
#' Duplicate row names (gene names or gene ids) are not allowed.
#' \code{Xtail} takes in raw read counts of RPF and mRNA, and performs
#' median-of-ratios normalization. Alternatively, users can provide normalized
#' read counts and skip the built-in normal by setting "normalize" to FALSE.
#' The step of estimation of the probability distributions, for log2FC or
#' log2R, will execute slowly in the current implementation, but can be
#' speeded up by running on multiple cores using the parallel library. By
#' default, the "detectCores" function in parallel library is used to
#' determine the number of CPU cores in the machine on which R is running. To
#' adjust the number of cores used, use "threads" argument to assign.
#' @name xtail
#' @author Zhengtao xiao
#' @examples
#' #load the data
#' data(xtaildata)
#' # Get the mrna count data and rpf count data. For the example only the first
#' # 100 are used
#' test.mrna <- xtaildata$mrna[1:100,]
#' test.rpf <- xtaildata$rpf[1:100,]
#' #Assign condition labels to samples.
#' condition <- c("control","control","treat","treat")
#' #run xtail
#' test.results <- xtail(test.mrna,test.rpf,condition, threads = 2)
#' test.results
.norm_mrna_rpf <- function(mrna, rpf, minMeanCount){
keep.genes <- rowMeans(mrna) >= minMeanCount
mrna.keep <- rownames(mrna)[keep.genes]
keep.genes <- rowMeans(rpf) >= minMeanCount
rpf.keep <- rownames(rpf)[keep.genes]
## merge genes in mrna and rpf
keep.genes <- intersect(mrna.keep,rpf.keep)
mrna <- mrna[keep.genes,,drop=FALSE]
rpf <- rpf[keep.genes,,drop=FALSE]
## if the colnames of mrna and rpf are same, add characters to distinguish them.
if (sum(colnames(mrna) == colnames(rpf)) >= 1){
colnames(mrna) = paste0("mrna_",colnames(mrna))
colnames(rpf) = paste0("rpf_",colnames(rpf))
list(mrna = mrna, rpf = rpf)
#' @importFrom stats median
.estimate_size_factors_for_matrix <- function(counts,
locfunc = stats::median){
loggeomeans <- rowMeans(log(counts))
if (all(is.infinite(loggeomeans))) {
stop("every gene contains at least one zero, cannot compute log ",
"geometric means",
call. = FALSE)
sf <- apply(counts, 2, function(cnts) {
exp(locfunc((log(cnts) - loggeomeans)[is.finite(loggeomeans) & cnts > 0]))
.get_size_factors <- function(mrna, rpf, normalize){
#normalize together
if (normalize){
message("Calculating the library size factors")
pool_sizeFactor <- .estimate_size_factors_for_matrix(cbind(mrna,rpf))
mrna_sizeFactor <- pool_sizeFactor[seq_len(ncol(mrna))]
rpf_sizeFactor <- pool_sizeFactor[(ncol(mrna)+1):(ncol(mrna)+ncol(rpf))]
} else {
mrna_sizeFactor <- rep(1, ncol(mrna))
rpf_sizeFactor <- rep(1,ncol(rpf))
list(mrna_sizeFactor = mrna_sizeFactor, rpf_sizeFactor = rpf_sizeFactor)
#' @rdname xtail
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay
#' @export
xtail <- function(mrna,
baseLevel = NA,
minMeanCount = 1,
normalize = TRUE,
p.adjust.method ="BH",
threads = NA,
bins = 10000L,
ci = 0){
# input checks
## there must be exactly two different conditon
if (length(unique(condition))!=2) {
stop("There must be exactly two different conditions.",
call. = FALSE)
# normalize must be TRUE or FALSE
if(!is.logical(normalize) || length(normalize) != 1L || is.na(normalize)){
stop("'normalize' must be TRUE or FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
## default baseLevel is the first coniditon
if (is.na(baseLevel)) {
baseLevel <- condition[1]
## if the baseLevel is in conditon
if (length(baseLevel) != 1L || !(baseLevel %in% condition)){
stop("baseLevel is not in condition", call. = FALSE)
## if the colnames of mrna and rpf are matched
if(is.null(rownames(mrna)) || is.null(rownames(rpf))){
stop("rownames of 'mrna' and 'rpf' must be set.",
call. = FALSE)
if (ncol(mrna) != ncol(rpf)) {
stop("'mrna' and 'rpf' must have same number of columns.",
call. = FALSE)
## if the colnames and condition are match
if(length(condition) != ncol(mrna)) {
stop("condition must have same length as the number of columns of rna.",
call. = FALSE)
## check confidence interval
if (length(ci) != 1L || ci<0 || ci > 1 ) {
stop("ci must be a single numeric value between 0 and 1.",
call. = FALSE)
## check pvalue.adjust method
supported.padj <- c("holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY","fdr")
if (length(p.adjust.method) != 1L || !(p.adjust.method %in% supported.padj)) {
stop(paste0("The adjustment methods must be one of '",
paste(supported.padj,collapse="', '")),
call. = FALSE)
if (length(minMeanCount) != 1L || minMeanCount < 1){
stop("minMeanCount must be single numeric value and be larger than 1.",
call. = FALSE)
# norm the input matrices and
mrna_rpf_normed <- .norm_mrna_rpf(mrna, rpf, minMeanCount)
mrna <- mrna_rpf_normed$mrna
rpf <- mrna_rpf_normed$rpf
size_factors <- .get_size_factors(mrna, rpf, normalize)
mrna_sizeFactor <- size_factors$mrna_sizeFactor
rpf_sizeFactor <- size_factors$rpf_sizeFactor
mrna <- round(mrna)
rpf <- round(rpf)
## 1. Estimate the difference of log2FC between mRNA and RPF
#If no replicate, we assume no more than one-third of genes' expression changed.
message ("1. Estimate the log2 fold change in mrna")
mrna_object = .estimate(mrna,
message ("2. Estimate the log2 fold change in rpf")
rpf_object = .estimate(rpf,
message ("3. Estimate the difference between two log2 fold changes")
result_log2FC = .xtail_test(mrna_object,
### 2. Estimate the difference of log2R between control and treatment
cond_base <- condition == baseLevel
condition1_mrna <- mrna[,cond_base,drop=FALSE]
condition1_rpf <- rpf[,cond_base,drop=FALSE]
condition2_mrna <- mrna[,!cond_base,drop=FALSE]
condition2_rpf <- rpf[,!cond_base,drop=FALSE]
condition1_counts <- cbind(condition1_mrna,condition1_rpf)
condition2_counts <- cbind(condition2_mrna,condition2_rpf)
condition1_sizeFactor <- c(mrna_sizeFactor[cond_base],rpf_sizeFactor[cond_base])
condition2_sizeFactor <- c(mrna_sizeFactor[!cond_base],rpf_sizeFactor[!cond_base])
condition1_disper <- cbind(assay(mrna_object,XTAIL_DISPERSION_ASSAY)[,cond_base,drop=FALSE],
condition2_disper <- cbind(assay(mrna_object,XTAIL_DISPERSION_ASSAY)[,!cond_base,drop=FALSE],
condition1 <- c(paste0(condition[cond_base],"_mRNA"),
baseLevel1 <- paste0(baseLevel,"_mRNA")
condition2 <- c(paste0(condition[!cond_base],"_mRNA"),
baseLevel2 <- paste0(unique(condition[!cond_base]),"_mRNA")
message ("4. Estimate the log2 ratio in first condition")
condition1_object <- .estimate(condition1_counts,
message ("5. Estimate the log2 ratio in second condition")
condition2_object <- .estimate(condition2_counts,
message ("6. Estimate the difference between two log2 ratios")
result_log2R = .xtail_test(condition1_object,
## 3. combine the log2FC and log2R results and report
xtail <- .new_xtail(result_log2FC, result_log2R, condition, baseLevel, ci,
nums <- resultsNum(xtail)
message("Number of the log2FC and log2R used in determining the final p-value")
message(paste0(" log2FC: ", nums["numFoldChange"]))
message(paste0(" log2R: ", nums["numRatio"]))
#' @importFrom locfit locfit
#' @importFrom stats predict
.get_xtail_dispersion_fit_function <- function(rawmeans,
quantilePercent = 0.35,
binnum = 50,
minDisp = 1e-8){
useForFit <- rawdisps > 100 * minDisp
if(sum(useForFit) == 0){
stop("all gene-wise dispersion estimates are within 2 orders of ",
"magnitude from the minimum value, and so the gene-wise ",
"estimates as final estimates.")
usedMeans <- rawmeans[useForFit]
usedDisps <- rawdisps[useForFit]
sortMeans <- usedMeans[order(usedMeans)]
sortDisps <- usedDisps[order(usedMeans)]
genenum <- length(sortMeans)
quantile_means <- c()
quantile_disps <- c()
for(i in seq(1,genenum,binnum)){
num = min(binnum,genenum-i+1)
curbin_means <- sortMeans[i:(i+num-1)]
curbin_disps <- sortDisps[i:(i+num-1)]
m <- curbin_means[order(curbin_disps)][seq_len(floor(num*quantilePercent))]
d <- curbin_disps[order(curbin_disps)][seq_len(floor(num*quantilePercent))]
quantile_means <- c(quantile_means, m)
quantile_disps <- c(quantile_disps, d)
dat <- data.frame(logDisps = log(quantile_disps), logMeans=log(quantile_means))
fit <- locfit(logDisps~logMeans, data=dat[quantile_disps>=minDisp*10,,drop=FALSE])
dispFit <- function(rawmeans){
#' @import DESeq2
#' @importFrom stats relevel formula
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay assay<-
.estimate <- function(countData, condition, baseLevel, libsize, dispers = NULL){
## using the DESeqDataSet to store data
colData <- data.frame(row.names = colnames(countData),
condition = relevel(factor(condition), baseLevel))
dataSet <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = countData,
colData = colData,
design = ~ condition)
# colData(dataSet)$condition <- relevel(colData(dataSet)$condition, baseLevel)
# normalization
if (missing(libsize)){
dataSet <- suppressMessages(estimateSizeFactors(dataSet))
} else {
sizeFactors(dataSet) <- libsize
# estimateDispersion
if (is.null(dispers)){
if (ncol(countData) == 2){
object <- dataSet #creat a copy of a dataSet for estimating dispersion
design(object) <- formula(~1) # take two conditon samples as replicates for estimating dispersion
object <- estimateDispersionsGeneEst(object)
dispFitFun <- .get_xtail_dispersion_fit_function(
#attr(dispFitFun, "fitType") = "bin quantile"
fittedDisps <- dispFitFun(mcols(object)$baseMean)
dispers <- matrix(rep(fittedDisps, ncol(dataSet)),
ncol = ncol(dataSet),
byrow = FALSE)
} else {
dataSet <- suppressMessages(estimateDispersions(dataSet))
dispers <- matrix(rep(dispersions(dataSet), ncol(dataSet)),
ncol = ncol(dataSet),
byrow = FALSE)
assay(dataSet, XTAIL_DISPERSION_ASSAY, withDimnames = FALSE) <- dispers
# estimate log2FC or log2R
dataSet <- suppressMessages(
.estimate_MLE_for_Beta(dataSet, modelMatrixType = "standard"))
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster clusterExport detectCores parLapply
#' stopCluster
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay colData
.xtail_test <- function(object1, object2,threads,bins,baseLevel, ci){
intersect.genes <- intersect(rownames(object1), rownames(object2))
object1 <- object1[intersect.genes,,drop=FALSE]
object2 <- object2[intersect.genes,,drop=FALSE]
counts1 <- counts(object1)
counts1[which(counts1==0)] = 1
counts2 <- counts(object2)
counts2[which(counts2==0)] = 1
intercept1 <- mcols(object1)$Intercept
intercept2 <- mcols(object2)$Intercept
dispersion1 <- assay(object1,XTAIL_DISPERSION_ASSAY)
dispersion2 <- assay(object2,XTAIL_DISPERSION_ASSAY)
resName1 <- resultsNames(object1)[2]
resName2 <- resultsNames(object2)[2]
log2Ratio1 <- mcols(object1)[[resName1]]
log2Ratio2 <- mcols(object2)[[resName2]]
sizefactor1 <- sizeFactors(object1)
sizefactor2 <- sizeFactors(object2)
cond1 <- as.numeric(colData(object1)$condition) - 1L
cond2 <- as.numeric(colData(object2)$condition) - 1L
## Estimate the probabilities of log2R and log2FC
## parallel used for speeding up
rowNo <- nrow(counts1)
## automaticly detect the number of CPU cores.
cluster <- makeCluster(detectCores())
} else {
cluster <- makeCluster(threads)
clusterExport(cl = cluster,
varlist = c("counts1","counts2","intercept1","intercept2",
envir = environment())
res <- parLapply(cluster,
X = seq_len(rowNo),
fun = .xtail_test_wrapper)
res <- matrix(unlist(res),
ncol = 4L,
byrow = TRUE,
dimnames = list(intersect.genes,
res <- data.frame(res)
res$log2Ratio1 <- log2Ratio1
res$log2Ratio2 <- log2Ratio2
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