
Defines functions GS_cv_inp GS_regular_inp set_GS run_GenSel4

Documented in run_GenSel4

#' \code{Run GenSel on slurm-based HPC}
#' GenSel4R
#' @param inputdf An input data.frame for this function, including all the necessary pheno, geno file pathes,
#' and other parameters. [data.frame, see exaples]
#' @param cv Cross-validation experiment [TRUE/FALSE, default=FALSE].
#'           If TRUE, inputdf must contain `trainpheno` and `testpheno`; if FALSE, only need `pheno`.
#' @param bayesType Analysis types for Bayes Methods. [chr, default=BayesC; BayesA, BayesB, BayesC, BayesCPi, RBR]
#' @param inpdir Dir for the GS .inp file. [chr, default="largedata/"].
#' @param cmdno Number of commands per CPU, i.e. number of rows per inputdf. [num, default=1].
#' @param remove Whether to remove the intermediate GS files or not. [TRUE/FALSE, default is TRUE].
#' @param shid The shell ID for this job. [chr, default is "slurm-script/run_gensel_array.sh"].
#' @param email Your email address that farm will email to once the jobs were done/failed.
#'           [chr, default is NULL]
#' @param runinfo Parameters specify the array job partition information.
#'           A vector of c(FALSE, "batch", "30G", 1, "8:00:00"): 1) run or not, default=FALSE
#'           2) -p partition name, default=batch, 3) --ntasks=3, 4) --mem=30G, and 5) --time=8:00:00.
#' @return return a batch of shell scripts.
#' @examples
#' inputdf <- data.frame(pi=0.995,
#'    geno="/Users/yangjl/Documents/GWAS2_KRN/SNP/merged/geno_chr.newbin",
#'    trainpheno="/Users/yangjl/Documents/Heterosis_GWAS/pheno2011/reports/cd_GenSel_fullset.txt",
#'    testpheno="/Users/yangjl/Documents/Heterosis_GWAS/pheno2011/reports/cd_GenSel_fullset.txt",
#'    chainLength=1000, burnin=100, varGenotypic=1.4, varResidual=2,
#'    out="test_out")
#' run_GenSel4(inputdf, cv=FALSE, inpdir="slurm-script/", cmdno=1,
#'             shid = "slurm-script/run_gensel_array.sh", remove=TRUE,
#'             email=NULL, runinfo = c(FALSE, "batch", 3, "30", "8:00:00") )
#' @export
run_GenSel4 <- function(
  inputdf, cv=FALSE, bayesType="BayesC", inpdir="largedata/", cmdno=1,
  shid = "slurm-script/run_gensel_array.sh",
  email=NULL, runinfo = c(FALSE, "batch", "30", 3, "8:00:00")

  #### create dir if not exist
  dir.create("slurm-script", showWarnings = FALSE)
  dir.create(inpdir, showWarnings = FALSE)

  for(i in 1:nrow(inputdf)){
    inpid <- paste0(inpdir, "/", inputdf$out[i], ".inp")
    ### output the inp file:

        inp= inpid, bayesType=bayesType, pi=inputdf$pi[i], geno=inputdf$geno[i],
        trainpheno=inputdf$trainpheno[i], testpheno=inputdf$testpheno[i],
        chainLength=inputdf$chainLength[i], burnin=inputdf$burnin[i],
        varGenotypic=inputdf$varGenotypic[i], varResidual=inputdf$varResidual[i]
        inp= inpid, bayesType=bayesType, pi=inputdf$pi[i], geno=inputdf$geno[i],
        chainLength=inputdf$chainLength[i], burnin=inputdf$burnin[i],
        varGenotypic=inputdf$varGenotypic[i], varResidual=inputdf$varResidual[i]


  ### setup shell id
  set_GS(inputdf, cmdno, inpdir, remove)

  sh0 <- "module load compiler/gcc/6.1"
  shcode <- c(sh0, paste0("sh ", inpdir, "/run_gensel_$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID.sh"))
  set_array_job(shid=shid, shcode=shcode, arrayjobs=paste("1", nrow(inputdf)/cmdno, sep="-"),
                wd=NULL, jobid="gensel", email=email, runinfo=runinfo)

set_GS <- function(inputdf, cmdno, inpdir, remove){
    for(j in 1:(nrow(inputdf)/cmdno)){

        srow <- cmdno*(j-1) + 1
        erow <- cmdno*j
        shid <- paste0(inpdir, "/run_gensel_", j, ".sh")

        sh1 <- paste0("GenSel4R ", inpdir, "/", inputdf$out[srow:erow], ".inp > ",
                      inpdir, "/", inputdf$out[srow:erow], ".log")
        sh2 <- c(paste0("rm ", inpdir, "/", inputdf$out[srow:erow], ".mcmcSamples1"),
                 paste0("rm ", inpdir, "/", inputdf$out[srow:erow], ".mrkRes1"),
                 paste0("rm ", inpdir, "/", inputdf$out[srow:erow], ".inp"),
                 #paste0("rm ", inpdir, "/", inputdf$out[srow:erow], ".out1"),
                 paste0("rm ", inpdir, "/", inputdf$out[srow:erow], ".cgrRes1"))
            cat(paste("### run GenSel", Sys.time(), sep=" "),
                c(sh1, sh2),
                file=shid, sep="\n", append=FALSE)
            cat(paste("### run GenSel", Sys.time(), sep=" "),
                file=shid, sep="\n", append=FALSE)


############################ GenSel for cross-validation
GS_regular_inp <- function(
  inp, pi,geno, pheno, bayesType,
  chainLength, burnin, varGenotypic, varResidual

  cat(paste("// gensel input file written", Sys.time(), sep=" "),

      "analysisType Bayes",
      paste("bayesType", bayesType),
      paste("chainLength", chainLength, sep=" "),
      paste("burnin", burnin=burnin, sep=" "),
      paste("probFixed", pi, sep=" "),

      paste("varGenotypic",  varGenotypic, sep=" "),
      paste("varResidual",  varResidual, sep=" "),
      "nuRes 10",
      "degreesFreedomEffectVar 4",
      "outputFreq 100",
      "seed 1234",
      "mcmcSamples yes",
      "plotPosteriors no",
      "FindScale no",
      "modelSequence no",
      "isCategorical no",

      "// markerFileName",
      paste("markerFileName", geno, sep=" "),
      "// train phenotypeFileName",
      paste("phenotypeFileName", pheno, sep=" "),

      #"// includeFileName",
      #paste("includeFileName", inmarker, sep=" "),

      file=inp, sep="\n", append=FALSE
############################ GenSel for cross-validation
GS_cv_inp <- function(
  inp, pi,geno, trainpheno, bayesType,
  testpheno, chainLength, burnin, varGenotypic, varResidual

  cat(paste("// gensel input file written", Sys.time(), sep=" "),

      "analysisType Bayes",
      paste("bayesType", bayesType),
      paste("chainLength", chainLength, sep=" "),
      paste("burnin", burnin=burnin, sep=" "),
      paste("probFixed", pi, sep=" "),

      paste("varGenotypic",  varGenotypic, sep=" "),
      paste("varResidual",  varResidual, sep=" "),
      "nuRes 10",
      "degreesFreedomEffectVar 4",
      "outputFreq 100",
      "seed 1234",
      "mcmcSamples yes",
      "plotPosteriors no",
      "FindScale no",
      "modelSequence no",
      "isCategorical no",

      "// markerFileName",
      paste("markerFileName", geno, sep=" "),
      "// train phenotypeFileName",
      paste("trainPhenotypeFileName", trainpheno, sep=" "),
      "// test phenotypeFileName",
      paste("testPhenotypeFileName", testpheno, sep=" "),

      #"// includeFileName",
      #paste("includeFileName", inmarker, sep=" "),

      file=inp, sep="\n", append=FALSE
yangjl/huskeR documentation built on Sept. 2, 2021, 5:38 a.m.