
Defines functions plot.plm formula.plm predict.plm print.summary.plm summary.plm deviance.panelmodel nobs.pgmm nobs.panelmodel print.panelmodel coef.panelmodel df.residual.panelmodel residuals.panelmodel fitted.panelmodel vcov.panelmodel terms.panelmodel

Documented in coef.panelmodel deviance.panelmodel df.residual.panelmodel fitted.panelmodel formula.plm nobs.panelmodel nobs.pgmm plot.plm predict.plm print.panelmodel print.summary.plm residuals.panelmodel summary.plm terms.panelmodel vcov.panelmodel

# panelmodel and plm methods :

## panelmodel methods :
# - terms
# - vcov
# - fitted
# - residuals
# - df.residual
# - coef
# - print
# - update
# - deviance
# - nobs

## plm methods :
# - summary
# - print.summary
# - predict
# - formula
# - plot
# - residuals
# - fitted

#' @rdname plm
#' @export
terms.panelmodel <- function(x, ...){

#' @rdname plm
#' @export
vcov.panelmodel <- function(object, ...){

#' @rdname plm
#' @export
fitted.panelmodel <- function(object, ...){

#' @rdname plm
#' @export
residuals.panelmodel <- function(object, ...){

#' @rdname plm
#' @export
df.residual.panelmodel <- function(object, ...){

#' @rdname plm
#' @export
coef.panelmodel <- function(object, ...){

#' @rdname plm
#' @export
print.panelmodel <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),
                             width = getOption("width"), ...){
  cat("\nModel Formula: ")
  print(coef(x), digits = digits)

#' Extract Total Number of Observations Used in Estimated Panelmodel
#' This function extracts the total number of 'observations' from a
#' fitted panel model.
#' The number of observations is usually the length of the residuals
#' vector. Thus, `nobs` gives the number of observations actually
#' used by the estimation procedure. It is not necessarily the number
#' of observations of the model frame (number of rows in the model
#' frame), because sometimes the model frame is further reduced by the
#' estimation procedure. This is, e.g., the case for first--difference
#' models estimated by `plm(..., model = "fd")` where the model
#' frame does not yet contain the differences (see also
#' **Examples**).
#' @name nobs.plm
#' @aliases nobs
#' @importFrom stats nobs
#' @export nobs
#' @param object a `panelmodel` object for which the number of
#'     total observations is to be extracted,
#' @param \dots further arguments.
#' @return A single number, normally an integer.
#' @seealso [pdim()]
#' @keywords attribute
#' @examples
#' # estimate a panelmodel
#' data("Produc", package = "plm")
#' z <- plm(log(gsp)~log(pcap)+log(pc)+log(emp)+unemp,data=Produc,
#'          model="random", subset = gsp > 5000)
#' nobs(z)       # total observations used in estimation
#' pdim(z)$nT$N  # same information
#' pdim(z)       # more information about the dimensions (no. of individuals and time periods)
#' # illustrate difference between nobs and pdim for first-difference model
#' data("Grunfeld", package = "plm")
#' fdmod <- plm(inv ~ value + capital, data = Grunfeld, model = "fd")
#' nobs(fdmod)      # 190
#' pdim(fdmod)$nT$N # 200

# nobs() function to extract total number of observations used for estimating the panelmodel
# like stats::nobs for lm objects
# NB: here, use object$residuals rather than residuals(object)
#     [b/c the latter could do NA padding once NA padding works for plm objects.
#      NA padded residuals would yield wrong result for nobs!]

#' @rdname nobs.plm
#' @export
nobs.panelmodel <- function(object, ...) {
  if (inherits(object, "plm") || inherits(object, "panelmodel")) return(length(object$residuals))
    else stop("Input 'object' needs to be of class 'plm' or 'panelmodel'")

# No of obs calculated as in print.summary.pgmm [code copied from there]
#' @rdname nobs.plm
#' @export
nobs.pgmm <- function(object, ...) {
  if (inherits(object, "pgmm")) return(sum(unlist(object$residuals, use.names = FALSE) != 0))
    else stop("Input 'object' needs to be of class 'pgmm', i. e., a GMM estimation with panel data estimated by pgmm()")

# Almost the same as the default method except that update.formula is
# replaced by update, so that the Formula method is used to update the
# formula

#' @rdname plm
#' @export
update.panelmodel <- function (object, formula., ..., evaluate = TRUE){
    if (is.null(call <- object$call)) # was: getCall(object))) 
        stop("need an object with call component")
    extras <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...
    # update.Formula fails if latter rhs are . ; simplify the formula
    # by removing the latter parts

    if (! missing(formula.)){
        newform <- Formula(formula.)
        if (length(newform)[2L] == 2L && attr(newform, "rhs")[2L] == as.name("."))
            newform <- formula(newform, rhs = 1)
        call$formula <- update(formula(object), newform)
    if (length(extras)) {
        existing <- !is.na(match(names(extras), names(call)))
        for (a in names(extras)[existing]) call[[a]] <- extras[[a]]
        if (any(!existing)) {
            call <- c(as.list(call), extras[!existing])
            call <- as.call(call)
    if (evaluate) 
        eval(call, parent.frame())
    else call

#' @rdname plm
#' @export
deviance.panelmodel <- function(object, model = NULL, ...){
  if (is.null(model)) as.numeric(crossprod(resid(object)))
  else as.numeric(crossprod(residuals(object, model = model)))

#' Summary for plm objects
#' The summary method for plm objects generates some more information about
#' estimated plm models.
#' The `summary` method for plm objects (`summary.plm`) creates an
#' object of class `c("summary.plm", "plm", "panelmodel")` that
#' extends the plm object it is run on with various information about
#' the estimated model like (inferential) statistics, see
#' **Value**. It has an associated print method
#' (`print.summary.plm`).
#' @aliases summary.plm
#' @param object an object of class `"plm"`,
#' @param x an object of class `"summary.plm"`,
#' @param subset a character or numeric vector indicating a subset of
#'     the table of coefficients to be printed for
#'     `"print.summary.plm"`,
#' @param vcov a variance--covariance matrix furnished by the user or
#'     a function to calculate one (see **Examples**),
#' @param digits number of digits for printed output,
#' @param width the maximum length of the lines in the printed output,
#' @param eq the selected equation for list objects
#' @param \dots further arguments.
#' @return An object of class `c("summary.plm", "plm",
#'     "panelmodel")`.  Some of its elements are carried over from the
#'     associated plm object and described there
#'     ([plm()]). The following elements are new or changed
#'     relative to the elements of a plm object:
#' \item{fstatistic}{'htest' object: joint test of significance of
#' coefficients (F or Chi-square test) (robust statistic in case of
#' supplied argument `vcov`, see [pwaldtest()] for details),}
#' \item{coefficients}{a matrix with the estimated coefficients,
#' standard errors, t--values, and p--values, if argument `vcov` was
#' set to non-`NULL` the standard errors (and t-- and p--values) in
#' their respective robust variant,}
#' \item{vcov}{the "regular" variance--covariance matrix of the coefficients (class "matrix"),}
#' \item{rvcov}{only present if argument `vcov` was set to non-`NULL`:
#' the furnished variance--covariance matrix of the coefficients
#' (class "matrix"),}
#' \item{r.squared}{a named numeric containing the R-squared ("rsq")
#' and the adjusted R-squared ("adjrsq") of the model,}
#' \item{df}{an integer vector with 3 components, (p, n-p, p*), where
#' p is the number of estimated (non-aliased) coefficients of the
#' model, n-p are the residual degrees of freedom (n being number of
#' observations), and p* is the total number of coefficients
#' (incl. any aliased ones).}
#' @export
#' @author Yves Croissant
#' @seealso [plm()] for estimation of various models; [vcovHC()] for
#'     an example of a robust estimation of variance--covariance
#'     matrix; [r.squared()] for the function to calculate R-squared;
#'     [stats::print.power.htest()] for some information about class
#'     "htest"; [fixef()] to compute the fixed effects for "within"
#'     (=fixed effects) models and [within_intercept()] for an
#'     "overall intercept" for such models; [pwaldtest()]
#' @keywords regression
#' @examples
#' data("Produc", package = "plm")
#' zz <- plm(log(gsp) ~ log(pcap) + log(pc) + log(emp) + unemp,
#'           data = Produc, index = c("state","year"))
#' summary(zz)
#' # summary with a furnished vcov, passed as matrix, as function, and
#' # as function with additional argument
#' data("Grunfeld", package = "plm")
#' wi <- plm(inv ~ value + capital,
#'           data = Grunfeld, model="within", effect = "individual")
#' summary(wi, vcov = vcovHC(wi))
#' summary(wi, vcov = vcovHC)
#' summary(wi, vcov = function(x) vcovHC(x, method = "white2"))
#' # extract F statistic
#' wi_summary <- summary(wi)
#' Fstat <- wi_summary[["fstatistic"]]
#' # extract estimates and p-values
#' est <- wi_summary[["coefficients"]][ , "Estimate"]
#' pval <- wi_summary[["coefficients"]][ , "Pr(>|t|)"]
#' # print summary only for coefficient "value"
#' print(wi_summary, subset = "value")
summary.plm <- function(object, vcov = NULL, ...){
  # summary.plm creates a specific summary.plm object that is derived
  # from the associated plm object
  vcov_arg <- vcov
  model <- describe(object, "model")
  # determine if intercept-only model (no other regressors)
  coef_wo_int <- object$coefficients[!(names(coef(object)) %in% "(Intercept)")]
  int.only <- !length(coef_wo_int)
  # as cor() is not defined for intercept-only models, use different approach
  # for R-squared ("rss" and "ess" are defined)
  object$r.squared <- if(!int.only) {
      c(rsq    = r.squared(object),
        adjrsq = r.squared(object, dfcor = TRUE))
    } else { 
      c(rsq    = r.squared(object, type = "rss"),
        adjrsq = r.squared(object, type = "rss", dfcor = TRUE))
  ## determine if standard normal and Chisq test or t distribution and F test to be used
  ## (normal/chisq for all random models, all IV models, and HT via plm(., model="ht"))
  use.norm.chisq <- if(model == "random" || 
                       length(formula(object))[2L] >= 2L || 
                       model == "ht") TRUE else FALSE
  # perform Wald test of joint sign. of regressors only if there are
  # other regressors besides the intercept
  if(!int.only) {
    object$fstatistic <- pwaldtest(object,
                                   test = if(use.norm.chisq) "Chisq" else "F",
                                   vcov = vcov_arg)
  # construct the table of coefficients
  if (!is.null(vcov_arg)) {
    if (is.matrix(vcov_arg))   rvcov <- vcov_arg
    if (is.function(vcov_arg)) rvcov <- vcov_arg(object)
    std.err <- sqrt(diag(rvcov))
  } else {
    std.err <- sqrt(diag(stats::vcov(object)))
  b <- coefficients(object)
  z <- b / std.err
  p <- if(use.norm.chisq) {
    2 * pnorm(abs(z), lower.tail = FALSE)
  } else {
    2 * pt(abs(z), df = object$df.residual, lower.tail = FALSE)
  # construct the object of class summary.plm
  object$coefficients <- cbind(b, std.err, z, p)
  colnames(object$coefficients) <- if(use.norm.chisq) {
           c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z-value", "Pr(>|z|)")
  } else { c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t-value", "Pr(>|t|)") }
  ## add some info to summary.plm object 
  # robust vcov (next to "normal" vcov)
  if (!is.null(vcov_arg)) {
    object$rvcov <- rvcov
    rvcov.name <- paste0(deparse(substitute(vcov)))
    attr(object$rvcov, which = "rvcov.name") <- rvcov.name 
  # mimics summary.lm's 'df' component
  # 1st entry: no. coefs (w/o aliased coefs); 2nd: residual df; 3rd no. coefs /w aliased coefs
  # NB: do not use length(object$coefficients) for 3rd entry!
  object$df <- c(length(b), object$df.residual, length(object$aliased))
  class(object) <- c("summary.plm", "plm", "panelmodel")

#' @rdname summary.plm
#' @export
print.summary.plm <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),
                              width = getOption("width"), subset = NULL, ...){
  formula <- formula(x)
  has.instruments <- (length(formula)[2L] >= 2L)
  effect <- describe(x, "effect")
  model  <- describe(x, "model")
  if (model != "pooling") { cat(paste(effect.plm.list[effect], " ", sep = "")) }
  cat(paste(model.plm.list[model], " Model", sep = ""))
  if (model == "random"){
    ercomp <- describe(x, "random.method")
    cat(paste(" \n   (", random.method.list[ercomp], "'s transformation)\n",
              sep = ""))
  if (has.instruments){
    cat("Instrumental variable estimation\n")
    if(model != "within") {
      # don't print transformation method for FE models as there is only one
      # such method for FE models but plenty for other model types
      ivar <- describe(x, "inst.method")
      cat(paste0("   (", inst.method.list[ivar], "'s transformation)\n"))
  if (!is.null(x$rvcov)) {
    cat("\nNote: Coefficient variance-covariance matrix supplied: ", 
        attr(x$rvcov, which = "rvcov.name"), "\n", sep = "")
  pdim <- pdim(x)
  if (model %in% c("fd", "between")) {
    # print this extra info, b/c model.frames of FD and between models
    # have original (undifferenced/"un-between-ed") obs/rows of the data
    cat(paste0("Observations used in estimation: ", nobs(x), "\n"))}
  if (model == "random"){
  df <- x$df
  rdf <- df[2L]
  if (rdf > 5L) {
    save.digits <- unlist(options(digits = digits))
    on.exit(options(digits = save.digits))
  } else if (rdf > 0L) print(residuals(x), digits = digits)
  if (rdf == 0L) { # estimation is a perfect fit
    cat("ALL", x$df[1L], "residuals are 0: no residual degrees of freedom!")
  if (any(x$aliased, na.rm = TRUE)) {
    # na.rm = TRUE because currently, RE tw unbalanced models might have NAs?
    naliased <- sum(x$aliased, na.rm = TRUE)
    cat("\nCoefficients: (", naliased, " dropped because of singularities)\n", sep = "")
  } else cat("\nCoefficients:\n")
  if (is.null(subset)) printCoefmat(coef(x), digits = digits)
  else printCoefmat(coef(x)[subset, , drop = FALSE], digits = digits)
  cat(paste("Total Sum of Squares:    ", signif(tss(x),      digits), "\n", sep = ""))
  cat(paste("Residual Sum of Squares: ", signif(deviance(x), digits), "\n", sep = ""))
  cat(paste("R-Squared:      ", signif(x$r.squared[1L], digits),      "\n", sep = ""))
  cat(paste("Adj. R-Squared: ", signif(x$r.squared[2L], digits),      "\n", sep = ""))

  # print Wald test of joint sign. of regressors only if there is a statistic
  # in summary.plm object (not computed by summary.plm if there are no other
  # regressors than the intercept
  if(!is.null(fstat <- x$fstatistic)) {
    if (names(fstat$statistic) == "F"){
      cat(paste("F-statistic: ", signif(fstat$statistic),
                " on ", fstat$parameter["df1"]," and ", fstat$parameter["df2"],
                " DF, p-value: ", format.pval(fstat$p.value,digits=digits), "\n", sep=""))
      cat(paste("Chisq: ", signif(fstat$statistic),
                " on ", fstat$parameter,
                " DF, p-value: ", format.pval(fstat$p.value, digits = digits), "\n", sep=""))

#' Model Prediction for plm Objects
#' Predicted values of response based on plm models.
#' `predict`calculates predicted values by evaluating the regression function of
#' a plm model for `newdata` or, if `newdata = NULL`, it returns the fitted values
#' the plm model. 
#' The fixed effects (within) model is somewhat special in prediction as it has
#' fixed effects estimated per individual, time period (one-way) or both (two-ways
#' model) which should to be respected when predicting values relating to these
#' fixed effects in the model: To do so, it is recommended to supply a pdata.frame 
#' (and not a plain data.frame) in `newdata` as it describes the relationship 
#' between the data supplied to the individual. and/or time periods. In case
#' the `newdata`´'s pdata.frame has out-of-sample data (data contains individuals 
#' and/or time periods not contained in the original model), it is not clear
#' how values are to be predicted and the result will contain `NA` 
#' values for these out-of-sample data. Argument `na.fill` can be set to `TRUE`
#' to apply the original model's weighted mean of fixed effects for the 
#' out-of-sample data to derive a prediction.
#' If a plain data.frame is given in `newdata` for a fixed effects model, the 
#' weighted mean is used for all fixed effects as `newdata` for prediction as a 
#' plain data.frame cannot describe any relation to individuals/time periods 
#' (`na.fill` is automatically set to `TRUE` and the function warns).
#' See also **Examples**.
#' @param object An object of class `"plm"`,
#' @param newdata An optional pdata.frame in which to look for variables to be
#'                used for prediction. If `NULL`, the fitted values are returned.
#'                For fixed effects models, supplying a pdata.frame is recommended.
#' @param na.fill A logical, only relevant if `object` is a pdata.frame, indicating
#'                whether for any supplied out-of-sample indexes (individual, time,
#'                combination of both), the missing fixed effect estimate is filled 
#'                with the weighted mean of the model's present fixed effect estimates
#'                or not.
#' @param \dots further arguments.
#' @return A numeric (or a pseries if `newdata` is a pdata.frame) carrying the 
#'         predicted values with length equal to the number of rows as the data 
#'         supplied in `newdata` and with names the row names of `newdata` or, if 
#'         `newdata = NULL`, the fitted values the original model given in `object`.
#' @keywords regression
#' @export
#' @rdname predict.plm
#' @examples
#' library(plm)
#' data("Grunfeld", package = "plm")
#' # fit a fixed effect model
#' fit.fe <- plm(inv ~ value + capital, data = Grunfeld, model = "within")
#' # generate 55 new observations of three firms used for prediction:
#' #  * firm 1 with years 1935:1964 (has out-of-sample years 1955:1964), 
#' #  * firm 2 with years 1935:1949 (all in sample),
#' #  * firm 11 with years 1935:1944 (firm 11 is out-of-sample)
#' set.seed(42L)
#' new.value2   <- runif(55, min = min(Grunfeld$value),   max = max(Grunfeld$value))
#' new.capital2 <- runif(55, min = min(Grunfeld$capital), max = max(Grunfeld$capital))
#' newdata <- data.frame(firm = c(rep(1, 30), rep(2, 15), rep(11, 10)),
#'                       year = c(1935:(1935+29), 1935:(1935+14), 1935:(1935+9)),
#'                       value = new.value2, capital = new.capital2)
#' # make pdata.frame
#' newdata.p <- pdata.frame(newdata, index = c("firm", "year"))
#' ## predict from fixed effect model with new data as pdata.frame
#' predict(fit.fe, newdata = newdata.p)
#' ## set na.fill = TRUE to have the weighted mean used to for fixed effects -> no NA values
#' predict(fit.fe, newdata = newdata.p, na.fill = TRUE)
#' ## predict with plain data.frame from fixed effect model: uses mean fixed effects 
#' ## for prediction and, thus, yields different result with a warning
#' predict(fit.fe, newdata = newdata)
predict.plm <- function(object, newdata = NULL, na.fill = !inherits(newdata, "pdata.frame"), ...) {
  # NB (TODO?): for between and FD models: output is of different length for 
  #     newdata = NULL (output is compressed data) and for 
  #     newdata = original pdata.frame (output has original length)
  tt <- terms(object)
    # return fitted values of estimated model and exit
    result <- fitted_exp.plm(object, ...) # fitted_exp.plm gives outer model's fitted values
    Terms <- delete.response(tt)
    m <- model.frame(Terms, newdata)
    X <- model.matrix(Terms, m)
    beta <- coef(object)
    model <- describe(object, "model")
    is.pdf <- inherits(newdata, "pdata.frame")
    if(model == "within") {
      # remove intercept if contained in the formula/terms and, thus, in the 
      # model matrix
      #  (usually, users does not explicitly suppress the
      #  intercept in FE models (e.g., by response ~ 0 + depvars), but we need 
      #  to cater for that suppressed-case as well by has.intercept(tt))
      if(has.intercept(tt)) X <- X[ , -1L, drop = FALSE]
      effect <- describe(object, "effect")
      effs.orig <- fixef(object, effect = effect)
      idx <- switch(effect, "individual" = 1L, "time" = 2L)
      if(is.pdf) {
        model.idx   <- unclass(index(object)) # unclass for speed
        newdata.idx <- unclass(index(newdata))
        if(effect %in% c("individual", "time")) {
          # one-way
          model.idx.eff   <- model.idx[[idx]]
          newdata.idx.eff <- newdata.idx[[idx]]

          effs <- effs.orig[levels(newdata.idx.eff)][newdata.idx.eff] # has length corresponding to newdata
          if(na.fill & sum(out.of.sample <- !newdata.idx.eff %in% model.idx.eff) > 0L) {
            pdim <- pdim(object)
            effs[out.of.sample] <- weighted.mean(effs.orig, w = pdim$Tint[[idx]])
        } else {
          # two-ways
          # two-ways case is a little special as the rows of id-time combinations
          # need to be determined first (not as simple subsetting as in one-way case)
          model.idx.id   <- model.idx[[1L]]
          model.idx.ti   <- model.idx[[2L]]
          newdata.idx.id <- newdata.idx[[1L]]
          newdata.idx.ti <- newdata.idx[[2L]]
          model.idx.tw   <- paste(model.idx.id,   model.idx.ti,   sep = "_")
          newdata.idx.tw <- paste(newdata.idx.id, newdata.idx.ti, sep = "_")
          names(effs.orig) <- model.idx.tw
          effs <- effs.orig[newdata.idx.tw] # has length corresponding to newdata
          if(na.fill & sum(out.of.sample <- !newdata.idx.tw %in% model.idx.tw) > 0L) {
            pdim <- pdim(object)
            effs[out.of.sample] <- mean(effs.orig)
      } else {
        # newdata is not a pdata.frame: use (weighted) mean of fixed effects as best guess
        # (argument na.fill is not evaluated here as for a data.frame all values would 
        # be NA, so rather weighted mean of fixed effects is always applied)
        warning("Data supplied in argument 'newdata' is not a pdata.frame; weighted mean of fixed effects as in original model used for prediction, see ?predict.plm.")
        pdim <- pdim(object)
        effs <- if(na.fill) {
                    if(effect == "twoways") mean(effs.orig) else weighted.mean(effs.orig, w = pdim$Tint[[idx]])
                  } else NA
        effs <- rep(effs, nrow(X))
    } # end-if model == "within"
    result <- as.numeric(tcrossprod(beta, X)) + if(model == "within") effs else 0
    # if newdata is a pdata.frame output a pseries w/ index stripped down to what
    # is left after NA-omitting (performed implicitly by model.frame)
    if(is.pdf) {
      result.index <- if(!is.null(rmrows <- unclass(attr(m, "na.action")))) index(newdata[-rmrows, ]) else index(newdata)
      result <- add_pseries_features(result, result.index)
    names(result) <- rownames(m)

#' @rdname plm
#' @export
formula.plm <- function(x, ...){

#' @rdname plm
#' @export
plot.plm <- function(x, dx = 0.2, N = NULL, seed = 1,
                     within = TRUE, pooling = TRUE,
                     between = FALSE, random = FALSE, ...){
    set.seed(seed)# 8 est bien pour beertax
    subs <- ! is.null(N)
    x <- update(x, model = "within")
    mco <- update(x, model = "pooling")
    if (random) re <- update(x, model = "random")
    if (between) be <- update(x, model = "between")
    pdim <- pdim(x)
    n <- pdim$nT$n
    if (! subs) N <- n
    ids <- unique(index(x, "id"))
    if (subs) ids <- ids[sample(seq_along(ids), N, replace = FALSE)]
    sel <- index(x, "id") %in% ids
    T. <- pdim$nT$T
    cols <- rainbow(N)
    pts <- sample(1:25, N, replace = TRUE)
    thex <- as.numeric(model.matrix(x, model = "pooling")[sel, 2L])
    they <- as.numeric(pmodel.response(x, model = "pooling")[sel])
    plot(thex, they, col = rep(cols, each = T.),
         pch = rep(pts, each = T.), ann = FALSE, las = 1)
    idsel <- as.numeric(index(x, "id")[sel])
    meanx <- tapply(thex, idsel, mean)
    meany <- tapply(they, idsel, mean)
    points(meanx, meany, pch = 19, col = cols, cex = 1.5)
    if (within){
        beta <- coef(x)
        alphas <- meany - meanx * beta
        dx <- dx * (max(thex) - min(thex))
        for (i in seq_len(N)){
            xmin <- meanx[i] - dx
            xmax <- meanx[i] + dx
            ymin <- alphas[i] + beta * xmin
            ymax <- alphas[i] + beta * xmax
            lines(c(xmin, xmax), c(ymin, ymax), col = cols[i])
    if(random) abline(coef(re)[1L], coef(re)[2L], lty = "dotted")
    if(pooling) abline(coef(mco), lty = "dashed")
    if(between) abline(coef(be), lty = "dotdash")
    # where to put the legends, depends on the sign of the OLS slope
    modploted <- c(random, pooling, between, within)
    if (sum(modploted)){
        poslegend <- ifelse(beta > 0, "topleft", "topright")
        ltylegend <- c("dotted", "dashed", "dotdash", "solid")[modploted]
        leglegend <- c("random", "pooling", "between", "within")[modploted]
        legend(poslegend, lty = ltylegend, legend = leglegend)

#' @rdname plm
#' @export
residuals.plm <- function(object, model = NULL, effect = NULL,  ...){
    if (is.null(model) && is.null(effect)){
        model <- describe(object, "model")
        res <- object$residuals
        cl <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
        # fitted -> call to the plm method, used to be fitted.plm
        # which is not exported
#        cl[[1L]] <- as.name("fitted.plm")
        cl[[1L]] <- as.name("fitted")
        bX <- eval(cl, parent.frame())
        if (is.null(model))  model  <- describe(object, "model")
        if (is.null(effect)) effect <- describe(object, "effect")
        y <- pmodel.response(object, model = model, effect = effect)
        res <- y - bX
    res <- if (model %in% c("between", "fd")) {
      # these models "compress" the data, thus an index does not make sense here
      # -> do not return pseries but plain numeric
    } else {
      structure(res, index = index(object), class = unique(c("pseries", class(res))))

#' @rdname plm
#' @export
fitted.plm <- function(object, model = NULL, effect = NULL, ...){
    fittedmodel <- describe(object, "model")
    if (is.null(model)) model <- fittedmodel
    if (is.null(effect)) effect <- describe(object, "effect")
    if (fittedmodel == "random") theta <- ercomp(object)$theta else theta <- NULL
    X <- model.matrix(object, model = "pooling")
    y <- pmodel.response(object, model = "pooling", effect = effect)
    beta <- coef(object)
    comonpars <- intersect(names(beta), colnames(X))
    bX <- as.numeric(crossprod(t(X[, comonpars, drop = FALSE]), beta[comonpars]))
    bX <- structure(bX, index = index(object), class = unique(c("pseries", class(bX))))
    if (fittedmodel == "within"){
        intercept <- mean(y - bX)
        bX <- bX + intercept
    ptransform(bX, model = model, effect = effect, theta = theta)
ycroissant/plm documentation built on July 8, 2024, 3:59 a.m.