#' @rdname hook_plot
#' @export
hook_plot_html = function(x, options) {
# pull out all the relevant plot options
fig.num = options$fig.num = options$fig.num %n% 1L
fig.cur = options$fig.cur %n% 1L
if (options$fig.show == 'animate') {
# Don't print out intermediate plots if we're animating
return(if (fig.cur < fig.num) '' else hook_animation(options)(x, options))
ai = options$fig.show == 'asis'
plot1 = ai || fig.cur <= 1L; plot2 = ai || fig.cur == fig.num
d1 = if (plot1) paste0(if (out_format('html')) '</div>',
sprintf('<div class="rimage %s">', options$fig.align))
d2 = if (plot2) paste0('</div>', if (out_format('html')) '<div class="rcode">')
d1, .img.tag(
x, options$out.width, options$out.height, .img.cap(options),
paste(c(options$out.extra, 'class="plot"'), collapse = ' ')
), d2, '\n'
hook_animation = function(options) {
if (is.function(fun <- options$animation.hook)) return(fun)
if (is.character(fun)) return(switch(
fun, ffmpeg = hook_ffmpeg_html, gifski = hook_gifski,
scianimator = hook_scianimator, r2swf = hook_r2swf,
stop2('Invalid value for the chunk option animation.hook: ', fun)
if (is.function(fun <- opts_knit$get('animation.fun'))) return(fun)
.img.attr = function(w, h, extra) {
paste(c(sprintf('width="%s"', w), sprintf('height="%s"', h), extra), collapse = ' ')
.img.tag = function(src, w, h, caption, extra) {
ext = tolower(file_ext(src))
if (length(caption) != 1 || caption == '') caption = NULL
tag = 'img'; extra2 = NULL; att = 'src'
if (ext == 'pdf') {
extra2 = 'type="application/pdf"'; tag = 'embed'
} else if (ext == 'svg' && getOption('knitr.svg.object', FALSE)) {
extra2 = 'type="image/svg+xml"'; tag = 'object'; att = 'data'
res = paste0(c(
paste0('<', tag),
sprintf('%s="%s%s"', att, opts_knit$get('base.url') %n% '', .upload.url(src)),
sprintf('%s="%s"', if (tag %in% c('embed', 'object')) 'title' else 'alt', caption),
.img.attr(w, h, c(extra, extra2))
), collapse = ' ')
paste0(res, if (tag == 'object') '></object>' else ' />')
.img.cap = function(options, alt = FALSE, escape = FALSE) {
cap = options$fig.cap %n% {
if (is.null(pandoc_to())) sprintf('plot of chunk %s', options$label) else ''
if (length(cap) == 0) cap = ''
if (alt) {
alt = options$fig.alt %n% cap
return(if (escape) html_escape(alt) else alt)
if (is_blank(cap)) return(cap)
options$fig.lp, options$label,
if (options$fig.num > 1L && options$fig.show == 'asis') c('-', options$fig.cur)
), cap)
# a wrapper to upload an image and return the URL
.upload.url = function(x) {
.chunk.hook.html = function(x, options) {
if (output_asis(x, options)) return(x)
x = sprintf('<div class="chunk" id="%s"><div class="rcode">%s</div></div>',
options$label, x)
x = gsub('<div class="rcode">\\s*</div>', '', x) # rm empty rcode layers
if (options$split) {
name = fig_path('.html', options, NULL)
if (!file.exists(dirname(name)))
write_utf8(x, name)
sprintf('<iframe src="%s" class="knitr" width="100%%"></iframe>', name)
} else x
#' Hooks to create animations in HTML output
#' \code{hook_ffmpeg_html()} uses FFmpeg to convert images to a video;
#' \code{hook_gifski()} uses the \pkg{gifski} to convert images to a GIF
#' animation; \code{hook_scianimator()} uses the JavaScript library SciAnimator
#' to create animations; \code{hook_r2swf()} uses the \pkg{R2SWF} package.
#' These hooks are mainly for the package option \code{animation.fun}, e.g. you
#' can set \code{opts_knit$set(animation.fun = hook_scianimator)}.
#' @inheritParams hook_plot_tex
#' @rdname hook_animation
#' @export
hook_ffmpeg_html = function(x, options) {
hook_ffmpeg(x, options, options$ffmpeg.format %n% 'webm')
hook_ffmpeg = function(x, options, format = 'webm') {
x = c(sans_ext(x), file_ext(x))
fig.num = options$fig.num
format = sub('^[.]', '', format)
# set up the ffmpeg run
base = sub(paste0(fig.num, '$'), '', x[1])
fig.fname = paste0(base, '%d', '.', x[2])
mov.fname = paste0(sub('-$', '', base), '.', format)
extra = switch(
webm = paste('-b:v', options$ffmpeg.bitrate %n% '1M', '-crf 10'),
mp4 = '-pix_fmt yuv420p' # enables Safari support of .mp4
ffmpeg.cmd = paste(
'ffmpeg', '-y', '-r', 1 / options$interval, '-i', fig.fname, extra, mov.fname
if (Sys.which('ffmpeg') == '') stop2(
'Could not find ffmpeg command. You should either change the animation.fun ',
'hook option or install ffmpeg with libvpx enabled.'
message('executing: ', ffmpeg.cmd)
system(ffmpeg.cmd, ignore.stdout = TRUE)
# use a normal plot hook if the output is GIF
if (format == 'gif') {
options$fig.show = 'hold'
return((if (out_format('markdown')) hook_plot_md else hook_plot_html)(mov.fname, options))
# controls,loop --> controls loop
opts = paste(sc_split(options$aniopts), collapse = ' ')
opts = paste(
sprintf('width="%s"', options$out.width),
sprintf('height="%s"', options$out.height), opts
cap = .img.cap(options, alt = TRUE, escape = TRUE)
if (cap != '') cap = sprintf('<p>%s</p>', cap)
'<video %s><source src="%s" />%s</video>', trimws(opts),
paste0(opts_knit$get('base.url'), mov.fname), cap
# use gifski to create gif's
#' @rdname hook_animation
#' @export
hook_gifski = function(x, options) {
x = c(sans_ext(x), file_ext(x))
if (tolower(x[2]) != 'png') stop(
"To use hook_gifski(), the code chunk must generate 'png' images instead of '", x[2], "'."
fig.num = options$fig.num
base = sub(paste0(fig.num, '$'), '', x[1])
frames = paste0(base, format(seq_len(fig.num), trim = TRUE), '.', x[2])
gif = paste0(base, '.gif')
dpi = options$dpi
frames, gif, width = options$fig.width * dpi, height = options$fig.height * dpi,
delay = options$interval, loop = isTRUE(grepl('\\bloop\\b', options$aniopts)),
progress = opts_knit$get('progress')
# pretend it is a single image (gif) generated from the code chunk
options$fig.show = 'asis'; options$fig.cur = 1; options$fig.num = 1
knit_hooks$get('plot')(gif, options)
# use SciAnimator to create animations
#' @rdname hook_animation
#' @export
hook_scianimator = function(x, options) {
x = c(sans_ext(x), file_ext(x))
fig.num = options$fig.num
base = opts_knit$get('base.url') %n% ''
# write the div and js code here
id = gsub('[^[:alnum:]]', '_', options$label)
<div class="scianimator">
<div id="%s" style="display: inline-block;">
<script type="text/javascript">
(function($) {
$(document).ready(function() {
var imgs = Array(%s);
for (i = 0; ; i++) {
if (i == imgs.length) break;
imgs[i] = "%s%s" + (i + 1) + ".%s";
"images": imgs,
"delay": %s,
"controls": ["first", "previous", "play", "next", "last", "loop", "speed"],
id, fig.num, base, sub(paste0(fig.num, '$'), '', x[1]), x[2], id,
options$interval * 1000, id)
# use the R2SWF package to create Flash animations
#' @rdname hook_animation
#' @export
hook_r2swf = function(x, options) {
x = c(sans_ext(x), file_ext(x))
fig.num = options$fig.num
# set up the R2SWF run
fig.name = paste0(sub(paste0(fig.num, '$'), '', x[1]), 1:fig.num, '.', x[2])
swf.name = fig_path('.swf', options, NULL)
w = options$out.width %n% (options$fig.width * options$dpi)
h = options$out.height %n% (options$fig.height * options$dpi)
swf2html = getFromNamespace('swf2html', 'R2SWF')
file2swf = getFromNamespace('file2swf', 'R2SWF')
swfhtml = swf2html(file2swf(files = fig.name, swf.name, interval = options$interval),
output = FALSE, fragment = TRUE, width = w, height = h)
if (options$fig.align == 'default') return(swfhtml)
sprintf(paste('<div align = "%s">\n', swfhtml, '\n</div>'), options$fig.align)
#' @rdname output_hooks
#' @export
render_html = function() {
opts_knit$set(out.format = 'html')
h = opts_knit$get('header')
if (!nzchar(h['highlight'])) set_header(highlight = .header.hi.html)
#' @rdname output_hooks
#' @export
hooks_html = function() {
# use div with different classes
hook = function(name) {
function(x, options) {
if (name == 'output' && output_asis(x, options)) return(x)
x = if (name == 'source') {
c(hilight_source(x, 'html', options), '')
} else html_escape(x)
x = one_string(x)
sprintf('<div class="%s"><pre class="knitr %s">%s</pre></div>\n', name, tolower(options$engine), x)
source = hook('source'), output = hook('output'), warning = hook('warning'),
message = hook('message'), error = hook('error'), plot = hook_plot_html,
chunk = .chunk.hook.html, inline = function(x) sprintf(
if (inherits(x, 'AsIs')) '%s' else '<code class="knitr inline">%s</code>',
.inline.hook(format_sci(x, 'html'))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.