# marker_table class -----------------------------------------------------------
#' Build or access the marker_table
#' This is the recommended function for both building and accessing microbiome
#' marker table ([`marker_table-class`]).
#' @param object an object among the set of classes defined by the
#' microbiomeMarker package that contain `marker_table`
#' @export
#' @rdname marker_table-methods
#' @return a [`marker_table-class`] object.
#' @examples
#' data(enterotypes_arumugam)
#' mm <- run_limma_voom(
#' enterotypes_arumugam,
#' "Enterotype",
#' contrast = c("Enterotype 3", "Enterotype 2"),
#' pvalue_cutoff = 0.05,
#' p_adjust = "fdr"
#' )
#' marker_table(mm)
function(object) standardGeneric("marker_table")
# build marker_table from data.frame
#' @aliases marker_table,data.frame-method
#' @rdname marker_table-methods
setMethod("marker_table", "data.frame", function(object) {
mt <- new("marker_table", object)
row.names(mt) <- paste0("marker", seq_len(nrow(object)))
# access the marker_table of a microbiomeMarker-class object
#' @rdname marker_table-methods
#' @aliases marker_table,microbiomeMarker-method
setMethod("marker_table", "microbiomeMarker", function(object) {
# Assign marker_table -----------------------------------------------------
#' Assign marker_table to `object`
#' This function replace the `marker_table` slot of `object` with `value`.
#' @param object a [`microbiomeMarker-class`] object to modify.
#' @param value new value to replace the `marker_table` slot of `object`.
#' Either a `marker_table-class`, a `data.frame` that can be coerced
#' into `marker_table-class`.
#' @export
#' @rdname assign-marker_table
#' @aliases assign-marker_table marker_table<-
#' @return a [`microbiomeMarker-class`] object.
#' @examples
#' data(enterotypes_arumugam)
#' mm <- run_limma_voom(
#' enterotypes_arumugam,
#' "Enterotype",
#' contrast = c("Enterotype 3", "Enterotype 2"),
#' pvalue_cutoff = 0.1,
#' p_adjust = "fdr"
#' )
#' mm_marker <- marker_table(mm)
#' mm_marker
#' marker_table(mm) <- mm_marker[1:2, ]
#' marker_table(mm)
"marker_table<-" <- function(object, value) {
if (!inherits(value, "marker_table") && !is.null(value)) {
value <- marker_table(value)
marker_table = value,
norm_method = object@norm_method,
diff_method = object@diff_method,
otu_table = object@otu_table,
tax_table = object@tax_table,
phy_tree = object@phy_tree,
refseq = object@refseq
# microbiomeMarker class ------------------------------------------------------
# modified from the show method of phyloseq
# https://github.com/joey711/phyloseq/blob/master/R/show-methods.R#L47-L82
#' @rdname microbiomeMarker-class
#' @param object a `microbiomeMarker-class` object
#' @export
setMethod("show", "microbiomeMarker", function(object) {
cat("microbiomeMarker-class inherited from phyloseq-class", fill = TRUE)
norm <- object@norm_method
if (!is.null(norm)) {
if (grepl("per-sample normalized", norm)) {
norm <- gsub(".*to ", "", norm)
"normalization: per-sample to value [", norm, "]",
fill = TRUE
} else {
"normalization method: [", norm, "]",
fill = TRUE
if (!is.null(object@diff_method)) {
"microbiome marker identity method: [",
fill = TRUE
if (!is.null(object@marker_table)) {
"marker_table() Marker Table: [",
nrow(object@marker_table), "microbiome markers with",
ncol(object@marker_table), "variables ]",
fill = TRUE
} else {
"marker_table() Marker Table: [",
"no microbiome markers were identified ]",
fill = TRUE
# print otu_table (always there).
"otu_table() OTU Table: [",
ntaxa(otu_table(object)), "taxa and ",
nsamples(otu_table(object)), "samples ]",
fill = TRUE
# print Sample Data if there
if (!is.null(sample_data(object, FALSE))) {
"sample_data() Sample Data: [", dim(sample_data(object))[1],
"samples by ", dim(sample_data(object))[2],
"sample variables ]",
fill = TRUE
# print tax Tab if there
if (!is.null(tax_table(object, FALSE))) {
"tax_table() Taxonomy Table: [", dim(tax_table(object))[1],
"taxa by", dim(tax_table(object))[2],
"taxonomic ranks ]",
fill = TRUE
# print tree if there
if (!is.null(phy_tree(object, FALSE))) {
"phy_tree() Phylogenetic Tree: [", ntaxa(phy_tree(object)),
"tips and", phy_tree(object)$Nnode,
"internal nodes ]",
fill = TRUE
# print refseq summary if there
if (!is.null(refseq(object, FALSE))) {
"refseq() ", class(refseq(object))[1],
": [", ntaxa(refseq(object)),
" reference sequences ]",
fill = TRUE
# get the number of markers -----------------------------------------------
#' Get the number of microbiome markers
#' @param object a [`microbiomeMarker-class`] or [`marker_table-class`] object
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname nmarker-methods
#' @return an integer, the number of microbiome markers
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mt <- marker_table(data.frame(
#' feature = c("speciesA", "speciesB"),
#' enrich_group = c("groupA", "groupB"),
#' ef_logFC = c(-2, 2),
#' pvalue = c(0.01, 0.01),
#' padj = c(0.01, 0.01),
#' row.names = c("marker1", "marker2")
#' ))
#' nmarker(mt)
setGeneric("nmarker", function(object) standardGeneric("nmarker"))
#' @rdname nmarker-methods
#' @aliases nmarker,microbiomeMarker-method
setMethod("nmarker", "microbiomeMarker", function(object) {
marker <- marker_table(object)
ifelse(is.null(marker), 0L, nrow(marker))
#' @rdname nmarker-methods
#' @aliases nmarker,marker_table-method
setMethod("nmarker", "marker_table", function(object) {
ifelse(is.null(object), 0L, nrow(object))
# postHocTest class -------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname postHocTest-class
#' @aliases show, postHocTest-method
#' @param object a `postHocTest-class` object
#' @export
setMethod("show", "postHocTest", function(object) {
cat("postHocTest-class object", fill = TRUE)
result <- object@result
var_mean <- c(
"pair groups to test which separated by '-'",
"difference in mean proportions",
"post hoc test p values",
"lower confidence interval",
"upper confidence interval"
"Pairwise test result of", length(result), " features, ",
"DataFrameList object, each DataFrame has five variables:\n ",
c(" : ", ": ", " : ", " : ", " : "),
collapse = " ",
"Posthoc multiple comparisons of means",
" using ", object@method, " method",
fill = TRUE
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