#' Differential analysis of compositions of microbiomes with bias correction
#' (ANCOM-BC).
#' Differential abundance analysis for microbial absolute abundance data. This
#' function is a wrapper of [`ANCOMBC::ancombc()`].
#' @param ps a [`phyloseq::phyloseq-class`] object, which consists of a feature
#' table, a sample metadata and a taxonomy table.
#' @param group the name of the group variable in metadata. Specifying
#' `group` is required for detecting structural zeros and performing
#' global test.
#' @param confounders character vector, the confounding variables to be adjusted.
#' default `character(0)`, indicating no confounding variable.
#' @param contrast this parameter only used for two groups comparison while
#' there are multiple groups. For more please see the following details.
#' @param taxa_rank character to specify taxonomic rank to perform
#' differential analysis on. Should be one of
#' `phyloseq::rank_names(phyloseq)`, or "all" means to summarize the taxa by
#' the top taxa ranks (`summarize_taxa(ps, level = rank_names(ps)[1])`), or
#' "none" means perform differential analysis on the original taxa
#' (`taxa_names(phyloseq)`, e.g., OTU or ASV).
#' @param transform character, the methods used to transform the microbial
#' abundance. See [`transform_abundances()`] for more details. The
#' options include:
#' * "identity", return the original data without any transformation
#' (default).
#' * "log10", the transformation is `log10(object)`, and if the data contains
#' zeros the transformation is `log10(1 + object)`.
#' * "log10p", the transformation is `log10(1 + object)`.
#' @param norm the methods used to normalize the microbial abundance data. See
#' [`normalize()`] for more details.
#' Options include:
#' * "none": do not normalize.
#' * "rarefy": random subsampling counts to the smallest library size in the
#' data set.
#' * "TSS": total sum scaling, also referred to as "relative abundance", the
#' abundances were normalized by dividing the corresponding sample library
#' size.
#' * "TMM": trimmed mean of m-values. First, a sample is chosen as reference.
#' The scaling factor is then derived using a weighted trimmed mean over the
#' differences of the log-transformed gene-count fold-change between the
#' sample and the reference.
#' * "RLE", relative log expression, RLE uses a pseudo-reference calculated
#' using the geometric mean of the gene-specific abundances over all
#' samples. The scaling factors are then calculated as the median of the
#' gene counts ratios between the samples and the reference.
#' * "CSS": cumulative sum scaling, calculates scaling factors as the
#' cumulative sum of gene abundances up to a data-derived threshold.
#' * "CLR": centered log-ratio normalization.
#' * "CPM": pre-sample normalization of the sum of the values to 1e+06.
#' @param norm_para named `list`. other arguments passed to specific
#' normalization methods. Most users will not need to pass any additional
#' arguments here.
#' @param p_adjust method to adjust p-values by. Default is "holm".
#' Options include "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY",
#' "fdr", "none". See [`stats::p.adjust()`] for more details.
#' @param prv_cut a numerical fraction between 0 and 1. Taxa with prevalences
#' less than `prv_cut` will be excluded in the analysis. Default
#' is 0.10.
#' @param lib_cut a numerical threshold for filtering samples based on library
#' sizes. Samples with library sizes less than `lib_cut` will be excluded
#' in the analysis. Default is 0, i.e. do not filter any sample.
#' @param struc_zero whether to detect structural zeros. Default is FALSE.
#' @param neg_lb whether to classify a taxon as a structural zero in the
#' corresponding study group using its asymptotic lower bound.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @param tol the iteration convergence tolerance for the E-M algorithm.
#' Default is 1e-05.
#' @param max_iter the maximum number of iterations for the E-M algorithm.
#' Default is 100.
#' @param conserve whether to use a conservative variance estimate of
#' the test statistic. It is recommended if the sample size is small and/or
#' the number of differentially abundant taxa is believed to be large.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @param pvalue_cutoff level of significance. Default is 0.05.
#' @details
#' `contrast` must be a two length character or `NULL` (default). It is only
#' required to set manually for two groups comparison when there are multiple
#' groups. The order determines the direction of comparison, the first element
#' is used to specify the reference group (control). This means that, the first
#' element is the denominator for the fold change, and the second element is
#' used as baseline (numerator for fold change). Otherwise, users do required
#' to concern this parameter (set as default `NULL`), and if there are
#' two groups, the first level of groups will set as the reference group; if
#' there are multiple groups, it will perform an ANOVA-like testing to find
#' markers which difference in any of the groups.
#' @references
#' Lin, Huang, and Shyamal Das Peddada. "Analysis of compositions of microbiomes
#' with bias correction." Nature communications 11.1 (2020): 1-11.
#' @seealso [`ANCOMBC::ancombc`]
#' @importFrom ANCOMBC ancombc
#' @importFrom stats relevel
#' @export
#' @return a [`microbiomeMarker-class`] object.
#' @examples
#' data(enterotypes_arumugam)
#' ps <- phyloseq::subset_samples(
#' enterotypes_arumugam,
#' Enterotype %in% c("Enterotype 3", "Enterotype 2")
#' )
#' run_ancombc(ps, group = "Enterotype")
run_ancombc <- function(ps,
confounders = character(0),
contrast = NULL,
taxa_rank = "all",
transform = c("identity", "log10", "log10p"),
norm = "none",
norm_para = list(),
p_adjust = c(
"none", "fdr", "bonferroni", "holm",
"hochberg", "hommel", "BH", "BY"
prv_cut = 0.1,
lib_cut = 0,
struc_zero = FALSE,
neg_lb = FALSE,
tol = 1e-05,
max_iter = 100,
conserve = FALSE,
pvalue_cutoff = 0.05) {
stopifnot(inherits(ps, "phyloseq"))
ps <- check_rank_names(ps) %>%
check_taxa_rank( taxa_rank)
if (length(confounders)) {
confounders <- check_confounder(ps, group, confounders)
# if it contains missing values for any
# variable specified in the formula, the corresponding sampling fraction
# estimate for this sample will return NA since the sampling fraction is
# not estimable with the presence of missing values.
# remove this samples
fml_char <- ifelse(length(confounders),
paste(c(confounders, group), collapse = " + "),
# fml_char <- paste(c(confounders, group), collapse = " + ")
# fml <- stats::as.formula(paste("~", fml_char))
# vars_fml <- all.vars(fml)
for (var in c(confounders, group)) {
ps <- remove_na_samples(ps, var)
# check whether group is valid, write a function
meta <- sample_data(ps)
meta_nms <- names(meta)
groups <- meta[[group]]
groups <- make.names(groups)
if (!is.null(contrast)) {
contrast <- make.names(contrast)
if (!is.factor(groups)) {
groups <- factor(groups)
groups <- set_lvl(groups, contrast)
sample_data(ps)[[group]] <- groups
lvl <- levels(groups)
n_lvl <- length(lvl)
contrast <- check_contrast(contrast)
transform <- match.arg(transform, c("identity", "log10", "log10p"))
p_adjust <- match.arg(
"none", "fdr", "bonferroni", "holm",
"hochberg", "hommel", "BH", "BY"
# set the reference level for pair-wise comparison from mutliple groups
# if (!is.null(contrast) && n_lvl > 2) {
# groups <- relevel(groups, ref = contrast[1])
# sample_data(ps)[[group]] <- groups
# }
# preprocess phyloseq object
ps <- preprocess_ps(ps)
ps <- transform_abundances(ps, transform = transform)
# normalize the data
norm_para <- c(norm_para, method = norm, object = list(ps))
ps_normed <- do.call(normalize, norm_para)
ps_summarized <- pre_ps_taxa_rank(ps_normed, taxa_rank)
global <- ifelse(n_lvl > 2, TRUE, FALSE)
# ancombc differential abundance analysis
if (taxa_rank == "all") {
ancombc_taxa_rank <- rank_names(ps_summarized)[1]
} else {
ancombc_taxa_rank <- taxa_rank
ancombc_out <- ANCOMBC::ancombc(
tax_level = ancombc_taxa_rank,
formula = fml_char,
p_adj_method = p_adjust,
prv_cut = prv_cut,
lib_cut = lib_cut,
group = group,
struc_zero = struc_zero,
neg_lb = neg_lb,
tol = tol,
max_iter = max_iter,
conserve = conserve,
alpha = pvalue_cutoff,
global = global
# multiple-group comparison will be performed while the group
# variable has > 2 levels
keep_var <- c("W", "p_val", "q_val", "diff_abn")
if (n_lvl > 2) {
# ANCOM-BC global test to determine taxa that are differentially
# abundant between three or more groups of multiple samples.
# global result to marker_table
if (is.null(contrast)) {
mtab <- ancombc_out$res_global
} else {
exp_lvl <- paste0(group, contrast[2])
ancombc_res <- ancombc_out$res
mtab <- lapply(keep_var, function(x) ancombc_res[[x]][exp_lvl])
mtab <- do.call(cbind, mtab)
} else {
ancombc_out_res <- ancombc_out$res
# drop intercept
ancombc_out_res <- lapply(
function(x) x[-1])
mtab <- do.call(
ancombc_out_res[c("W", "p_val", "q_val", "diff_abn")]
names(mtab) <- keep_var
# determine enrich group based on coefficients
# drop intercept
cf <- ancombc_out$res$lfc[-1]
if (n_lvl > 2) {
if (!is.null(contrast)) {
cf <- cf[exp_lvl]
enrich_group <- ifelse(cf[[1]] > 0, contrast[2], contrast[1])
} else {
cf <- cbind(0, cf)
enrich_group <- lvl[apply(cf, 1, which.max)]
} else {
enrich_group <- ifelse(cf[[1]] > 0, lvl[2], lvl[1])
# # enriched group
enrich_abd <- get_ancombc_enrich_group(ps_summarized, ancombc_out, group)
norm_abd <- enrich_abd$abd
mtab <- cbind(feature = row.names(mtab), mtab, enrich_group)
mtab_sig <- mtab[mtab$diff_abn, ]
mtab_sig <- mtab_sig[c("feature", "enrich_group", "W", "p_val", "q_val")]
names(mtab_sig) <- c("feature", "enrich_group", "ef_W", "pvalue", "padj")
marker <- return_marker(mtab_sig, mtab)
marker <- microbiomeMarker(
marker_table = marker,
norm_method = get_norm_method(norm),
diff_method = "ancombc",
sam_data = sample_data(ps_summarized),
otu_table = otu_table(norm_abd, taxa_are_rows = TRUE),
tax_table = tax_table(ps_summarized)
get_ancombc_enrich_group <- function(ps, ancombc_out, group) {
samp_frac <- ancombc_out$samp_frac
# As shown in the ancombc vignette: if it contains missing values for any
# variable specified in the formula, the corresponding sampling fraction
# estimate for this sample will return NA since the sampling fraction is
# not estimable with the presence of missing values.
# Replace NA with 0
samp_frac[is.na(samp_frac)] <- 0
# Add pesudo-count (1) to avoid taking the log of 0
log_abd <- log(abundances(ps, norm = TRUE) + 1)
# Adjust the log observed abundances
log_abd_adj <- sweep(log_abd, 2, samp_frac)
groups <- sample_data(ps)[[group]]
# remove groups with NA
na_idx <- is.na(groups)
log_abd_adj <- log_abd_adj[, !na_idx]
groups <- groups[!na_idx]
# mean absolute abundance
abd_mean <- by(t(log_abd_adj), groups, colMeans)
abd_mean <- do.call(cbind, abd_mean)
idx_enrich <- apply(abd_mean, 1, which.max)
group_enrich <- colnames(abd_mean)[idx_enrich]
group_enrich <- data.frame(
feature = rownames(abd_mean),
enrich_group = group_enrich
list(abd = exp(log_abd_adj), group_enrich = group_enrich)
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