
Defines functions replace_unknown_species get_feature_label get_features_labels .plot_ef plot_ef_dot plot_ef_bar

Documented in plot_ef_bar plot_ef_dot

#' bar and dot plot of effect size of microbiomeMarker data
#' bar and dot plot of effect size microbiomeMarker data. This function returns
#' a `ggplot2` object that can be saved or further customized using **ggplot2**
#' package.
#' @param mm a [`microbiomeMarker-class`] object
#' @param label_level integer, number of label levels to be displayed, default
#'   `1`, `0` means display the full name of the feature
#' @param max_label_len integer, maximum number of characters of feature label,
#'   default `60`
#' @param markers character vector, markers to display, default `NULL`,
#'   indicating plot all markers.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_col labs scale_x_continuous theme_bw
#' scale_y_discrete guide_axis
#' @return a ggplot project
#' @export
#' @rdname effect_size-plot
#' @aliases ef-barplot,ef-dotplot
#' @examples
#' data(enterotypes_arumugam)
#' mm <- run_limma_voom(
#'     enterotypes_arumugam,
#'     "Enterotype",
#'     contrast = c("Enterotype 3", "Enterotype 2"),
#'     pvalue_cutoff = 0.01,
#'     p_adjust = "none"
#' )
#' plot_ef_bar(mm)
plot_ef_bar <- function(mm,
    label_level = 1,
    max_label_len = 60,
    markers = NULL) {
    .plot_ef(mm, label_level, max_label_len, markers, "bar")

#' @rdname effect_size-plot
#' @export
plot_ef_dot <- function(mm,
    label_level = 1,
    max_label_len = 60,
    markers = NULL) {
    .plot_ef(mm, label_level, max_label_len, markers, "dot")

# plot of effect size
.plot_ef <- function(mm,
    label_level = 1,
    max_label_len = 60,
    markers = NULL,
    type = c("bar", "dot")) {
    stopifnot(inherits(mm, c("microbiomeMarker", "marker_table")))
    type <- match.arg(type, c("bar", "dot"))

    marker <- marker_table(mm)

    # effect size names, the third var of marker_table: prefix with "ef_"
    orig_ef_nm <- gsub("ef_", "", names(marker)[3])
    names(marker)[3] <- "effect_size"

    # labels of x
    # effect size: lda for lefse, diff_mean for classical test, logFC for
    # metagenomeSeq, DESeq2, edgeR
    if (orig_ef_nm == "lda") {
        label_x <- "LDA score (log10)"
    } else if (orig_ef_nm == "diff_mean") {
        label_x <- "Differential means"
    } else if (orig_ef_nm == "logFC") {
        label_x <- "log2 Fold Change"
    } else if (orig_ef_nm == "eta_squared") {
        label_x <- "Eta squared"
    } else if (orig_ef_nm == "CLR_diff_mean") {
        label_x <- "CLR differential means"
    } else if (orig_ef_nm == "CLR_F_statistic") {
        label_x <- "CLR F statistic"
    } else if (orig_ef_nm == "W") {
        label_x <- "W"
    } else if (orig_ef_nm == "imp") {
        label_x <- "Importance score"
    } else if (orig_ef_nm == "LR") {
        label_x <- "Likelihood ratio statistic"
    } else if (orig_ef_nm == "F") {
        label_x <- "F statistic"
    } else {
            "The effect size must be one of lda, diff_mean, eta_squared, ",
            "logFC, clr_diff_mean, clr_F_statistic, W, imp, LR or F"

    # maker subset
    if (!is.null(markers)) {
        ind <- match(markers, marker$feature)
        ind_na <- is.na(ind)
        if (all(ind_na)) {
                "all the elements of `markers` should be a contained in ",
                call. = FALSE

        if (any(ind_na)) {
                paste(marker[ind_na], collapse = " "),
                "are not contained in the `marker_table`"

        marker <- marker[ind, ]

    # increase order in each group
    marker <- dplyr::arrange(
    feat <- marker$feature
    marker$feature <- factor(feat, levels = feat)

    nms_check <- any(c("feature", "enrich_group") %in% names(marker))
    if (!nms_check) {
        stop("`marker_table` must contains variable `feature` ", 
            "and `enrich_group`")

    if (type == "bar") {
        p <-
                aes(.data$effect_size, .data$feature, fill = .data$enrich_group)
            ) +
            geom_col() +
            labs(x = label_x, y = NULL, fill = "Enriched group") +
            scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
            scale_y_discrete(labels = function(x) {
                get_features_labels(x, label_level, max_label_len)
            }) +
    } else {
        p <- ggplot(
            aes(.data$effect_size, .data$feature, color = .data$enrich_group)
        ) +
            geom_point() +
                x = label_x, y = NULL,
                color = "Enriched group"
            ) +
            scale_y_discrete(labels = function(x) {
                get_features_labels(x, label_level, max_label_len)
            }) +
        if ("padj" %in% names(marker)) {
            marker$logp <- -log10(marker$padj)
            p <- p +
                geom_point(data = marker, aes(size = .data$logp)) +
                labs(size = "-log10(pvalue)")


#' get the labels of markers which will be used in the barplot
#' @noRd
get_features_labels <- function(features, label_level, max_label_len) {
        ~ get_feature_label(.x, label_level, max_label_len))

#' get the label of a single feature
#' @noRd
get_feature_label <- function(feature,
    label_level = 1,
    max_label_len = 60,
    sep = "|") {
    if (length(feature) != 1) {
        stop("`feature` muste be a character vector of length 1")
    if (label_level == 0) {
        feature <- feature
    } else {
        feature <- strsplit(feature, split = sep, fixed = TRUE) %>%
            unlist() %>%
        feature_level <- length(feature)
        feature <- ifelse(
            label_level > feature_level,
            paste(rev(feature[seq_len(feature_level)]), collapse = sep),
            paste(rev(feature[seq_len(label_level)]), collapse = sep)

    feature_len <- nchar(feature)
    if (feature_len > max_label_len) {
        feature_letters <- unlist(strsplit(feature, ""))
        feature <- paste(
            paste(feature_letters[seq_len(max_label_len / 2 - 2)], 
                collapse = ""),
                (feature_len - max_label_len / 2 + 3):feature_len],
                collapse = ""),
            sep = ""
    # replace "Unknown" label in the species level as "sp."
    feature <- replace_unknown_species(feature)


# replace "Unknown" label in the species level as "sp."
replace_unknown_species <- function(feature, sep = "|") {
    species_hased <- grepl("s__", feature, fixed = TRUE)
    if (!species_hased) {

    taxa_lvl <- strsplit(feature, sep, fixed = TRUE)
    n_lvl <- length(taxa_lvl)
    sp <- taxa_lvl[[n_lvl]]
    sp <- gsub("Unknown", "sp.", feature, fixed = TRUE)
    taxa_lvl[[n_lvl]] <- sp
    feature <- paste(taxa_lvl, collapse = sep)

yiluheihei/microbiomeMarker documentation built on Nov. 5, 2023, 7:19 a.m.