
context("test utilities")

test_that("check upper first letter", {
        upper_firstletter(c("abc", "ABC", "Abc")),
        c("Abc", "Abc", "Abc")

test_that("check rank names and para `taxa_rank`", {
    ## check rank names
    # taxonomic profile
    ot <- otu_table(
            sample(100, 40),
            nrow = 4,
            dimnames = list(
                paste0("otu", 1:4),
                paste0("sample", 1:10)
        taxa_are_rows = TRUE
    ps <- phyloseq::phyloseq(
        otu_table = ot,
        tax_table = tax_table(
                c(rep("g1", 4), rep(c("s1", "s2"), 2)),
                nrow = 4, byrow = FALSE,
                dimnames = list(paste0("otu", 1:4), c("Genus", "Species"))
    ps2 <- phyloseq::phyloseq(
        otu_table = ot,
        tax_table = tax_table(
                c(rep("g1", 4), rep(c("s1", "s2"), 2)),
                nrow = 4, byrow = FALSE,
                dimnames = list(paste0("otu", 1:4), c("xxx", "Species"))

    expect_error(check_rank_names(ps2), "ranks of taxonimic profile")

    # picrust2 functional profile
    ot_picrust2 <- otu_table(
            sample(100, 40),
            nrow = 4,
            dimnames = list(
                paste0("path", 1:4),
                paste0("sample", 1:10)
        taxa_are_rows = TRUE

    ps_picrust2 <- phyloseq::phyloseq(
        otu_table = ot_picrust2,
        tax_table = tax_table(
                c(rep("pathway", 4), paste("desp", 1:4)),
                nrow = 4, byrow = FALSE,
                dimnames = list(paste0("path", 1:4),
                                c("Picrust_trait", "Picrust_description"))
    ps_picrust2_err <- phyloseq::phyloseq(
        otu_table = ot_picrust2,
        tax_table = tax_table(
                c(rep("pathway", 4), paste("desp", 1:4)),
                nrow = 4, byrow = FALSE,
                dimnames = list(paste0("path", 1:4),
                                c("Picrust_trait", "xxxx"))
                 "ranks of picrust2 functional profile")

    # check whether the ps is created from picrust2 or not

    ## check para `taxa_rank`
    expect_invisible(check_taxa_rank(ps, "all"))
    expect_invisible(check_taxa_rank(ps, "none"))
    expect_invisible(check_taxa_rank(ps, "Genus"))
    expect_error(check_taxa_rank(ps, "xxx"), "`taxa_rank` must be one of")

    "taxa prefix",
    expect_identical(get_prefix(c("Phylum", "Genus")), c("p__", "g__"))

test_that("var in sample_data", {
    st <- sample_data(
        data.frame(group = paste("group", 1:3))
        check_var_in_meta("abc", st),
        "variable of `sample_meta`"
    expect_silent(check_var_in_meta("group", st))

test_that("get_norm_method works well", {
        "per-sample normalized (sum of all taxa) to 100"
    expect_identical(get_norm_method("a"), "a")

test_that("check_samples, at least one non zero features in a sample", {
    test_ot <- otu_table(
        cbind(matrix(1:12, 6, 2), 0),
        taxa_are_rows = TRUE
    test_sa <- sample_data(
        data.frame(sample = c("sa1", "sa2", "sa3"))
    test_ps <- phyloseq(test_ot, test_sa)

    test_ot2 <- otu_table(
        cbind(matrix(1:12, 6, 2)),
        taxa_are_rows = TRUE
    expect_identical(check_samples(test_ps), "sa3")

test_that("remove samples with missing values in the specified var", {
    otu <- otu_table(
            s1 = runif(10),
            s2 = runif(10),
            s3 = runif(10)
        taxa_are_rows = TRUE
    tax <- tax_table(data.frame(feature = paste0("sp", 1:10)) %>% as.matrix())
    sam <- data.frame(group = c(NA, "A", "B"))
    rownames(sam) <- paste0("s", 1:3)
    test_ps <- phyloseq(otu, tax, sample_data(sam))

    new_samples <- sample_names(remove_na_samples(test_ps, "group"))
    expect_identical(new_samples, c("s2", "s3"))

# reset group levels according to the contrast
test_that("reset group levels", {
    groups <- factor(rep(c("a", "b", "c"), each = 3))
    new_groups <- set_lvl(groups, c("b", "a"))
    expect_identical(levels(new_groups), c("b", "a", "c"))
    expect_identical(as.character(groups), as.character(new_groups))

    new_groups <- set_lvl(groups, NULL)
    expect_identical(levels(new_groups), c("a", "b", "c"))

# check contrast
test_that("check contrast", {
    expect_null(check_contrast(contrast = NULL))
    expect_error(check_contrast(c("a", "b", "c")), "two length character")
    expect_error(check_contrast(c(1, 2)), "two length character")
    expect_identical(check_contrast(c("a", "b")), c("a", "b"))

# create design
test_that("create design", {
    groups <- factor(rep(c("a", "b", "c"), each = 3))
    meta <- data.frame(group = groups, conf = paste0("conf", 1:3), day = 1:3)
    des <- create_design(groups, meta)
    expect_identical(colnames(des), c("(Intercept)", "groupb", "groupc"))

    des <-  create_design(groups, meta, confounders = c("conf", "day"))
    expect_identical(ncol(des), 6L)

    des <-  create_design(groups, meta, confounders = c("day", "conf"))
    expect_identical(ncol(des), 6L)

    # support sample_data object for meta
    meta <- sample_data(meta)
    des <-  create_design(groups, meta, confounders = c("day", "conf"))
    expect_identical(ncol(des), 6L)


# calculate argument of ceof
test_that("calculate coef", {
    ## multiple groups
    groups <- factor(rep(c("a", "b", "c"), each = 3))
    meta <- data.frame(group = groups, conf = paste0("conf", 1:3), day = 1:3)
    des <-  create_design(groups, meta, confounders = c("conf", "day"))
    expect_identical(calc_coef(groups, des, contrast = NULL), c(5L, 6L))

    groups <- set_lvl(groups, contrast = c("b", "a"))
    des <- create_design(groups, meta, confounders = c("conf", "day"))
    expect_identical(calc_coef(groups, des, contrast = c("b", "a")), 5L)

    ## two groups
    groups <- factor(rep(c("a", "b"), each = 3))
    meta <- data.frame(group = groups, conf = paste0("conf", 1:2), day = 1:3)
    des <-  create_design(groups, meta)
    expect_identical(calc_coef(groups, des), 2L)

    groups <-set_lvl(groups, c("b", "a"))
    des <-  create_design(groups, meta)
    expect_warning(calc_coef(groups, des, c("b", "a")), "`contrast` is ignored")

    des <-  create_design(groups, meta, confounders = "conf")
    expect_warning(calc_coef(groups, des, c("b", "a")), "`contrast` is ignored")

# create contrast
# test_that("create contrast", {
#     expect_error(create_contrast("a"), "at least two groups")
#     # multiple groups, pairwise comparisons
#     groups <- factor(rep(c("a", "b", "c"), each = 3))
#     model_dat <- data.frame(group = groups,
#                             confounder1 = c("big", "small", "medium"),
#                             confounder2 = c(1, 2, 3))
#     ## no confounders
#     design1 <- stats::model.matrix(~ 0 + group, data = model_dat)
#     mat <- matrix(c(-1, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 1), 3)
#     row.names(mat) <- c("a", "b", "c")
#     colnames(mat) <- c("b-a", "c-a", "c-b")
#     expect_identical(create_pairwise_contrast(levels(groups)), mat)
#     expect_identical(create_contrast(groups, design1), mat)
#     expect_error(create_contrast(groups, design1, c("a", "d")),
#                  "contained in `groups`")
#     expect_error(create_contrast(groups, design1, "a"), "two length")
#     expect_identical(
#         create_contrast(groups, design1, c("a", "b")),
#         matrix(c(-1, 1, 0), dimnames = list(c("a", "b", "c"), "b-a"))
#     )
#     expect_identical(
#         create_contrast(groups, design1, c("b", "c")),
#         matrix(c(0, -1, 1), dimnames = list(c("a", "b", "c"), "c-b"))
#     )
#     ## confounders
#     design2 <- stats::model.matrix(~ confounder2 + confounder1 + 0+ group,
#                                    data = model_dat)
#     create_contrast(groups, design2)
#     # create contrast
#     groups_two <- factor(rep(c("a", "b"), each = 3))
#     expect_identical(create_contrast(groups_two), c(-1, 1))
#     expect_identical(create_contrast(groups), mat)
#     expect_warning(
#         ctra <- create_contrast(groups_two, c("a", "b")),
#         "`contrast` is ignored"
#     )
#     expect_identical(ctra, c(-1, 1))
#     expect_identical(ctra, create_contrast(groups_two))
# })
# # return marker
# test_that("marker_table, if no significant marker return all the features", {
#     sig_ft1 <- data.frame()
#     ft <- data.frame(feature = letters[1:3], ef = runif(3))
#     expect_warning(
#         marker_null <- return_marker(sig_ft1, ft),
#         "No marker was identified")
#     expect_identical(NULL, marker_null)
#     sig_ft2 <- data.frame(feature = "a", ef = 1)
#     expect_identical(marker_table(sig_ft2), return_marker(sig_ft2, ft))
# })

# extract the specific taxa rank
test_that("extract the specific taxa rank", {
    otu <- otu_table(
            s1 = runif(10),
            s2 = runif(10),
            s3 = runif(10)
        taxa_are_rows = TRUE
    tax <- tax_table(
            rank1 = paste0("rank1", 1:10),
            rank2 = paste0("rank2", 1:10)
        ) %>%
    test_ps <- phyloseq(otu, tax)

    # taxa names keep inconsistent with the taxa_rank
        taxa_names(extract_rank(test_ps, "rank2")),
        paste0("rank2", 1:10)
        taxa_names(extract_rank(test_ps, "none")),
        paste0("sp", 1:10)

test_that("create a chracter consistes of n spaces", {
    expect_identical(space(0), "")
    expect_identical(space(3), "   ")
yiluheihei/microbiomeMarker documentation built on Nov. 5, 2023, 7:19 a.m.